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大学自治、学术自由、学术本位、民主开放构成了现代大学制度重要的理念基础和价值取向。落实和扩大大学办学自主权,推进大学章程建设,完善大学内部领导体制,协调行政权力与学术权力的关系,加强民主管理,构建大学与社会的新型关系,是建设现代大学制度的基本着力点。  相似文献   


In Germany the tradition of university autonomy goes back to Humboldt's reform rather than the privileged corporations of the middle ages. Humboldt's concept of the university is still fertile as a model and a method for today's universities. The social significance of science in the modern world, increased expenditure on higher education, and the academisation of a growing number of professions seem to undermine the traditional legitimation of university autonomy. On the other hand good new reasons for autonomy can be derived precisely from scepticism with regard to a naive belief in the progress of science and to an all‐too‐narrow professionalisation of university education. The ever closer interconnection between ‘academic’ and ‘public’ functions of the universities has led to the replacement of the traditional ‘dualistic administrative structure’ by a ‘unified'one under a rector/president. The dualism of functions has, however, reappeared in the distinction between ‘legal’ and ‘more extended’ supervision by ministers. For the future a more precise distinction between global regulations legitimately claimed by the state and self‐government within the framework thus set should be aimed at.  相似文献   

成伟 《江苏高教》2021,(1):52-56
权利契约是大学章程的本质属性,其蕴涵的各种利益相关者的权力关系共同构成了大学章程的生成逻辑。目前,在大学章程执行中存在定位不准确、高校自主权虚化、学术治理结构弱化、监督机制缺失等问题,导致大学章程的作用和功能难以有效发挥。中国亟须强化高校办学自主权、教授学术自由与学术权力、学生消费者主权与专业选择自主权等,如此,才能真正有助于重新构建高校内外的权力关系,进而提升高校治理能力和完善高校的现代治理体系。  相似文献   

The paper reports on an empirical study based on qualitative interviews with staff from four Australian universities. These universities are shown to be undergoing significant social change as processes of marketisation impact on the everyday practices of academic workers. The universities are analysed as sites of contestation between the new professional managers and the established academic profession over the control of the conditions of work, the production of expert knowledge and the worksite itself. The theory of academic capitalism is examined, and the relevance of Bourdieu’s work for the analysis of a university sector in a context of marketisation is assessed. Bourdieu’s interlinked concepts of capital, habitus and the field are employed to investigate the nature of the contestation, revealing a dynamic process in which academics innovatively respond to threats to reduce their autonomy, to increased levels of surveillance and other constraints on practice. In addition, the study illustrates the processes through which actors within the sector, through acts of both conformity and resistance, contribute collectively to the growth of academic capitalism in the neoliberal university.  相似文献   

法国作为中央集权管理体制的典型代表,正经历着高等教育分权的变革。大学自治对教师职业存在的重要影响,在学术责任、聘任与晋升制度、质量评估等方面,表现为教师流动性低、教学与研究结合困难、评估缺乏激励性、学术职业前景黯淡等。增强大学的自主性、改革僵化的管理体制是解决学术职业发展中的矛盾的重要前提。  相似文献   

In the conventional liberal view, the university is a battleground between two mutually exclusive qualities: government intervention; and academic freedom and institutional autonomy. While tensions between government and the academic domain are inherent in the modern university, the conventional view is seriously misleading. Far from being naturally “outside” government, the modern university is a product of government and serves the purposes of government, though it also has other constituencies and purposes. Conventional academic freedom is a state of regulated autonomy in which the freedom of academics in teaching and research is necessary to the discharge of their normal functions, but these functions are exercised within boundaries controlled by government and management. The installation of systems of market competition in higher education extends the terrain of this regulated autonomy, while also highlighting the problem of standardisation in the global environment. It is possible to achieve more independent forms of academic freedom though these are difficult to sustain in the present environment. Independence tends to be enhanced by solidaristic (non‐competitive) relations inside the university, and by the practice of vigorous social criticism.  相似文献   

从大学的本质特征、大学的学术组织特性来看大学内部治理自治性具有合理性,而大学治理变异的多样性和大学内部治理的困境需要对大学内部治理进行控制。在自治与控制的冲突中,需要创新大学管理制度、重视学术力量的回归、借鉴西方大学内部治理的经验,以达成现代大学内部治理自治与控制的制衡。  相似文献   

The neoliberal reframing of universities as economic engines and the growing emphasis on ‘third stream’ commercial activities are global phenomena albeit with significant local variations. This article uses the concept of ‘ownership’ to examine how these processes are impacting on institutional self-understandings and academic–management relations. Drawing on ethnographic research from New Zealand, including recent disputes between academics and management, we ask, ‘who owns the modern university’? In conclusion, we show how debates over ownership provide a lens for examining wider tensions around institutional autonomy and academic freedom.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,新管理主义在西方主要发达国家兴起,并强势地重塑着大学的内外部环境。新管理主义的影响渗透到了大学日常工作的技术操作及意识形态两个层面,同时也意味着"大学-政府"关系由信任到问责的变化。在这一背景下,西方学术职业群体普遍面临困境:(1)管理主义在大学内部被强化,学者的学术主导地位进一步受限;(2)学术职业群体分化加剧;(3)学术工作挤压个人生活空间;(4)学者普遍面临学术身份认同危机。  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored the intertwining relationships among the concepts of parental autonomy support, parental control, and cultural values for Mexican American families. The study was guided by the following questions: (1) What elements of parental autonomy support are identified in Mexican American parents’ involvement in their children’s academic performance? (2) How do Mexican American parents conceptualize “autonomy support” and “parental control”? Sixteen Mexican American mothers expressed their own goals and strategies for home-based parental involvement to support their adolescents’ academic performance, and responded to the prototypes of autonomy support parenting and use of psychological control. Four themes emerged from the data to explain the participants’ practice: (1) Explain the expectations for behavioral and academic pursuit through persistent “telling” and “reminding”; (2) Respond to children’s feelings from parents’ perspectives; (3) Encourage with provisions, praises, and criticisms; and (4) Allow choices upon trust in child’s sense of responsibility. Discussion is focused on how Mexican-American mothers’ conceptualization of “autonomy support” and “parental control” is influenced by the cultural values of educación and respeto. Culturally appropriate autonomy support training is suggested for effective intervention programs for Mexican-American parents.  相似文献   

已有研究文献表明,现有高校办学自主权的内核制度是院系自治。在当前全球化和国际化影响下,借鉴治理思维,我国高校正在破除“行政化”的本土情境,建立“管办评”分离机制,形成各利益主体可以相对平等地对话与协商的现代大学制度,这是构建我国高校治理结构、推动高校办学自主权落地的基本策略。通过文献分析和对高校办学自主权的内涵辨析后发现,我国现在的高校治理策略缺乏市场维和院系自治维,应该将其纳入新的高校治理结构;法律一维相对弱,也应作为独立的维度进行建构,即我国现代大学治理结构应该包括法律、国家规制与政府行政、社会中介评价、市场、校级管理和院系治理等六维度。从自主权内容上,高校办学自主权实质是高校应该拥有的一系列与学术活动相关的决策权,在结构上可以进一步分解为“提供什么”的战略决策自主权和“如何提供”的生产决策自主权。进一步的实证研究表明,我国呈现由政府全面控制着这些自主权逐步转向持续放权的改革趋势。目前,相对“提供什么”的战略决策,高校在“如何提供”的生产决策方面拥有较多的自主权,高校对学术事务的权力多于资源配置的权力,部属高校较地方高校拥有更多的自主权。  相似文献   

Are Professors Professional?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Can university teaching be counted a profession? The work of academics is examined against four criteria associated with professional life: members share a body of knowledge; professional identity is for life; professionals are accountable for the effects of what they do rather than for the actions they take; professional bodies restrict access and enforce codes of practice. The conclusion is that academics form a Janus-faced profession in which their professionalism is more evident in respect of the subjects they teach than in respect of their academic duties of teaching and examining. Professional training is recommended as the appropriate treatment for this lop-sided condition.  相似文献   

"教授治学"是中国特色现代大学制度的一个重要组成部分。"教授治学"旨在促进学术自由,完善大学治理结构,推动大学去行政化。在高校治理结构中,以"教授治学"为代表的学术权力应居于主导地位,是"教授治学"而非"教授治校",并要以学生为本位。应通过重塑大学精神,完善相关法律法规,加强组织与制度建设,拓展"教授治学"外延,来实现"教授治学"。  相似文献   

学术评议会是发达国家大学治理结构中体现和保障学术权力最为重要的组织机构,发达国家普遍通过立法明确了大学学术评议会的法律地位、人员构成和职责范围,以保障学术权力的全面履行。德国的现代大学制度在西方大学发展过程中具有承前启后的意义。笔者重点分析了德国联邦与州的相关法律法规,并通过柏林工业大学的案例考察学术评议会运行状况;在此基础上,提出了完善我国的大学学术委员会制度,保障学术权力全面落实的若干借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of the structures of university governance at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem between the 1920s and 1960s. The model that ultimately prevailed, a state-sponsored model of governance, dominated the higher education system in Israel until the early 2000s and was characterised by the dominance of academic faculty, a status that the government accorded to the faculty in exchange for their acceptance of the state’s normative vision for universities’ role in society. Two main governance models that were instituted at the HU are identified: (1) the Diaspora university, 1925–1950, a distinctive governance model that emerged in the pre-state period and was controlled by Jewish communities in the Diaspora, and (2) the state university, 1950s–2000s, which shifted the centre of gravity to the state. These models are further divided into sub-models and the processes described through which academic autonomy was institutionalised during a period of nation-building.  相似文献   

战后日本国立大学确立了以教授会自治为中心的"从下至上"的内部治理结构,教授会的权力涉足到国立大学内部管理与运作的整个领域。而2004年日本国立大学法人化改革的主要目的之一就是削弱教授会的权力,扩大以校长为中心的行政权力。那么,战后日本国立大学教授会自治是如何形成的,存在哪些问题,为何要进行改革呢?回顾历史,分析其利弊,总结其经验教训,有助于我们更好地认识日本国立大学法人化改革的内部原因,也有助于反思我国大学学术权力与行政权力的关系。  相似文献   

学术劳动力市场的特性与研究型大学的教师聘用制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
与非学术劳动力市场相比,学术劳动力市场受到更多社会制度和规范的约束,表现在学术人员的工作具有更大的保障和稳定性、学术人员工资的变动弹性较小。在学术劳动力市场机制的作用下,研究型大学形成了特殊的教师聘用制度。以终身教授制为代表的教师聘用制度,既具有保护学术自由的制度含义,也具有提高效率和激励作用的经济含义,是制度和效率有机作用的结果。在借鉴大学管理的国际经验、建立中国现代大学治理结构时,设计一个兼顾社会制度与效率因素的教师聘用制度是关键所在,而我国目前缺少办学自主权是制约大学学术自由和效率提高的瓶颈。  相似文献   

李志峰  沈红 《教师教育研究》2007,19(1):72-75,80
学术职业是社会劳动分工的产物,欧洲中世纪后期社会的变迁为学术职业的形成提供了基础,以思想和传授思想的学术职业成了当时的一种新的职业类型,并促进了欧洲中世纪大学的兴起。大学作为学术职业的工作平台和组织为其提供发展和保护。在近千年的历史变迁过程中,学术职业的发展和各国社会变迁相伴相随,呈现出各自不同的形态。现代学术职业秉承现代大学的使命,发生了重要的历史转型。这种现代转型继承了欧洲中世纪学术职业的精神内核,在外在表现上又呈现出不同的特征。  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》有关精神要求我们重新审视现代大学内部制度建设的内涵、价值和路径。现代大学内部制度是大学内部管理与运行的规则体系,是凸显大学学术性本质并确定大学生存与发展规则体系的总和。现代大学内部制度建设的价值在于维护大学本质属性,彰显大学现代性和构建和谐大学校园,其路径在于激发大学学术活力,弘扬组织制度文化,协调学术权力与行政权力的关系,实行自下而上的变革以及构建科学合理的管理制度体系。  相似文献   

1978年以来,我国高校办学自主权成为政府与大学关系的核心问题。梳理改革开放以来国家正式制度中涉及中国高校自主权的主要政策与法规文本,发现改革开放四十年高校办学自主权"回归"演进中有五个不同历史阶段:第一阶段,1978—1985年,以政府颁布《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》为标志,面对思想解放,提出高校办学自主权"回归";第二阶段,1986—1993年,以政府颁布《中国教育改革和发展纲要》为标志,面对思想纷争,争取市场主体地位与更多"名义"自主权;第三阶段,1994—1998年,以全国人大颁布《高等教育法》为标志,面对两轨体制的转型困境,确认高校法人地位与有限自主权的"名义"法律保障,在招生就业体制、投资体制、管理体制改革等领域高校办学自主权迈出制度性突破;第四阶段,1999—2011年,以政府颁布《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》为标志,原有涉及多方利益的存量改革固化,改革增量创新难度加剧,造成高校行政权力与学术权力之困,也迫使学校寻求自主权确权的制度创新;第五阶段,2012—2017年,以十九大报告《决胜全面建成小康社会,夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利》为标志,面对全球治理浪潮,政府简政放权,探索确立完善现代大学制度与大学治理结构,碎片化自主权"回归"诉求转换为整体现代大学制度建设。高校自主权的演进始于突破计划经济管理体制、纠结于转型中的两轨制、转换于公共治理理念框架的实践,这将改变政府与学校就办学自主权的"分权"或"放权"的"线性"循环局限,转入到参与大学办学相关利益方关于权利、义务、责任、理念的制度重塑与学术生态培育的新阶段。  相似文献   

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