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张澍彦 《科教文汇》2009,(4):206-207
随着我国经济的发展,商标权作为一种知识产权越来越受到广泛的重视,但同时商标侵权案件在司法实践中的数量也快速增长。本文主要对商标的特征、商标侵权行为的构成要件进行讨论,并针对司法实践中商标侵权认定的一些缺陷提出若干建议。  相似文献   

商标侵权应以造成相关公众混淆为必要条件,应结合商标的功能分析商标的使用行为,对于定牌加工贸易中加工方在出口商品上贴附商标与中国商标权人的注册商标相同或近似的行为,不应一概认定为构成商标侵权。  相似文献   

本案是2001年《商标法》实施后,上海法院认定的首例驰名商标。2005年12月31日,上海市第二中级人民法院作出一审判决,认定"STARBUCKS"、"星巴克"商标为驰名商标,被告的行为构成商标侵权及不正当竞争,被告不服提出上诉。2006年12月20日,上海市高级人民法院作出维持一审的判决。本文对该案涉及的驰名商标的认定、商标侵权及不正当竞争的认定、赔偿数额作了深入探讨。  相似文献   

在商标侵权和商标异议案件中,认定商标近似以及商品类似是争议最大的问题.而面对着大量的"搭便车"、"傍名牌"的现象,各级法院和工商行政管理部门在处理时是非常的困难,在认定时往往会出现相同案件不同的审理结果的现象.正确地对商标近似进行判断是有关商标案件中的关键.  相似文献   

胡浩 《科教文汇》2007,(11X):153-153
在商标侵权和商标异议案件中,认定商标近似以及商品类似是争议最大的问题。而面对着大量的“搭便车”、“傍名牌”的现象,各级法院和工商行政管理部门在处理时是非常的困难,在认定时往往会出现相同案件不同的审理结果的现象。正确地对商标近似进行判断是有关商标案件中的关键。  相似文献   

近年来,销售商商标侵权纠纷案件逐渐增多,且已成为法院商标权纠纷审理的"重头戏"。然而,在这类案件审理中,诉讼主体的追加、侵权销售商的法律责任等问题,一直困扰着知识产权庭的法官们。不同地区、不同法院由于认识不同,甚至形成结果迥异的判决,严重损害司法权威。而要解决审理中的困境,需要对商标侵权销售商的法律地位进行源头式的解析和探讨。因此,本文在梳理此类案件审理实务中存在的三大难题后,对侵权销售商的行为性质和法律地位一一进行分析和讨论,认定商标侵权销售商的行为属于直接侵权,其与销售商构成竞合侵权关系,在诉讼中具有独立地位,并据此立场,对应三个审理难题,提出追加问题上应充分尊重当事人的诉权、区分情况判定销售商赔偿责任的免除及承担,以及实务中如何适用新商标法第六十三条的规定来确定赔偿数额等司法对策,以求证于同仁,为商标法适用的理论发展和实践创新奉献绵薄之力。  相似文献   

柳春 《未来与发展》2011,(7):80-83,107
涉外定牌加工产品在我国出口贸易中占大部份额。然而,对指定或者提供使用的商标,第三人在我国境内相同商品或者类似商品上注册了相同或近似商标,但境外企业不提供第三人的商标许可证明或商标转让证书,或提供虚假的商标许可证明或转让证书等,导致涉外定牌加工企业商标侵权纠纷不断。涉外定牌加工企业应要求境外企业提供第三人的商标许可证明或商标转让证书,并予以审核,增强商标与合同等,防范涉外定牌加工中的商标侵权风险。  相似文献   

案情简介 广东锦力电器有限公司(以下简称为锦力公司)是第1465894号“曼科”商标注册人,该商标核定使用的商品为第9类的“电开关、插座”等。虽然“曼科”商标在广东省享有较高的知名度,但在锦力公司生产的部分商品上,该公司实际使用的是“曼科CLIPMEI’商标。佛山市市民廖燕文女士是第1674385号“CUPMEI”商标注册人。该商标核定使用的商品也是第9类“电开关、插座”等。与“曼科”商标相比,“CUPMEI”商标在广东省的相关公众中没有多少知名度。2004年6月29日,廖燕文以锦力公司侵犯其注册商标专用权为由,向佛山市中级人民法院起诉,请求佛山市中级人民法院判决锦力公司停止侵权、销毁侵权产品、赔偿损失亚承担本案诉讼费用。经审理,佛山市中级人民法院驳回了廖燕文的诉讼请求。廖燕文不服一审判决,向广东省高级人民法院上诉。广东省高级人民法院於2005年11月2日作出驳回上诉、维持原判的终审判决。  相似文献   

关于搜索引擎竞价排名中涉及的商标侵权问题,结合中美两国的立法规定与司法案件,认为广告主购买关键词广告进行竞价排名构成商标性使用,容易导致初始混淆。同时,根据"红旗标准"与"通知-删除"规则,认定搜索引擎承担间接侵权责任。搜索引擎在进行竞价排名、销售商标关键词时,其应当履行审查主体资格、权利证书的义务;其应当采取添加广告标识、分区布局等措施以提高网络用户的注意力程度。建议在搜索引擎竞价排名治理中,重视行业标准的重要性,以规范搜索引擎竞价排名商业机制。  相似文献   

“中华老字号海外维权第一案”——王致和德国”商标侵权和不正当竞争案”近日终审判决.德国慕尼黑高等法院二审裁决”王致和”商标侵权案中方胜诉.要求德国欧凯公司停止使用“王致和”商标,并撤回其在德国专利商标局注册的”王致和”商标。据了解.该案始于2006年7月,王致和集团到德国注册商标时发现.王致和腐乳、调味品、销售服务三类商标被一家名为“欧凯“的德国公司抢注.并且商标标志完全相同.双方协商未果之后.  相似文献   

The use of trademark data in innovation studies is still limited because as yet no guidelines exist to ascertain which trademarks relate to innovation. This paper proposes that a branding strategy approach may help to identify innovation related trademarks. Companies use distinctive branding strategies for innovation and these branding strategies have important consequences for the design of new trademarks and their application scope. Based on a sample of Benelux and Community trademarks, we find that trademarks for brand creation relate more often to product innovation. In addition, we find negative effects of a trademark’s industry scope on its relatedness to product innovation, and of a trademark’s geographic scope on its relatedness to service innovation. Our findings bear several key implications for further research towards identifying innovation-related trademarks from a branding strategy perspective.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of trademarks on the market value of firms. The results show that trademarks have a positive effect on firm value. Next, the firms’ market values are regressed on indicators of trademark value such as trademark seniorities, the number of oppositions filed, and the number of product and services classes covered. We found that they at least partially reflect trademark value.  相似文献   

专利商标案件审理中的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专利、商标纠纷案件的审理是知识产权审判工作的重要组成部分。多年来,北京市法院在审理专利、商标纠纷案件中,遇到并解决了不少疑难问题,积累了一定的经验。下面就一些经常遇到的问题作一介绍。  相似文献   

Research on the use of trademarks by innovating companies is growing. Yet, large research gaps exist in our understanding of the use of trademarks beyond manufacturing and beyond specific service sectors. This study focuses on the creative and cultural industries (CCIs) and argues that these industries represent a salient case to advance research on trademarks. After reviewing the main characteristics of CCIs, a conceptual framework is developed to classify motives to trademark and motives not to trademark for firms in these industries. The paper offers original empirical evidence on the relevance of these motives from survey results on a sample of 486 European firms in five selected CCIs.Results from principal component analysis are used to propose a taxonomy of firms with specific attitudes and strategies towards trademarking. All results are discussed in terms of their implications for using trademarks as the basis for novel economic indicators of product variety and innovation.  相似文献   

The web creates manyopportunities for encroachment on intellectualproperty including trademarks. Our principaltask in this paper is an investigation into anunusual form of such encroachment: theimproper use of metatags. A metatag is a pieceof HTML code that provides summary informationabout a web page. If used in an appropriatemanner, these metatags can play a legitimaterole in helping consumers locate information. But the ``keyword'' metatag is particularlysusceptible to manipulation. These tags can beeasily abused by web site creators anxious tobait search engines and bring scores ofvisitors to their sites. The law aboutmetatags is far from settled and many legalscholars are uncomfortable with the conclusionthat the unauthorized use of a trademark in ametatag represents infringement. How should weassess this practice known as ``spamdexing'' froma normative perspective? Is it commercial fairplay or something more sinister? We make thecase here that there are salient moral problemswith spamdexing since it exploits thereputational goodwill of trademark owners andconfuses consumers. It violates basic moralduties and it flouts the golden rule principle. Hence unauthorized use of a competitor'strademark in a metatag is not morallyacceptable.  相似文献   

吴菲菲  冯家琪  黄鲁成 《情报杂志》2021,40(2):38-46,54
[目的/意义]研发商业化机会(R&BD)是指通过整合市场和创新来开发技术以创造有价值技术的过程,基于商标和专利的不同映射情景识别不同的R&BD机会并制定不同的策略,不仅使商标这一重要的知识产权战略得以充分应用,而且可以为不同情景下的R&BD机会制定具有针对性的策略。[方法/过程]为了降低技术商业化的失败率,提出一个以商标和专利数据为依据,利用文本挖掘技术识别商标和专利空白,使用文本相似度算法和逆映射寻找商标和专利的对应关系,结合情景分析法分情景识别潜在R&BD机会的研究框架。以远程医疗领域商标和专利作为分析对象,预测该领域的潜在R&BD机会。[结果/结论]实证结果表明:所选技术领域共发现29个潜在的商标空白点,通过商标和专利的逆映射确定了11个商标空白点与现有专利对应,同时确定了24个具有商业化潜力的现有专利技术,通过LDA主题模型以及人工分析进行主题概括,可以发现该情景下远程医疗领域潜在的R&BD机会主要集中在4个方面;确定了7个商标空白点与3个专利空白点对应,该情景下归纳出3个潜在R&BD机会;确定了11个商标空白点与现有专利和专利空白点均无对应,该情景在现阶段无数据支撑,无法做具体研究。  相似文献   

周燕杰 《科教文汇》2012,(22):149-150
国际汽车企业进入中国市场获得很大成功,汽车商标的汉译对它们的成功有不可忽视的辅助作用。本文先讨论商标语言的特点,商标翻译的目的与原则,再具体讨论汽车商标汉译所采取的各种策略。希望此探讨对中国企业走向国际市场,塑造自己的知名品牌有一定的启示。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(10):104869
This paper investigates how human capital affects trademark applications at the firm level. We adopt a difference-in-differences strategy to examine the impact of human capital on trademark applications, taking advantage of a unique natural experiment in China that expanded higher education enrollment substantially in 1999. We find firms in industries with higher human capital intensities filed for more trademarks after 2003 than they did in prior years. We then investigate the mechanism through which human capital enhancement causes more trademark applications. We find that firms in industries with higher human capital intensities tend to invest more in R&D and worker training programs. We next find that firms that spend more on R&D and training programs tend to develop more new products. We also find firms that have more new products file for more trademark applications. The main policy implication of our empirical results is that encouraging human capital enhancement can generate more innovative products and trademarks.  相似文献   

How do intellectual propriety rights (IPRs) help firms profit from their innovation? Innovation literature frequently turns to patents to measure innovative IPR, but more recent work shifts focus to the other side of IPR, namely, trademarks. This article therefore discusses the effects of trademark strategies when companies decide to introduce their product portfolios in a new foreign market. Entrants might opt for a common trademark across different country markets (integration) or use several country-specific trademarks (responsiveness). This empirical study exploits the quasi-natural experiment created by the tariff shock that affected Spain when it joined the European Union in the 1990s. Data from the automotive industry reveal how non-European companies that already operated in other European countries sought to enter Spain rapidly, using various trademark strategies. The product portfolio characteristics are fixed at entry, so this study can specify how and when trademark responsiveness versus integration affects firm performance. The results reveal that trademark responsiveness increases firm performance if the firms suffer high liabilities of foreignness or newness.  相似文献   

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