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《教师教育课程标准(试行)》是教育部颁布的我国第一个教师教育课程设置规范性文件,其实践取向的教师职业能力发展导向,对在校师范生职业能力培养提出了更高的要求,师范院校应积极调整教师教育课程体系,用合适的方法把师范生教师职业能力培养做得更加实在,进一步创新师范生教师职业能力培养策略。  相似文献   

In 2001, the Chinese Ministry of Education issued Guidelines for Preschool Education (GPE) (trial version) to call on early childhood practitioners to use a child-centered and play-based approach to teaching and learning. The guidelines also include mathematics within the science domain and described its standards in a way that significantly lessens the teacher’s role as knowledge disseminator. Instead, the guidelines encourage mathematics learning and teaching through play, self-discovery, and problem solving. This qualitative case study examined one kindergarten teacher’s implementation of and associated challenges in delivering mathematics lessons from a newly developed integrated provincial curriculum (PC) and the quality of instruction as influenced by using a curriculum that is organized around thematic units. The analysis of the curriculum, ten videotaped lessons, two teacher interviews, and other supporting documents, such as student work and teacher lesson plans, indicated that the teacher encountered difficulties implementing the PC as intended due to a number of factors, including inadequate curricular resources, incoherency of the curriculum design, and a mismatch between the mathematics standards and curriculum goals and the teacher’s instructional style and teaching philosophy. As a result, the quality of mathematics instruction was poor, especially in the areas of (1) using effective teaching strategies, (2) providing clear and accurate instruction with a positive attitude, (3) engaging students in sustained interactions with mathematical ideas, and (4) offering on-going assessment and feedback. To close, recommendations for curriculum refinement and professional development are provided.  相似文献   

随着高等教育一体化与"可持续发展教育"进程的不断深入,德国教师教育发展面临巨大的挑战。加之"PISA震惊"引发的基础教育课程改革,21世纪初期,德国陆续颁布出台了一系列针对职前教师改革的新政策,并积极对课程实施改革,如建立分层、贯通性本硕一体化课程体系,基于教师教育标准设置能力导向的课程目标,在课程内容中融入可持续发展与跨文化主题,开发行动能力导向的实践课程等。虽取得了明显成效,但也出现了一些实际问题。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):133-147

This article reports results of the study that examined constraints on the integration of Sustainability Education in Namibian colleges of education. The sample consisted of sixty-four (64) teacher educators selected from a total of one hundred and seventy-two (172). The findings of the study show that institutional, dispositional and situational constraints affect the cross-curricular integration of Sustainability Education in these colleges. The recommendations support the re-orientation of administration, curriculum and in-service training for teacher educators and administrators in order to support the cross-curricular integration of Sustainability Education in Namibian colleges of education.  相似文献   

教师教育课程改革的国际趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国《教师教育课程标准》的研制建立在对国际教师教育课程改革研究的基础之上,本文对美国、英国、德国、法国、澳大利亚和日本等发达国家教师教育课程改革的理念和实践展开比较分析,指出教师教育课程改革的国际趋势表现在:开展旨在教师终身专业发展的、以学习者为中心的教师教育课程改革;注重教师教育课程的前沿性、灵活性和实用性;注重模块式课程的开发和教育临床研究;注重以学生为中心的课程实施方法;注重质的评价和严格把关相结合的课程评价。  相似文献   

2017年10月26日,教育部印发了《普通高等学校师范类专业认证实施办法(暂行)》,明确提出要培养造就堪当民族复兴大任的大国良师。培育"大国良师"是新时代国家对广大教师的殷切期望与要求,同时也将引发教师教育课程的改革。指向大国良师的教师教育课程应注重师范生的精神成长,其目标在于帮助师范生成为一名有灵魂、有信念、有思想、有情怀、有学识、有担当、有使命感、有仁爱之心的未来教师。建设以"精神成长"为指引的教师教育课程可以借鉴文化存在论教育学的理论思想。文化存在论教育学认为师范生培养的"精神转向"突出表现在三个方面:一是从注重知识、技能的掌握到关注优雅心灵的成长;二是从割裂式的培养到运用艺术教育的手段培育整体精神;三是从忽视到重视运用优秀的传统文化进行精神培育。文化存在论教育学将师范生的精神成长视为培育人文精神与涵养文化品性的过程,因而在课程体系建设中非常注重对师范生开展"仁爱之心"儿童观的培育、"内在幸福"价值观的涵养,以及"转识成智"教育观的陶冶。为此,教师教育课程的建设应特别注重三个方面:首先,将"仁爱之心"儿童观的形塑融汇在教师教育课程体系之中,激励师范生不断形成"於穆不已"的儿童教育信念。其次,将"内在幸福"价值观渗透在教师教育课程体系之中,激励师范生树立"孔颜乐处"的教育志向。第三,将"转识成智"教育观融通在教师教育课程体系之中,激励师范生不断提升教育的实践智慧。  相似文献   

2007年6月,澳大利亚维多利亚州教学协会制定了新的教师教育课程标准《职前教师教育课程的评审标准、指导方针及评审程序》。该教师教育课程标准的设计理念是"教师专业化",设计模式是"泰勒模式",突出重点是"实习"。它对我国制定教师教育课程标准具有一些借鉴意义,如更新理念,注重学生需要;重视实践,促进教师专业化;加强合作,构建学校伙伴关系;规范的评价体系是质量的重要保证。  相似文献   

Debating whether or not teachers should teach values addresses the wrong question. Education already is a values-infused enterprise. The larger question is how to train teachers for positive character formation. Two teacher education strategies are presented in this article. A “minimalist” strategy requires teacher educators to make explicit the hidden moral education curriculum and to reveal the inextricable linkage between best practice instruction and moral character outcomes. The “maximalist” approach requires preservice teachers to master a tool kit of pedagogical strategies that target moral character directly as a curricular goal. To this end, the Integrative Ethical Education model outlines five steps for moral character development: supportive climate, ethical skills, apprenticeship instruction, self-regulation, and adopting a developmental systems approach.  相似文献   

在19时期末20世纪初,教师教育课程的学术学科和教育专业学科的关系一直是个争论不休的问题,也是教师教育改革中很难处理的一个问题。为此,巴格菜提出了"任教学科内容专业化"的主张,这成为其教师教育课程思想的核心观点。挖掘和梳理巴格莱的教师教育课程思想,对于转型期的我国的教师教育与课程改革具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   


To better prepare pre-service candidates for teaching in the information age, the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has defined National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) to guide technology integration into teacher education programs. Based on these standards, Brigham Young University (BYU) has implemented strategies for technology integration into their teacher education program by creating curriculum design teams composed of School of Education faculty, public school personnel, and instructional design and technology specialists. This paper describes basic principles that have led to the successful development of curriculum design teams for systemic reform in teacher education.  相似文献   

我国新一轮基础教育课程改革对教师专业发展提出了新的挑战。这就要求教师必须适应课程改革的要求,全面提升素质,实现专业发展。本文阐述了新课程对教师专业发展提出的新挑战,探讨了新课程改革视域下促进教师专业化发展的基本策略。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):180-198

This paper describes the participatory development of a new curriculum for an Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE) (Inclusive and Special Needs Education) programme in the Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria. Several challenges in the existing programme necessitated curriculum re-design and development. These challenges included responding to policies regarding inclusive and special needs education; responding to revised higher education frameworks; revisiting the structure and content of modules in order to improve articulation; addressing an anticipated increase in student enrolment and a changing student profile; and incorporating current trends in distance education service delivery. Partners in this collaborative curriculum initiative included the Unit for Distance Education, the Department of Educational Psychology, the Department for Education Innovation and the South African Institute of Distance Education (SAIDE). Insights derived from this paper could possibly inform similar curriculum development initiatives, as well as extend knowledge on open and distance learning service delivery, in particular for in-service teacher training.  相似文献   

高中阶段是学生成长和发展最重要的阶段之一。新课程标准改革和“中国学生发展核心素养”为现阶段的高中生提出了更高的要求,同时也对高中班主任的管理工作提出了更高的要求。本文主要探讨了基于新课改背景下高中班主任管理工作有效开展的策略。  相似文献   

我国高校的教师教育课程归纳为通识教育课程、学科专业课程和教育科学课程.各层面的教师教育院校在课程教学设计的理念上是有差异的.教师教育课程改革所取得的经验体现在优化思想政治理论课程、改善课程结构、实施多样化的课程模式等方面.教师教育课程管理仍存在学科本位、教育类课程地位相对较低、课程设置针对性滞后等问题.教师教育课程改革和走向将更加关注社会发展对教师教育变革的影响、教师专业化的时代要求和课程实施方式创新.  相似文献   

从“师范教育”走向“教师教育”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从"师范教育"走向"教师教育",意味着教师教育观念的根本改变。论文从"师范教育"和"教师教育"各自的概念内涵入手,阐述了"师范教育"走向"教师教育"所凸显的观念更新,以及推进教师教育课程体系整体变革的迫切性。  相似文献   

"云物大智"时代,高速发展的大数据信息技术与各行各业深度融合,会计的外部生存环境发生巨变,会计改革创新势在必行。如何将大数据信息技术融入专业教学成为高职院校会计专业"三教改革"的重难点。以大数据战略为背景,文章从课程体系建设、产教融合构建、教师塑造、丰富教材、创新教法等五个方面,剖析了高职院校会计专业基于信息技术和"智能大数据"的教改途径,以期为高职院校会计专业教学的改革提供一定思路和参考。  相似文献   

"中学生品德发展与道德教育"课程的建设及实施是四川师范大学在人才培养模式与教师教育课程改革上的积极探索。课程教学内容选取所遵循的原则是:以品德心理学和德育原理为基础,以中学生品德发展的特点和规律为重点,以掌握德育教育的有效途径为目的。在适应学情的基础上形成"讲解分析—案例展示—讨论探究—情境剧演示"的教学模式,并引导学生形成个性化的学习方式。  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革背景下高师教师教育课程最大的问题是理论与实践的脱节,教学效率低下,从教学方式到课程设置均不适应新课程的发展,同时当前高师教师教育的教学实践面临着严重的困难。因此借鉴国际教师教育经验—校本教师教育对改善我国高师教师教育有着积极的意义。实现校本教师教育实践需要政策予以支持和引导大学与中小学建立协作性伙伴关系,建立稳定教学基地。同时大学需要改变教师教育理念,由知识中心课程体系向情境中心课程体系转变,从而保证高师的教师教育质量。  相似文献   

教育博士专业学位教育与教育学学术博士教育存在趋同现象,与教育硕士专业学位教育、本科阶段教师教育专业缺乏衔接,课程模块缺乏系统设计,指导教师知识结构单一。为此,教育博士专业学位教育要明确培养目标;建立教师教育专业本科学位、教育硕士专业学位与教育博士专业学位相互衔接的教师教育体系;需要优化教育博士专业学位教育的课程模块;改善教育博士指导教师的知识结构。  相似文献   

This article is part of a narrative study of Chinese beginning teacher induction through cross-cultural teacher development, which has been developed and contextualized in the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program between the University of Windsor (UW), Canada and Southwest University (SWU), China. This program is part of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grant Project, Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China. The partnership builds on the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program, and the Shanghai-Toronto-Beijing Sister School Network. In this article, the authors conducted narrative inquiry with two of the SWU participants in the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program to explore their experience from their cross-cultural learning in Canada to beginning teachers in West China. The findings of the research suggest the need to develop a global and cross-cultural dimension in teacher education and development in West China. It is evident that the cross-cultural experiences in Canada have influenced beginning teachers’ curriculum views, relationship to students, and beliefs about teaching. Their “lived stories” (Connelly & Clandinin, 1990, p. 6) also indicate that the personal, pedagogical, and social influences of cross-cultural experiences play important roles in beginning teachers’ teaching careers.  相似文献   

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