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分布学习的教学技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程通信工具加上人工智能和虚拟真实技术正在使得传统的远程教育转变为一种新的教学范例,称为分布学习。分布学习源于对分布认知科学进行的研究。该文首先简要阐述了分布学习的若干概念,之后着重对构成分布学习作为新教育方式而出现的4种新的教学技术:知识网络、虚拟共同体(社会)、综合性环境和“感官沉浸”分别作了详细探讨,结语对分布学习存在的物质条件和认知理念等作了小结。  相似文献   

TACTICS (French and Spanish acronym standing for Collaborative Work and Learning in Science with Information and Communications Technologies) is an ongoing project aimed at investigating a distributed community of learning and practice in which information and communications technologies (ICT) take the role of collaborative tools to support social construction of knowledge. This community is composed of researchers, graduate students, and high-school teachers and their students, from six schools and four universities in Canada and Mexico. It set out in fall 2000 to develop a community around the general topic of integrating concepts in science school subjects. Once a prototype community is established, it can become a terrain where different aspects could be studied. Subsequently, researchers could gradually take a back seat allowing as well as ensuring the autonomy of the school members involved and, thereby, the viability of the learning community. The set up of the proposed prototype distributed science learning community was therefore an essential yet far from trivial first step. This paper discusses the process of setting up the community and the lessons learned.  相似文献   

Secondary data on 1,028 graduate students nested within 24 programs and admitted into either a Ph. D. or Ed. D. program between 1990 and 2006 at an American public university were used to illustrate the benefits of employing multilevel discrete-time hazard analysis in understanding the timing of doctorate completion in Education and the factors related to this timing. While no single factor was found that explains conclusively the timing of doctorate completion, this analytic technique, which takes into account the clustering of students within programs and includes information about students who do not graduate by the end of the observation period (censored cases), revealed that the median time-to-doctorate was 5.8 years, with the fifth and seventh years as periods students were most likely to complete the doctorate. A student’s master’s GPA at admission, the proportion of female students in the program, and the mean GRE quantitative score in the program were each positively associated with the odds of doctorate award whereas the size of the department housing the program had a negative association. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

分布式学习:远程与传统教育的殊途同归   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
信息技术推动着远程教育和传统教育的发展,以致二界限模糊,无法准确界定它们的实践范畴。本从“分布式学习”入手,试图解释两种实践中的共性变化,以揭示目前信息技术应用带来的最本质变化和教育改革的方向。章探讨了分布式学习的含义,及其与两种教育的关系,并利用活动理论诠释分布式学习。  相似文献   

毋庸质疑,对每一个学习者而言,教学的真正目的应该是个人经由知识的掌握而达到自身智慧的养成,即"转识成智"。陶行知的"教学做合一"思想,强调"手脑结合"、理论和实践的统一,凸显了主体本位、能力本位、实践本位的教学思想。也正是在这个意义上,"教学做合一"的思想蕴涵了实现个人"转识成智"的一种必要路径。研究和借鉴陶行知的"教学做合一"思想,对我国当下的教育教学改革仍有着重要的理论和实践上的指导意义。  相似文献   

儿童学习观是儿童观的重要组成内容之一。然而,由于人们对"儿童"、"发展"及"幸福"等持有不同的观点,便衍生出了有关"学习"的不同观念。这些学习观各具认识论基础,表现出不同的特点,对人们的教育观念和教育行为产生不同的影响。"学习即占有",它是人们在现代功利社会背景下,依据"成人-儿童"二元比较的他者思维框架,建构的以"匮乏"为基点、以"功利幸福"为目的、以"占有"为手段、以"效率"为标准的儿童学习观。这一学习观由于其特定的观念基础和价值追求,而使得其表现出根本的自身缺陷性。其实,超越二元比较的理解框架,直面儿童本身,儿童实际上并不是一类本质先定的匮乏性存在,而是拥有丰富发展潜能的生成着的人。"学习即生成",即是儿童内在的生命潜能在与环境的开放性相遇中生长变化的过程,儿童生命的内在规定性构成儿童生成性学习实现的基本条件。  相似文献   

Understanding what is lacking in the online teaching literature is critical to helping researchers and practitioners develop programs and support mechanisms for online teachers in higher education. This review formulates a critique of the standards- and competency-driven vision of online teaching from the perspective of transformative learning theory, in order to offer an alternative exploration of the professional development of online teachers as adult learners. The results indicate that while research about online teacher roles and competencies guides the development of teacher preparation and training programs, it lacks in terms of addressing the issues of empowerment of online teachers, promoting critical reflection, and integrating technology into pedagogical inquiry. An alternative perspective is suggested that considers teachers as adult learners who continuously transform their meaning of structures related to online teaching through a continuous process of critical reflection and action.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to delineate departmental differences in the length of time that doctoral students take to receive their degrees and the institutional characteristics linked with it. Variables describing graduate departments in three disciplines (chemistry, English, and psychology) and their parent universities were obtained from available records. In analyses of departments in each discipline, a relatively small set of institutional variables correlated with average time to the doctorate for the department, after controlling for characteristics of students in the department, and these relationships differed from discipline to discipline. The clearest and most extensive findings emerged for psychology: the institutional variables identified primarily concerned faculty accessibility (student/faculty ratio and department size)—a longer time to the doctorate for departments with many students per faculty member or many students.  相似文献   


Historically, community colleges and those they serve have been relegated to the margins of academe. Community colleges’ critics argue that students starting at two-year institutions are less likely to earn bachelor’s degrees and have lower student outcomes. This CCJRP Exchange Article draws upon counternarratives in highlighting multiple truths of the community experience through use of scholarly personal narratives (SPN) of those that moved in, through and out the community college to the PhD. The faculty member and doctoral students reflect on how their community college experiences influenced their career trajectories. Further, implications for community college practice, policy, and research are shared as the authors make a case for applying SPN in an effort to see community colleges as sites of deep growth that have lasting effects on the personal and professional lives of their students.  相似文献   

The paper discusses a framework for the analysis of learning designs using new technologies. It takes a learner-centred view derived from literature in higher, professional and adult education. The process of developing guidelines for applying this framework to particular learning activities is outlined and the strengths and limitations of this approach considered. Evaluation des nouvelles technologies pour l'enseignement. L'article discute d'un cadre pour l'analyse de schémas d'enseignement faisant usage des nouvelles technologies. Il prend en compte un enseignement centré sur l'apprenant À partir d'articles et de livres sur l'éducation supérieure, professionnelle et des adultes. Le processus de développement des lignes directrices pour l'application de ce cadre À des activités d'enseignement particuliers est mis en valeur et les forces et les limitations de cette approche sont prises en considération. Bewertung neuer Lerntechnologien: Grundlagen zur Weiterentwicklung. In diesem Artikel werden Grundlagen zur Analyse von Lernformen besprochen, die sich auf neue Technologien stützen. Man konzentriert sich auf die Sicht des Lernenden und stützt sich auf die Auswertung der in der höheren Schulbildung, Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildung verwendeten Literatur. Es wird die Entwicklung von Richtlinien bei der Anwendung dieser Grundlagen bei bestimmten Lernvorgängen besprochen und die Stärken und Grenzen ihrer Anwendung diskutiert.  相似文献   

This study used an interactive dynamic simulation of action potential to explore social practices of learning among first year undergraduate biology students. It aimed to create a learning environment that fosters knowledge building discourse through working with multiple concept-specific representations. Three hundred and eighty-nine students and twenty-four tutors from different tutorial classes in Queensland, Australia participated in the study. Students were randomly allocated to two experimental groups and a comparison group. In the experimental groups, pairs of students used the interactive simulation to explore action potential. Only one of the experimental groups received instruction that modelled the scientific and visual language conventions of the representations within the simulation. In the comparison group, small groups of students used a traditional paper-based activity. Students across all groups were audio recorded using a think-aloud protocol while completing the group activity. Individual learning gains in the experimental groups and the comparison group were similar. However, the experimental groups showed a significantly greater frequency of knowledge construction discourse that included explanatory answers, evaluations, interpretation, testing and synthesis compared to the comparison group, indicating a deeper understanding of action potential. Analysis of misconceptions on the post-test and tutors’ reflections revealed that the experimental group receiving instruction modelling the scientific and visual language conventions around the representations had a better grasp of the terminology associated with the concepts compared with the other groups. The findings suggest that instruction focussing on the language conventions of concept-specific representations fosters the development of disciplinary discourse by transforming students’ social practices of working with scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

Density has been reported as one of the most difficult concepts for secondary school students (e.g. Smith et al. 1997). Discussion about the difficulties of learning this concept has been largely focused on the complexity of the concept itself or student misconceptions. Few, if any, have investigated how the concept of density was constituted in classroom interactions, and what consequences these interactions have for individual students?? conceptual understanding. This paper reports a detailed analysis of two lessons on density in a 7th Grade Australian science classroom, employing the theory of Distributed Cognition (Hollan et al. 1999; Hutchins 1995). The analysis demonstrated that student understanding of density was shaped strongly by the public classroom discussion on the density of two metal blocks. It also revealed the ambiguities associated with the teacher demonstration and the student practical work. These ambiguities contributed to student difficulties with the concept of density identified in this classroom. The results of this study suggest that deliberate effort is needed to establish shared understanding not only about the purpose of the activities, but also about the meaning of scientific language and the utility of tools. It also suggests the importance of appropriate employment of instructional resources in order to facilitate student scientific understanding.  相似文献   

学习方式是学习者在特定学习情境中,为了达到一定目标,完成学习任务而采用的所有交往互动形式与状态的总和.学习方式由整体和层次两个结构构成.要切实有效地转变学习方式,必须树立全面系统辩证的学习方式结构观、依靠和促进主体结构发展、以科学完整的学习方式结构为指导.  相似文献   

There is a growing need for qualified online instructors to teach the expanding population of online K-12 students. To meet this need, teachers must be provided learning opportunities to acquire the specific types of knowledge and skills necessary to teach online. In this systematic review of the literature, we utilize the TPACK framework to aggregate the types of knowledge and skills required to teach online and examine both the extent to which these elements are addressed in existing programs and are based on empirical research. Findings suggest that the types of knowledge and skills based on empirical research originate from few studies and that most programs address only a small subset of knowledge and skills, varying greatly without uniformity in content or learning experiences.  相似文献   

Adventure Learning: Transformative hybrid online education   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Adventure learning (AL) is a hybrid distance education approach that provides students with opportunities to explore real‐world issues through authentic learning experiences within collaborative learning environments. This article defines this online distance education approach, outlines an AL framework, and showcases an AL archetype. In AL environments, classroom teachers are not positioned in the role of teacher/facilitator/designer in the online learning spaces. AL online spaces are collaborative spaces where students, teachers, subject experts, and AL team members interact with one another; these are community spaces where traditional hierarchical classroom roles are blurred. Students' roles transform due to the flexibility and design of the AL learning environments as they move from student to reflective practitioner, providing for new ways of learning and teaching.  相似文献   

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