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体育史学与体育社会学关系辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
体育史学和体育社会学在研究对象和研究方法上的针对性与侧重面是不同的 ,这反映了二者的差异。但从社会学的角度对体育史进行研究 ,却又显示出二者的密切关系。它既是当代体育史学研究日益深化的表现 ,又是体育社会学研究对象进一步扩展的要求。从根本上讲 ,体育史学必须采取社会学的某些研究方法 ,才能达到对体育历史文化的全面而深入的研究。二者是既有密切联系又有区别的体育科学中的重要分支。  相似文献   


This article provides a scrambled form of SWOT analysis of the ideas contained in the various contributions to this special issue on sport historians and the field of sport history. The market for sport history, pure and simple, is not in good shape in many places. Yet we must be careful not to confuse trends in employment prospects with shorter term fluctuations in demand. Nor should we conflate national issues with the international situation. One thing is certain: worldwide academia is expanding; surely, there must be opportunities somewhere for sport history. Sport historians may have to be prepared to move geographically or to get a job. Nonetheless, the field of sport history also has many strengths highlighted, and opportunities abound for collaborations, public engagement, and supporting our fellow sport historians across the globe. Instead of allowing the external threats and weaknesses to continue to grow, sport historians should draw on the encouraging aspects contained herein and take advantage of our field’s strengths and opportunities to develop new and creative initiatives which demonstrate the vibrancy and breadth of sport history.  相似文献   


I am a historian, specialized in sport history and in women’s history, and started my research career in Finland in the mid-1970s. The main framework of my research has been popular movements and voluntary organizations in sport, from the nineteenth century to nowadays, with a social historical, grassroots and minority emphasis. Class, gender, language and ethnicity have been the main points of view in my work. In my paper, I discuss less my relation to sport history as science and its theories and methods. Instead, I approach the subject more as a personal process: how I, as a non-sporting woman, came into sport history and women’s history in sport, and which circumstances and contacts have been forming my research interests and life. At the end, I discuss sport historians’ contemporary relation to the understanding of (sport) history and its representations, asking how is the responsibility of the past affecting our ways to understand and interpret the past.  相似文献   


This article details my views about sport history in Brazil and South America. I suggest that there is a long path to tread and more efforts to perfect our initiatives are necessary. Nevertheless, I think that we already have interesting contributions to perspectives on the history of sport. To make them known, we need to extend, from both sides, our communication efforts. To this end, it seems necessary to me that we, South American and Ibero-American historians, become closer and more integrated with each another. Perhaps this will be a contribution to the renewal of a world history of sport tradition.  相似文献   

2014年索契冬奥会以510亿美元的开支一举成为历史上最昂贵的奥运会。在过去的十年里,即便全球金融危机仍在持续,即便来自学者、记者和社会活动家的批评与日俱增,奥运会这项大型赛事的巨额支出还是在不断膨胀(当然其广告和转播收入也在随之增长)。我们常常听到这样的说法,认为这些支出是由某些有权势的个人拍板决定的,他们欺瞒大众以增加自身的利益,然而这种说法不是社会科学论断,学者有责任更好地解释奥运会增长背后的动因。本文认为:奥运会基于社会科学研究者所熟悉的原则,只不过其规模要比我们日常的研究对象要大上许多数量级。社会科学研究者很清楚,人类将会因为违背经济原则资助这些仪式和庆典而深陷债务,但他们依然这么做,是因为这些活动有益于互惠经济、联盟构建以及创建想象共同体。本文旨在展现对北京和伦敦奥运会的新研究,聚焦于学者较少研究的外交和企业接待项目。大型赛事为政治、企业和文化的领袖们提供了建立联盟、巩固人脉的难得机会;这种场所正随着全球政治经济的日益紧密联系而变得日趋重要。从这结构性的视角出发,奥运会扩张是全球化的产物。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,休闲体育逐步成为现代生活方式中不可或缺的内容。本文从体育人文精神的视角,探讨了休闲体育的内涵、本质及其体育人文价值。提出休闲体育在文化内涵上与体育人文精神是相契合的,休闲体育的兴起是体育人文精神的1种回归的观点。  相似文献   


Sport history is a subfield well positioned to involve and benefit from an interdisciplinary approach to historical actors and spaces. Through the use of personal research and teaching experiences that focuses on the intersection between environmental history and those of sport, this piece explores the value in such an interdisciplinary structure through the examples of researching golf courses as transnational sporting landscapes and of teaching sport and leisure cultures to a diverse student body with high levels of engagement.  相似文献   


Aspirations are prospective and forward looking; what does one seek to achieve? Reflections are retrospective and gaze backwards; has one achieved said aspirations? The following narrative, while indulgently about one individual, is also intended to reflect on wider challenges and opportunities for scholars working in sport history. Academic careers are replete with pragmatism amidst idealism: in my case it was a journey from history, to sport history, and then to sport management.  相似文献   


Following the series of Presidential Forum conversation pieces instigated by Kevin Wamsley on the NASSH website, this piece places the context of the collection of comments and criticisms by 29 contributors to this special issue on sport historians reflecting on the field of sport history.  相似文献   

This article discusses possibilities for a critical dialogue between the history of sport, management history, and sport management/organization studies. Many historians of sport will find themselves employed in sport management programmes, and these programmes allow the potential to interpret historical perspectives on sport, as well as historical research methods in sport management. This offers possibilities in terms of research as well. However, if historians are to engage in a research and teaching dialogue with sport management, they must also remain critical of some of the discipline’s (and practice’s) central tenets.  相似文献   

体育口述史是运动“生命”或体育事件的诉说,能够丰富体育史的研究,激活体育学术全新的活力,在访谈中完成思想、观点的传递和史料的挖掘。体育口述史要注重访谈者、受访者和口述资料三者的关系,厘清体育回忆录、访谈等与体育口述史的区别,正视精英体育人物和群众体育口述史的不同价值与意义。研究认为:体育口述史研究要注重其“史”学特性,最大的独特性是运动场景的再现;体育口述史注重“对话式”的访谈,采访者必须历史在场;体育口述史作为一种方法的价值在于弥补、纠偏、发掘史料,有其严格的操作过程,其理论与实践研究尚处于起步阶段,需要一批具有史学功底的学者介入,从时空维度还原口述者的运动情境和体育事件现场。  相似文献   

全面考察了运动心理学服务于运动实践中出现的问题与解决对策。指出运动实践是运动心理学发展的原动力,运动心理学工作者在服务于运动实践时,应转变观念,采用新的研究模式、新的研究手段和方法。运动心理学服务面临的问题与挑战包括成果评定、角色扮演以及形成社会促进机制等。  相似文献   

Given sport has been largely absent from U.S. public health policies and discourse, the author suggests ways that sport can be better managed to promote health. Using a critical perspective and grounded theory approach, the author examined the experiences of 14 men in the grassroots recreational program, F3. Data were collected through observation and semi-structured interviews. Based on the results, a conceptual model that suggests how sport should be managed to address illnesses related to physical inactivity is put forth. The resulting Sport as Medicine model indicates that Creating a Team Structure, Providing a Place to Be Accountable, and Ensuring No One is Left Out, led to meaningful Health Outcomes, including Physical Health, Mental Toughness, and Social Connections. As the distinctiveness of sport continues to emerge, the author provides a framework to consider how sport can be part of public health efforts to address physical inactivity. Thus, this work positions sport as medicine by pinpointing how sport can be managed so that holistic health outcomes are more likely achieved.  相似文献   


This essay traces the author’s career change, from being a critic and historian of the language and literature of France into becoming an historian of early modern sport. It details the steps in this process, the conditions under which the change occurred, the difficulties encountered, and the successes achieved. It concludes with a statement of his methodological approach.  相似文献   

文章运用文献综述研究方法对当前国内老年人体育活动的现状进行分析,研究结果表明:我国正快速进入老龄化社会,老年人从事体育活动可以有效地促进他们的健康水平。文章对此提出一些对策,以期对我国该问题的研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

主要对我国体育文化史研究及其存在的问题进行剖析。一方面,全球化时代带来了政治、经济、文化等多方面的变化,体育史学在这样的语境中也面临着严峻的考验,并逐渐向文化史研究转向;另一方面,也由此带来体育史理论研究的泛化,还存在着不少问题。解决的办法:一要注意克服浮于表面的研究,提高对体育文化史研究的整体认识;二是注意对研究问题的细处和大处的结合;三要处理好远近、纵横和优劣互补的关系。  相似文献   

急性运动及长期运动训练均可引起体内血容量变化。研究这些变化发生发展的规律及对人体的运动能力的影响,一直是许多研究者所关注的问题。本文综述国内外有关这方面的研究成果,以期为进一步的研究提供有益的线索。  相似文献   

Historians of sport now increasingly accept that visual inquiry offers another dimension to social and cultural research into sport and its history. It is complex and its boundaries are rapidly evolving. This overview offers a justification for placing more emphasis on visual approaches and an introduction to the study and interpretation of visual culture in relation to the history of sport. It stresses the importance of adopting a critical approach and the need to be reflective about that critique. An ever-widening range of visual data are now being explored; so, this paper begins with a brief survey of sources that potentially offer rich returns, from film and photographs to posters and paintings or standards and statues. It next provides a critical assessment at an introductory level of some of the more important methodologies now emerging to help interpret these. This can be no more than a personal choice, given their sheer variety and interdisciplinary nature, and the reality that many historians of sport adopt a mixture of methods and approaches. Approaches covered include content analysis, iconography and iconology, semiology, psychoanalysis, discourse analysis, and reception and audience studies. Examples of recent studies of visual studies are used to illustrate the discussion.  相似文献   

培养目标是一个国家培养人才的总体规范,具有权威性和导向性.培养目标与一个国家社会发展与进步密切联系.人才培养目标的定位不但决定着学校的办学方向,而且对培养方案的制定、教学内容的选择、教学的实施和安排,学校的学科专业建设、师资队伍建设、校园文化建设都起着决定性的作用.需求导向是我国实施高等学校创新能力提升计划的基本原则,带来的是对人才的知识、能力和素质不断提出新的更高要求,需要学校对人才培养目标不断做出调整.体育人才培养一般性目标应为:德智体美全面发展,具有民族精神和社会责任感、国际视野和合作竞争意识、科学精神和人文素养、创新精神和实践能力的高素质创新型人才.学校应面向所在区域体育、文化、社会发展的需求,建立自己学校特色的多元化体育人才目标.  相似文献   


Writing Swiss sport history was never an actual aim in my career; but, while I was doing my PhD in Switzerland, its archives eventually seduced me and convinced me to move from writing about European medical history to writing more sports-based histories on every level (local, national, or international). Mainly empirical, my work has always been focused on the way individuals are slowly building entire institutions around sports (creating rules, administrations, and competitions). Moreover, this passion opened a complete new world full of possibilities where documents are scattered between German, French, and Italian. Thus, to me, empirical-based research were never ‘naïve’, as the explanatory potentials of sport are very strong. And regarding this amazing potential, I always felt dedicated to pursue every possible effort, to identify new archives, to take this history to a higher epistemological level and to spread these results beyond academic circles.  相似文献   

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