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This study addresses the educational status and needs of Syrian school-age children at Turkish public schools and the perspectives of teachers and school principals who work with Syrian refugee students. Data was collected from an ongoing qualitative interpretive case study research project using semistructured interviews with teachers and principals who worked with Syrian refugees in 2 inner-city elementary schools in Istanbul, Turkey. The findings of this study indicate that state schools provide many Syrian children with access to education that addresses the needs and challenges associated with the refugee school-age children. For example, Syrian children are thought to have rights identical to Turkish children regarding access to a free education in the Turkish public school setting, and the government has allowed Syrian students to enroll in universities without examinations or without having to show proof that they had attended universities in Syria. However, language barriers with respect to speaking and understanding Turkish must be mitigated to integrate Syrian refugees into Turkish culture. The results of the study also indicate that Syrian students are in a constant state of depression and trauma due to war and migration. Because of language-related issues and limited access to everyday necessities, Syrian children are often in need of comprehensive psychological support. Thus, this study recommends that teachers and principals participate in professional training and development programs to be able to provide psychological support to students.  相似文献   

构建适合中国国情的一流教师教育新体制   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
目前中国师范教育体制存在的主要问题是 :教师培养水平滞后于社会发展的要求 ;教师教育的观念与体制滞后于时代的发展 ;教师教育的培养模式亟须改造 ;国家对教师教育的投入严重不足。中国高等师范教育未来的走向主要是 :开放性教师培养体制逐步确立 ;教师教育水平逐步提升 ;各级各类教师教育的分工与竞争格局形成 ;终身教育观念逐步落实 ;教师教育投资与管理体制综合化。高等师范教育体制改革的指导思想是 :立足国情 ,放眼世界 ,解放思想 ,锐意改革 ,依据国家“科教兴国”的总体战略 ,探索有中国特色的现代化教师教育新体制。高等师范教育体制改革的核心目标是用 1 0年左右的时间 ,完成目前单一的计划、定向型师范教育向计划调控和市场机制相互补充、定向与非定向相结合的教师教育体制的过渡  相似文献   

The main contention of this paper is that the interrelationship between ideology and policy shapes both the overall organisation of refugee education and the operational practices and procedures of staff working to provide education for refugees. Accordingly, this paper tries to answer how the education dimension of the Syrian refugee crisis is managed by the central education authorities in Turkey by assessing the political dynamics and milieu regarding the education of refugees. Building on a document analysis and interviews, this article traces educational administration of Syrian children with a focus on the political dynamics at play affecting the status quo in national education agenda in Turkey. While the impact of the refugee crisis on the greater national education agenda is revealed, the trade-offs involved in adopting certain governance strategies including decentralisation and recentralization is explored.  相似文献   

面对竞争日益激烈的教育培训市场,综合性普通高校教育培训机构要坚持面向市场,面向未来,以市场需求为导向,打造教育培训品牌。本文在分析高校教育培训核心竞争力的基础上,提出了高校教育培训发展的策略。  相似文献   

浅析提高高校青年教师教学水平的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青年教师是高校教学的主力军,决定着高校的发展和未来。本文分析了提升青年教师教学质量面临的困难,提出为青年教师提高教学水平创造的各种条件,同时要建立和完善青年教师教学质量综合评价制度和奖励制度,通过这些措施加强专业上的引领,制度上的约束,从而使青年教师不断提高教学水平。  相似文献   

The well-known Syrian crisis has made it very challenging for thousands of Syrian children to have access to education. In this article, the authors propose a framework for designing a digital education platform to allow children inside Syria as well as in the refugee camps in bordering countries to have access to education. The authors start by looking at the efforts performed in the field of education in conflict-affected regions, and they extract from them the lessons learned and recommendations. They provide four main characteristics of war impacting children’s education: (1) insecurity, (2) instability, (3) lack of resources, and (4) lack of adult supervision. They then use these four characteristics, along with the extracted recommendations, as the grounds for drafting three design considerations for the implementation of a digital education platform. The three design considerations are: supervised self-directed learning method, context-aware education and children-oriented design. Finally, the authors use these design considerations to provide design recommendations for the four main elements of a digital education platform: hardware, software, curriculum and supporting services. They conclude by discussing the validity of the digital platform, its implementation feasibility, and challenges facing the implementation.  相似文献   

拥有健康的心理是大学生全面成长的前提,大学生所身处的时代问题与社会问题的复杂性及自身的特点,决定其心理复杂性。大学生人数之巨,所肩负的任务之艰,对未来社会发展的意义之重,决定高等院校必须重视大学生心理健康教育,积极引导和教育大学生,更好地发挥大学生在未来建设的主力军作用。  相似文献   

目前我国教育法律对教育评价的规范呈现出以行政性评价为主的规制特征,对教育评价主体及运行机制还没有形成完善的法律规范体系。未来的教育评价应当形成集政府督导评估、学校自我评估和社会组织评估相结合的多元化评价体系,特别是需要进一步培育、发展、规范社会组织参与评估。在改进结果评价、强化过程评价、探索增值评价、健全综合评价的过程中,需要利用好每种评价方式的特点,改变“唯”的状态,形成协调互补的评价体系。  相似文献   

职业教育是深化教育改革的阵地与突破口。中等职业教育作为职业教育体系的重要构成,坚持立德树人,全面改革,释放活力,是中等职业院校提升办学能力的必经之举。在党中央及国务院的倡导下,学生综合素质评价制度的改革成为中等职业院校面临的一项紧迫现实课题。立足实际,积极对标,中职院校学生综合素质评价制度在运行中应在明确未来导向、用好定性评价、强化评价激励功能、提高公众评价参与度这几个方面加以改进,才能更好引导学生成长成才,有效服务区域经济发展,提高中职教育社会认可度,推动新时代职业教育发展实现新跨越。  相似文献   

对我国高师院校体育课程的现状及改革进行了研究,指出了高师院校体育课程的弊端。高师院校体育课程的改革,需要以系统理论为指导,立足整体,着眼全局,对课程体系实施整体性改革。依据所确定的高等学校体育课程目标,课程内容在选择上应更注重健身性、教育性、针对性、延伸性、娱乐性和前瞻性。课程评价应由一元化向多元化方向发展。课程结构要遵循课程设置的规律,依据课程目标要求,构建课内外相结合的大课程体系。  相似文献   

体育健康教育是以体育学科的主要特点、内容为主体的教育体系,是体育和现代健康教育的有机融合,是现代社会对体育提出的客观要求.体育是学校教育的重要组成部分,是使学生接受教育、自我完善和实现个体社会化的有效途径.学校体育教育应向健康教育和培养学生终身锻炼的方向转变,应从社会发展的实际需要和体育健康教育的内在规律出发,全面理解体育健康教育的思想体系.  相似文献   

通识教育和素质教育这两个概念是有本质区别的,不能混为一谈。在通识教育背景下,以工科为主的地方综合性高校中文学科应该占有重要的地位,它应该承担大学通识教育的主要任务。在整个学校中,它是综合性学科体系的一根支柱;在通识教育的课程体系中,它占有核心的地位,起着关键性的作用。在中文课程体系的设置中,应该坚持学科基础性、地方性和拓展性的原则,正确处理民族传统文化、中国现代文化和西方文化课程的关系。  相似文献   

高川  王彤 《中国考试》2021,(5):25-32
作为我国高等教育制度的有机组成部分,高等教育自学考试始终在中国共产党的正确领导下发展壮大。40年来,天津自考取得了巨大的发展成就。以重大历史事件为分界,将天津自考的发展历程划分为肇基建制、蓬勃发展、综合改革和内涵转变4个时期,对每个时期的课程体系建设、考试组织管理、政策制度创新等核心工作进行系统梳理。在此基础上,总结天津自考40年的主要发展经验及存在的短板和问题,对天津自考未来发展提出4点建议:(1)着力优化专业课程体系;(2)着力提升考试组织管理水平;(3)着力构建智慧学习生态系统;(4)着力强化自身职能建设。  相似文献   

教学改革是一个全面的系统工程,使高等院校师范生的技能培养变得更为重要。作为未来的教育者,在学生期间的教育技能培养将影响其未来的教育方式和方法。因此本文探讨师范生技能培养策略,重点围绕现代教育技术的培养,根据对师范生的要求,提出了相关策略以供同行参考。  相似文献   

This article examines young Syrians' perceptions of higher education after the 2001 reforms, which expanded access to higher education and permitted the establishment of private universities. Data come from in-depth interviews conducted with 22 Syrians residing in Damascus, aged 18–32 in 2009. Analysis indicates youth are critical of the higher education system broadly, and that their discontent stems from two sources: (1) the high level of state involvement in determining youth life paths when uncoupled from labour market security; and (2) the perceived unfairness in university admissions stemming from connections and new forms of privatisation. This youth discontent reflects a larger rejection of the state's role in the higher education admissions process. Given Syria's long-term commitment to a model of state-led development in the post-independence era, the failure of the Syrian state to successfully link expanded higher education to secure employment in the neo-liberal era has contributed to a de-legitimisation of the Syrian state as a whole in the eyes of its youth.  相似文献   

在现代远程开放教育中实施素质教育,是促进开放教育为主体的现代远程教育事业发展的必然要求。在实施中应把握好以下三个方面的关系:一是确立以人的全面发展为目标的素质教育理念;二是正确认识素质教育内涵,把握人才素质标准。树立全面素质、综合素质意识,改革人才培养模式;三是妥善处理素质与质量、教学与管理的关系,通过深化教学改革和内部管理体制改革推动素质教育的实施。  相似文献   

建设社会主义现代化强国是实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。社会主义现代化强国是一个全面兴盛的强国。它是一个人的现代化、社会经济现代化、人类命运共同体、文明的文化发展、和谐的社会发展以及治理的现代化的强国。而实现这一目标,需要建构社会现代化强国所需要的教育体系。它具体包括:促进人的现代化需要的五育并举的教育体系;促进社会经济现代化需要的混合教育形态体系;促进人类命运共同体需要的国际教育体系;促进社会主义现代化文化的数字化教育体系;促进和谐社会现代化的民办教育体系;促进党对教育工作全面领导的教育治理体系。  相似文献   

思想政治教育工作是建设社会主义价值体系的基本要求,刻不容缓的急需解决。高职院校思想政治教育把社会主义矛盾思想教育贯穿于思想政治的全过程,全面、协调、可持续发展,必须要坚持执行素质教育全面发展为重点,促进主体德育发展,尊重大学生的主体性,从而不断提升大学生的人格境界,引导核心价值观的形成。  相似文献   

小学教育专业(本科)课程设置的四个取向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
小学教育专业课设置要重视基础性、综合性、职业性和选择性四个取向,并在课程设置的理念、结构和设计方法等方面进行探索,以形成一个合理的、科学的具有开放特性的课程体系,这既是专业建设的要求,也是与小学教育职业当前和未来的实践相匹配的要求,是一项有意义的工作。  相似文献   

Technology-based learning modules are mostly challenged by their acceptance. A single-case study and mixed research method are used to explore a unique situation of applying digital lectures at the postgraduate Programmes at the Faculty of Tourism at Damascus University as a solution for brain drain in the Syrian higher education system. Results indicate that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy (EE), Personal Innovativeness and Satisfaction with the Quality of Services have a significant effect on students’ Behavioural Intention to accept digital lectures. This effect was stronger for males. However, EE was a better predictor for students under 30. In addition, students regarded the use of digital lectures as an alternative plan to continuing their postgraduate studies abroad within the current restrictions on Syrians. For the future successful implementation of e-learning modules, infrastructure-related issues should be taken into account. The study recommends universities going through brain drain and similar crisis situations to utilise digital lectures.  相似文献   

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