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李栋 《寻根》2012,(6):109-112
一 1965年5月,有人在山东沂源县土门公社黄崖大队西北的千人洞山上,发现了一些动物化石和打制石器,山东省博物馆闻讯后派人前去调查,采集到部分化石标本并告知中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所.该所派戴尔俭会同山东省博物馆的白云哲对之进行考察并进行了采掘,不仅获得一批哺乳动物化石,而且从洞内堆积物中辨识出经过打制的石器,证实这是一处旧石器时代晚期的洞穴遗址.千人洞遗址是山东乃至整个华东地区首次发现的旧石器时代文化遗存,因而被称为"山东第一洞".  相似文献   

正他是史上第一位几乎走完了丝绸之路全程的有真实姓名记载的中国人,后世的人们将其与意大利的马可·波罗、摩洛哥的伊本·白图泰并称为中外三大著名旅行家。但其实,这个响亮的名头却始于他人生一次重大的不幸遭遇。在一次中外军队的战役中,由于中国远征军的战败,他不幸成了战俘。然而,他又是战俘中极少数的幸运儿。  相似文献   

人们常说,蒙古族人民有三件宝:草原、骏马和长调。蒙古族长调民歌(Traditional Folk Long Song),蒙古语称为"乌日汀道(Urtiin Duu)",也曾称过"乌日汀哆"、"乌日图音道"、"乌日图道"等。蒙古族长调民歌的历史形成可追溯到两千年前,13世纪时已见诸文字记载。这种民歌与草原、与蒙古民族的游牧生活方式息息相关,承载着蒙古民族的历史,是蒙古民族生产、生活和精神性格的标志性展示。蒙古族长调民歌是一种跨境分布的文化。  相似文献   

早在西班牙人抵达美洲之前,中美洲即拥有许多高度发达的古文明,尤以“玛雅”和“阿兹特克”文明最著名;而公元前100年至公元650年的“特奥蒂瓦坎”文明。仍是一个谜团。因其无文字记载,人们至今对这一占地20平方公里、全盛时期人口近20万的大城邦居住的是何民族,说何语言,由谁统治,居民为何弃城而去一无所知。13世纪,当阿兹特克人发现其建筑的宏伟废墟时,称其“特奥蒂瓦坎”,意即“神明诞生的地方”。  相似文献   

裘伟廷 《寻根》2020,(2):52-56
许多人都知道,1881年,美国传教士麦嘉谛携其收养的宁波女孩金雅妹到美国纽约学医,金雅妹后毕业于康奈尔大学,应该是中国女性留学第一人。但很少有人知道,在金雅妹之前,即早在1840年左右,已经有几个中国女盲童赴英国和美国留学了。温施娣收养失明女童温施娣,19世纪英国女传教士,本名玛丽·温斯塔尔·居茨拉夫(Mary Wanstall Gutzlaff,1799-1849,中文名字温施娣)。  相似文献   

平保兴 《寻根》2013,(4):31-35
普希金和莱蒙托夫是俄罗斯著名的诗人,关于他们的诗歌最早的汉译,目前主要有二说: 1.孙依我是普希金诗歌最早的译者。"我所查到的最早的一首译成汉文的普希金抒情诗是孙依我译的《致诗人》,发表在《文学周报》1927年第4卷第18期。从1837年普希金逝世,  相似文献   

美国权威调查机构皮尤研究中心最近公布的一项调查结果表明,当代美国人的婚姻观念发生了显著变化,对于“结婚成功”的必要条件,推举“分担家务”的人比以往有了明显增加。相反,推举“孩子”的人则从1990年以来有了大幅减少。  相似文献   

李占扬 《寻根》2009,(4):62-63
灵井“许昌人”研究基地的考古工作者,于2009年3月发现一件用鹿角雕刻的微型鸟雕,同时还有其他雕刻品及其半成品,与2008年出土的细石器、牙针和赤铁矿颜料等属同一层位,属旧石器时代晚期,距今约1.2万~1.5万年。这一年代范围是由中国和日本的考古学家,对灵井细石器研究后得出的初步认识。  相似文献   

王英斌 《世界文化》2007,(11):41-41
据马来西亚媒体报道,最近公布的一项民意调查结果显示,当今马来西亚人最关心的是经济景气和社会犯罪。  相似文献   

陈文平 《寻根》2001,(3):54-54
流失海外的中国物,原先以日本最多,其次是英、法。但是二十年代以后,美国却“后来居上”其数量之巨与品质之佳,几可和日本抗衡。  相似文献   

120个:首批留学美国的中国幼童   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廉朴 《寻根》2002,(1):30-37
中国幼童,留学异邦,这不是时下的新发现,早在一百多年前,就有120个中国幼童远赴美国,开创了中国幼童留学美国的先河。  相似文献   

This study explored adaptation as perceived by mainland Chinese labour migrants in Macao. Twenty-eight mainland Chinese migrant workers shared their lived experiences of crossing the Zhuhai-Macao border. Even though Macao and the mainland share cultural similarities, migrant workers did not perceive they were acculturating to the new environment. However, their personal and behavioural changes indicated other processes at work, as explained via co-cultural, differential adaption, and cultural fusion theories. Impacted by structural constraints, most migrants lived a border-crossing existence, marginalized in Macao, and freer in an enclave in Zhuhai. Furthermore, participants perceived discrimination, linked to occupation, language, and mainlander identity.  相似文献   

丰家骅 《寻根》2010,(5):108-113
<正>西施是我国古代的四大美人之一,她的名字自古以来可谓家喻户晓,妇孺皆知。宋人张邦基说:"西施,美人也。三尺童子皆知其为越献于吴以亡吴也。"(《墨庄漫录》卷七《西施考》)她的故事流播极广,至明代还被改编为昆曲《浣纱记》,说她在灭吴后与情人范蠡一同泛湖而去,成了一个浪漫的爱情故事。但历史上果真有西施随范蠡泛湖而去的事吗?这种说法又是缘何而起的呢?  相似文献   

United Arab Emirates (UAE) is currently a hub of 200 nationalities with a variety of lifestyles and religions. Nonetheless, the attitudes of locals towards reasoning with others have not yet been investigated. This investigation studied fundamental orientations to arguing among UAE residents (N = 157), with a range of self-report instruments including argument frames, personalization of conflict, argumentativeness, and verbal aggressiveness. Data analysis showed that UAE respondents had responses comparable to three comparison countries (US, India, and China) in terms of argument motives, but they manifested differences regarding argument frames and taking conflict personally. These are discussed in relation to cultural dimensions and their significance for business and education.  相似文献   

Are some Americans and Japanese beginning to think more similarly about independence and obedience? Middle-class adult respondents from the suburbs of Chicago and Tokyo (U.S.: 43 males and 54 females: Japan: 71 males and 80 females) were surveyed about their sex-role values. This report focuses on two values which have been recognised as constituting fundamental differences between Japanese and Americans: personal independence and obedience. The survey used a metric multidimensional scaling technique called Galileo®. Analyses of the data and results of other comparative studies suggest that any convergence taking place between the two societies is occurring primarily within American society. There is growing evidence, including the findings of this study, that Americans are moving away from their traditional stress on the importance of the individual in society. The Japanese respondents did show a more liberal conceptualization of the ideal woman with respect to obedience, however, there was no indication that this less traditional image of women extended to their other traditional roles in society.  相似文献   

This research studied the effects of sojourn experience on the attitudes of young Turkish students spending a year in the U.S. The study, using a pretest-posttest control group design, was repeated for two years and was completed by a follow-up. Certain attitude changes were obtained which were attributed to the favorable nature of sojourn experience. These changes were mainly decreases in authoritarianism and religiosity and increases in world-mindedness and to a lesser degree in belief in internal control and perceived family control. Most of these changes were found to be of duration longer than one year. Patriotism and achievement values decreased independently of sojourn experience, indicating an age trend. After returning home subjects were found to undergo a readjustment process arriving at an optimum level in about a year.  相似文献   

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