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How do you like to go up in a swing,Up in the air si blue?Oh,I do think it the pleasantest thingEven a child can do!Up in the air and over the wall,Till I can see so wide,Rivers and trees and cattle and allOver the countryside  相似文献   

AGRICULTURE AND FOOD(农业和食品) ●Fish farming will overtake(代替) cattle ranching as a food source by 2010. ●Globalization could make foods less safe to eat. ●Natural, organically grown foods will become the ultimate luxury treats. ●Kitchens will disappear from many homes in the future, and for many reasons, such as lack of time and fear of bacterial contamination. ●More cropland will be consumed by cars.  相似文献   

A W hy,you m ay wonder,should spiders (蜘蛛)be our friends?Because they destroy so m any insects, including som e of the greatest enem ies of the hum an race.Insects would m ake it im possible for us to live in the world;they w ould devour(吞食)all our crops and kill our cattle,if it were not for the protection w e get from insect-eating anim als. W e ow e a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects,but all of them put together kill only a very sm all am ount of the num ber destroyed by spid…  相似文献   

Sheep that produce human proteins in their milk, goats that can be milked for spider web proteins, and other genetically engineered animals just got some competition-chickens that can produce useful drugs in their eggs, researchers reported on Monday. Because chickens grow up to lay eggs faster than sheep, goats or cattle begin producing milk, the researchers said, the birds could be a quicker source of biologically produced drugs to treat a range of problems, from blood loss to cancer.  相似文献   

A monkey watches the farm cattle work in the field, and says, "Cattle, let me help you." After a while, he feels tired and leaves with some excuse. 猴子见黄牛耕田,说:“黄牛,我来帮你耕田。”耕了一会,猴子嫌累,借口有事走了。  相似文献   

Country western music is very old.It camefrom the USA, Canada, Ireland and GreatBritain. Country western music is a mixture ofmusic from all of these places. In the American West,cowboys (牛仔)hadto take care of the cattle. They had to watchthem all day and all night because the cattlewere nervous and sometimes ran away. A cow-  相似文献   

Three men cattle to New York for a holiday. They came to a very large hotel and took a room there. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor.  相似文献   

In the present work, the potential of acaricidal activity of chamomile flowers' extract was studied against engorged Rhipicephalus annulatus tick under laboratory condition. For this purpose, the engorged females of Rhipicephalus annulatus were exposed to two-fold serial dilutions of chamomile flowers' extract (0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0%, 4.0% and 8.0%) using "dipping method" in vitro. The engorged ticks were immersed in different plant dilutions (five ticks for each dilution) for 1 min and they were imme-diately incubated in separate Petri dishes for each replicate at 26 °C and 80% relative humidity. Mortality rate for each treatment was recorded 5 d after incubation. The mortality rate caused by different dilutions of chamomile flowers' extract ranged from 6.67% to 26.7%, whereas no mortality was recorded for non-treated control group. The mass of produced eggs varied from 0.23 g (in 8.0% solution) to 0.58 g (in control), with no statistical differences between the treatments and control (P>0.05). Also the chamomile flowers' extract in highest concentration used (8.0%) caused 46.67% failure in egg laying in engorged females while no failure was observed for non-treated control group. Macroscopic observations indicated that in effective concentrations of plant (4.0% and 8.0%), patchy hemorrhagic swelling appeared on the skin of treated ticks. The results presented for the first time in this study imply that chamomile may be considered as a promising plant for biocontrol of cattle fever tick disease in the field condition.  相似文献   

Dogs are flesh-eating animals. From the Stone Age( 石器时代) menlived in caves( 洞穴). The dogs first became man?s friends. Soon the mentrained( 训练) the dogs to help people in the hunt to carry their burdens(担子), to guard their camps and so on.Dogs have a fine sense of smell ( 嗅觉). They can go in search ofmissing things. For example, a golden seal(图章) in a museum(博物馆)was missing some years ago, and the policemen searched for it every-where in vain(徒劳). Finally a dog found the go…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Veselago (1968) theoretically analyzed the wave propagation in a left-handed (LH) material which has simultaneously a negative magnetic permeability and a negative electric permittivity. The electric field, the magnetic field, and the wave vector of an electro-magnetic wave propagating in such a material obey the left-hand rule (instead of the right-hand rule for usual materials). Such an LH material was first real-ized in 2001 in microwave region with an array of metallic …  相似文献   

l完形填空A(10分) Men first measuredthe ground.The Iength (3) what time ofEg)rptianS used a pilIar,of the dav (5)(1)(2)lt waSusing a stick in shadow would(4) ,the(5)(6)as a gnOmOn,aJld thell (7)deve【0ped a simpk sundial, (6) 00nsisted of a stonewith a pOinter on it.The stone waS placed in£u1 east—weSt (8)directIOn,a11d the shadow of the pointer showed the tinle. About 300 BC,a Babylonianvented a semi—circular sundial。(7)(8)BerOsus in一 (9)he markedtwelVe hours.The Babylonians,like…  相似文献   

Bacteria found in a 2.000-year-old piece of cheese couldbe the final evidence that this food was a continuoussource of infectious disease(传染病)in the ancientRoman World.According to a study published in a recent issue of theJournal of Infection,a tiny piece of cheese containing diseasebacteria was carbonized in the volcanic eruption that one nightin late August,79 A.D.covered Pompeii(庞培)and thenearby towns of Herculaneum(赫库兰尼姆)and Stabiae withnine tO 20 feet ofhot ash and pumice(浮石).About 250 people fled to the beach,trying in vain toescape the molten lava(熔岩)and boiling mud pouring downMount VesuviUS.They died from extreme thermal shock(热冲击),wrapped in a 750-degree Fahrenheit cloud.The intenseheat and rapid cooling of the mud has left their bones in aremarkable state of preservation,allowing in-depth medicalStUdies.  相似文献   

In this paper,a geometric approach to fault detection and isolation (FDI) is applied to a Multiple-Input Multi-ple-Output (MIMO) model of a frame and the FDI results are compared to the ones obtained in the Single-Input Single-Output (SISO),Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO),and Single-Input Multiple-Output (SIMO) cases. A proper distance function based on parameters obtained from parametric system identification method is used in the geometric approach. ARX (Auto Regressive with eXogenous input) and VARX (Vector ARX) models with 12 parameters are used in all of the above-mentioned models. The obtained results reveal that by increasing the number of inputs,the classification errors reduce,even in the case of applying only one of the inputs in the computations. Furthermore,increasing the number of measured outputs in the FDI scheme results in decreasing classification errors. Also,it is shown that by using probabilistic space in the distance function,fault diagnosis scheme has better performance in comparison with the deterministic one.  相似文献   

Barcelona 1992 Emblem 巴塞罗那的艺术光芒照亮五环 The official emblem,designed by Josep Maria Trias from Barcelona,depicted a dynamic human figure in a stance that suggested someone jumping an obstacle(which consisted of the five Olympic tings) and the simple, gestual lines reduced the characterisation of the figure to the head (in the blue of the Mediterranean),the grins (the yellow of the sun and wide open in sign of hospitality) and the legs(a vivid red).  相似文献   

The Mona Lisa     
Leonardo Da Vinci was a famous(著名)artist (艺术家)and (?) in Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (世纪).He was a student in Florence, where he (?) paintings (绘画)and design(设计).He began a lot of paintings, (?) he didn't finish many of them. His (?) of the Mona Lisa is the (?) famous one in the world. Leonardo was (?) in many things. He wanted to know about (?) he saw. He thought the sun (?) around the earth. He wrote music. (?) designed a flying machine 400 years before the first one flew. Many people didn't understand his  相似文献   

一、in time/in the meanwhile(1)The manager wants to see changes in the company,and I am sure he will____.(2013年陕西卷)A.in particular B.in turn C.in charge D.in time(2)It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner.____,I’ll set the table.(2013年浙江卷)A.As a resul B.On thewhole C.In the meanwhile D.As a matter offact解析:(1)D;(2)C。in time及时(early or soon enough to do sth).迟早(sooner or later);in the meanwhile与此同时,用法同at the same time。另外,与time搭配常见短语还有:at a time表示次数,译作"一次";at one time  相似文献   

Once,a gentleman was traveling in a train.He felt (1) and got down at a station in search of water.As soon as he reached the water tap[水龙头]the train started.He ran back,but(2) the train. He asked about the next train and knew that the next train was on the next day.So he decided to find a place to(3)the night.It was getting darker and he could not find a room.He was a little(4).  相似文献   

综合练习 A1 完形填空(10分)Men first measured time (1) using a stick in the ground.The length of the (2) shadow would (3) what time of day itwas.(4),the Egyptians used a pillar,(5) as a gnomon,andthen developed a simple sundial,(6) consisted of a stone with apointer on it.The stone was placed in an east-west direction,and the shadow of the pointer showed the time.About 300 BC,a Babylonian (7) Berosus invented a semi-circular sundial,(8) he marked twelve hours.The Babyloni-am,like the Egyptians,divided daylight (9) twelve parts andnight into twelve.This meant that an hour would have differ-ent lengths (10) different times of the year.A daytime hourmight be longer or shorter than a nighttime one.These hoursare known as 'temporary hours'.(1)A.with B.byC.through D.in  相似文献   

An English student went to a city in the south of America to study there. He walked around the city to look for a warm room to live in. One evening, he was walking along the street with a map in his hand. He saw a small board (木板) in the window of a house, the word "Room" was on it. " What a nice room this is! " he said. " The windows are in the  相似文献   

On the set (拍摄现场) of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (《哈利·波特与混血王子》),an old airport in the suburbs of London,Daniel Radcliffe (丹尼尔) who plays Harry Potter in the film lights up a cigarette for a rest every time,the director  相似文献   

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