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《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):132-133
From a reading of Xu Mumin's "Zheng wen" [A Solicited Letter — selection 13, above] it is easy to see that, (1) he is basically opposed to writing reform; (2) he would limit any reform of Chinese writing to the simplification of Chinese characters; and (3) he is opposed to the Latinization of Chinese writing. The first two completely deny the need for a reform of Chinese writing. This has been debated many times, and I am not prepared to discuss it again. I shall just express my own limited views on the third point.  相似文献   

加强应用文写作课程的技能训练和考核,迅速提升学生的应用文写作水平和学习效率,提高学生鉴赏和审美能力,培养学生的职业精神,是各高职院校教学改革的一大课题。本文对应"供给侧改革""创新和特色发展""产教融合协同发展"三个方面对应用文写作课程教学改革进行了探讨。  相似文献   

英语教学正以它新的改革风貌迈入 2 1世纪 ,如何利用语言学的方法对大学生作文教学进行改革 ,是一个值得探讨的问题。 2 0 0 1年的研究生入学考试中作文的要求由 15 0字增加到 2 0 0字 ,分值由 15分提高到 2 0分 ,这说明对学生写作能力的要求越来越高了 ,对大学英语作文的要求也会提高。从“i+ 1”的有效输入到利用“i+ 1”的方法对作文教学进行改革 ,取得了一些成果  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):129-131
After I read "Zheng wen" [A Solicited Letter — selection 13, above] by Xu Mumin of Middle School No. 2 in Dezhou, Shandong, in the eighty-ninth biweekly "Writing Reform" feature in Guangming ribao, I groaned with indignation. I am not a researcher in writing reform, but I cannot suppress my anger, I must express it. First, I feel that the Party's policy of "Let a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools contend" has rightly opened up free discussion on scientific questions; it is also right that erroneous views made with good intentions should be published. But such insults and false accusations as Xu Mumin's cannot be tolerated. The title that he has chosen, "A Solicited Letter," appears to me to be a challenge to battle. His whole essay is composed of filth which brings false accusations of the worst kind against writing reform; this is not just fortuitous. He has issued a "summons to war" to writing reform, and we must be prepared to strike back with determination.  相似文献   

中职应用文课堂改革一直是中职课改的"软肋",文章从分析中职应用文课堂教学现状着手,结合笔者教学经验,重点从课堂教学观念的改变、课堂教学模式的更新提出创新教学方法,以提高应用文课堂教学效果,实现中职应用文教学目标。  相似文献   

欧阳修是北宋科举制度下成长的集政治、文学和经术于一体的文化伟人。为了应试贡举,他不得不放弃韩文,应试"时文";面对迂阔诞谩的高言空文,欧阳修借主持嘉祐贡举之机,裁抑"鈎章棘句、寖失浑淳"的歪劣文风。欧阳修的嘉祐贡举革新确立了经义在科举的地位,散文取代了骈文,成为文章正宗。  相似文献   

在探索汉语言文学专业改革的过程中,我们始终将"能写会说"定位为专业的核心能力,各措并举强化写作训练。为了进一步推进写作实践教学改革,探索写作实践教学新模式,我们率先在黟县屏山村建立了汉语言文学专业实践基地,带领学生在特定环境中深入生活,参与劳动、采访、调查等多种写作实践活动,让学生贴近生活、贴近底层、贴近心灵、贴近应用进行写作,这极大地提升了学生的综合素养和写作能力,作品的真实度、艺术性、感染力、说服力和文本的规范意识都得到显著提升。  相似文献   

调动学生潜藏的“个性能量”,发现自我,激发个性话语的活力,用有可操作性的创新理念,推动写作教学的改革,解放思想,张扬个性,让我们的写作课真正属于我们自己。  相似文献   

大学生的思辨能力和对英语的实际运用能力在英语写作教学中相较基础语法知识更为重要,而和谐、融洽的师生关系对于学生学习积极性的提高和兴趣爱好的培养,也不容忽视。由此,拟把PBL(Problem-Based Learning)教学法引入到英语写作教学当中,以期改善当前英语教学、考查中存在的不足,有的放矢,提高学习效率和学生的兴趣。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):126-128
Recently we received this letter entitled "Zheng wen." The writer is Xu Mumin of Middle School No. 2 in Dezhou, Shandong. The letter contains such statements as, "Latin writing is not our national product"; if we use the Latin alphabet "we will be fighting the world for Latin writing," "surrendering our teachers," "unable to face our ancestors," "unable to face our descendants."… The writer has piled up insult and filth without restraint; it would appear that only he is a "patriot." But, we believe that many of you readers can answer correctly the questions of how one is a genuine patriot and what genuine patriotism is in writing reform, and we are publishing this "solicited letter" by Xu Mumin for you.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):114-120
In the current Party rectification movement, the bourgeois rightists have seized the chance to express opinions freely, to produce many anti-Party, antisocialist falsehoods. Even writing reform, which everyone has been actively promoting under the Party's leadership, has become a target of their attack. Rightist Zhang Bojun fired the first volley in this battle early in the campaign at a conference convened by the United Front Office.? Ignoring objective reality, he made the slanderous accusation that a small minority had taken charge of China's writing reform. Other people brought out many facts to refute this point, leaving him without a thing to say. Many poisonous ideas concerning writing reform have also appeared in some periodicals they control. One example is an article in Guangming ribao [Kwangming Daily] of April 28 of this year, entitled, "A Biologist's Thoughts on Writing Reform."? Square Chinese characters have a long history in our country, and they have become deeply rooted in some people's minds.  相似文献   

石焕霞 《考试研究》2009,(3):104-117
1900年庚子之乱,清政府开始了大刀阔斧的“清末新政”,从政治、经济到教育各个领域都进行了变革,科举制度的改革也在其中。1901年清政府下达了废除八股取士改试策论以及停止武科考试的上谕。因此,1902年的乡试成为科举制度改革后的第一次实战。顺天乡试系全国之观瞻,却因为庚子之乱贡院被毁,不得不借助于河南省的乡闱。所以,此次乡试中所表现出来的形形色色的人物面相,成为探究科举制度废除前夕世人真实心态的一个绝佳的风标。  相似文献   

展宏彦 《天津教育》2021,(4):143-144
随着新课改的不断推进,小学语文教学中应用以读促写策略成为小学语文教师培养学生学习能力和学科核心素养的根本方式。在小学语文教学中,无论是阅读还是写作教学课程都属于实践性很强的教学课程,而应用以读促写策略将会有效锻炼学生的读写结合能力。因此本文就“以读促写策略”进行研究。  相似文献   

中国现代随笔的话语建构,离不开国外现代文艺思潮和现代随笔理论的影响,这典型地表现在中国现代知识者接受西方现代性的批判观念,从而将社会启蒙、社会变革、人生改造统一到随笔的创作中去。与传统随笔比较,中国现代随笔出现了在西方现代性特征影响下前所未有的新美学特质。其表现为:其一,兴之所至,任心闲话。西方现代随笔标举的“闲话”境界极具美学意味,在中国现代知识者笔下就是“我手写我口”,将随笔创作视为谈天说地、率意随心、恣意创作的一种体现。其二,个性精神,人格色彩。中国现代知识者在挣脱封建樊篱而获得西方现代性特征后,就将随笔创作视为强化个人感情色彩,突出批判意识的一种自由文类。其三,信笔涂鸦与雕心刻骨。现代随笔是“表面”的“平常”与“苦心雕刻的妙笔”的结合,同样也能达到“美文”的境界。  相似文献   

分析了HSK与MHK考试制度的异同,回顾了新疆少数民族汉语写作课的教学现状,对新形势下汉语写作课的教学改革进行了探讨,提出了少数民族汉语写作课教学"学—写—评—写—评"模式,以此作为优化教学环节、完善教学内容的对策。  相似文献   

张田若先生是我国目前唯一一位从建国后到“新课改”一直坚持编写小学语文教科书长达60余年的学者。他编辑小学语文教科书旨在优化与推广以“集中识字”和“集中识字·大量阅读·分步习作”为核心的小学语文教学改革经验;形成了以“四大基础”和“集中识字”为基本框架的编排体系,并注重的单元分组教学;内容围绕“字词句段篇,听说读写书”展开全面训练,取材强调文质兼美。张田若先生的小学语文教科书编辑实践和思想对当下新课程改革中小学语文教科书编辑和教学实践当有所启示。  相似文献   

百年语文写作教材经历了三次改革浪潮。第一次改革以写作知识的学科化为中心;第二次改革以写作教材知识的科学化为中心;在第三次改革中,语文课程标准提出不宜刻意追求语文知识的系统和完整,在历史语境中把握该理念的内涵,写作教材教学化、学材化应该成为第三次教材改革的中心。写作知识的开发既要重视内容的科学性,也要重视呈现方式的有效性,以求文质兼美。而要真正有效地呈现科学的写作知识,使教师易教,学生乐学,关键在于写作练习的设计。  相似文献   

In "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People," Chairman Mao said: "All of our plans, our procedures, and our thinking should take as their starting point the fact that there are 600 million people in our country; we must never forget this." I feel that this statement by Chairman Mao can direct writing reform too. Writing reform is a major undertaking; it is related to the livelihood of 600 million people and their sons and grandsons for ten thousand generations. If such a major undertaking does not take the whole nation as its starting point, it will in all probability fail. Recently, however, some discussions of writing reform have not taken the 600 million people as their starting point; instead, they have considered it from the point of view of the advantages to and the convenience for a very small circle of people. They have not considered the laboring people in general, or the needs of the peasant masses in particular. This is what Mr. Chen Mengjia does.  相似文献   

高等数学作业布置及批改方法的改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教学改革的不断深入和发展,高等数学传统的作业布置及批改方法越来越突显弊端,改革势在必行。实践证明,在高等数学教学过程中,通过布置课前作业、论文式作业、网络作业以及组建“三人行”学习互助小组,可以调动学生的学习积极性,促进学生自学能力的培养,从而提高教学质量和教学效果。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the politics of education in the United States by considering the ideas and lives of Emma Willard and Catharine Beecher, nineteenth century educational reformers. It argues that understanding these women as American Antigones, as working through the contradictions between their public writing and their private lives, provides a perspective on the history of educational reform that combines myth and history. This perspective refuses idealized accounts of "lost" moments or possibilities in the past, grounding educational reform in the project of reimagining gender relations within families and schools in the present.  相似文献   

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