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A teaching model is presented which was used for increasing the skills and interests of practicing school counselors in group counseling. A significant aspect of the model is its inclusion of learnings designed to explore both affective and cognitive aspects of the group process. Although the model described was used in an in-service workshop for counselors, the format might also be useful in designing a university course in group counseling.  相似文献   

We had previously identified specific cognitive and experiential group counselor training objectives; this study represents a systematic attempt to plan, develop, and evaluate a training model using those objectives. The mastery learning model was identified as best suited for carrying out the training. At the beginning of the training (carried out as two concurrent graduate courses in group counseling), the students were presented with the objectives, a time plan, and evaluation criteria. The training model consisted of 15 graduate students, 11 at the doctoral and 4 at the master's level. Evaluations of course content and course objectives by experimental and comparison groups of trainees indicated the overall success of this exploratory study.  相似文献   

This paper indicates how a technique which groups criteria in terms of the homogeniety of their associated prediction equations can be used to identify and describe the rating policies within a group or board of judges.  相似文献   

论述了高等工程专科学校欲培养高质量人才须做到的几点:必须以培养专业技术应用能力为主线,构建理论教学和实践教学体系;必须坚持学校与社会相沟通,教学与生产、科研相结合;必须建立配套的校内工程实践教学基地,构建良好的工程环境:必须建立一支具有较高的教学水平和较强工程实践能力的教师队伍。  相似文献   

The use of a modified form of the Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) technique was studied as an influence on the counseling dimensions of level of regard, empathic understanding, unconditionality of regard, and congruence. The subjects were advanced graduate students in a counseling practicum course. The hypothesis was that those groups which underwent the IPR treatment would demonstrate greater growth on the measured conditions of counseling. Analysis of covariance revealed no significant differences between groups on each of the four variables. An interpretation of the results is discussed and Suggestions are made for subsequent research.  相似文献   

The issue of training psychologists to become competent supervisors has only been clearly articulated in the past two decades. In this article a rationale for training supervisors in a group format is given. Then, a supervision of supervision group is presented that the authors co-led with two successive cohorts of four predoctoral interns in a large university counseling center as part of its training program. The authors focus on the need to attend to group process and relational themes. Finally, the authors discuss the inevitable boundary concerns that emerge given the multiple levels of relationships that exist among several tiers of trainees and supervisors.  相似文献   

教师信息技术培训是一项宏大的工程.面对信息化浪潮的冲击,教师必须迎接挑战,转变自身的角色定位,提升自己的观念与能力。本文就教师信息技术培训的意义、模式、标准等方面进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

以系统的方法,依据全系统寿命周期成本的理论,对教育技术培训经常采用的培训模式的成本进行测算,以期更好地设计培训,并为相关部门分配投资金额提供参考依据。  相似文献   

主要通过文献查阅、资料收集对当前我国中小学教师教育技术能力培训工作开展情况进行梳理,初步分析、总结我国中小学教师教育技术能力培训工作的开展现状.  相似文献   

The use of group sensitivity training within a counselor education program was studied. It was hypothesized that participation would have a positive effect on participant self-concept, would increase the effectiveness of the participants in emitting the core dimensions of empathy, warmth, and genuineness during counseling, and would make the participants more effective in offering the core dimensions in counseling than would be members of a control group who did not receive such training. Members of a National Defense Education Act Institute for Counselor-Consultants were randomly assigned to the treatment and control groups. Measurements consisted of a self-report on self-concept and independent ratings of audiotapes based upon the core dimensions. Analysis of the data did not reveal significant findings, thus the hypotheses were not supported.  相似文献   

关于职业院校构建职业技能训练体系的个案研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过个案研究,认识职业院校构建职业技能训练体系的意义,概括体系建设的基本形式,分析建设过程中的主要问题及解决办法,为职业院校加强实训能力建设、推进工学结合半工半读、创新人才培养模式,在实践层面上提供一个参考与借鉴的样本.  相似文献   

团体心理训练的特点是目的性、计划性强,持续的时间又相对比较短,它能在短期内改变人原有的心理,建立新的态度和行为,能够激发新教师的潜能,培养合作精神和合作能力。在新教师培训中,它具有独特的作用,但也存在一定的问题。为此,必须采用正确的方法,解决存在的问题,加强团体心理训练在高校新教师培训中的积极作用,提高团体训练在高校新教师培训中的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

为了了解城市校本培训中小学教师的工作压力及职业倦怠状况,提供团体心理辅导并探讨其辅导效果,笔者采用Maslach编制的教师职业倦怠问卷(MBI-ES)以及自编的团体满意度自我评估问卷,对参加校本培训的教师在心理辅导前后进行调查,分析其职业倦怠状况及其自我评估满意程度变化。结果显示:小学教师职业倦怠的3个维度得分都比较高,其三因子分值在进行辅导后均下降,并具有显著性差异 团体成员对自己的变化持积极肯定的态度,且团体活动前后比较各因子均有显著性差异。由此可见,城市小学教师的工作压力和职业倦怠状况不容乐观 在校本培训中,团体心理辅导是一种应对教师工作压力和职业倦怠的有效形式。  相似文献   

足球意识是影响运动员运动技术水平的重要因素,足球意识表现为运动员对比赛现实情景的观察感知、瞬时的思维判断与决策意向以及准确合理的行动应答。影响运动员足球意识的心理因素主要是记忆与思维、行动与反馈以及无意识控制机能对个人技术打法运用的控制能力。足球意识的培养途径有:学习足球理论知识;掌握足球运动的规律和方法;在平时训练中提出要求;发展专门性知觉;增加对抗和配合体验等。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,人们的学习、工作方式也在不断地变化、发展。新的教育技术的出现,对教师提出更高的要求。英国开放式大学的校长马丁·比恩曾经说过,在信息时代里装作看不见的人,注定失败。如何提升教师教育技术能力的发展,本文就这个问题进行了一些探索。  相似文献   

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