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由美国约瑟夫·R·多米尼克教授著、蔡骐博士翻译的《大众传播动力学:数字时代的媒介》最近由中国人民大学出版社出版。该书展示了大众传播媒介发展的历史脉络和产业图景,通过丰富而有趣的案例展现了媒介对社会的影响,理性地分析了媒介各领域的现状并提出了一些很有价值的建议。该书在美  相似文献   

美国著名大众传播学者、夏威夷东西方研究中心高级研究员威尔伯·施拉姆博士(他有个中国名字叫宣伟伯),偕同香港中文大学新闻系主任余也鲁教授,于今年5月5日访问中国人民大学新闻系。人大新闻系负责人余致浚、秦珪、何梓华和部分教师同他们进行了座谈。施拉姆博士为全系教师、研究生作了学术报告。余也鲁教授曾在美国研究“传学”,是施拉姆博士的弟子,特意自己担任翻译。施拉姆博士十分谦虚,在报告中极力表彰拉斯韦尔等四人的业绩,对他本人的贡献谈得不多。他撰有关于大众传播学的专著约三十册,对于美国大众传播学的建立和发展有很大影响。他曾获得两次普利策奖,一次弗兰充·莫特奖和一次东西方研究中心的荣誉奖。现将报告记录刊载于下。  相似文献   

美国自十九世纪末、二十世纪初兴办新闻教育事业以来,新闻教育越来越受到重视。现在,全国五十个州都设有新闻学院或者新闻系。目前全国报刊、广播、电视行业的从业人员约有80—100万人,他们中的绝大多数都是新闻院系培养出来的。近年来,美国高等学校新闻和大众传播专业的学生人数不断增加,1982年达到了新的高峰。美国俄亥俄州州立大学教授保罗·彼得森从事美国新闻和大众传播专业学生人数的年度调查已有14年,据他的调查表  相似文献   

图书情报学博士教育与培养:美国模式实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用实证方法,研究了2007年美国大学专业排名前32所院校的博士教育,着重研究了美国图书情报学博士教育的培养目标、研究方向、课程模块等,在调查研究的基础上,总结了美国图书情报学博士教育与培养模式。  相似文献   

2000年:新闻与大众传播教育的使命与目标———一份来自美国新闻教育机构的报告[美]威廉·G·克莱斯特泰瑞·汉尼斯张咏编译新闻与大众传播教育的使命和目标是什么?90年代初,由于美国经济衰退,很多不同学科被纳入所谓“传播”的建系中。这一院系建制的改变,...  相似文献   

一、传播学的教育地位:“交叉”与“融合”的发展传播学的起源与兴起是在美国。早在20世纪初,传播教育就正式成为美国高校的正规院系,如斯坦福大学,密西根州立大学等许多著名院校都有了新闻(大众传播)系。20世纪60、70年代,许多言语系更名为言语传播,新闻系则更名为大众传播,同时两个系合并为  相似文献   

威廉·詹姆斯的机能心理学、彻底经验主义哲学及实用主义方法论为整个美国早期传播研究奠定了坚实的思想和理论基础,并深刻地影响了李普曼和帕克的大众传播研究,使他们分别完成了大众传播研究的心理学、认识论转向以及对作为特殊知识形式的新闻的研究,并由此而成为美国实用主义大众传播研究的早期代表.  相似文献   

美国传播学博士教育及其对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对美国传播学博士教育在培养模式、研究领域、培养目标、课程设置、师资状况等方面的特色及其所取得的成就进行了研究,并结合我国传播学博士教育面临的关键问题,对我国传播博士教育乃至整体的传播教育发展思路提出了一些对策性的方向指示.  相似文献   

美国正规的新闻教育始于本世纪初,至今约有七十多年的历史.其间,随着科技和大众传播媒介的发展,出于垄断资本商业和政治上的需要,美国新闻教学和科研的进程大体可分为三个阶段:报学阶段;新闻学阶段和大众传播学阶段.它们交替并存,各自发展.美国的新闻教育,如同它的大众传播一样,毫无疑问,都是为垄断资本所控制并服务于美国政治的.笔者1981年1982年两次访问了一些美国新闻系(学院)后感到有责任把有关见闻作一汇报.因此,本文的目的在于知己知彼,了解美国新闻教学七十多年来的演变和特点,开阔我们的视野,为改进我国的新闻教学提供参考.  相似文献   

刘博 《新闻传播》2010,(5):93-93
美国社会学家拉斯维尔在总结大众传播媒介在社会中发挥的功能时指出.大众传播媒介具有传承社会文化性,即能使文化世代相传的功能,这就是媒介教育功能的一种表现。较之传统的教育,电视作为一个综合性强、覆盖面广、影响力大的大众媒介,无疑具有更大的优势,也应该发挥出更大的作用。  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical interventions have brought about many benefits to health, improving the population's well‐being and life expectancy. However, these interventions are not without potential harmful side‐effects and yet searching for the evidence on adverse effects is challenging. This article summarises a PhD whose main aim was to develop a better understanding of the implications of using different sources and approaches to identifying relevant data on adverse effects. The author is Su Golder, who has recently completed her PhD at the University of York and who has already published several articles on specific aspects of her research, including this journal. This article is the first in the Dissertations into Practice series to report on a PhD study, and it summarises her research in a way which emphasises the implications for practice. AM  相似文献   


The quiz program has received considerable comment in recent weeks, so this article by Patrick E. Welch is particularly appropriate at this time. The article is based upon a chapter in Mr. Welch's PhD. dissertation, “The Development of Audience Participation Programs on Radio and Television Networks Through the Season of 1956–57.”;  相似文献   

Analyses of more than 73,000 PhD thesis records in a comprehensive database of bibliographic records from all Australian universities from 1948 to 2006 demonstrate that PhDs on LIS-related topics reveal not only diversity of content, but also the diverse nature of the researcher's academic disciplines. This diversity includes researchers from within and outside LIS who bring to LIS–or take away–a variety of methods, approaches, theories and understandings. With 27 of Australia's 39 universities having produced LIS-related PhD graduates, the distribution through the Australian university system is evident and emphasizes the transferability of skills and knowledge which graduates bring to their work. It is possible that the diversity of researcher's disciplines, combined with the dangerously low numbers of LIS graduations, may also threaten the future of LIS research and education in Australia. Based on the findings of this study, the sustainability of LIS research and research training for the next generation in Australia is under threat.  相似文献   

This paper gives a comprehensive account of the development of library and information science education in Africa. Ghana was first to start any kind of library education in 1944 but the formal education started at Ibadan, Nigeria in 1959. By 1970 there were six library schools; four new schools started during 1970s and another six during 1980s. Two Regional Schools with Master's programme in Information Science started in 1990. Two new schools are likely to start soon. Nigeria alone has eight schools providing professional education at all levels including PhD (which is only available in Nigeria) and an exclusive programme of Master in Information Science at ARCIS, Ibadan. Several schools, realizing the importance of new developments in information science and technology, are planning to incorporate this component into their curriculae. The existing programmes need to be assessed in context of information needs of Africa.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(2):91-110
Communication departments are expected to conduct program level assessment, as well as assessment of communication in general education. Although the expectation for data-driven student learning assessment is growing, relatively few examples exist for doing so effectively. This article serves as a model to help faculty conduct effective assessment of communication in general education. Its three objectives are to: (1) report on a completed study of oral communication assessment within general education at both lower and upper-division course levels; (2) provide a pragmatic guide for departments beginning assessment programs; and (3) address foreseeable challenges and benefits.  相似文献   

博士后信息需求分析与服务方法探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曹妮妮 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(2):175-177
分析了博士后科研工作的特点,阐述了博士后信息需求面临的障碍,提出了图书馆开展博士后信息服务的途径和对策。  相似文献   

This paper gives a comprehensive account of the development of library and information science education in Africa. Ghana was first to start any kind of library education in 1944 but the formal education started at Ibadan, Nigeria in 1959. By 1970 there were six library schools; four new schools started during 1970s and another six during 1980s. Two Regional Schools with Master's programme in Information Science started in 1990. Two new schools are likely to start soon. Nigeria alone has eight schools providing professional education at all levels including PhD (which is only available in Nigeria) and an exclusive programme of Master in Information Science at ARCIS, Ibadan. Several schools, realizing the importance of new developments in information science and technology, are planning to incorporate this component into their curriculae. The existing programmes need to be assessed in context of information needs of Africa.  相似文献   

This report describes the personal characteristics of the former trainees and their opinions about their training program experiences.More of the degree program trainees were under thirty (71%) than was the case with the internship program trainees (45%). The male-female ratio for each of the two groups is approximately 1:4. Approximately 60% of the degree program trainees entered their training with majors in the natural or health sciences, while less than 50% of the total group hold degrees in the natural or health sciences.Slightly less than 60% of the total group of trainees were employed in medical libraries in 1971. However, 68.5% of the internship program trainees as compared to 46.0% of the degree program trainees held positions in medical libraries. The reasons cited most often for leaving medical librarianship were the lack of available positions and student status.The major reasons indicated by the former trainees for entering the medical library education programs were an interest in the biomedical subject fields, the availability of funds, and the desire to gain experience. The reactions of the former trainees to their training program experiences were favorable.  相似文献   

On the basis of over 20-years’ experience teaching in a master’s level program of archival education in a North American university, the author reflects on the relationship between building knowledge of archives and the skills to carry out archival work. Using a report of the Society of American Archivists on the goals and priorities of the archival profession, he examines where and how skill building can become an integral part of archival education in the digital age. This article is little changed from the speech the author gave to open the Third Archival Educator’s Forum held in Boston, Massachusetts on August 2, 2004.  相似文献   

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