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Gerhard Ertl, the German physical chemist, was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for the year 2007, for his contributions in the area of surface science. His painstaking work led to a microscopic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis in industrially important chemical reactions. These include the Haber-Bosch process for the production of ammonia, and the catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide. (left) R S Swathi is a Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, working with Prof. K L Sebastian. Her research interests include theoretical study of resonance energy transfer involving various donor-acceptor systems. (right) K L Sebastian is a Professor at the Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science. His area of interest is theoretical chemistry.  相似文献   

Both Lavoisier and Priestley were committed to the role of experiment and observation in their chemistry practice. According to Lavoisier the physical sciences embody three important ingredients; facts, ideas, and language, and Priestley would not have disagreed with this. Ideas had to be consistent with the facts generated from experiment and observation and language needed to be precise and reflect the known chemistry of substances. While Priestley was comfortable with a moderate amount of hypothesis making, Lavoisier had no time for what he termed theoretical speculation about the fundamental nature of matter and avoided the use of the atomic hypothesis and Aristotle’s elements in his Elements of Chemistry. In the preface to this famous work he claims he has good educational reasons for this position. While Priestley and Lavoisier used similar kinds of apparatus in their chemistry practice, they came to their task with completely different worldviews as regards the nature of chemical reactivity. This paper examines these worldviews as practiced in the famous experiment on the composition of air and the implications of this for chemistry education are considered.  相似文献   

Uttam L. RajBhandary 《Resonance》2012,17(12):1125-1135
This article provides a brief summary of Har Gobind Khorana??s early years in science including his years as an independent investigator at the British Columbia Research Council in Vancouver, Canada. It also includes interesting anecdotes about his career and about him as a scientist based on his own writings, including (1) how he simply showed up in the laboratory of Dr. Vladimir Prelog in Zurich, with no recommendations, and pleaded for a little space to do postdoctoral research under him, (2) how his determination and tenacity to learn the German language well introduced him to the world of a class of chemical reagents called ??carbodiimides??, which proved pivotal for much of his early work on the synthesis of nucleotides, nucleotide coenzymes and the first synthesis of a gene, and (3) how he ended up in Vancouver, Canada for his first position as an independent investigator.  相似文献   

Aneesur Rahman     
Aneesur Rahman made seminal contributions to computational physics, the forerunner of the widespread application today of computation in the study of physical, chemical and biological phenomena. This year marks the 50th anniversary of his paper in 1964, which heralded the use of the molecular dynamics method, an essential tool for research in materials and biological sciences today, which he is most known for. A biography of Rahman, along with a summary of his scientific contributions is described below.  相似文献   

The above account reveals the versatility of Prafulla Chandra’s research activities. Most importantly, he initiated chemical research in modern India and was successful in developing the first research school of chemistry that in time spread far and wide. In his obituary notice,Nature (July 15, 1944) wrote “it was by the enthusiasm for research with which he inspired his students that he will best be remembered”.  相似文献   

金在权对精神因果的研究影响深远,他提出的排他性论证至今仍然是人们讨论的热点。其实,金在权在早期还提出过一种解释精神因果的模型,但是这个模型并没有引起人们的注意。这个模型认为,精神因果关系是随附于物理因果关系的副现象因果关系,所以这个模型被称为随附因果模型。文章研究了金在权早期的精神因果思想,并分析了他对早期思想的自我批评。我们认为,在处理精神因果的问题上,他后来提出的功能化还原模型并不比随附因果模型好;因此,他的功能化还原模型是否真如他所说那样,是接近充足的物理主义,还需要进一步的讨论。  相似文献   

G. Nagendrappa 《Resonance》2011,16(7):606-618
Emil Fischer, considered as one of the greatest chemists of all times, carried out much of the fundamental work on purines, sugars, proteins, stereochemistry and several other areas of chemistry during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Because most of these are biological molecules, he is known as the ‘Father of Biochemistry’. His achievements in chemical synthesis and analytical skills were much ahead of his times. He was the second to get the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1902.  相似文献   

K. Nagarajan 《Resonance》2008,13(6):519-540
Prof. Govindachari’s research career, which spanned more than five decades, was almost completely devoted to the chemistry of Indian plants wherein he made seminal contributions. His work was notable for two major reasons: Firstly, it focused on the isolation and structure elucidation of plant constituents, occasionally supported by total or partial synthesis. Secondly his interests were copiously distributed among different classes, alkaloids, terpenes, oxygen heterocycles and other systems. It is impossible to do full justice to his work and this article provides only a selection which will give a flavor of his contributions.  相似文献   

J H van’ t Hoff is considered as one of the greatest chemists of all time. He started his career as an organic chemist. He solved the vexing problem of optical isomerism by proposing an asymmetric tetrahedral carbon bonded to form different groups. He extended this to include geometric isomerism, and to compounds with heteroatoms in place of asymmetric carbon. Thus he established the ‘chemistry in space’ or stereochemistry. He moved on to work on reaction kinetics, equilibria, thermodynamic properties of dilute solutions and related areas. He laid the foundation for physical chemistry through these discoveries and was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1901. van’ t Hoff died of tuberculosis at a relatively early age of 59.  相似文献   


This paper presents an overview of some of Michael Cole’s work, starting with his pioneering research in Liberia with the Kpelle (and later, with Sylvia Scribner, studies of literacy with the Vai, 1981), which was formative of his version of a cultural-historical psychology, his translation and interpretations of the work of L. S. Vygotsky and finally his development of the 5th Dimension after-school programs, which in various ways build on the insights from the previous work. I discuss how contesting notions of cultural and intellectual deprivation or inferiority have been a central preoccupation in Cole’s work, spanning practically his entire career, and was already on display as a central concern in his early work in Liberia.  相似文献   

尖晶石型氧化物由于其结构的稳定性和特殊的物化性能,日益成为催化领域的研究热点。该文综述了近年来尖晶石型氧化物在催化领域的研究进展,讨论了尖晶石型氧化物的各种制备方法,并对各种方法的特点作了总结和归纳。  相似文献   

埃米尔·菲舍尔,杰出的化学家和生物学家,在19世纪末20世纪初对糖、嘌呤、蛋白质、立体化学等进行了大量的基础性研究,1902年获诺贝尔化学奖.笔者介绍了菲舍尔的生平、科学成就以及他对德国化学工业的影响.  相似文献   

潘飞声是清朱民初一位学贯中西的著名学者,曾在德国柏林大学任教四年,归国后在香港任报社主笔十三年,晚年在上海加入“南社”,被称为“南社四剑”之一。潘飞声编有《粤东词钞三编》,著有《论粤东词绝句》。本文对潘飞声《论粤东词绝句》二十首作诗、词对照的解读,并归纳出潘氏写作论词绝句的方法,可见潘氏对粤东词学贡献之一斑。  相似文献   

Sadhan Basu was an inspiring teacher and scientist and among the best that our university system has produced. He carried out important and thoughtful research work in the fields of polymers, spectroscopy and quantum chemistry that bear the signature of a highly creative mind. And all these he did with so little resources at his disposal. No wonder that his memory still inspires awe and respect among many of his immensely successful students and colleagues.  相似文献   

钱谦益与柳如是在清初行踪诡秘,丁亥岁被捕北行事,有诸多交待不清楚地方,致使一些学者歧说纷出,背离事实.考证此事件的背景、被捕时间地点、关押地、解救释放原因等细节,有助于了解事件原委,并有助于准确评价钱谦益清初的行为.  相似文献   

This paper elaborates on the life and publications of Joseph Priestley, the eighteenth-century polymath. The paper outlines his particular place in the European Enlightenment; it stresses the importance of philosophy and worldview in his scientific work on pneumatic chemistry, the composition of air, and his discovery of the process of photosynthesis (or the ‘restoration of air’ as it was called at the time); finally the paper indicates ways in which Priestley’s work on photosynthesis can be utilised in the school classroom to advance the understanding of scientific subject matter, to promote an understanding of the nature of scientific procedure and methodology, and finally to evaluate some basic tenets of the European Enlightenment that Priestley so passionately advocated.  相似文献   

In theory, practical work is an established part of university-level chemistry courses. However, mainly due to budget constraints, large class size, time constraints and inadequate teacher preparations, practical activities are frequently left out from chemistry classroom instruction in most developing countries. Small-scale chemistry (SSC) experimentation in which one uses miniature chemical equipment can drastically reduce quantities of chemicals used during experimentation, which can help overcome some of the barriers preventing practical work in the chemistry classroom. This study evaluated the effectiveness of using miniature chemical equipment at the undergraduate level in increasing students’ understanding of chemistry concepts as well as in improving their attitude towards chemistry practical work. Two comparable groups of first-year students who enrolled for a Practical General Chemistry course participated. A quasi-experimental design was employed in which the experimental group (N = 49) used the SSC approach while the control group (N = 52) followed the traditional approach for over 8 weeks. Data were gathered using chemistry tests, attitude and perception questionnaires and interviews. Findings showed that the SSC approach was as effective as the traditional laboratory approach in improving students’ attitude towards practical work, but more effective in enhancing students’ understanding of chemistry concepts. More interestingly, SSC was positively accepted by both students and instructors as an effective strategy for teaching first-year undergraduate chemistry practicals. Some shortcomings of the approach were also identified.  相似文献   

R. Jayaraman 《Resonance》2008,13(8):716-729
Joshua Lederberg (1925–2008) was an extraordinarily gifted person. Starting his professional career at the age of 17 as a dish washer in Francis Ryan’s laboratory in Columbia University, he rose to be the President and later University Professor Emeritus at Rockefeller University, occupying chairs of Genetics at Wisconsin and Stanford Universities. He was only thirty three when he received the Nobel Prize, along with George W Beadle and Edward L Tatum in 1958. He also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the National Medal of Science. His scientific work encompassed not only bacterial genetics but also astrobiology (exobiology, as he called it) and artificial intelligence. He was part of the Stanford team which developed the artificial intelligence software program DENDRAL. With his passing away in February 2008, the last of the founding fathers of bacterial genetics is gone. It is an honour for me to write this small article in his memory. In this article, I will focus on just two of his outstanding contributions to bacterial genetics, namely, the spontaneous, selection-independent origin of bacterial mutations and the discovery of genetic recombination and sexuality in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

埃德蒙·金(Edward.King)的比较教育分析框架由背景、概念、机构、操作、决策和执行五部分构成.文章分析了埃德蒙·金(Edward.King)比较教育分析框架产生的背景和理论基础,认为他的分析框架强调教育发展模式与社会发展水平的联系,从生活在他文化里的人的视野出发研究该国的教育,体现从动态的发展变化中研究教育的思想,倡导问题可比性的原则,要求比较教育研究服务于教育决策.  相似文献   

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