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为响应国家推进虚拟仿真技术在高等教育中的应用政策,结合增强现实软件和硬件技术近年来不断进步的条件,从环境艺术设计专业的基础课程、核心课程和实训课程三个角度探寻增强现实技术在高等职业技术教育中的应用可行性和合理性,为进一步提高增强现实技术在高等职业技术教育体系中的普及和应用提供可参考的经验。  相似文献   

季至宇 《教育技术导刊》2017,16(10):220-222
随着信息技术的快速发展,虚拟现实与增强现实技术在教育领域的应用越来越广泛深入,其对高等教育变革的影响必须引起高度重视。应紧紧围绕我国高等教育教学改革发展的总体要求,实现信息技术与教学的深度融合。VR/AR技术提供的沉浸式场景让课堂及线上教育场景更加丰富、生动,带来的场景化体验、多维情境教学让众多学生有了独特的学习体验,并且学习成效显著。VR/AR技术进入教育领域,还需在理论研究、教学应用、人才培养、资源建设等方面进行长期探索与实践,通过提升教师专业技能,让VR/AR技术的教育应用更多地体现为丰富教学内容与提升教学效果。  相似文献   

以增强现实(AR)技术为切入点,设计及开发了国际中文词汇教学资源,并利用该教学资源进行了课堂教学设计,探讨其在实际教学中的应用,为构建新的教学模式、提升教学质量和效率提供了新思路。  相似文献   

众所周知,AR技术作为现代化的技术,其自身的趣味性和可视性得到了越来越多学校和家长的青睐,AR技术革新也将会在未来达到一个新的阶段。而将AR技术完美地运用到生物学教学中,将会为中学生提供一场虚实结合、身临其境的视觉感受,AR技术在中学生物学教学中的运用也将会大大地增强学生的可视性和感性思维,从而使生物教学达到一个新的高度。  相似文献   

随着科技信息技术的蓬勃发展,AR增强现实技术应用在越来越多的领域,而将此技术运用在教学当中也势在必行。AR能将教育中的各个层面进行融合,让学生在AR技术产生的虚实情境中自主学习,切身感受。以前大家口中的书海无涯,学无止境,都能在AR技术的运用中变得井井有条,互相连接。因此,运用在小学英语教学中也必能为我国教育事业增添了一种高效新颖的学习方式。  相似文献   

培养本科层次的技术应用型人才是技术本科教育的核心使命。技术本科教育人才培养在变革求异的过程中,在某些领域走向趋同,是符合高等教育和本科教育发展规律的正常现象。在高等教育应用转型的时代背景下,这种求异与趋同始终在互动地进行。技术本科教育人才培养的求异主要是由现实背景、本质特征和生存发展需要等因素所造就,它的主要参照对象是传统本科教育和技术专科教育,集中表现为对确立技术本科教育可识别性特征的定位和探索。在高等教育发展的现实语境之下,技术本科教育人才培养的趋同,有着一定的社会背景、合理性和现实表征,它是技术本科教育在不断发展和走向成熟的过程中的一个必经阶段,体现了高等教育和本科教育的发展规律。  相似文献   

邹为娇 《江西教育》2009,(11):16-17
如何提高大学生的心理素质,增强其承受各种心理压力和处理心理危机的能力,以迎接未来社会的挑战,是高等教育实践和理论研究面临的迫切问题.正是在这一现实需要推动下,高校心理健康教育应运而生,成为新的历史条件下与思想政治工作相辅相成的重要教育措施和手段。  相似文献   

接合自然 增强现实——移动学习新体验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
增强现实( Augmented Reality,AR)是以虚拟现实技术为基础,将计算机生成的虚拟信息叠加到用户所看到的真实场景中的一种新技术.当真实场景与虚拟信息叠加于同一时空时,帮助用户增强对现实世界的感知.本文介绍了增强现实技术的基本概念,并结合其特点与当前发展状况,探讨了增强现实技术在移动学习中的应用,希望AR为促进移动学习的发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   

增强现实(AR)作为一种新兴的教育技术手段,其在教育教学中的推广与应用备受国内外学者关注,但此技术能否提升学生学习效果一直是颇具争议的问题.鉴于此,采用元分析方法对近10年来国际上有关增强现实技术对学习效果影响的实证文献进行梳理与量化分析,系统审查增强现实技术对学生学习效果的实际影响.研究发现,从整体来看,AR技术对提...  相似文献   

运用新媒体技术对于提高思想政治理论课实效性具有良好的效果,增强现实技术(Augmented Reality,简称 AR)作为一种较先进的辅助教学系统,已逐步运用于教育教学当中,对于提高教育教学效果具有重要意义。但AR的特点对于有效开展思想政治理论教学提出新的要求,充分认识AR教学的优势与不足,将AR的特点与思想政治理论传统教学的特点有效结合,优势互补,对于提高教学的实效性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The subject of this article is the use of augmented reality technology in library and information science education. The aim is to determine the scope and potential uses of augmented reality in the education of information professionals. In order to determine the scope and forms of potential use of AR technology in LIS education a two-step analysis was conducted. The first stage was the in-depth analysis of LIS training programs offered by academic centers in Poland, including 8 programs (4 bachelor degree and 4 master degree). In this way, more than 350 learning outcomes were analyzed and grouped according to the frequency of occurrence. During the second stage of the study a list of the most important learning outcomes was compared with a list of skill areas that AR technology helps to develop, in order to formulate conclusions according to the potential use of AR in LIS education. Summarizing the results of the study, it can be concluded that AR technology is a useful teaching tool which enables students to achieve improved learning outcomes in the practical skills needed by librarians, as well as the personal and social competencies relevant to labor market needs.  相似文献   


This article provides the first review of the existing literature consolidating research into the use of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies within K–12 educational environments. The review explores the peer-reviewed scholarly studies conducted between 2006 and May 2017, which involved the use of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) or mixed reality (MR) technologies in the instruction of students in elementary, middle or high school. The literature revealed common themes including collaboration, communication, critical thinking, attitude, engagement, learning, motivation, performance or achievement, and technology (used or proposed). This literature review will contribute to the field by providing clarity on definitions for VR, AR and MR technologies in consideration of educational use, present an overview of the existing research on VR, AR and MR specific to K–12 educational environments and identify future research needs and directions.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of MagAR, an instructional material for teaching magnetism using augmented reality and sensing technology, on students’ academic achievement and learning process, and to identify students’ views about augmented reality. An embedded mixed-method approach was employed in this study. The study’s results suggest that AR learning environments are effective in teaching physics, and facilitate learning by adding visual and textual components to the learning process. In learning activities integrated with AR, the students were observed to participate more, appeared more comfortable, were able to answer questions related to the subject more easily, had increased self-confidence and exhibited higher academic achievement levels in physics. The results suggest that AR should not be considered as an independent learning environment for the teaching of physics, but would be more effective as supplementary to the laboratory environment.  相似文献   

《地平线报告》系列自2004年起,每年持续发布,对教育领域的新兴技术应用趋势做了长期探索,曾为技术促进的教育创新和教学实践的推广,提供了前瞻性建议,具有极高的研究价值。最新的2020年《地平线报告》(教学版)框架做了重要调整,在衡量应用趋势时更加关注技术应用的教学实践、应用情景和影响因素。基于此变化,对该《报告》的解读应重在探讨关键技术在教学实践的应用趋势。为此,以2015-2020年《报告》中的关键技术案例为研究样本,选取各年度《报告》中提及的276份案例进行内容分析。根据技术促进教学创新的不同阶段,将分析维度界定为技术创新、教学创新、组织变革、绩效评估和影响因素等五个维度,并据此对自适应技术、人工智能、学习分析和扩展现实等四项技术的案例进行编码,并根据编码结果分析这些技术的研究主题的变化情况。对多年《报告》的解读表明:为满足高等教育领域对灵活、开放、多元的学习模式的需求,以及普及实现在线教育、促进教育公平和全纳性、降低成本等方面的诉求,技术的教育应用实践还将持续增长。通过对其趋势的观察,也为了解技术研究和实践方面的不足与走向提供了依据。  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and extended reality (XR) are examples of immersive technologies that have the potential to improve medical practice and education. As a result, they have recently sparked much research interest. However, there are few reviews related to the use of immersive technologies (including VR, AR, MR, and XR) in medical practice and education. Remarkably, six research questions related to the trends, application areas, recipients, teaching contents, evaluation methods, and performance remain unanswered. To this end, this study conducts a systematic review to analyse 128 articles from 2012 source papers, all of which are indexed in the Web of Science. The review results indicate that immersive technology is currently used primarily on surgery and anatomy-related subjects for doctors, medical students and interns. Furthermore, group experiments are the most commonly used data collection method. The results provide insights into the current research trends related to immersive technology applications for medical practice and education. They also serve as an essential reference for scholars in the medical practice and education contexts.  相似文献   

This study presents a systematic review of the literature on augmented reality (AR) used in educational settings. We consider factors such as publication year, learner type (e.g., K-12, higher education, and adult), technologies in AR, and the advantages and challenges of using AR in educational settings. The full range of SSCI journals was surveyed and a total of 68 research articles were selected for analysis. The findings reveal an increase in the number of AR studies during the last four years. The most reported advantage of AR is that it promotes enhanced learning achievement. Some noted challenges imposed by AR are usability issues and frequent technical problems. We found several other challenges and numerous advantages of AR usage, which are discussed in detail. In addition, current gaps in AR research and needs in the field are identified, and suggestions are offered for future research.  相似文献   

信息时代,如何提高农村教师现代教育技能,是教育战线面临的一个十分重要的课题。我省通过引进实施英特尔未来教育项目,在更新教育观念、创新培训模式、实际推广应用等方面,进行了十年的艰辛探索,积累了宝贵经验,取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

高伟  颜蕾  郭瑾 《教育技术导刊》2021,19(12):231-234
近年来,随着我国中等职业教育的快速发展,如何更好地培养适应社会生产需要、有较强实践能力的应用型人才成为当前突出的问题。然而,教育实践环节面临的安全环境难以搭建、设备及教师数量不足等问题严重影响了教学效果,进而阻碍中职教育的发展。虚拟现实技术具有沉浸性、交互性和想象性等特点,为解决上述问题提供了契机。针对当前虚拟现实技术在中职实训教学中的应用,提出做好传统实操课模式与虚拟现实搭建操作环境的结合互容,搭建企业、中职、虚拟现实研发三方合作平台等建议,并对未来在VR基础上融合使用AR、MR、XR等新技术的创新教学方法作出展望。  相似文献   

增强现实技术在移动学习中的应用初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
增强现实技术是在虚拟现实技术基础上发展起来的一种新技术,智能手机的迅速发展又推动了增强现实技术的实际应用。文章在阐述增强现实概念的基础上介绍了增强现实技术在智能手机上的应用以及支持智能手机增强现实系统的核心技术,并论证了增强现实技术在移动学习中应用的前景。  相似文献   

赵沁平院士从虚拟现实技术内涵、虚拟现实与人工智能技术的结合、虚拟现实在教育培训中的应用、技术实现路径、未来发展趋势几个方面提出了诸多有价值的建议。他提出,随着技术的发展,VR的3I特征已经演化为4I特征;与人工智能结合可能成为终极性的教育技术;VR技术构建的智慧学习环境,应建立在教学参与者较好的信息化素养基础上,具备体验性、交互性、可信性与可评价性等特征;深度结合教与学的过程要素,给出了VR+教育应用及研究的10个突破点。同时,呼吁研究者深入探讨VR教育活动中何以敬畏和坚持的伦理问题,从伦理层面对教育管理者、产业界和政策制定者等相关角色进行伦理规范。  相似文献   

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