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被历史记载说“万峰插天,中通一线”的娄山关,处在贵州省通往西南重镇重庆市的要道上。这里是大娄山主峰的唯一关隘,海拔1440米,周围树木葱郁,东西两侧为尖山锁峙,南北是高差400米以上的峡谷。川黔公路在群山之中蜿蜒而过关口,川黔铁路则在关下穿山而过。娄山关历来是兵家必争之地。现在关上除了战垒壕堑仍有迹可寻之外,还立有毛泽东手书《忆秦娥·娄山关》诗文的大理石碑、红军战斗纪念碑和当代书法家舒同题写的字径23米的“娄山关”摩崖石刻。娄山关以其雄伟险峻和历史沧桑,成为历史文化名城遵义具有象征意义的一个展示。以它为…  相似文献   

甘肃省文化市场稽查队成立于1997年,在省文化厅的领导下,建队伊始我队就从加强队风、队纪建设入手,克硬件条件差、工作经验少、业务经费匮缺等困难,按照边学习、边实践、边总结、边提高的工作思路,努力夯实依法稽查、文明执法的思想基础。两年来,围绕“扫黄打非”、反盗版、治理校园周边环境、清查“法轮功”以及娱乐服务场所既电子游戏经营场所专项治理等重点工作,  相似文献   

湘黔铁路是从湖南株洲通往贵州贵阳的铁路干线,蜿蜒于武陵山和苗岭的群峰深谷中,东起于湖南株洲,经湘潭、娄底、怀化、芷江、新晃等城市进入贵州,再经玉屏、镇远、凯里、贵定、龙里等城市,西止于贵州贵阳,全长902公里,其中贵定至贵阳段与黔桂线并轨.湘黔铁路东端接京广、浙赣铁路,西端接黔桂铁路延伸到贵阳,又与川黔、贵昆铁路相接,并在怀化与枝柳铁路相交,是联系西南、中南和华东的重要通道,与浙赣铁路构成长江以南横贯东西的大动脉.这条铁路的建设可谓多灾多难,长达35年才建成通车.  相似文献   

从中原到西南杨庭硕自古迄今,我国的大西南都是一个多民族生息的地带,也是一个多种文化并存发展的区域。从历朝正史的角度看,开发西南就是一个中央王朝行政势力不断展拓的过程。从经济的角度看,经营西南意味着将汉族的生产模式移置到西南地区,在吸收当地各民族生产特...  相似文献   

明清以来的西秦大贾与关陕商人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在明清之际,陕西商人曾以财丰势宏,长袖善贾而称雄商界。他们以泾阳、三原为中心,以西北川黔蒙藏为势力范围,输茶于陇青,鬻布于苏湖,贩盐于川黔,销烟于江淮,在中国中西部贸易通商领域长期处于“通行领袖”的优势地位,被人们尊称为  相似文献   

江西省抚州地区乐安县中田镇西南部有一个千年古村流坑,距县城38公里。董氏一姓世居,自其始祖董合于五代南唐升元年间(937-942)迁居此地建村,延续至今,依靠宗族血统和封建道统,依附于自给自足的小农经济,千年不散。今天的流坑村,总面积361平方公里,820户,4290人。流坑村座落在乌江边,三面环水,西边傍山,古樟掩映,风景秀丽;村中街巷纵横,井然有序;高楼低宅,错落有致;宙观殿宇,依村而建。龙湖和乌江,水光激能,树影屋影,倒映其中。南宋文天祥称流坑村为“文明之会”;元代吴澄称该村为江右矩族;明代地理学家徐霞客在…  相似文献   

罗朗 《世界文化》2012,(8):42-45
旧金山是一座美丽的海滨城市,这座城市有着很多鲜明的特点,这些特点在美国的城市中都是非常独特的。首先,这是一座山城,跟中国的香港和重庆一样,这个城市也是依山而建,爬坡上坎,道路非常陡峭。特别是从电报山乘坐缆车滑下渔人码头的时候,总令人感觉到一不小心,缆车就会滑落到码头边的大海里去。这也是一座雾都,由于地形和温度的影响,旧金山常年雾气弥漫。特别是城市的西区,从春天一直到夏初,几乎一直是笼罩在一片雾色之中。  相似文献   

周文华 《寻根》2015,(1):78-81
腾冲县地处云南西南边陲,有"极边第一城"之称。和顺是腾冲县的一个乡,位于县城西南4千米,比邻缅甸,是通往南亚的著名侨乡。全镇面积17.4平方千米,辖8个自然村,人口6000余,侨居国外的有1.8万多人,分布在缅甸、泰国、美国、日本等13个国家和地区。和顺,古名阳温登、河上屯,因河流绕村而过,故更名"和顺",有"和谐顺畅"之意。和顺先民多为明洪武  相似文献   

陈鑫明 《寻根》2011,(5):108-113
川盐运往贵州习水的古道有一条近路,就是从四川合江福宝大漕河码头背(驮)盐起坡,沿大漕沟古道进天堂坝(25公里),在龙氏客栈夜宿,第二天一早上路,登轿子山红牵子岩,出川黔两省交界的武定门。在关口上,经官兵检验交纳过境税放行。沿岩半古道,下贵州习水县三盆河乡的天水村(25公里),就把川盐背(驮)到习水河上船(40公里),走水路下行梓潼、遵义,上水走太平、二郎古镇。  相似文献   

当我们换乘越野车从云龙县城出发,从云龙天然太极图边擦肩而过后不久,就到了千年白族古村诺邓的面前。  相似文献   

Four hundred and fifteen adolescents (134 German majority and 281 minority members) completed a questionnaire which measured attitudes towards acculturation, life satisfaction and intergroup relation variables. German majority members preferred integration followed by assimilation (according to Berry's taxonomy), while minority members had a clear preference for integration. Integration was more strongly associated with favourable intergroup relations and, in the case of minority members, life satisfaction, than the other acculturation orientations. Furthermore the study showed that discrepancies between own acculturation attitudes and perceived attitudes of the other group may influence life satisfaction and intergroup attitudes. Perceived acculturation preferences of the respondents’ parents were also examined. German majority adolescents perceived their parents’ attitudes as more favourable to exclusion than their own, and minority members perceived their parents’ attitudes as leaning more towards separation than their own. In the majority sample, these discrepancies were not related to any of the outcome variables, but in the minority sample they influenced life satisfaction, perceived quality of intergroup relations, and tolerance.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a survey, carried out by the authors, of Hindu and Muslim men and women in six Indian states to determine if social/cultural identities influenced self-disclosure. Specifically, an individual's sex, religious, and state identity were investigated. Results indicated that across religions, women disclosed more than men. Comparisons based on religious identification and state of birth revealed significant differences between Hindus and Muslims and between states of birth on self-disclosure. Results also suggest the predictive power of religious identification and state of birth vary dependent upon the dimensions of self-disclosure. Implications for future research include further examination of aspects of identity related to self-disclosure.  相似文献   

Usually these sinologists relied on Chinese sources and thereby quite often conceived themselves as inheriting the tradition of the Chinese literati. Although usually taking an interest in what happened in contemporary China, they only randomly recognized the true dimension of political and intellectual currents within China. Even though occasionally sympathizing with various currents among China's new elite, including revolutionary groups, these sinologists directed their study of China toward recon- structing the past rather than toward observing the building up of a new China. As a result, there was a widening gulf between contemporary China and the China of the sinologists' research.  相似文献   

以四川客家为例,说明地理环境对客家耕读文化的形成起了十分重要的影响。山地丘陵的农耕自然环境是客家耕读文化产生的地理基础,质朴无华的民风是客家耕读文化形成的重要文化因素,而族群冲突中的“鲶鱼效应”是客家耕读文化的原动力。客家耕读文化主要是客家适应“住山不住坝”生存环境而形成的族群性的文化适应策略。  相似文献   

孟义昭 《寻根》2020,(2):28-35
科名有定数,是明清南京较为盛行的一种科举叙事,科名占卜、科第征兆、科场果报,是其三种主要书写形式。科名占卜科名占卜,多种多样。根据占卜方式,有测字、扶乩、求签、文章占卜等;占卜主体,有自行占卜和请人占卜;占卜者身份,有官员、士人、职业占卜者等区别。明清南京城内,科名占卜类型多样,风气十分兴盛。嘉靖、隆庆年间,南京有一读书人崔自均,是状元焦竑的亲戚。顾起元《客座赘语》中,收录其科名占卜之事两则。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the definitions of success and failure (achievement goals) and preferred means to goal attainment (achievement orientations) among male and female Anglo and Mexican-American high school students I athletes in sport and the classroom. Based on a recent conceptualization of achievement motivation, it was assumed that definitions of success and failure could be equated to personal characteristics, behaviors, or outcomes and reflect an emphasis on either effort or ability. Further, it was assumed that there are two major achievement orientations: In one, the means to goal attainment entail social comparison; in the second, goal attainment is processed according to mastery criteria. Results revealed cultural and sex differences in athletic goals. Anglo males were more likely to define sport success in terms of ability while Anglo females and Mexican-American athletes tended to equate athletic success to the demonstration of effort. The reverse was true for sport failure—Anglo males emphasized low effort while the other groups stressed low ability. Variations in preferred achievement orientations were also revealed. For example, in the athletic setting, females showed the least preference for sport success which reflected on the individual and involved social comparison. Males indicated the least preference for individual-oriented, social comparison-based athletic failure.  相似文献   

In the current research, we examined whether promoting an inclusive national ingroup that includes both immigrants and nonimmigrants would improve attitudes toward immigrants and immigration among members of receiving societies. We also determined whether one's nation of citizenship and individual differences in social dominance orientation would moderate the effects. Participants were 126 Canadian students and 282 German students, who completed a measure of social dominance orientation and were then asked to respond to a series of questions designed to heighten the salience of national identity (national identity), promote a national ingroup that includes immigrants (common national ingroup), or irrelevant questions (control). The dependent measures included attitudes toward immigrants and immigration, and subtle prejudice toward immigrants. Results revealed that the manipulation of a common national ingroup successfully promoted more positive attitudes toward immigrants and immigration among higher social dominance oriented Canadian participants, but tended to have detrimental effects on the attitudes of higher social dominance oriented German participants. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of considering the context in which groups are situated, as well as implications for developing strategies to promote harmony between immigrants and members of receiving societies.  相似文献   

Using three sets of survey data, this article explores the variations and social bases of leisure and cultural consumption patterns during the last decade in Turkey. In particular, this article explores the social basis of reading habits of daily newspapers, magazines and journals, going out to movies and the theatre, as well as spending patterns on these and various other cultural activities. Questions addressed in this study are: how are culture and leisure consumptions stratified in contemporary Turkish society, and what types of changes can be detected between 1994 and 2004? In summary, the data indicate that leisure and cultural consumption tend to be stratified by educational and income level and, to some extent, white-collar occupations. Second, households with female heads tended to engage more in “highbrow” consumption, compared to households with male heads.  相似文献   

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