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Using Etienne Wenger’s concept of a community of practice, UH Libraries’ Liaison Services Department developed departmental members’ emotional intelligence. The social learning structure of the community of practice mirrors the emotional intelligence learning model theorized by Daniel Goleman. This case study demonstrates how this approach can benefit a unit within an academic library. Using a community of practice approach to build a space for social learning creates an environment in which library workers are able to learn and practice the skills of emotional intelligence among their colleagues and within the context of the norms and values of the work environment.  相似文献   

Providing library and reference services within a biomedical research community presents special challenges for librarians, especially those in historically lower-funded states. These challenges can include understanding needs, defining and communicating the library's role, building relationships, and developing and maintaining general and subject specific knowledge. This article describes a biomedical research network and the work of health sciences librarians at the lead intensive research institution with librarians from primarily undergraduate institutions and tribal colleges. Applying the concept of a community of practice to a collaborative effort suggests how librarians can work together to provide effective reference services to researchers in biomedicine.  相似文献   


New research needs, global developments and local shifts in emphasis are demanding a broader range of interactions by librarians with researchers and are challenging previous staffing structures. Research has a higher institutional profile and academic libraries have responded by creating new roles and staffing models, with stronger linkage across campus as partners rather than supporters. Particular circumstances at National University of Ireland Galway have shaped its Library's staffing configuration for research. These include the emergence of digital scholarship across campus, opportunities offered by a new research building, the growing importance of archives and the publication of a new institutional strategy. Significant reductions in staffing and budget are influential too. Distinctive features in the revised staffing model are organization by function instead of subject, prioritization of engagement with digital scholarship, distributed management of archives and special collections, and a particular emphasis on contribution across multiple teams. This case study reports early gains and challenges.  相似文献   


In the competitive Higher Education environment, it is no longer sufficient for special collections to rely on the “uniqueness” of a collection as its unique selling point—it must be supported by a service and strategic plan that is both proactive in anticipating the demands of future researchers and responsive to current researchers’ changing needs. Edinburgh University's Centre for Research Collections (CRC) is addressing this challenge for the first time in a coordinated manner, employing a suite of research methods that allow staff to take an evidence based approach to service development and strategic planning. These include ethnographic observation, structured surveys, object-based learning initiatives, comprehensive data interrogation, and active engagement with the University's academic schools. This article examines how these approaches have been utilized in the development of CRC services, and its benefit to long-term planning.  相似文献   


The Health Sciences Library (HSL) at Stony Brook University along with the School of Medicine were motivated to make improvements in seating and hours based on survey results from an LCME self-study. Preparation for the site visit from the Liaison Committee for Medical Education helped to garner resources and support for this initiative. To meet the evolving needs of the HSL patrons, librarians completed an overdue collection assessment project which allowed for 142 new seats, including newly designed spaces and furnishings. Ongoing assessment of the redesigned space will be conducted to evaluate success and areas for continued improvement.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]高校机构知识库嵌入科研信息管理,是其持续发展和价值提升的新方向。介绍上海大学机构知识库嵌入科研信息管理的服务实践过程,旨在为高校机构知识库建设提供参考。[方法/过程]在文献调研和案例分析的基础上,了解国内外机构知识库嵌入科研信息管理的相关研究。针对上海大学机构知识库满足科研信息管理的需求,明确用户参与共建共享的服务机制,通过部门之间的共建与系统之间的共享,推广机构知识库数据的服务。在实践过程中收集反馈信息,从数据维护、归属管理办法和分层管理模式方面改进,并提出机构知识库深化共建共享机制的一些思考。[结果/结论]实践表明,高校机构知识库嵌入科研信息管理过程中,用户参与的共建共享服务机制是实现其可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

This article discusses an assessment and deselection project of the modern print book collections in the John Paul II Library, National University of Ireland Maynooth. Following a contextual introduction and literature review, the article outlines the methodology, presents and discusses the results, and concludes with lessons learned. Although this project had its origins in planning for a major extension to the Library, its main aim was to ensure current and relevant print book collections. The purpose of the article is to share experience in the hope of it being useful to other libraries considering a review of print book collections.  相似文献   

采取文献综述、网站跟踪观测和数据汇总分析方法,从建设动因与目标理念、建设策略与推进措施、建设进度与运行状态3个方面对中国科学院系统和高校机构知识库建设现状作比较研究,归纳出两大系统机构知识库建设特点和经验,提出两大系统共同合作,形成我国综合型机构知识库网格建设与发展格局,推进国家层面机构知识库系统建设的建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为提高高校图书馆大数据应用服务水平,在综述图书馆大数据服务国内外研究进展并分析现实困境的基础上,提出一种高校图书馆大数据应用模式体系。[方法/过程] 从大数据收集与整合、大数据分析方法、知识服务以及破解资源紧缺难题等角度分析图书馆大数据应用之困境,构建基于大规模网络分析方法的图书馆大数据应用模式体系。[结果/结论] 结合知识管理理论和开源云计算平台的基于大规模网络分析方法的图书馆大数据应用模式,能够应对当前高校图书馆大数据服务面临的挑战,并有效促进高校图书馆大数据服务的进一步发展。  相似文献   

罗亚泓 《图书情报工作》2013,57(11):65-68,76
对广州大学城高校图书馆的学科服务现状进行调查与研究,结果表明各馆的学科服务方式和工作模式各有特色,学科服务工作内容较全面,成效各不相同。讨论分析各馆学科服务工作的人力资源配置、服务的"营销"、评估和激励机制、嵌入式服务、服务对象的认可、调研和交流等问题,并提出进一步改进的建议。  相似文献   

This case study focuses on an innovative approach to the flipped classroom as a tool for productive library-discipline faculty collaboration on information literacy instruction. The argument is presented that the flipped classroom can be a pathway into the disciplines that can be used in overcoming the disadvantages of the one-shot and other barriers to collaboration. The case study will outline the reasons for a successful collaboration on integrating information literacy into this undergraduate business course and for its extension to five additional business courses. Practical examples of learning outcomes, in-class activities, and assessment are provided.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is to review the literature relating to health and safety in UK Higher Education libraries. This will include an overview of the literature on accident theories and also the human element. Various key findings emerge from this analysis. Personal safety is achieved through self-responsibility, following guidelines and having a working knowledge of reporting procedures. A safety culture in the work environment is developed through a proactive approach on the part of management, the provision of information, training, and carrying out safety inspections. These inspections are aimed at preventing the environment from creating a situation where an accident could occur. There can never be a work environment in which no accidents will occur and best practice can only minimize the risk of accidents.  相似文献   

教育信息化使高校教育信息用户范围扩展,进而促使高校图书馆知识服务要以用户需求为导向,探寻社会化服务路径.文章认为可以采用用户分析、知识整合、知识组织等方法,使社会化知识服务往复循环,不断增殖,从而深化高校图书馆职能、优化配置教育资源.  相似文献   

丁国蓉 《新闻界》2008,(6):123-125
“个人知识”由波兰尼提出,明确知识和默会知识共同构成个人知识,默会知识尤显重要。默会认识论赋予影像媒介教育一个新的视角:创作者的人性因素和默会知识的传授。由此构建默会知识的学习组织——“DV实践共同体”。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以高等专科学校向本科院校转型升级期图书馆精准服务方法研究为目的,通过研究成果的应用与实践,为专升本类转型期高校的图书馆实施快速转型提供一种可借鉴的精准服务方法。[方法/过程]通过分析转型对图书馆教研服务与精准服务的需求,研究并提出转型高校在过渡时期的精准服务方法,通过琼台师范学院图书馆构建"你推我送"服务平台的应用实践,总结出转型时期高校图书馆服务的应对策略。[结果/结论]"你推我送"服务平台推出的精准服务模式,体现出转型期"以学校自身发展阶段为立足点,以图书馆教研服务需求为出发点,以追求学校快速向更高层次发展为核心理念",面向不同服务对象进行精准服务的适时性与有效性。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,对赣州市章贡区四大街道办事处管辖的48个街道社区居民获取、利用文献信息资源的状况进行了分析研究,提出高校图书馆加强社区文献信息服务的对策。  相似文献   

《未名学术快报》是北京大学图书馆创办的第一个面向科研的常规性信息产品,是其科研支持服务体系中的重要组成部分,也是高校图书馆创办学术类刊物的积极尝试。《快报》立足科研支持、突出学术性;关注人文社会科学学科发展,多维度展现北大科研成果和学科发展等,都是对高校图书馆创办学术类刊物的重要启示。  相似文献   


As the costs of scholarly and educational publications skyrocket, open educational resources (OER) are becoming an important way to provide content and enhance the teaching and learning experience. Librarians have a key role to play in developing, advocating, and managing OER. For many librarians, however, championing OERs means adding an additional responsibility to their already heavy workloads, which may be overwhelming. This article describes how a grassroots group of academic librarians in British Columbia, Canada joined together as a community of practice to learn and to share ideas, strategies, and tools to support the use of OER. The BCOER Librarians focus on the education and professional development of librarians to help facilitate the use and development of OERs and to create authoritative and sustainable resources to support librarians in OER-related interactions with faculty.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探索一条我国基层公共图书馆社会化管理建设的途径。[方法/过程] 利用案例分析法对安徽省芜湖市镜湖区图书馆社会化管理中动因、参与主体、管理内容、资金的提供以及监督评估等各要素进行分析。[结果/结论] 通过与三山区相关数据进行对比分析,明确镜湖区图书馆社会化管理取得的成效。此外,指出其存在管理制度规范缺失、参与机构积极性不高以及评价机制不完善等不足。在镜湖区图书馆社会化管理实践经验的基础上,完善相关法律制度以及评估机制是优化我国基层公共图书馆社会化管理体系的重要方法,值得推广。  相似文献   

文章结合西南交通大学图书馆嵌入教学实践,探讨了嵌入式信息素养教育“3×3”实施路径及其有效性,对实践过程中需要重点突破的教学梯队建设、馆员与教师的有效合作、宣传与推广、考核与导向机制建设问题等深层次问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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