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This study aims to advance insight into the relationship between teacher education and graduates’ intended and actual entrance into the teaching profession. Moreover, it indicates how this relationship varies between teacher training for primary education (i.e., programs for class teachers-to-be) and teacher training for secondary education (i.e., programs for subject teachers-to-be). A hypothetical model of graduates’ entrance into the teaching profession comprising empirically grounded variables was developed. Besides teacher education related variables, other factors (e.g., motivation and labour market) were included. Data for this study were collected based on a sample of 301 teacher education graduates. Logistic regression analysis shows that intention to enter teaching is a valid predictor of actual entrance. Path analysis was applied to test the hypothetical pattern of (inter)relationships between the variables. For graduates from teacher training for pre-school and primary education, the path model accounts for 33% of the variance in intention to enter teaching. For teacher training for secondary education the explained amount of variance is 44%. Results are largely consistent across the two types of teacher training showing a small, although statistically significant, contribution of teacher education above other antecedents of graduates’ intention to enter teaching.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the relationship between teacher education and graduates’ intended and actual entrance into teaching. Moreover, it explores how this relationship differs for two types of initial teacher training for secondary education. A hypothetical model of graduates’ entrance into the teaching profession comprising empirically grounded variables was developed. Besides teacher education related variables, other factors (e.g., motivation and labour market) were included. Data for this study were based on a sample of 370 graduates qualified for teaching in secondary education. Logistic regression analysis indicates that intention to enter teaching, preparedness for teaching, employment opportunities and type of teacher training explain 43% of the variance in actual entrance into teaching. Furthermore, path analysis was applied to test the hypothetical pattern of (inter)relationships between the variables. Results are largely consistent across the two types of teacher training showing a small, although statistically significant, contribution of teacher education above other antecedents of graduates’ intention to enter teaching.  相似文献   

文章着眼于新疆学前教育事业发展的现状和存在的问题指出:造就一支师德高尚,热爱儿童,业务精良,结构合理的幼儿园教师队伍,是学前教育事业发展的关键。通过广泛地开展科学研究,编写具有新疆地方特色的教材;对高职在校生开展汉语言和少数民族语言的学习;加强公民意识教育和社情区情民俗的教育;创新校企合作深度广度;利用高职院校师资优势积极开展学前教育师资职后培训等举措,造就优秀的高技能的学前教育师资力量,提升新疆高职院校学前教育专业在地方经济社会发展中的服务社会功能,以此提升新疆高职院校的社会竞争力,达到促进社会公平,提高就业率、对口率的目的。  相似文献   

大学生就业竞争力是指毕业生在就业市场上,具有战胜竞争对手找到适合才能发挥和实现自身价值的适当工作岗位的能力,即全面满足社会和用人单位对人才需求的能力。通过对美国研究型大学本科生就业竞争力培养模式及其实现途径展开的全面考察,深入探讨密西根州立大学通识教育、职业生涯辅导体系、创业教育、服务学习、海外学习等培养模式在提升大学生就业素养、提高综合素质、锻炼求职能力及拓展国际视野等方面的作用与影响,以期对中国高校的人才培养模式及就业指导体制的改革与发展产生有益启示。  相似文献   

This article offers an evaluation of the implementation of the American Sociological Association's Integrating Data Analysis Project in a large introductory sociology course. This project was designed following an examination of the curricula of 13 disciplines that revealed that sociology failed to integrate empirical, quantitative literacy components throughout the undergraduate curriculum. Thus, efforts to introduce students to data analysis early and often were established as a best practice in the discipline. Results revealed that the students found the modules helped them understand the empirical nature of sociology. The students expressed an interest in participating in future research projects in sociology and/or other disciplines. They were not overly anxious about the quantitative literacy components of the course. Including on-line data analysis strategies using publicly available data and complimentary software represent cost and time-effective methods of introducing quantitative literacy into the social science classroom. Many social and behavioral sciences other than sociology have also discovered that their students lack a clear understanding of the relationship between empirical research and substantive topics within the discipline. Consequently, the lessons learned from the efforts of the ASA could be applied across many disciplines to form a more cohesive curriculum for many disciplines.The author holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of North Texas and a B.A. from Stephen F. Austin State University. She is currently an Associate Professor of sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Central Florida. Her teaching and research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning, the sociology of social inequalities (aging, race and ethnicity, gender, and social class), medical sociology, and family violence.  相似文献   

采用文献法、内容分析法、统计法等方法。分析了“十一五”中文核心体育期刊刊载的足球论文的研究主题分布情况。发现研究主题在体育学二级学科的分布上存在不均衡现象,研究主题的基础从教育训练学迁移到了人文社会学,运动人体科学的足球科研比较薄弱。教育训练学的科研集中于比赛分析、训练方法与理论主题的研究,人文社会学的研究主题基本上都与我国足球发展面临的理论和实践问题密切联系.运动人体科学各子学科的研究主题侧重于各自学科的基础研究。  相似文献   

Māori, the indigenous population of New Zealand, are gaining university qualifications in greater numbers. This article describes the history of Māori university graduates, their current situation and the implications for indigenous futures. Section one provides a brief overview of historical policies and practices that, similar to those used on other indigenous populations, resulted in the widespread exclusion of Māori from university education until the 1970s and 1980s. Section two describes findings for Māori university graduates (n?=?626) from the Graduate Longitudinal Study New Zealand (GLSNZ). Results show that nearly half (48.4%) were the first member of their immediate family to attend university. Humanities/education (50.8%) was the most common domain of study followed by commerce (17.7%), science/engineering (15.4%), health sciences (10.9%), law (2.8%) and PhD study (2.4%). More Māori graduates were females (71%). One-third of graduates were parents, and being a parent was associated with a lower likelihood of studying science and engineering compared to those participants without children. The most common areas/fields that participants wished to work in post-graduation were education and training (28.3%), health care and medical (17.4%) and government (11.8%). Despite increases in higher education participation and completion, parity remains an issue. Similar to previous indigenous research findings, Māori are under-represented as graduates (7.1% of the total sample) and in particular as postgraduates (5.8%) considering that Māori constitute 14.9% of the New Zealand population. Contemporary indigenous graduates are critical for indigenous development. Over the next 10 years, the GLSNZ will follow graduates and provide insights into Māori graduate outcomes.  相似文献   

依托母体高校举办的独立学院具有在招生、人才培养、就业指导等的特殊性,其毕业生所拥有人力资本和社会资本对就业期望可能产生特定的影响。基于人力资本和社会资本的双重因素,对某独立学院2012届毕业生的就业期望进行问卷调查和实证分析,结果显示独立学院学生在人力资本和社会资本的存量上存在差异;社会资本相对人力资本,对毕业生就业预期的影响更大些。为此,独立学院毕业生要正视所处的教育生态环境,理性认识人力资本和社会资本、高校要分类指导人力资本和社会资本不同含量的毕业生,正确认识社会资本的作用。既要维护"继承性社会资本"。也要开发"生成性社会资本"。政府应做好毕业生就业流向的合理疏导。  相似文献   

This study focussed on secondary school (11–18 years) pre‐service teachers’ (n = 73) knowledge of and attitudes towards risks associated with alpha, beta, and gamma radiations. A multi‐method approach was used with physics, chemistry, biology, and history graduates undertaking the one‐year initial teacher training, Post Graduate Certificate in Education course at a university in central England. A novel research tool, involving interviews about real concrete contexts and first‐hand data collection with radioactive sources, was employed to gain insights into a sub‐set of the sample (n = 12) of pre‐service teachers’ subject knowledge of and attitudes towards risk. The subject knowledge of all the pre‐service teachers was also measured using a Certainty of Response Index instrument; multiple‐choice questions with associated confidence indicators. Although the physicists displayed the higher levels of knowledge, they also demonstrated limitations in their knowledge and held misconceptions such as irradiation being confused with contamination. Physics graduates hold more rational attitudes and a greater willingness to accept risk while the attitudes of graduates in the other subject disciplines are more disparate. These findings raise questions about the extent to which pre‐service science and history teachers have the knowledge necessary to teach this topic. The article concludes with discussion of the implications these findings have for initial teacher training, continuing professional development needs for teachers already in the profession, and curriculum developers.  相似文献   

目的:调查武汉大学全球健康本科生的毕业去向,并进一步探讨全球健康本科生培养存在的问题,为全球健康本科人才培养方案的优化提供依据。方法:采用问卷调查法,面向武汉大学全球健康专业2012—2014三届本科毕业生开展调查;采用描述性分析了解毕业生就业去向等,采用内容分析法梳理毕业生对全球健康本科教学的建议。结果:三届共有43名毕业生,44.2%的毕业生选择国内读研,25.6%的学生境外深造,16.2%的学生选择了国内就业,14.0%的同学继续考研或待业。关于全球健康本科教育的建议集中在加强专业技能、增加国际交流机会、参与全球卫生项目实践等方面。结论:全球健康本科生教育为全球健康高端人才培养提供人力资源,全球健康人才培养方案要注重全球健康的核心能力和实践,在设置多学科培养方案的同时强调全球健康专业技能培养。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine to what extent human performance technology (HPT) is being taught in academic programs that traditionally emphasized training—programs such as instructional systems, training and development, human resource development, and adult learning. A written survey was used to collect data from 82 academic programs. Results indicate that while training (and the related areas of needs assessment and evaluation) continues to dominate curricula at these institutions, non-training performance improvement strategies (and the broader performance analysis that leads to their selection) are frequently taught as well. No correlations were found between the extent of teaching HPT topics and the variables of program size, program type, location, degrees offered, or faculty membership in NSPI (now called the International Society for Performance Improvement). Future research could investigate the driving and restraining forces that determine HPT's impact on the curriculum and the effects that current curricula have on program graduates.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated high school graduates’ school-to-work transition by considering their post-school occupational skill levels. Using an ordinal growth model analysis, occupational status increased in an arch-shaped curve as the number of years after high school graduation also increased. This growth trajectory was further related to the presence of training certificates, parental education levels, cognitive ability, and gender. The course of study did not significantly relate to occupational status. Participation in work-based education, including cooperative and mentor programs, related to the likelihood of students advancing to high-skill-level occupations. Further, we applied propensity score weighting to deal with plausible sample selection bias.  相似文献   

在大学生就业中,政府、高校、大学毕业生应在各自的权利、义务和职责范围内各司其职,有所作为——政府理应担当起高校毕业生就业的重任,高校应在思想教育、人才培养、就业服务方面发挥更大的作用,大学毕业生自身应在就业中发挥主体性作用。  相似文献   

作为教育科学与经济科学的交叉学科--教育经济学,产生于20世纪60年代,70年代末从西方传入我国.北京师范大学是国内最早开展教育经济学教学与研究的高校,并最早获教育经济学硕士、博士授予权.20余年来,培养了大批研究生和进修教师,出版了国内广泛使用的教材,承担并完成了一批国家和省部级科研项目,发表和出版了一系列学术专著和学术论文,其中部分研究成果被政府采纳,获国家和省部级优秀研究成果奖.为我国教育经济学学科的理论建设、国家教育改革与发展发挥了重要作用.今后将进一步加强和整合学科队伍,加强学科理论与应用研究,保持在国内学术上的领先地位,在国际学术界进一步扩大影响,成为国家教育经济学学术研究与人才培养的重要基地.  相似文献   

A latent-variable causal model of faculty reputational ratings   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Saunier (1985), in an attempt to explain sources of variation in the NRC reputational ratings of university faculty, conducted a stepwise regression analysis using twelve predictor variables. Due to problems with multicollinearity and because of the atheoretical nature of stepwise regression, Saunier's conclusions were only speculative. By using LISREL the present reanalysis demonstrates the value of regressing reputational ratings on three latent variables: size, faculty research productivity, and the quality of program graduates. The model was tested using NRC data for each of six disciplines: English, French, philosophy, geography, political science, and sociology. The relative magnitude of the contributions made by the three latent variables depended upon the discipline of interest, but generally size and research productivity were found to be more important than the quality of the program graduates.A previous version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C., 1987.  相似文献   

当前,大学生就业形势日趋严峻。在高校开展创业教育,积极鼓励大学生自主创业,是促进高校毕业生充分就业的重要措施。本文在对安康学院200名大学生创业意向及活动进行调查分析的基础上,结合应用型本科院校人才培养目标,探讨了安康学院开展大学生创业教育的途径。  相似文献   

选择合适的研究生培养模式是保证研究生培养质量的重要环节,通过分析和比较几种不同的研究生培养模式,论述了产学研合作教育培养化工类创新型人才的优势以及与传统教育模式的主要区别。通过产学研合作教育在培养体系、建立产学研合作教育基地以及培养创新型化工专业研究生等方面的实践,可见产学研合作教育对化工专业研究生适应社会发展,提高专业技术水平,培养实践和创新能力,增强就业竞争力等方面有着积极的作用,是培养创新型专业人才的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

建立我国教师终身教育体系的构想   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
终身教育是20世纪60年代在国际上出现的一种教育思潮,它对教育改革产生了重要的影响。国际上逐渐出现了教师教育终身化的趋势,因此,我们必须对我国教师教育的体制进行相应的改革,应改革高等师范教育,加强教育的在职培训,建立教师职前培养和职后培训一体化的教师教育模式。  相似文献   

高校每年毕业的学生人数逐年递增,面对严峻的就业形势,高校学生的就业问题已经成为社会性的问题,完善的高校就业服务体系是解决学生就业的重要保障。高校就业服务要从指导、教育、服务和分析四个方面着手,让学生明确自身的主体角色并制定相应的生涯设计规划和目标,构建完善的就业指导服务体系,帮助学生准确定位并树立正确的择业观。  相似文献   

At the crossroads of current innovation policies towards a European Research Area (ERA) and a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) lies an important province of higher learning and research: doctoral training and the further careers of PhD graduates. A considerable number of higher education systems across Europe shift their paradigms for doctoral training away from the traditional so-called Humboldtian model towards the so-called professional model. On this background, the paper discusses (1) the German pattern of a strong link of the PhD to the labor market outside academe that is based on a traditional academic-disciplinary mode of apprenticeship training, and (2) approaches that argue for a new mode of knowledge production replacing an academic-disciplinary model of research training by a hybrid model that crosses disciplinary and organizational borders. The paper argues that a diversity of organisational and structural forms as well as different validation criteria and procedures will probably determine the future face of research training.  相似文献   

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