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The study focused on how principal mentors perceived the mentoring process by means of the metaphors they used to represent it. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 principal mentors. Findings were analysed qualitatively, generating themes as an inductive process, grounded in the various metaphors articulated by participants. Analysis of the research findings revealed five themes based on principal mentors’ metaphors: exposure and mirroring, modelling, giving, empowering and supporting. Exploring the mentoring principals’ metaphors may help to improve both the mentoring process and the practical training of principal preparation programmes.  相似文献   

论校长学术身份的“失重”与重构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
校长职务的身份结构主要包括学术身份和行政身份。以行政主义为核心 ,以高考意识形态为辅助 ,两种外部力量共同完成了我国校长职务两种身份分离的过程 ,其结果是形成了当代校长职务行政身份凸显、学术身份“失重”的非常态结构。它对学校领导与管理造成的现实后果是 :行政管理取代学术领导 ;权力运作方式强制多于沟通 ;资源分配带有倾斜性。校长学术身份重构主要通过校长管理的制度安排完成  相似文献   

随着教育事业的不断发展,校长在学校发展中的作用越来越为人们所重视。关于校长的培训和激励研究在不断地深入进行,但其中关于名校长激励的有效策略研究却极少。文章分析了名校长激励的内涵、现状和问题,进而对名校长激励的策略进行研究。  相似文献   

和谐校园建设是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分。如何界定学校的法律地位,成为解决学校与学生诉讼纠纷的关键点。我国现行法律对学校法律地位的界定模糊。结合国内外学者对该问题的主要观点,应明确我国公立学校的行政主体地位。  相似文献   

行政化、学术化、市场化都是大学发展的历史传统。"官方知识"和"科层制"形成"知识"、"权力"两股巨大力量,通过"惯习"、"规训"和"信号"的作用,重塑现代人的"主体性",使得人们不仅成为大学行政化的受害者,也成为大学行政化忠实的接受者和复演者。  相似文献   

在社会转型过程中,由制度变迁所引起的职业转变一直是社会发展进步的推动力。作为岗位职务的校长职业向作为职业能力的职业校长过渡,是实现由权力本位向能力本位的转换。职业校长存在的规定性必将通过教育理念的升华、运行机理的形成而成为教育制度创新中的优质人力资源并推动我国学校教育的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

职业院校校长作为国家职业教育方针的重要贯彻者和执行者,不仅是教育治理的中坚力量,而且担负着引领学校与教师发展、促进学生全面发展与个性发展的重任。在新时代,要充分发挥职业院校校长在培养高素质技术技能人才、能工巧匠、大国工匠中的领航人角色,必须全面提升职业院校校长的综合素质。目前,提升职业院校校长综合素质的渠道较为单一,职业院校校长培训尚存在工作体系不健全、培训项目体系不完善、质量评价标准不统一等问题。因此,基于构建现代职业教育体系、完善国民教育体系各阶段校长培训的需要,通过设立职业院校校长培训中心,进一步构建完善的职业院校校长培训体系和质量评价标准,建立职业院校校长培训分层分类的课程体系,实现课程培训的动态更迭,从而全面推动职业院校校长素质整体提升。  相似文献   

The present study examined indirect effects of principal leadership on the mathematics achievement of 254,475 15-year-old students from 10,313 schools in 32 OECD economies. Results showed that the students could be divided into three categories (Disadvantaged, Average, and Privileged) differing in levels of student SES and prior achievement, parental academic expectations, and access to school resources. Results also showed that principal leadership effects accounted for a greater proportion of between-school achievement variance for Disadvantaged vis-à-vis Privileged or Average students. In particular, instructional leadership had the largest positive effect on Disadvantaged vis-à-vis other students’ achievement via the mediating variables of teacher autonomy and morale. Distributed leadership negatively affected the achievement of Disadvantaged but not other students. The negative effects of principal goal-setting were the largest while those of principal problem-solving were the smallest for Disadvantaged students. The study contributes to the literature by examining contextual influences on the leadership–achievement relationship.  相似文献   

社会发展和教育改革使中小学校长培训发生了一系列变化,与此相适应,中小学校长培训者的角色也发生了重要变化,由最初的基础知识的传播者,转变成为最新知识的传播者、校长工作的指导者、参训校长交流平台的搭建者、工作激情的点燃者等。  相似文献   

在美国,要做中小学校长不仅要在被认可的高等学校经过严格训练获得硕士学位,而且要有中小学课堂教学的实践经验,同时还要经过一年的校长实习。这种过程不是靠教育行政部门的指令,而是靠校长候选人的自主选择。与之相比,我国的校长培训制度不仅没有严格的学位要求,而且不强调实践环节;校长候选人的学习不仅缺乏自主性,在培训资源的配置上也缺乏整合性和优质性。因而,我国校长培训制度需要在国际视野中进行改进。  相似文献   

Despite the purported national shortage of qualified applicants for administrator vacancies, there is little empirical research regarding assistant principal recruitment. This study involved an experiment to evaluate the viability of teachers as applicants for assistant principal vacancies. ANOVA results indicated administrator certification program status (admitted, not admitted) and school level (elementary, middle school, high school) explained 28% of the variance in job ratings. Teachers who were enrolled in administrator certification programs rated the job higher than did teachers who were not enrolled in administrator preparation programs. Middle school teachers rated the job higher than did high school teachers. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

"双肩挑"现象的普遍化是我国高校的一个独特现象。该现象的存在既有积极方面的作用,也有消极影响。物质利益的追求,更便捷的获取学术资源以及中国"仕"文化的影响等是致使高校"双肩挑"日益普遍化的主要原因。在制度层面,从源头上消解行政权力的资源配置权,实现行政管理的职业化是应对"双肩挑"问题的可行之策。  相似文献   

行政助手是协助公务员从事公务的人员,其地位不同于其他行政法主体,其存在有其必然性.依法行政的原则和行政助手在现实生活中出现的大量问题要求将行政助手予以制度化、规范化.  相似文献   


Increased school autonomy and a greater focus on achieving school effectiveness and improvement has made it essential to reconsider the role of school leaders (OECD 2009, Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS. Paris: OECD Publishing). This recommends that leadership development in this rapidly changing world deserves significant consideration compared to the past. With the increasing interest entrusted to school leadership, this article reports on how school leaders are currently prepared by the higher education programmes offered in two out of three universities in Fiji. Through an extensive literature review as well as through programme documents and policy reviews, this article focuses on current educational leadership post-graduate courses offered at these Fijian universities and highlight areas of strengths as well as suggests recommendations for improvement that are in line with identified needs for effective principal preparation in a Fijian context with key connections made to the larger South Pacific region.  相似文献   

社会转型时期行政文化革新与行政腐败防治浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政腐败实质上是行政人员思想文化消极颓废的外在表现;革新行政文化具有防治行政腐败的独特功能,有助于增强行政人员拒腐防变的心理屏障,是有效防治行政腐败的理性选择;革新行政文化,防治行政腐败的路径选择:革新行政观念、创新行政制度文化的约束机制、吸收借鉴中外行政文化的积极成果。  相似文献   

行政不作为的性质探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
行政行为可分为行政作为行政不作为;当前理论界常把行政不作为看作是违法行政行为,笔认为,行政不作为并非都是违法行政行为,随着行政改革的深入发展,合法的行政不作为将会大量出现。行政不作为从其性质上分为合法行政不作为和违法行政不作为。笔力图从性质上界定行政不作为的内涵及其分类,为理论工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

As Apple iPads are increasingly being adopted in schools for educational purposes, school administrators are seen as the key facilitators in the implementation of this new technology. This survey-based quantitative study investigated the impact of receiving iPad training on school administrators’ attitudes towards iPad use in their professional lives and in the classroom by teachers. The participants consisted of 51 elementary and secondary school administrators in one of the largest public charter school systems in a southwestern state. School administrators reported that iPads were effective tools for administrative tasks and personal organization. Results also suggest that school administrators in this study had positive views regarding the potential of iPads’ current and future use in the classroom by teachers. Furthermore, the training process had a positive effect on the school administrators’ development of iPad skills and knowledge.  相似文献   

The study examines the correlation between collective innovativeness of the teaching staff and the principal’s leadership style as well as additional school structure characteristics. The construct of collective innovativeness is examined as a precondition of successful school improvement processes driven by the teaching staff. Based on theoretical interdisciplinary analyses and empirical findings, the examined hypothesis was that the principal’s leadership directly and positively influences the collective innovativeness of the teaching staff. The results of the structural equation modeling (partial least squares regression) indicate that the principal’s leadership style is the strongest predictor of teachers’ collective innovativeness and, together with the teaching staff’s perception of hierarchical structures and autonomy within the school, explained 51% of variance in the construct. The paper highlights important aspects of principals’ leadership styles that can encourage collective innovativeness among teachers.  相似文献   

行政法解释的主体制度初探   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
在中国现行的有效的法律解释体制中,国务院以及政府主管部门作为享有行政解释权的主体行使着对行政法规和行政规章的解释权。这一体制不仅排除了具体的适用机关和行政官对行政法的解释权,而且排除了司法机关在行政执法领域中对行政法规、行政规章和行政性法律的解释权。这种制度安排并不契合行政法适用的原理,也有悖于行政法治原则。其客观后果会助长行政权力的滥用,弱化法律对行政的控制,消解了司法的最终效力性。因此,尽快建立对行政法规、行政规章的司法审查制度和优化行政法解释体制乃是必然的选择。  相似文献   

界定行政检查的性质应以行政法的终极价值追求为指导,并结合中国的行政执法现状。据此,应将行政检查界定为行政事实行为,同时针对事实行为不可救济的现实,设立专门机关予以救济,依此完善行政法律体系,实现行政宗旨。  相似文献   

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