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Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College (OCtech) has been awarded two National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (NSF-ATE) grants since 2011 that have the development of module-based hybrid courses in Engineering Technology and Mechatronics as objectives. In this article, the advantages and challenges associated with module-based hybrid courses are discussed. The courses that have been developed deal specifically with alternative energy and robotics. Through modularizing the courses, instructors throughout OCtech may elect to use materials from these courses to supplement face-to-face courses or offer the entire course in a hybrid format. In addition to being used in the college’s traditional curriculum, these courses have been utilized in the Middle College and the Flex/Evening College for working adults with great success. The courses and the included modules are housed on a Learning Management System hosted by OCtech that is available to all the colleges and high schools in the state.  相似文献   

项目投资评价理论的发展本质上是一个逐步适应经济活动客观要求的过程.目前用来投资决策的常用理论有:净现值法、实物期权法和期权博弈法.为理顺众多的理论方法,也为深刻理解其发展方向,需要对项目投资评价理论的演进做出清晰的归纳.净现值方法以简明性成为各种投资项目评价和决策的基础.期权方法和博弈方法考虑不确定和竞争者行为因素,是项目投资评价理论发展的必然.在此基础上引入心理学、社会学等对期权博弈做出修正,使项目投资评价更加贴近现实.  相似文献   

建设项目风险评价方法一般可分为定性评价、定量评价、定性与定量评价相结合三类,而有效的项目风险评价方法一般采用定性与定量相结合的系统方法。对项目进行风险评价的方法有很多,如主观评分法及决策树法,其他如层次分析法(AHP)、模糊综合评价法、事故树分析法(FTA)、外推法和蒙特卡洛模拟法等。  相似文献   

投资项目经济评价指标分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对净现值、净现值率、投资回收期和内部收益率等常用经济评价指标进行探讨,从理论上指出它们各自的特点及应用的局限性。  相似文献   

分析了综合评分法在价值工程方案选择中的应用.综合评分法其主要的评价过程为:确定评价项 目、计算其权重并进行一致性检验、评价各个方案对每个经济指标在所评价项目的满足程度评分、计算各个方 案对评价项目评分权数和,得出最优方案.  相似文献   

国际上三个比较有影响力的基础教育评价项目在评价理念、技术、手段和结果报告等方面都有值得我们借鉴之处。教育部考试中心开展PISA2006中国试测研究在管理标准、技术标准和数据标准上吸取了PISA的优点。我国开展科学、有效的大规模教育评价项目,使教育评价成为促进教育发展和提高教育质量的有效途径,应整合大规模教育评价研究与实施的平台,增强评价的学术性,大力培养专业人才,利用信息技术实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   

远程学习项目的组织、实施和评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
译者前言 本文是<远程学习的评估和实施:技术、工具和技巧> (Evaluation and Implementation of Distance Learning:Technologies,Tools and Techniques)一书的第一章"导论".该书是美国思想出版集团(IGP:Idea GroupPublishing;http://www.idea-group.com)最新推出的一部力作,该书中文版已经由我主持翻译、经中国轻工业出版社万千图书公司出版.作者是美国弗吉尼亚州立大学工学院的法兰士·贝朗葛(France Belanger)博士和波士·阿兰(Booz A1len)和汉密尔顿(Hamilton)公司的迪安妮·乔丹(Dianne H.Jordan)博士.两位作者在美国和加拿大许多重要的政府部门、军队、大学和信息产业界的工作经历和主持完成的远程和分布式教育和培训重大项目,使得她们的专著具有专业上的权威性和实践上的指导意义和价值.  相似文献   

随着非正式学习概念的出现,场馆学习作为自然情境下发生的一种非正式学习行为,逐渐受到广泛关注.在基于场馆的项目学习中,由于学习者对学习目标、学习行为、学习路径拥有完全自主的控制权,如何对场馆中的教学项目进行评估成为研究者关注的重点.基于此,研究以构建场馆学习项目评价指标体系为目的,从场馆中教学项目评价问题出发,对场馆学习项目的含义进行界定,通过文献分析、比较研究和德尔菲法,在场馆学习项目评价现状综述的基础上,确定了包含5个一级指标、18个二级指标、57个三级指标的场馆学习项目评价指标体系.最后,采用层次分析法计算各个指标层次的权重,并对权重进行合理性分析,为我国场馆学习项目的实施提出相应的建议,促进我国场馆学习项目的发展.  相似文献   

Conclusion Few would doubt that education is the only way to deal with those global problems that are being felt today in virtually all countries of the world. It is sad that everywhere both the educational system and the researchers who work in it are experiencing difficult times. This is especially true for Russian researchers and teachers. The work I have discussed above is being carried out by true professionals and enthusiasts for their cause. The work continues. The authors of these programs believe that the time has arrived for serious international projects on the design of methodological support and typical modules for a system of global education in the context of the developing global information society.  相似文献   

质量管理控制必须贯穿在工程建设过程中的每个环节,只有严把工程建设各个环节的质量关,才能最终有效地确保工程质量,从而提高工程项目的总体质量水平.  相似文献   

随着我国全面实施预算绩效管理工作的推进,有关部门对科研项目绩效评价提出了明确要求。但目前科研项目绩效管理理论建设尚未成熟,多数研究集中在奖惩办法、资金使用和经费监管角度,科研人员绩效管理意识亦尚未树立。本文从地方科研项目管理角度,结合实际情况分析了科研项目绩效管理面临的困境,提出了绩效评价指标体系设计的具体建议。  相似文献   

针对科技项目绩效考评的指标体系,应用Fuzzy数学理论,提出了一种Fuzzy综合评判方法.该方法对影响绩效考评的诸多因素给予量化,并通过Fuzzy矩阵得出综合评价指数,依据评价指数对科技项目实施科学决策.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):142-159

Work integrated learning (WIL) is an integral part of the curriculum in higher education institutions (HEIs). WIL project leaders require a strategy to evaluate the success of WIL projects. This article reports on the evaluation criteria used in assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) identified in WIL projects. This multi-qualitative research was conducted to determine and confirm the SWOT criteria deemed significant for WIL project evaluation. Feedback was collated from 12 WIL specialists, representing the major HEIs in South Africa. The Delphi technique and inductive content analysis formed the basis of the research method. The key finding revealed that the strengths of WIL projects should be evaluated by measuring how well the WIL project maintains a competitive advantage and has a strong financial budget. Major weaknesses of WIL projects are a lack of strategic direction and the HEI’s lack of sound academic offerings and reputation.  相似文献   

全球化和“一带一路”合作倡议的深入发展,推动我国国际交流和协作的规模持续扩大,急需能够胜任全球化挑战、具有国际视野的人才。基于现有研究,提炼出具有全球胜任力的人才应具备全球意识、开放与尊重、专业的学科知识、语言、团队沟通与协作五大要素。运用NVivo11软件,分析62所高校189个中外合作办学项目培养方案中五大要素的表达情况。研究发现,在培养目标、课程体系等方面,对照全球胜任力的要求,各项目仍有较大改进空间。据此提议:高校应在培养目标上重视文化多样性理念,拓宽课程口径,打破学科限制,丰富跨地域交流实践;政府应加强顶层设计与战略规划,构建社会各界权责明确的协作体系,提高当代青年在全球化过程中的胜任素质。  相似文献   

With an increasing use of group activities in higher education there are questions being asked about the extent to which the final grading properly reflects individual contribution (or lack of it). The paper describes the development and use of peer evaluation in a DMS group project. Experience of using this method of evaluation shows that groups must be prepared for, and committed to, the activity. Peer evaluation forms part of the assessment process but does not seem sufficiently robust to be the sole source of informational input—especially if substantial grade variations are called for.  相似文献   

本文就高中物理课题研究活动课的教学评价作一探索。由于课题研究活动课作为课程体系的一部分,还是个新生事物,对课题研究活动课的评价,就必须坚持实事求是,从实际出发,借鉴现代教学的评价理论,制定出一个较为科学的质量评价标准,这既是客观评价课题研究活动课的需要,也是帮助教师克服课题研究活动课开展的盲目性和随意性的前提。下面就高中物理课题研究活动课的教学评价的实质和功能,确定评价标准的原则,构成评价标准的内容等方面谈谈我们的初步探索和评价方案。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the evaluation of participatory community arts programmes and analyses the shift in educational emphasis from aesthetic to social outcomes. It considers a range of theoretical models and practices in the field which includes my own experience. The history of evaluative methodology highlights procedural concerns which are applied to current strategies of evaluating social impact. This is critiqued with regards to consent and participant intention, lack of discrimination between ‘natural’ and ‘synthetic’ instrumentality, and issues surrounding measurement and the validation of impact through social auditing. This foregrounds broader debates concerning the politics of evaluation. An ideal democratic method is suggested that encourages participant involvement, empowerment and self‐management. This is compared to normative bureaucratic and autocratic approaches steeped in top‐down agendas which may exacerbate social problems.  相似文献   

培养具有综合素质和创新能力的人才,实验教学应是教学改革的中心环节。以生命科学学院09级三个专业的学生为样本,进行课题驱动的分子生物学实验教学改革实践,并根据布卢姆教学理论,通过调查问卷等形式从学生情感领域、技能领域和认知领域三个层面进行教学评价。结果显示,课题驱动的实验教学能够突出学生主体地位,有利于学生良好的情感、态度、价值观的养成并进而推动认知与技能的有效发展。通过转变实验教学理念、改革教学评价方法,提高了教学水平,培养了学习者的可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

This article describes the results of a two‐year national study to evaluate the contribution of information technology projects to student learning in higher education in Australia. The study reviewed the outcomes of 104 teaching development grants that made significant use of a range of communication and information technologies in projects which had received a total of 4 million dollars in funding. In approximately 90% of cases, the project leaders reported having had the intention of improving student learning outcomes, but only one third were able to report this as the actual outcome. A review of the evaluation methods used by project leaders revealed a strong focus on student reactions to projects, rather than on methods that would have uncovered student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

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