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在晚清民初社会剧烈的变革中,兴起于19世纪中期以后的奥林匹克运动逐渐开始在中国传播。随着宣传的日渐深入和广泛,当时一些先进的中国人也开始提出了参加奥运会的要求,虽然,这一切是那样的艰难和漫长,但中国人最终还是在1932年派出了一名运动员参加了第十届运动会,  相似文献   

浙江湖州的南浔镇具有悠久的历史.清末民初,浔商开始对外贸易,在“西风东渐”的时代背景下,首当其冲地受到西方文化的影响.他们把国外的新建筑材料和形式带回家乡,融入中国传统建筑中,建造了小莲庄、嘉业堂藏书楼、张石铭旧宅等中西合璧的建筑群,形成了南浔建筑独特的风格.  相似文献   

尹学渊  杨士斌 《大理文化》2012,(10):113-114
张友相,云南大理古城人,是清末民国初年大理地区著名的本土画家。他在民间绘画艺术的成就及社会影响,我国著名学者徐嘉瑞、马曜等都在他们的著作、论文中有过介绍:他的声望和创作情况,大理地区尤其在下关老一辈人口中也有种种传说:他的家族事略、他的为人以及他在艰难岁月里奔走于苍山洱海之间,从事民间美术创作的情况在他几代后人中,更是口口相传,留下种种令后辈仰慕的记忆。可是,由于年代久远,张友相的手绘真迹画作,大多已经散失无存,其后人曾经保存的一些作品,也在上世纪60年代前后的社会动乱中全部流失损毁,令人扼腕叹息。所幸其曾孙张跃伟先生几十  相似文献   

<正> 历史,是事物自身发展演变的漫长历程,这个过程不断积累,又倏忽逝去,成为不会停驻于当下的既往。"历史学",则是我们对于既往历程的深沉的回望、理智的反思。我们对于自己从哪里来、要到哪里去的疑惑,是如此地好奇,令我们不断地反观。而我们走过的路又是如此地漫长,以至于那些遥远的追忆模糊迷离、切近的经历繁杂陆离。历史学要求我们用理性的目光去审视走过的道路,不论它是切近的还是遥远的,亦不论其是平  相似文献   

秦燕春 《中国文化》2006,2(2):110-125
一,歷史想像的交響當我們回眸歷史的視綫回閃到上一個“世紀之交”,正當清末民初幾十年間,一個詭異的文化現象居然曾經馳騁江湖,“無報不談明末事”:本來早已成為歷史記憶的“晚明”的事件與人物,突然間又被反復重提。上至滿清王朝政府,下至市井細民百姓,更勿庸提及掌控着當時話語霸權與發聲渠道的新、舊知識人,從朝廷議案到報刊雜志,從建祠立廟到戲劇演出,其參與人數之眾多,言說方式之差異,講述內容之分歧,都足以使得這一時期的“晚明想像”成為一場全民參與的話語盛宴。  相似文献   

“夫礼者,所以定亲疏,决嫌疑,别同异,明是非也。”(《礼记·曲礼》)礼俗思想作为儒家社会思想的模板,曾在中国人思想世界中占有重要地位。清末民初,儒家礼俗思想存在的合理性也受到挑战。理论上,民国学者以反对封建等级专制为目标,从礼与专制制度的关系出发对儒家礼教进行批判;运用考古学、社会学手段对礼籍、礼器的考证,否定了儒家思想的神圣性;实践中,兵连祸结下民不聊生,旧日“乡土中国”中的人们不得不背乡离井,礼仪的展示空间日益萎缩。  相似文献   

In celebration of the Chinese lunar year of the snake, a great variety of cultural events have been presented in scenic spots managed by Qujiang Culture and Tourism Group. During the Spring Festival holidays, these places of interest have attracted nearly 1.3 million visitors and registered a revenue of 16.58 million RMB  相似文献   

Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday for the Chinese nation. "Happy Chinese New Year" is a brand for cultural exchanges with foreign countries initiated by the Ministry of Culture. This film introduces celebrations of Chinese New Year in Thailand in 2013 and presents the joyous and auspicious Chinese Spring Festival and the colorful Chinese culture from the eyes of government officials from two countries,  相似文献   

From January 23 to February 4, "Cultural Series in Celebration of Chinese Spring Festival" was launched in Thailand, coorganized by Chinese Cultural Ministry, Chinese Embassy in Thailand and departments of the Thai Government concerned. It was the fifth session of the event and the largest Spring Festival celebration that China held overseas in 2009.  相似文献   

Spring Festival Traditions Displayed in Macao   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the sweep of history, rich culture and diverse traditions have been nurtured and developed in different regions of China, a nation co-dwelled by a plethora of ethnic groups. These traditions and customs have been manifested by means of festivals, in particular, the Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year. Spring Festival traditions, containing elements from such diversified fields as sacrifice, etiquette, costume, cuisine, drama, dance, music and entertainment, represent the most distinctive part of Chinese culture and demonstrate the most prominent characteristics of Chinese people.  相似文献   

巫瑞书 《寻根》2002,(5):19-23
传统岁时节日的风俗礼仪,尤其是过年(指“大年”,如春节等)的习俗风情,乃是一个民族漫长时期的历史化的沉淀、宗教信仰的升华,自然也与农事作息以及民族迁徙等密切关联。  相似文献   

Strolling around temple fairs, enjoying New Year !Eve dinners and watching CCTV Spring Festival Gala are the three routine activities that Beiiingers do during the Spring Festival celebration. And in particular, attending one of Beijing's many temple fairs during the Spring Festival will bring you a lot of fun outdoors.  相似文献   

在韩国过春节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑永福 《寻根》2007,(1):88-94
在韩国,传统节日很多,四大传统节日是春节、元宵节、端午节和中秋节,其中春节和中秋节是最重要最盛大的节日之一,法定假日都是三天。[第一段]  相似文献   

In the memory of every Chinese,the Spring Festival deposits abundant beauties:a lively scene with lanterns and streamers,an endless parade of delicious food,or a little toy of childhood memories.When I was a child,I visited a Sugar Painting Exhibition at Beihai Park in Beijing.I was amazed by the exquisitely made flowers and birds,and charmingly nave animals;and every kid was totally captured by a huge solid dragon settling in the central exhibition hall.Truly,that winter deeply impressed me with the vivid sugar dragon and the fragrance  相似文献   

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