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基础课学习阶段的大学生在科创项目申报中,存在意识欠缺、能力不足等问题。为了培养和鼓励学生参加科创活动,基础化学实验室进行了教学科创平台建设。在平台建设中,通过转变教学模式、将基础向专业引申、利用图书馆辅助教学、建立开放实验室、引入竞赛激励机制、培养科创团队等方法,提升学生科学研究精神和能力。经过教学科创平台的训练,学生在参加科创活动和申报科创项目中都取得了较好的成绩。  相似文献   

我国高等院校环境科学专业生态学相关课程设置中,生态学实践教学环节基本处于缺失状态,而且并没有有所改进的趋向,相关实践教学环节开展缓慢。可以在导师指导下,由参加学生自主完成创新性研究项目设计、研究条件准备和项目实施、研究报告撰写、成果(学术)交流等工作。在强化生态学专业知识与理论的同时,培养学生科研能力,提升学生科研素养,为生态学的科研人才的输送奠定基础。依托大学生创新训练计划项目平台,既拓展了生态学实践教学的空间,又在学生的分类培养方面取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

随着高等教育改革的不断深化,培养大学生创新能力成为热点问题。当前大学生创新能力不足,表现在迷信权威、惰于思考、害怕提问、囿于思维定势等方面。建设大学生科研平台,旨在提升学生创新能力。需设立专门组织机构,设立大学生科研培育基金,设立大学生科研培育项目,提供大学生科研交流机会。  相似文献   

面对高校师生直接交流减少、学生投身科研主动性不强的现状,学院以学生科研能力提高为着眼点,以构建和谐的师生关系为先导,加强导学机制建设和学术氛围营造。重点就如何强化师生交流与互动,强化学术指导、构建本科生参加科研实践的长效机制进行研究与实践,探索生物学创新人才培养新体系。  相似文献   

通过回顾大学生课外学术科技作品相关文献,研究某类微观性具体科创作品的选题、写作及评审标准。以实践性竞赛活动为分析载体,对比第十二届挑战杯课外科技学术特等奖作品,给出相关结论。研究表明,大学生进行课外学术作品选题应当遵循“小、新、实”三方面特征,作品的写作过程应当注重科研思维、科研基础理论与科研方法并重,评审学生作品标准应当遵循科学合理的量化评定标准。  相似文献   

普通高校音乐教育作为高校美育的重要组成部分,其目的是培养大学生的综合素质,促进大学生的身心健康发展与人格完善。通过博客辅助音乐教学的这种形式,可以建立一个师生互动的学习平台,能促进学生自主学习,扩大学生获取知识的范围,增强师生间的交流,从而达到激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生学习效果的目的。  相似文献   

开展科创项目是培养大学生创新实践能力的主要途径之一。文章提出了由学生、教师、课程、平台四个元素所构成的STCP四位一体实践教学模式及其操作模式,并以实际案例论证了该模式的有效性,还总结了STCP模式对高校实践教学的主要贡献。该研究在一定程度上改变了科创项目中教师积极性不高、学生责任心不强的现象,可为加强高校大学生创新实践能力培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

实施大学生创新创业训练项目是落实大学生素质教育、提高大学生实践能力、培养大学生创新能力的有效方式。文章以指导国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目“汽车电助力转向系统模拟示教平台开发”的体会为例阐述并分析了其在提升学生创新能力、拓展学生学术视野以及增强学生科研创新意识方面的效果和意义。  相似文献   

基于学情调研,立足建构主义学习理论,借鉴“翻转课堂”教学模式的核心要义,以学校网络教学课程平台为技术支撑,对《学术论文撰写》课程教学进行适度“翻转”设计。采用任务驱动、合作探究、梯度作业、对接大学生科创实践项目等策略措施打造高效课堂,促进学生论文写作及科研创新能力的有效提升。  相似文献   

校企共建的高校科创实验室是利用高校的众创空间创新创业基地、实训实践基地等平台,采用"学生自主式学习、高校企业双导师辅导"为主要培养形式的创新实验教学平台。将高校科研教学与企业产业需求相融合。该文分析了科创实验室的项目来源和服务对象、管理机制和运营模式以及实施成效。基于对南京工业大学开展的校企共建高校科创实验室的实践的分析,提出了适应地方经济发展需要的建议。  相似文献   

Conclusions In view of growing national concern over the decline in scientific literacy among students and the need to attract more students to science and engineering, it is incumbent upon college and precollege science faculties to work together to find ways to help solve these problems. To this end, college and precollege science teachers and administrators established the NEW Science Forum and its dinner-and-lecture series and Science Teacher Day field trips. These activities stimulate teacher interest in science, upgrade scientific understanding, and provide new insights and information for classroom use. In addition, the Forum is an opportunity for discussion among techers and between teachers and university science faculty members. The continued high level of participation by teachers and professors during the seven years since the founding of the NEW Science Forum attests to its value to area educators. Our experience prompts us to encourage our colleagues at other colleges and universities to explore the feasibility of establishing a similar program in their regions. The rewards of strengthening ties with area school science teachers far outweigh lost time from research and the trepidation of operating with a zero budget.  相似文献   


While a constructivist approach to the integration of technology in the science curriculum can enable teachers to educate students on the cyclical nature of the research process and interrelate various scientific concepts, there are several considerations for educators must take to assure that it is done effectively. The authors provide a review of a project that was designed and implemented for high school science students that integrated the use of technology in a constructivist environment. This review summarizes the strengths and limitations of the project and provides educators with further considerations when implementing such a project. As educators become more familiar with what is required to successfully integrate technology in a constructivist environment, the limitations and obstacles that may be encountered can be limited. More research devoted to the use of computer technology to teach science process skills will bring teachers and students closer to harnessing the potential powers of both project-based learning strategies and the computer environment.  相似文献   

The Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS) elaborated the cooperative project called ‘The engineer of the future’, with the objective of promoting science and engineering among high school teachers and students. This project aims to improve the quality of the teaching and to increase the interest of students in technological areas, leading to a future career in engineering. The activities of this project were planned to give meaning and foundation to the teaching–learning process of science and for the application of theory in the solution of real problems, while articulating scientific, economic, environmental, social and political aspects and also to reinforce the important role of engineering in society. Amongst the activities to be offered to high school teachers and students are a specialisation course for teachers based upon new educational methodologies, workshops in different areas of science and technology, a programme entitled ‘Encouraging girls in technology, science and engineering’, science fairs and visits to the industries of the region. Activities with the engineering instructors of UCS are also being developed in order to help them to incorporate in their classes more effective pedagogical strategies for educating the engineer-to-be.  相似文献   

科研是强校之路,科研和学术水平是社会对学校认可的重要标尺。没有科研项目,科研促进教学便无从谈起。地方工科院校科研对教学的促进主要体现在:促进教师队伍的建设,促进教学内容与方法的改革,是培养创新人才的重要载体,是深层次促进教学的加速器,为学生提供更高实践平台,是营造学术氛围的重要因素。  相似文献   

To what extent can a large-scale national teacher-enhancement project help science teachers employ new pedagogical methods in the science classroom? In this study, data from 13 high school physics teachers who taught 23 classes with 401 students were examined to determine the extent to which a teacher-enhancement project can alter teachers’ pedagogy. Three groups of teachers were examined: experienced users of the new pedagogy, beginning users of the new pedagogy, and a group of comparison teachers who used traditional instructional methods. Results suggest the reform effort can increase the extent to which teachers engage students in experiments and use alternative assessment methods; however, helping teachers use constructivist discussion methods and discuss the nature of scientific inquiry appears to be more difficult. The implications for inservice teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

The challenge of preparing students for the information age has prompted administrators to increase technology in the public schools. Yet despite the increased availability of technology in schools, few teachers are integrating technology for instructional purposes. Preservice teachers must be equipped with adequate content knowledge of technology to create an advantageous learning experience in science classrooms. To understand preservice teachers’ conceptions of technology integration, this research study explored 15 elementary science methods students’ definitions of technology and their attitudes toward incorporating technology into their teaching. The phenomenological study took place in a science methods course that was based on a constructivist approach to teaching and learning science through science activities and class discussions, with an emphasis on a teacher beliefs framework. Data were collected throughout the semester, including an open-ended pre/post-technology integration survey, lesson plans, and reflections on activities conducted throughout the course. Through a qualitative analysis, we identified improvements in students’ technology definitions, increased technology incorporation into science lesson plans, and favorable attitudes toward technology integration in science teaching after instruction. This research project demonstrates that positive changes in beliefs and behaviors relating to technology integration in science instruction among preservice teachers are possible through explicit instruction.  相似文献   

网络时代,高校培养全面发展的创新性人才面临严峻考验。创新型人才需要培养自由发展的个性和国际化视野。作为专业课老师,在讲解专业知识时可结合相关时事,善于把网络信息转化为教学资源,在课堂中,引导学生就时事展开讨论,并加以正确引导,引领学生树立正确的人生观、价值观。作为专业课老师,还可以在讲解专业知识时,结合网络时代大学生偶像崇拜现象,借助专业领域榜样,引领学生树立正确的人生观、价值观。此外,在专业课课堂上介绍我国在该课程领域的科学技术发展史,增强民族认同感的同时,也树立起刻苦学习,为实现我国科技强国的目标尽自己全力的决心和信心。  相似文献   

以多元智力理论和建构主义理论为指导,结合烟台大学英语教学改革本身的特点和要求,构建了多元化教学评价体系。同时,通过学生档案袋、问卷调查、访谈、教师记录单等方式,在烟台大学256名本科生中进行了教学评价体系的实验研究。结果表明,新型评价体系有利于培养学生的自主学习能力和提高英语综合应用能力,便于教师调控教学策略,而且保证了改革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

大学生科研活动的分析和探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了大学生科研活动中所存在的经费不足、平台建设不完善、指导教师科研能力有待提高、大学生科研活动开展的少等问题,阐述了大学生科研活动的意义和作用,指出应采取多渠道筹集资金、鼓励教师参与学生科研活动、学校支持学生科研课题等措施,不断改进和加强大学生科研活动。  相似文献   

Science education has experienced significant changes since the mid-20th century, most recently with the creation of STEM curricula (DeBoer 1991; Yager 2000). The emergence of the World Wide Web as a tool in research and discovery offers Pre-K-12 science education an opportunity to share information and perspectives which engage students with the scientific community (Zoller 2011). Students are able to access open, transparent sites creating common resources pools and autonomous working groups which can be used for shared problem solving. Science teachers should carefully build web 2.0 technology into their practice based on a changing pedagogy. Instead of focusing on teaching rule-based concepts and processes in which the teacher’s role is that of expert, education should be focusing on possibilities of the web both in scientific research and understanding. In addition, web-focused education can also help remake scientific product as a public good in the lives of both science researchers and science consumers.  相似文献   

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