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尚云英 《海外英语》2012,(7):207-208
Thoreau’s Walden and Chinese Tang Poems both attach great importance to nature,devoting large paragraphs to the depiction of it.The significance of this phenomenon is discussed in this paper.Based on the method of close reading and comparative study,it is found that nature,portrayed by Thoreau and Tang poets share one important character,that is,nature assumes subjectivity as an individual being.  相似文献   

苏焕 《海外英语》2014,(18):143-144,166
The debate between domestication and foreignization translation strategies has aroused scholars’ research interest for a long time. This thesis makes a comparative study on the application of domestication and foreignization of the Stylistic Devices in Legge’s and Zhao Zhentao’s translated versions of Mencius.  相似文献   

林渊 《海外英语》2012,(23):275-279
School environmental culture and classroom educational climate play a significant role in affecting all the teachers and students’work attitude,personal development,sense of belonging and teaching & learning achievements.It is necessary for all the school members to concern about creating comfortable,positive and effective working environment.This paper tries to generally analysis the different school and classroom climate between British and Chinese schools through observation,and to make suggestions of school & classroom climate component parts and improving proposals.  相似文献   

张天乾 《海外英语》2013,(5X):111-114
This study investigates whether L2 learners of English rely on their L1 (in this case Chinese) when attempting to comprehend an idiom in English and whether the student’s level of proficiency has any effect on L1 use in understanding L2 idioms. Using think-aloud protocol, the following conclusions were reached: 1) Almost all subjects translated English idioms into Chinese and searched a match, i.e. there exist transfer and interference of L1 in understanding L2 idioms.2) When the L1 was unable to help for understanding different idioms, good students were able to use conceptual strategies (i.e. metaphors and schema) better than poor students. This paper concludes with a suggestion that metaphor instruction be used to teach L2 idioms since a student cannot get very far when relying solely on his L1.  相似文献   

王维博 《海外英语》2012,(24):209-211,218
Zhuangzi is the masterpiece of Zhuangzi, and Walden is the masterpiece of Henry David Thoreau. This paper intends to study the similarities of Zhuangzi’s and Thoreau’s outlooks on life by analyzing Thoreau’s origin with Taoism and the absorption from Taoism in Walden. By making a large amount of analysis and comparison of the texts in these two works, the paper comes to such a conclusion: both Thoreau and Zhuangzi advocate to simplify people’s material life and to seek voluntary poverty; they are willing to enjoy the solitude and pursue the spiritual independence and freedom; they prefer to return to nature, live harmoniously with nature and therefore reach the realm of"unity of heaven and humanity". They pay more attention to human existence and their spiritual state. In the complicated modern society, people devote themselves to seeking a materially rich life. However, they do not attach enough importance to spiritual richness. As a result, the whole human society is facing a serious spiritual crisis in modern times. Thoreau’s and Zhuangzi’s outlooks on life can lead people to go through various difficulties of life and guard the pure land of the heart.  相似文献   

SU Huan 《海外英语》2014,(5):133-135
Mencius is composed of many long dialogues between Mencius and the kings,and some famous statements to show his viewpoints.There are many culture-loaded terms in this work which could reflect the Chinese traditional culture at that time.This thesis makes a comparative study on the application of domestication and foreignization in the translation of Ecological Culture-loaded Terms of two English versions of Mencius.And through this comparative study,this thesis would make its contribution on how to choose the appropriate translation strategy when dealing with such Culture-loaded Terms.  相似文献   

Sister Carrie and Dwelling depict two heroines who share similarities in many aspects. They all live in the social transitional period and suffer a lot. This paper will make a comparison about the two ladies' tragic fates and aims to investigate the impact on females brought about by the social transition.  相似文献   

王晨 《海外英语》2014,(19):282-286
This article is mainly on the research of how to improve the design of children’s books.  相似文献   

李雪 《海外英语》2012,(18):281-283
In recent years,human beings are facing the more and more deteriorating environmental problems,such as the sand storm,greenhouse effects,which are the nature’s punishment on human society.It’s self-evident that the relationship between human beings and nature is increasingly intense.Therefore,it’s essential for humans to consider how to establish the harmonious relationship between man and nature.Based on this problem,this paper intends to give a brief analysis of the Walden from the perspectives of"simplicity"and"equality"by using ecocriticism.The paper also gives the author’s personal understanding of the ecological thoughts embodied in Walden.  相似文献   

康杰 《海外英语》2012,(18):191-193,195
As leading figures in English literature during the Neoclassical period,Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift both showed great concern with the nature of man and his place in the Great Chain of Being.They both emphasized the irreplaceable role of reason in guiding man in his self-positioning in the universe,and pointed out the tragic,pathetic,or detestable fall man was vulnerable to in case of violating the law of nature.Pope attached more importance to setting right man’ s position as against God and beast,while Swift showed more interest in the chain of being within the human society;Pope kept warning man against his pride and possible ruin as a result of his ambition,while Swift worried more about man’ s degradation due to loss of reason.  相似文献   

Victorian age is the age full of fundamental changes in the society.At this turning of times,many poets spoke out their anxiety about this world,like Alfred Tennyson and Matthew Arnold,their poems express their anxiety and helpness about the new world and their sadness and loneliness about the loss of the old world.Certaintly there are also some poets like Thomas Hardy who were more ready to face the new world soberly and accepted the reality directly.Probably they alredy realized the coming of the new world could not be stopped anyway.These are the voices at the turning of the times.The aim of this essay is to find out such voices by doing a comparative study on the three poets and their poems  相似文献   

Due to different social systems,economic development and cultural phenomenon in Chinese mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan,one foreign film title may generate into various translation texts.Therefore,one country,threetranslationphenomenon has come into being.This paper,combined with Spiritual Resemblance,attempts to analyze this phenomenon so as to better promote the?lm title translation.  相似文献   

AComparativeStudyofSomeCommonEnglishandChineseMetaphorsGuoHongyiIntroductionItisgenerallybelievedthatOrientalcultures,suchasC...  相似文献   

In the past, the teachers are traditionally regarded as information givers; Knowledge flows only one way from teachers to students, while the students are usually considered as information receivers and they are very passive and boring. New syllabus requires cooperation between teachers and students, So teachers may need to re-think their approaches when they teach students, Teachers not only need to build up a positive relationship with the students, but also need to establish a clear understanding of how they expect and want things to be.  相似文献   

<正> Space and time are the existent forms of matter. Space is vast and time has nobeginning nor end. From ancient times, people, generation to generation, have triedto examine infinite time from philosophical, scientific and literary angles. When weread Chinese and English poetry, we 've found time is the most common theme ofpoets. In Chinese poetry, the images about time are various. For example: Lu Lun  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare pre-service teachers’ views of ethical issues in assessment practices in the US and China. Focus group interviews were conducted among 16 pre-service teachers from the US and 15 pre-service teachers from China. Results indicated that the inclusion of effort in grading is a key issue for the pre-service teachers in both the US and China. American pre-service teachers have more consistent views with experts regarding using multiple assessment methods and communications about grading. Pre-service teachers in both countries appeared to have consistent views with experts regarding the confidentiality and standardized test preparation. The findings of this study can help build guidelines regarding ethical issues in classroom assessment.  相似文献   

This paper concerns itself with "red" metaphor in English and Chinese with a cognitive view so as to account for how red is used to indicate abstract concepts and verify the universality and cultural variation of red metaphor.  相似文献   

Each nation has its own unique national characters.British are known as conservative,gentlemanlike,reticent,etc.While Americans are thought to be independent,outgoing,optimistic and democratic.A comparative study of the geographical and historical factors of these two countries will objectively cast a light on the differences of their national characters.  相似文献   

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