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大班额背景下的双语教学存在着一定的困境:学生英语水平的参差不齐,使双语教学挫伤了一部分学生专业学习的积极性;教师教学单向式输出、缺乏与学生的学习互动,使学生学习的参与性明显不高;专业课程内容受制于教材的羁绊,其丰富性、深刻性、趣味性严重不足。基于合作学习法的基本原理,在大班额双语教学背景下开展合作学习,调动了学生学习的积极性,培养了学生的协作能力,增强了学生分享学习成果的意识,增加了师生互动、生生互动的机会,提升了教师专业课程的教学能力及研究水平。  相似文献   

M. Greene 《PRIMUS》2017,27(7):646-668

This paper aims to illustrate a design cycle of inquiry-based mathematics activities. We highlight a series of questions that we use when creating inquiry-based materials, testing and evaluating those materials, and revising the materials following this evaluation. These questions highlight the many decisions necessary to find just the right tasks for our students. Throughout the paper the use of multiple representations (graphical, numerical, symbolic, and narrative) and the distinction between facts, skills, methods, and conceptual understanding is explained and illustrated with examples. Additionally, we present evidence of student learning through excerpts from student journals and exam analysis.  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的深入,初中英语教学的模式也发生了相应的变化。要提高初中英语教学的有效性,离不开愉快教与学。教师要充分开拓自己的智慧,努力营造良好的课堂氛围,寻找合适的教学手段,运用启发式教学,形成有特色的课堂教学,使学生真正成为学习的主人。  相似文献   

As an example of design-based research, this study refined an assessment strategy for simultaneously enhancing inquiry-based learning and supporting achievement on conventional assessment measures. Astronomy Village ® : Investigating the Universe? is a software program designed to engage secondary science students in authentic and inquiry-based learning over core topics in astronomy. The software was enhanced with a 20-hour curriculum and three levels of assessment to ensure successful inquiry experiences and high-stakes achievement. The first year implementation of Astronomy Village® yielded significant gains on a curriculum-oriented exam but not a standards-oriented test, and provided useful design insights that were integrated into the second year implementations. Significant gains were obtained on the test during the second year as well. It is expected that many existing inquiry-oriented science curricula might be similarly enhanced, and is suggested that a large-scale effort to do so might have a lasting impact on science education.  相似文献   

The article describes an assignment that makes writing‐to‐learn feasible in high‐enrollment statistics classes. It combines the principles of structured writing with Bloom's taxonomy. The assignment helped improve related exam scores and was easy to implement and grade for instructors.  相似文献   

课程改革能否取得效果,取决于教师能否对新课程的理念有深刻的认识,更重要的是教师能否把新课程的理念和目标转化为教师最终的教学行为。对甘肃省普通高中研究性学习课程实施现状的调查研究表明:一方面,随着课程改革的逐步推进,多数教师通过课程培训和自主探索实现了教育观念的转向;另一方面,教育改革的复杂性及其教师的现实处境,使多数教师的教学行为与新课程的要求有一定距离。教师自身的变革动力是推动教师教学行为改善的内在因素,而课程实践问题的解决,为教师教学行为改善提供了外部条件。课程管理者需不断提升对于课程改革的认识,帮助教师解决课程实践问题,使教师真正成为课程变革的动力,促使教师积极主动地改善教学行为,推动课程改革的深入发展。  相似文献   

运用文献研究法,从研究者来源和研究内容两个维度对近二十年我国智力残疾儿童随班就读研究的现状进行梳理与分析.结果表明:研究者地域分布不均,东、中、西部差异较大;研究者单位分布不均,单位间合作少、学段分布不平衡;研究内容分布不均,教学和心理健康研究多、行为和支持研究少;研究内容呈现出阶段性,由关注安置模式转向关注教育教学质量.  相似文献   

开展研究性学习对于深入理解大学语文教学内容、提升教学质量、培养学生的创新意识、提高他们的自主学习及探究学习能力等有着重要意义。研究性学习具有问题性、实践性、开放性、人文性等特点。通过组织课内教材的探究学习以及开展课题研究,可以实现研究性学习与大学语文教学的有效整合。  相似文献   

大班学生人数多,对担负大学英语写作教学的教师提出了严峻挑战,如何教好大班大学英语写作课成为日益关注的问题。分析了合作学习法、成果教学法、过程教学法各自的特点和局限,阐述了综合使用三种方法的必要性和可行性,介绍了教学实践的步骤。  相似文献   

"学习环"模式有利于学生探究能力、推理能力、概念的建构和运用能力的提高。文章介绍了"学习环"模式在美国广泛的研究和应用及其如何指导教师进行探究教学。这一模式对于中国目前教育中开展探究教学具有十分重要的借鉴意义。在探究教学中,教师可以依据"引入环节→探索环节→概念建构环节→概念应用与拓展环节→评价环节"的步骤运用"学习环"模式,以促进学生理解科学概念,发展学生的科学思维,提高其推理能力及参与科学活动的积极性。  相似文献   

As demands for accountability continue and increase, higher education administrators require tools for evaluating campus programs. Learning communities, as a course design strategy, have proven successful in confronting challenges associated with attrition and retention. Because high attrition is associated with online distance education, learning community principles might be applicable to online courses. The authors surveyed attendees at a learning communities conference to determine the applicability of learning community principles to Internet learning and assessment. On the basis of their findings, they developed a rudimentary diagnostic tool for ascertaining whether online course design takes learning community principles into account.David DiRamio is Assistant Professor of Higher Education Leadership at Auburn University. He received both B.S. and M.B.A. degrees from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. David's research interests include studying technology's impact on postsecondary education from administrative, legal, and policy perspectives. Mimi Wolverton is Program Coordinator and Professor of Higher Education Leadership at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She received a B.S. from Northern Illinois University, an M.B.A. from Arizona State University, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Arizona State University. Her research interests include academic deans, women and minorities in leadership, and elite M.B.A. programs. E-mail: diramio@auburn.edu.  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论与英语写作教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过详细阐述建构主义学习理论和分析英语写作教学现状 ,探讨该理论对改变英语写作教学现状 ,提高英语写作教学水平的作用。  相似文献   

Writing is an important teaching and learning tool that fosters active and critical thinking. There are multiple pressures for disciplines outside the humanities and social sciences to integrate writing in their courses. The shift from teaching solely discipline-specific skills to including writing in a meaningful way can be a daunting process. An instructor and education reference librarian at a public, four-year research university infused an urban planning course with reflective writing exercises. The collaboration proved effective in increasing students’ perceived writing abilities and active thinking via increased immediacy, frequency of writing and active learning.  相似文献   

新课程改革的实施,为高中生物课堂教学提出了全新的要求,教师在开展高中生物课堂教学的时候,不仅要重视生物知识教学,还要注重培养学生的探究精神和综合素养,进而促使学生在生物知识探究中,提升自身的综合素质,最终获得长远的发展。文章以高中生物教学为中心,对探究性学习模式在其教学中的具体应用进行了详细的研究和分析。  相似文献   

我国随班就读支持保障体系建设存在一些问题。加强随班就读支持保障体系建设工作,需要理解支持保障体系建设的目的,明确随班就读学生的发展目标,建构科学的支持保障体系和运行机制,此外建设需要政府投入大量经费的支持保障体系须是正义的。随着政府加大对随班就读的教育投入以及普通教育的优质均衡发展,支持保障体系的建设会逐步完善。  相似文献   

This paper introduces some of the debates in the field of critical thinking by highlighting differences among thinkers such as Siegel, Ennis, Paul, McPeck, and Martin, and poses some questions that arise from these debates. Does rationality transcend particular cultures, or are there different kinds of thinking, different styles of reasoning? What is the relationship between critical thinking and learning? In what ways does the moral domain overlap with these largely epistemic and pedagogical issues? The paper concludes by showing how Peters, Evers, Chan and Yan, Ryan and Louie, Luntley, Lam, Doddington, and Kwak, respond to these questions.  相似文献   

Critical Thinking and Learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

上海市随班就读教师现状调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用自编"随班就读教师现状调查问卷"对上海市410名随班就读教师对随班就读的认识、对随班就读学生的接纳态度,以及教师的工作现状进行了调查.调查显示:上海市随班就读教师的教龄、学历分布合理;教师们对随班就读有理性上的认同,对特殊学生总体接纳态度较好;教师们对特殊教育专业培训意愿较强.调查还表明,目前上海市接受过特殊教育专业培训的随班就读教师比例偏低;教师们更倾向于接纳智力残疾、肢体残疾和学习障碍的学生,而对脑瘫、情绪和行为障碍等学生的接纳度较低;教师对特殊儿童的教育需求和学习特点不够了解,对特殊学生开展的课堂教学与课外指导存在困难.  相似文献   

Adding Value: Learning Communities and Student Engagement   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study examines the relationships between participating in learning communities and student engagement in a range of educationally purposeful activities of first-year and senior students from 365 4-year institutions. The findings indicate that participating in a learning community is positively linked to engagement as well as student self-reported outcomes and overall satisfaction with college.  相似文献   

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