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Using an ethnography of communication suggested in Hymes' work on speech communities, the authors analyzed 10 days of the Jim Rome radio call-in sports program during the month of January 2000. After examining the show's topics, its style of conversation and humor, its conception as "place," and the initiation rites carried out with callers, the study suggests that The Jim Rome Show is an exemplar of a male bonding speech community, serving as a gatekeeper and embellisher for the enactment of contemporary discourse of traditional male camaraderie while also providing a mediated substitute for the traditional male "place."  相似文献   

A large sample of entertainment television programs that were aired on 28 channels in China in 2004 was analyzed for romantic and sexual content. Romantic scenes, typically portraying men and women already in committed relationships, appeared in 80% of the 196 programs analyzed. The analysis suggested that, according to Chinese television in the early part of the twenty-first century, emotional love was more important than physical sexual interaction in romantic relationships. More than half of the 1112 romantic scenes analyzed depicted love between the partners without any discussion or display of physical sexual behavior. Only 8% of scenes included discussion or depiction of sexual behavior (e.g., touching, kissing, and intercourse) without some sense that the partners were in a loving, committed relationship. Sexual intercourse was implied or depicted in fewer than 2% of the romantic scenes. Findings are discussed in light of the Chinese government's periodic regulation of sexually suggestive media content and attempts to filter Internet content. The extent to which such content may affect young viewers' perceptions of romantic relationships and sexual behavior is also discussed.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the Library of Congress (LC) class numbers and the LC subject headings which LC has assigned to 164 works of history and criticism of literature (belles lettres) related to women's studies. These books were classed in more than one hundred different class numbers and spans of numbers. Less than half of these books were assigned to class numbers in PA-PT whose captions contain either the word "women" or another word which points to women's studies, but slightly more than half were assigned "literature" subject headings which contain the words "women," "feminism," "feminist," or "sex role." The subject heading "Women in literature" was assigned to forty of these books, while the words "women authors" appear in a series of different subject headings assigned to forty-five of these books.  相似文献   

Due in large part to the interdisciplinary nature of the profession, Home Economics reference collections are often difficult to develop, maintain, and assess. Collection development responsibilities are usually divided among several librarians across the broad spectrum of the social sciences, humanities, and applies sciences. To help ensure basic and balanced collections, a "core" bibliography of home economics reference sources is provided. The included works are listed alphabetically under the broad categories of "Indexes and Abstracts," "Dictionaries and Encyclopedias," and "Handbooks and Sourcebooks." This bibliography should be used as a starting framework for a basic home economics reference collection. Individual libraries might further develop specific subject areas to support their own institution's needs.  相似文献   

The internship program for medical librarians sponsored by the National Institutes of Health was begun in 1964 and was approved by the Medical Library Association. The program ensures a "planned and balanced development of...capabilities," and "an intensified, systematic, and broad working knowledge and understanding of all phases of librarianship." An outline of the program is provided.  相似文献   

“研究对象”之争 源于不同视角——与马恒通先生商榷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对马恒通显示有关图书馆学研究对象的分析、评判及其“馆藏知识的传播”问题提出不同看法,认为学科“研究对象”很难用一个为大家普遍认同、一致的“标准”固定不变;“研究对象”之争,源于主体在观照事物时存在宏观与微观的不同视角,可以继续探索与争鸣;“馆藏知识传播论”并未准确地揭示图书馆活动的本质,也不是图书馆学研究对象的终结。  相似文献   

顾广圻被誉为“清代校勘学第一人”,他的古典目录学思想主要体现在“不校校之”原则、校勘方法、重考据与宋本、版本目录、及“唯无自欺,亦无书欺。存其真面,以传来兹。”的态度,历来受到学术界的重视  相似文献   

This study documents the extent of sexual content, including sexual health content, in scenes with and without expressions of love on network and cable television popular with emerging adults. Sexual talk and/or behavior was found in 20% of all television scenes coded across 53.5 hours of programming. One third of these scenes featured sex alongside expressions of love. An additional 10% of scenes suggested love but not sex. Coded as a separate category, 25% of analyzed scenes contained a passing joke or pun referencing sexual organs, making these nonspecific, comedic one-liners the predominant reference to sex in this sample. Beyond jokes, most of the sexual or loving talk in this sample consisted of expressing a romantic interest in someone; sex- and love-related behaviors largely consisted of kissing or flirting. Very few scenes specifically referenced sexual intercourse. Sexual health messages were also rare. The majority of scenes mentioning any health consequence (7% of analyzed scenes) concerned emotional heartache. One scene mentioned sexually transmitted infections; 12 of the nearly 2,600 scenes coded mentioned condoms or contraceptives. It is thus a challenging proposition to build upon existing sexual depictions on television to promote safe sex practices within sexual and loving contexts.  相似文献   

"Zhong Tu Fa" has been twice revised to a relatively wide extent since it came out in 1975.So far as the third edition is concerned,the class headings revised amount to 10442 which is the problem of ,as the Chinese saying goes,"pulling one hair and the whole body is affected."The author holds that it is better for the future revision of it to adopt the system of consecutive revision and puts forward four problems needing attention,i.e.combining the "expert line"with the "mass line",maintaining continuity and stability,carrying out the principles of document guaranty,etc.  相似文献   

Almost everyone knows Nashville, home of WSM Radio's "Grand Ole Opry" as "Music City U.S.A." However, Knoxville, nearly 200 miles east, also was important in the development of country music radio. Many of the early and contemporary "Opry" performers began their careers at one of KnoxvilIe's two early radio stations. Despite Knoxville's significant role as a "feeder" of talent to the "Grand ole Opry," Nashville today is the undisputed capital of country music. This paper explores the contributions of both cities to the country music industry of Tennessee, as well as reasons for Nashville's enduring prominence and Knoxville's present obscurity in this activity.  相似文献   

“印前编目”的设想及可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于国内在版编目和图书编目的现状,本着优势互补的思想对图书进行"印前编目",可以消除重复编目,保障编目质量,优化编目资源,达成多方共赢,其技术可行,制度可行,且具有人力资源保障。  相似文献   

中国索引史的新发现及索引本质的表述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国索引史的新发现及索引本质的表述高成鸢Abstract:DuringtheperiodofEmperorQianlong'srule(1736-1795)intheQingDymasty,the"FenleiBeiJian"(classificat...  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):77-89
"The Periodical Fables" is a tongue-in-cheek look at aspects of reference work with periodicals. The setting is the Albright College Library, a chronically-underfunded institution at a primarily undergraduate school. Albright College has been busy adding new programs that place an increasing strain on the library's already modest collections. In a half-dozen vignettes, or "fables," the article tracks the daring and resourceful Albright reference crew as they try to do too much with too little in too short a time. Any resemblances between the experiences of the Albright reference librarians and those of real librarians in real libraries are entirely intentional.  相似文献   

Trajectories of television viewing throughout adolescence were described using the data of a panel study in 12- to 17-year-olds. Results indicated that changes in viewing habits are different when daytime, prime-time, and late-night television viewing are examined separately. Although daytime and prime-time viewing showed a decline, viewing during later waking hours increased. Teenagers who have access to a television set in their room watch more; male viewers tend to avoid the "family hour" and "female contents." Findings are discussed within the framework of developmental processes as separation, the growth in alternative opportunities, and identity formation.  相似文献   

This study explores the accomplishments of Marcia Crocker Noyes (1869-1946) in depth and examines how her unobtrusive, yet extremely influential, personality contributed to success in medical librarianship.In the library of the state medical society of Maryland and in the Medical Library Association, this pioneer medical librarian acted as a revitalizing force, and thus was in part responsible for the survival and subsequent growth of both institutions. Perhaps as important as her concrete contributions to medical libraries was the legacy which Miss Noyes bequeathed to her colleagues. She not only shaped the vocation of medical librarianship, but also by her example, stressed the dedication to the future necessary for one to be termed a professional.  相似文献   

There is a new movement afoot to change cataloging philosophy. The aim of library cataloging has been to create a machine-readable card catalog rather than to provide optimum online access for library users. Catalogers need to become operationally engaged in the vision of the "new catalog," and take advantage of the potential of the OPAC. Cataloging for "access" rather than identification should be the motto of Technical Services Divisions in the 1990s. These discussions are already taking place in the Library of Congress, and in such forums as the Technical Services Directors of Large Research Libraries Discussion Group.  相似文献   

高校图书馆信息素质教育新模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆是对大学生进行信息素质教育的基地之一。论文首先概述了大学生信息素质的内涵;其次从理论依据、政策依据和实践体现三个方面对高校图书馆开展大学生信息素质教育进行了阐释,并对高校图书馆信息素质教育模式的现状和存在的问题进行了分析;最后,对高校图书馆信息教育的新模式,即"信息需求层次"模式、"信息人"模式和"信息大学"模式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

This brief note hopes to dispel some apparent confusions concerning statistical power, especially ones stemming from power computations based on treating an observed sample effect size as the population effect of interest ("post hoc," "observed," or "retrospective" power). Some after-the-fact power analyses can be useful for presentation purposes but only when based on population effect sizes of independent interest. It is recommended that labels such as "post hoc power," "observed power," "retrospective power," and "a priori power" be avoided, that reported power figures be accompanied by specification and justification of the values used to compute power, and that results characteristically be described with effect sizes, confidence intervals, and p values.  相似文献   

The need for a Bioinformatics Program became apparent after repeated requests from researchers for bioinformatics resources and the University's announcement of BioMed 21, a 300 million dollars biomedical science initiative to bring "new knowledge of the human genetic blueprint to the patient's bedside and change how illnesses are understood, diagnosed, and successfully treated." A Bioinformatics Specialist with a strong background in the fields of Molecular Biology and Biostatistics was hired. Program development started in 2003. Initially, three core courses were developed: Sequence Similarity Search, Genetic Variation, and Human Genome Resources. Each of these courses was offered twice per semester. Additionally, partnerships were established within the University Medical School Community (e.g., the Genome Sequencing Center) to license and teach Spotfire's DecisionSite for Functional Genomics, a software package used to analyze microarray data. From March to May 2005, seven Spotfire classes were taught. Each Spotfire class consisted of seven hours of classroom work. Also, in-depth consultations were scheduled with faculty and researchers to address their specific needs. These consultations led to requests for other software packages to purchase and manage, including Lasergene and CSD (Cambridge Crystal Structure Database). Efforts to reach outside of the University Community were made through the development of a Bioinformatics Web site.  相似文献   

韦棣华与中国图书馆学的渊源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
被誉为“中国图书馆学皇后”的韦棣华女士,是我国图书馆学的先驱人物。在中国,她筹建图书馆,创建“文华公书林”和中国第一所独立的图书馆学校;她引进了美国的公共图书馆精神,开启了中国图书馆学的大门,开创了中国图书馆学教育之先河,并促成了中国图书馆学的产生和发展。在她身上,体现了对图书馆事业高度的忠诚与热爱,体现了一种敢为人先、克己敬业、无私奉献的精神,这是医治当代中国图书馆界浮躁之风的一剂良药,更是支撑中国图书馆事业健康发展、激励图书馆人为图书馆事业不断奋斗的图书馆精神。  相似文献   

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