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刘杨 《新闻大学》2001,(4):26-28
美国东部时间2001年9月11日8点50分,发生了美国历史上迄今为止最严重的恐怖袭击事件——纽约世贸大厦、五角大楼相继遭到被恐怖分子劫持的飞机的撞击,造成重大损失和伤亡。事件一发  相似文献   

Research has examined the relationship between traditional news media use and normatively important political outcomes such as knowledge and participation. However, most research fails to account for variations in the nature of news over time and across communities that could alter the fundamental relationship between exposure and these outcomes. Here two studies are presented—one with variation in news characteristics over time based on the American National Election Studies time series data and another with variation across local communities and newspapers within a single state during a single election year—to assess the hypothesis that the relationship between news use and political outcomes are moderated by natural variations in the nature of the news content and news outlets.  相似文献   

林爱珺  刘运红 《新闻大学》2020,(1):29-39,125,126
算法技术介入智能新闻信息分发的过程中,提高了信息的传播效率,也引发了算法偏见这一伦理问题。从个人主体权利的角度看,算法偏见使用户的信息选择权和知情权遭遇严峻挑战。本文分析了算法偏见产生的技术逻辑,并从保障用户信息选择权和知情权出发,提出了一系列基于信息权利的算法伦理原则,包括自主性原则、公正性原则、最优化原则和透明性原则。  相似文献   

A slew of gruesome executions by terrorist groups in 2014–2015 renewed interest in the public relations strategies of terrorists. As a case in point, the Islamic State group’s escalating brutality reflects their efforts as a relatively nascent extremist group to ensure a high and sustained volume of media coverage, especially among Western outlets. But what characteristics of events actually prompt coverage from major U.S. news media? Using a rich data set of terrorist incidents and coverage from six major broadcast and cable U.S. networks, we model coverage of terrorist incidents as a function of event proximity from U.S. soil, target country affinity with the United States, number of total and U.S. casualties, and the characteristics of the terrorist group. Our findings largely corroborate expectations set forth by the literature on norms and routines of journalism and economics of news. When it comes to terrorism, coverage by U.S. major media outlets is largely dependent on proximity to and affinity with the United States, weapons of mass destruction, and the number of global and U.S. casualties.  相似文献   

This article explores the influence of Web-based corporate reporting on the investors' valuation of companies in the information and communications technology industry. This study compiled 8,111 news items issued in the “Press Releases” tab of the firms' Web sites between January 2003 and April 2005, and analyzed what type of news items affects stock returns. The results show a positive price reaction to news regarding new customers, completion of acquisitions, strategic long-term decisions, and non-technological alliances. In contrast, the results show a negative price reaction to news regarding the launch of new or upgraded products.  相似文献   


Venture capital funding is an increasingly common yet understudied management model in the rapidly changing market of news media. Drawing on scholarship in media management and entrepreneurship, this study applies a community ecology framework to analyze the relationship between venture capital funding and digital news media firms. In doing so, this work explores the interaction between legacy news media firms and new entrants as they struggle for scarce resources and seek to grow in the face of rapid change. A dataset tracking funding activity of legacy and startup news media firms is used to analyze resource allocation within the digital news media ecosystem. Results of the analyses provide insights for news media management by furthering understanding regarding venture capital funding models and the generative mechanisms that help drive growth. Specifically, findings highlight the importance of cross-sector engagement and the tension between firm age and position for growth in the digital news media ecosystem.  相似文献   


Digital platforms such as search engines and social media have become major gateways to news. Algorithms are used to deliver news that is consistent with consumers’ preferences and individuals share news through their online social networks. This networked environment has resulted in growing uncertainty about online information which has had an impact on news industries globally. While it is well established that perceptions of trust in news found on social media or via search engines are lower than traditional news media, there has been less discussion about the impact of social media use on perceptions of trust in the news media more broadly. This study fills that gap by examining the influence of social media as news sources and pathways to news on perceptions of the level of news trust at a country level. A secondary data analysis of a 26-country survey in 2016 and 2019 was conducted. The analysis revealed an increase in social media use for accessing news resulted in a decline in trust in news media generally across the globe. Higher levels of general mistrust in news were related to an increased use of sharing of news. This paper argues the use of social media for news is closely linked to the increase in news mistrust, which is likely to continue to rise as the number of people using social media to access news continues to grow.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of mode of listening to radio news on cognitive processes. An experimental design using 82 undergraduates from Kuwait University was employed to test the research hypotheses. The stimulus is a real newscast that was recorded and manipulated into four versions in line with the research problem: Traditional radio newscast, online newscast played with one click, linear interactive netcast with a click for each news item, and a support activity condition in which additional links for details were added to each link. The study showed that nonlinear news listening yields better levels of news recall and comprehension. Moderate levels of interactivity on sites of radio news caused better memory performance compared to lower and higher levels of interactivity.  相似文献   

王志标 《出版科学》2016,24(2):51-56
在构建的河南省文化产业投入产出表的基础上,利用投入产出分析的方法测算新闻出版业的经济效益、新闻出版业投资的后向总效应和后向净效应。研究结果表明,新闻出版业具有较大的直接经济效益和前向完全经济效益,后向完全经济效益处于社会平均水平;新闻出版业投资对自身的后向效应最大,除自身外,受其投资影响较大的三个部门是文化产品生产的辅助生产部门,住宿和餐饮业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,非文化用纸、教育和体育用品部门的总产出增量受其投资的影响较大。  相似文献   

Common wisdom holds that graphic media violence leads to antisocial outcomes. This common wisdom is reflected in the Society for Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics. However, theory and research regarding moral emotions’ ability to increase moral sensitivity suggests that this type of negative content may be capable of yielding prosocial responses. This article describes this logic and tests its predictions in two experimental studies utilizing news footage of a mass execution conducted by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Results corroborate claims that graphic media violence can serve as a moral motivator. Higher levels of graphic violence led to stronger anger and disgust responses, which in turn predicted higher levels of (a) moral sensitivity, (b) desires for anti-ISIS interventions (including military and humanitarian efforts), and (c) eudaimonic motivations (i.e., seeking meaning in life). Important to note, no increases in negative attitudes toward Arab Muslims were observed. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Selecting news online may differ from traditional news choices, as most formal importance indicators in traditional media do not convert directly to online news. However, online portals feature news recommendations based on collaborative filtering. To investigate how recommendations affect information choices, 93 participants browsed online news that featured explicit (average rating) or implicit (times viewed) recommendations or no recommendations (control group) while news exposure was logged. Participants picked more articles if the portal featured explicit recommendations, and stronger explicit recommendations instigated longer exposure to associated articles. Implicit recommendations produced a curvilinear effect with longer exposure for low and high numbers.  相似文献   

An increasing number of local news stations are producing and broadcasting their newscasts in high-definition television (HDTV), but to date there has not been an investigation of audience perceptions of news in high definition. This study presents the results from an experiment investigating the influence of television form (image quality and field of view) on presence and audiences' perceptions of source credibility for news anchors and local news. The results demonstrate that improved image quality (HDTV) has a positive influence on audience perceptions of source credibility and the overall credibility of newscasts. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

在隐匿新闻源主体的行为中,主要关涉的道德问题是:隐匿的根据是什么?如何把握好隐匿的度?当隐匿行为追求的利益与其他利益发生冲突时,道德上如何选择?选择的理由是什么?本文对这些问题在已有研究的基础上作了进一步比较系统的回答。  相似文献   


The model of intuitive morality and exemplars (MIME) predicts that moral representations in media content can activate related moral intuitions in audiences, and that audience members in turn are influenced by their moral instincts to select content featuring corresponding moral values. This proposition was tested and confirmed in a two-phase study. Content analyses measured the frequency of moral domain representations in top-rated popular TV serials from India and the U.S., while an implicit measure (MF-AMP) gauged the strength of corresponding moral intuitions in viewers and non-viewers of these shows.  相似文献   

常媛媛  曾庆香 《新闻界》2020,(2):29-36,79
通过对三大央媒微信、微博报道的文本分析发现,新型主流媒体新闻的身份建构本质上是通过角色展演实现道德规训。一方面,身份建构的表征是角色展演,在角色展演中体现了基本的角色道德。另一方面,身份建构的旨归是形塑角色规范:道德规范、法律规范、伦理规范、技术规范。其中道德规训是新型主流媒体新闻进行身份建构的基本逻辑。为进行道德规训,新型主流媒体主要采取了叙述事件和价值判断相结合的方式。依托身份建构的这一逻辑,新型主流媒体新闻传递社会主流价值观,完成自身的职责和使命。  相似文献   

Fake news has become a prominent topic of public discussion, particularly among elites. Recent research has explored the prevalence of fake news during the 2016 election cycle and possible effects on electoral outcomes. This scholarship has not yet considered how elite discourse surrounding fake news may influence individual perceptions of real news. Through an experiment, this study explores the effects of elite discourse about fake news on the public’s evaluation of news media. Results show that exposure to elite discourse about fake news leads to lower levels of trust in media and less accurate identification of real news. Therefore, frequent discussion of fake news may affect whether individuals trust news media and the standards with which they evaluate it. This discourse may also prompt the dissemination of false information, particularly when fake news is discussed by elites without context and caution.  相似文献   

陈邵桂 《新闻界》2008,(3):94-95
新闻资源的再度开发,是以辩证唯物主义认识论为依据,对已发新闻的事实再一次进行广泛深入采访,在内容上以超前的广度和深度,在形式上一般以新的体裁表现。  相似文献   

电视对新闻报道产生了广泛而深远的影响.给新闻报道注入了新的活力,为人们接收新闻提供了更多选择。但电视出现 后,也产生了一些值得反思的现象。本文对此作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of radio during the democratization process in Uganda. It tests whether the use of political news and information on radio in Uganda leads to support for democracy, accounting for public interest in politics. Radio is the most accessed medium for current affairs in Africa, and remarkably so in Uganda. Public opinion survey data show considerable use of radio for political information, but no direct influence on support for democracy. Greater use of radio to get political news was strongly related to measures of political interest; which is also a moderating variable to democratic support. The utility of this study and its implications are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

大众传媒构建的拟态环境偏差对于社会偏见形成有重要影响,大众传媒可以从宣传劝说、营造共同命运和群体接触来消除或者防止偏见的发生.  相似文献   

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