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我国教育公平评价指标初探   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目前我国的教育统计和教育现代化指标存在着教育公平维度的缺失。我国适用的教育公平指标体系 ,应包括总体教育水平差异指数、义务教育均衡指数、高中教育公平指数、高等教育公平指数。这 4个各自独立的指标既可以整体评价我国或我国某一地区的教育公平状况 ,也可以单独评价不同阶段教育公平的水平  相似文献   

The present article analyzes the development of the ethnic gap—with respect to the attainment of vocational degrees—over the immigration cohorts 1960–2001 by examining how social integration indicators and general secondary school education may help to explain the trend. It was found that the gap between natives and migrants increased. Above all, the large increase in the gap over cohorts between Germans and Turks is alarming. In contrast to that the gap and its increase between the group of immigrants from Central-/Eastern-/Southeastern European countries as well as from other former recruitment countries and German natives is comparably small and can to a large extent be explained by a growing gap regarding the level of general secondary education among the newer immigration cohorts and native Germans due to educational expansion and to a growing impact of the secondary school education for the achievement of vocational education. The effect of social integration plays a smaller role compared to general secondary school education and it even decreases over immigration cohorts.  相似文献   

Italy’s poor performance in various indicators of educational achievement, such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), has featured strongly in analyses of Italian education policy, and its progress towards the Lisbon objectives has been slow. With weak outcomes often linked to a highly stratified system of upper secondary schooling, combining high levels of track differentiation with a comparatively young track selection age, Italy’s education system has been characterised as antiquated and rigid. Yet the evidence that poor educational outcomes are differentially distributed between different Italian regions suggests that the ‘tracked system’ itself, which does not vary among regions, may not fully explain the Italian indicators. This article examines recent policy responses to these weak educational outcomes and, drawing on a range of data which take account of the links between social selection, regional inequality and levels of family cultural capital, investigates whether the concept of cultural capital might provide a more nuanced and theoretically powerful explanation of differences in educational outcomes in Italy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify how ethnically diverse schools can discursively maintain a good reputation. Reputation allows attracting the mixed student population necessary to achieve inclusion or closing the gap between the attainment of ethnic majority and minority students. In semi‐market educational systems where students are free to attend the school of their choice yet education has no market price, the share of ethnic minority students functions as one of the main indicators of a school's educational quality. Ethnically diverse schools are thus perceived as offering lower quality education. Based on the case of a highly ethnically diverse, inclusive secondary school in the exclusive Flemish secondary educational semi‐market, we found that a positive reputation could be achieved through three related discursive practices: affirming the high‐quality education of the school, redefining the relation between students' ethnic diversity and educational quality and reconstructing ethnic diversity as an educational resource.  相似文献   

This paper considers how state educational policy and other sociocontextual factors influence primary schooling in two large developing countries. In the late 1940s, national statistics for primary school enrolment and other human development indicators were comparable between China and India. Both countries then experienced major political transitions and embraced similar economic development priorities. Half a century later, reports prepared for the 2000 World Education Forum indicate that China had far outperformed India in terms of school enrolment ratios and on indices of the efficiency of primary education. This article considers the reasons for these differences. It discusses the role of the state, educational policy and its implementation, linkages among educational, economic and social policies, cultural belief systems that are relevant to education, classroom teaching and learning, teacher characteristics, and the physical conditions of schools.  相似文献   

我国基础教育现代化发展的根本转化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国基础教育现代化发展是历史的必然。本文从基础教育战略地位、教育观念、教育体制、研究主题以及区域推进五个方面论述了中国基础教育现代转化的主要标志及特色 ,进而提出推进中国基础教育现代化发展理论范畴研究的几个问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a more comprehensive picture of teacher preparation in Ethiopia on top of a closer scrutiny of current teacher education reforms. In particular, it presents teacher education within the context of policy implementation over the last six decades by highlighting key reforms and how these reforms impacted the education system in general and the teaching profession in particular. In analysing why and how the policy reforms took place, the paper draws on Chin and Benne’s strategies of change management and the world system theories. Further, based on government statistics, official policy documents, and observations, the paper argues that the series of policy interventions were short of addressing the challenges of teacher preparation, including maintaining minimum quality standards, though the sector’s expansion has had favourable impact on educational access and bridging regional and gender disparities.  相似文献   

海洋教育学需要在理论研究、实践研究、智库研究和评价研究等四个方面形成合力,四方发力形成海洋教育的四维模式。其中,理论研究是基础,实践研究是应用,智库研究是服务,评价研究是保障。开展科学严谨的海洋教育评价是深入推进海洋教育实践、促进海洋教育开展必不可少的环节。基于培养人的海洋素养为主要内涵,以学校体系、社会体系、政府体系和研究体系等四类海洋教育机构作为评价对象,关注海洋教育评价中的政治与安全意识的主体性、人文与文化知识的人文性、自然海洋探索的科学性以及人与海洋良性互动的生态性。教育评价关注目标评价、过程评价和结果评价,海洋教育指标体系设计需要海洋素养理论、可持续发展理论、国际竞争力理论等理论支持。海洋教育评价需要重视海洋素养在评价中的核心概念作用。海洋素养和海洋教育观测点是海洋教育评价体系的重要依据。中国海洋教育评价(CMEE)分为内容评价、区域评价和机构评价三种类型,在当前机构评价是海洋教育评价的代表性形式。中国海洋教育机构评价指标体系(CMEIE,2020版)由品牌力、主题力、管理力与影响力4个一级指标构成,二级指标14项,三级指标45项,采取定量与定性相结合的方式,充分发挥国内外海洋教育专家等同行评价功能,严谨设计观测点,精准取样,将对于全方位了解我国海洋教育机构活动开展状况,引导海洋教育实践朝着科学化、精细化方向发展,具有重要的导向性作用,该指标体系将成为未来海洋教育机构评价的基础依据。  相似文献   

中国基础教育均衡发展实证分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
从区域、城乡、学校和受教育群体四个方面对于基础教育均衡度进行分析发现,近年来,我国基础教育特别是义务教育发展从整体上看正在趋向均衡。各地区基础教育的差距总体出现缩小态势,基础教育特别是义务教育入学率,各地区中小学教师合格率差距不断缩小。同时,地区间财政性教育经费以及初等教育生均教育经费和中等教育生均教育经费的绝对差异仍然在拉大;小学和初中生均预算内经费城乡差异正在随着时序变化在减小,各地区城乡中小学教师合格率差异正在逐步减小。但是,我国中小学校之间的教育投入差距还相当大;不同群体之间接受基础教育还很不均衡。造成我国基础教育发展不均衡的主要原因是由于基础教育资源配置不均衡。  相似文献   

海洋教育学需要在理论研究、实践研究、智库研究和评价研究等四个方面形成合力,四方发力形成海洋教育的四维模式。其中,理论研究是基础,实践研究是应用,智库研究是服务,评价研究是保障。开展科学严谨的海洋教育评价是深入推进海洋教育实践、促进海洋教育开展必不可少的环节。基于培养人的海洋素养为主要内涵,以学校体系、社会体系、政府体系和研究体系等四类海洋教育机构作为评价对象,关注海洋教育评价中的政治与安全意识的主体性、人文与文化知识的人文性、自然海洋探索的科学性以及人与海洋良性互动的生态性。教育评价关注目标评价、过程评价和结果评价,海洋教育指标体系设计需要海洋素养理论、可持续发展理论、国际竞争力理论等理论支持。海洋教育评价需要重视海洋素养在评价中的核心概念作用。海洋素养和海洋教育观测点是海洋教育评价体系的重要依据。中国海洋教育评价(CMEE)分为内容评价、区域评价和机构评价三种类型,在当前机构评价是海洋教育评价的代表性形式。中国海洋教育机构评价指标体系(CMEIE,2020版)由品牌力、主题力、管理力与影响力4个一级指标构成,二级指标14项,三级指标45项,采取定量与定性相结合的方式,充分发挥国内外海洋教育专家等同行评价功能,严谨设计观测点,精准取样,将对于全方位了解我国海洋教育机构活动开展状况,引导海洋教育实践朝着科学化、精细化方向发展,具有重要的导向性作用,该指标体系将成为未来海洋教育机构评价的基础依据。  相似文献   

在我国,区域义务教育差距的存在已是不争的事实。作为公共服务的基础内容,义务教育将由非均等逐步走向均等化,这不仅是教育发展的趋势,同时也是区域公共服务均等化的必然要求。文章选取了9个指标,分别从财力、人力和物力三个方面分析与比较重庆、上海在教育投入、教育资源配置等方面存在的诸多差异。通过对重庆、上海两市三方面9个指标的比较研究,得出相应的结论,可为政府的教育决策提供参考依据,具有重要的政策启示意义。  相似文献   

In the last two decades, China's education has experienced significant transformations and restructuring on account of privatization and marketization. Unlike the Mao era when the state assumed the major responsibilities in financing and providing education, individuals and families have now to bear increasing financial burdens in paying for education. The marketization and privatization of education has undoubtedly intensified educational inequalities and widened regional disparities between the economically developed areas in the eastern coast and the less economically developed areas in the middle and north-western parts of the country. The growing inequalities in education and the increasing financial burdens presented by education have been a source of social discontentment, which have in turn prompted the central government to revisit its approaches to educational development. This article sets out to examine, how in this wider policy context, China's education has been transformed following the adoption of more pro-competition and market-oriented reform measures. This article is based on intensive secondary data analysis, fieldwork observations, and findings from a household survey conducted in eight different Chinese cities about people's perceived education hardship. The article concludes by considering how the Chinese government has attempted to address the problems of educational inequalities that have intensified on account of two decades of education marketization.  相似文献   

随着教育信息化建设工作的不断推进和应用成果的不断积累,我国教育信息化发展逐步从重视学校数字教育资源配置转为重视其在教育教学中的深度应用、融合创新。文章从应用场景、应用主体和应用工具三个层面构建我国基础教育信息化应用模型并选取信息化应用核心指标,采用综合指数计算全国各省基础教育信息化应用指数,同时对东、中、西部地区教育信息化应用发展差异进行测算和分析。研究结果表明,我国中小学校信息化应用省际和区域差异明显,基础教育信息化应用整体发展不均衡。  相似文献   

构建职业教育立交桥,既是完善职业教育体系的必要举措,也是实现职业教育与普通教育协调发展的必然之路,并不仅仅是要求在纵向上顺畅发展,即形成中等职业教育——高等职业教育——技术本科教育的一轨,这是完善职业教育体系的必要举措;同样,与普通教育的横向互通,使中高职院校毕业生可以根据自己意愿升入不同类型的学校深造,这也顺应了终身学习的理念。职业教育立交桥构建中,中等职业教育是基础,高等职业教育是重要枢纽,普通教育是支撑,如何构建多元互通的立交桥,从而实现立交桥式教育,进而完成立交桥式人才培养,是文章涉及的主要问题。  相似文献   

The essay deals with regional disparities in the average educational expenditure of every ordinary senior secondary student, including budget funds for education, the proportion appropriated to the ordinary senior high school by the government, tuition fee per student and the proportion of tuition fees of the total educational expenditure. By analyzing the relevant educational and economic indicators, we find that the average educational expenditure and tuition of every student in the western area are lower than those in the eastern and the middle area while the proportion of funds allocated by the government is the highest. However, in the middle area, both of the government appropriation of education funds for every student and its proportion of the total educational expenditure are the lowest in China, but on the other hand the proportion of tuition fee of the total educational expenditure and the income of the rural residents are the highest. Therefore, the aim of this essay is to look at the reasons why there are such differences.  相似文献   

Against the background of discourses concerning regional educational landscapes and the increasing interest in theoretical constructs of “space” in educational theory, this article addresses the question of how educational spaces are collectively understood in adult education organizations. This question is examined through a qualitative reconstructive study. Data sources for the study include group discussions and interviews from nine general adult education organizations chosen through theoretical sampling. The data analysis was conducted using a documentary interpretation method. The results indicate that the organizations studied reveal perspectives of educational spaces that differ along lines of territorial and experiential understanding. The concluding discussion provides hypotheses concerning possible connections between socio-economic structures and a territorial understanding of space and between the organizational or subject matter constitution of organizations and an experiential understanding of space.  相似文献   

The central issue of this article is the coordination between special and general education in curriculum planning for pupils with special educational needs. The focus is on individual education plans (IEPs) in special education and work plans in general education. This is also viewed in relation to how special and general education teachers cooperate on planning. The analysis is based on a qualitative interview study with special and general education teachers in four primary and lower secondary schools in two municipalities. A clear pattern is shown in the study, where curriculum planning for special and general education is not very coordinated and cooperation between special and general education teachers is often very limited. Thus, curriculum planning within special and general education appears to be more separated than coordinated. The two groups of teachers appear to adopt traditional and partly separate roles, and tend to plan individually rather than together. Responsibility for the education of pupils with special needs seems to be more divided than shared.  相似文献   

Bridge-building activities are practiced widely in the education systems of Europe. They are meant to bridge transitions between lower and upper secondary school and form a mandatory part of the youth guidance system in Denmark. By giving pupils the opportunity to experience the different educational context of upper secondary school, bridge-building activities are meant to facilitate their decision-making on educational paths, but also to attract more and new groups of pupils. However, the premises of the inherent differences of educational contexts and of pupils’ lacking knowledge of upper secondary education can be questioned. In this ethnographic case study of a bridge-building project in a rural area in Denmark, we analyse the implicit knowledge of the general upper secondary school, as it is practiced in a bridge-building project, and how it is experienced by the pupils on the background of their prior knowledge. The analysis is theoretically informed by especially the code concepts of Basil Bernstein.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of attending kindergarten, the most common early childhood care and education program in West Germany, on children’s placement at secondary school level. The analysis is based on an education production function that controls for parental background and regional variation in the educational system. The analysis confirms the hypothesis, that kindergarten attendance can have a long-lasting positive effect on educational chances. In four of six specifications a longer attendance of early childhood care and education increases the probability of attending a higher level secondary school. However, there are diminishing returns to early childhood education.  相似文献   

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