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本文基于历史的视角,对英国宏观教育决策的主体以及决策的模式进行了论述和分析,并归纳出英国宏观教育决策的若干特点:以政府为主导进行决策,注重以立法的形式开展重大决策,注重决策的民主化和科学化.  相似文献   

英美教育市场化改革述评   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教育市场化是近二三十年来英美两国在教育领域中的主要改革趋势,有着深刻的社会背景和理论基础。教育市场化改革的理论基础是新自由主义思想和新公共管理主义。教育市场化改革的表现形式多种多样,本文简要的对一些主要形式进行了描述,如特许学校、学券制、公助学额计划等。尽管教育市场化改革的形式多样,但其根本的理念却是一致的,那就是把竞争机制引入教育领域。只有竞争才是教育市场化改革的核心,是推动教育发展最为有效的机制。  相似文献   

This essay provides an assessment of the development of educational studies as a field of enquiry in the United Kingdom since 1940. The narrative embraces the UK as a whole but also offers an account of distinctive aspects of the evolution of the field in each constituent country over three broad periods: 1940-1959; 1960-1982; and 1983 to the present.  相似文献   

英国大学教师与教育发展协会旨在支持和引领教育变革,为大学教师提供学习和交流的平台,促进大学教师以及高等教育的发展。该协会成员,包括机构成员和个体成员(如大学及大学教师),持有共同的价值理念,并通过专业发展、会议与重要活动、出版物、研究以及成员服务五大活动致力于完成协会的五项核心任务。从1993年创立至今,协会获得了快速的发展,对英国乃至整个世界的高等教育产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

巴林王国教育信息化规划评介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文着重从2001年以来巴林王国教育部为发展基础教育信息化规划所做的努力和进展的角度,主要评述国王哈迈德未来学校计划,希望能够成为读者深刻理解关于巴林王国教育技术有益的参考。  相似文献   

明确教师教育职能是为了使教育工作更有针对性和更有成效.所谓教师的教育职能,就是教师在对学生进行教育的过程中所担负的责任.从根本上看,它是社会对教师职业提出的一种社会价值追求;从具体时代的教育过程看,它又是特定社会信息条件的产物.  相似文献   

Three forms of research activity are defined: free, policy-oriented and development. In the United Kingdom, structures for each of these have developed rapidly in the past twenty years; and there is now a variety of research organisations, different in pattern, function and funding. The present need is to sustain a vigorous programme of research and development through these organisations, but their level of funding is relatively low (less than one per cent of all educational expenditure), contrary to an OECD, 1972, forecast of continuing growth.Research-based knowledge has influenced educational policy, but its effect is not fully recognised. Research seldom has direct impact but influences policy indirectly, through interaction and by aggregation, penetrating public consciousness.Present weaknesses are the lack of collaboration between research institutions (though there are advantages in a plurality of organisations), and in the small scale of financial support for research, which reflects a lack of public will or confidence in the use of research in education.
Zusammenfassung Drei Arten von Forschung werden definiert: freie, Bildungspolitik-orientierte und Entwicklung. Im Vereinigten Königreich haben sich Institutionen für jede dieser Arten rapide entwickelt, so daß es jetzt eine Vielfalt von Forschungsorganisationen gibt, die sich in Aufbau, Funktion und Finanzierung unterscheiden. Benötigt wird ein reichhaltiges Programm für Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit; dennoch erhalten diese Organisationen, im Gegensatz zu dem im Jahre 1972 von der OECD vorausgesagten ständigen Wachstum, nur verhältnismäßig geringe Finanzmittel (unter 1% der Gesamtausgaben für das Bildungswesen).Auf Forschung beruhende Erkenntnisse haben die Bildungspolitik beeinflußt, doch ist ihre Wirkung wenig augenfällig. Nur selten hat die Forschung direkte Auswirkungen; sie beeinflußt die Politik auf indirektem Wege, indem sie durch Wechselwirkung und Summierung ins Bewußtsein der Öffentlichkeit dringt.Schwachstellen sind unzureichende Zusammenarbeit der Forschungsinstitutionen (obwohl eine Pluralität von Organisationen ihre Vorteile hat) und geringe finanzielle Unterstützung der Forschung, eine Reflektion fehlenden öffentlichen Interesses oder Glaubens an den praktischen Wert der pädagogischen Forschung.

Résumé Trois types d'activité de recherche sont définis: la recherche indépendante, la recherche visant à répondre à une politique, et le développement. Au Royaume-Uni, les structures de chacune d'elles se sont rapidement développées au cours de ces vingt dernières années; il existe maintenant toute une variété d'organisations de recherche, différant quant à la forme, la fonction et le financement. Ce qui est nécessaire, désormais, c'est de mener un vigoureux programme de recherche et de développement grâce à ces organisations, mais leur financement est relativement faible (moins de 1% du budget total de l'éducation), bien que les prévisions de l'OCDE en 1972 aient envisagé un développement croissant.La connaissance basée sur la recherche a influencé la politique de l'éducation, mais son effet n'est pas pleinement reconnu. La recherche a rarement un impact direct; son influence sur la politique de l'éducation se fait sentir indirectement, par un phénomène d'interaction et d'agrégation accumulative, en pénétrant progressivement la conscience publique.Les présentes faiblesses sont imputables au manque de collaboration des institutions de recherche (bien qu'une pluralité d'organismes présente des avantages) et aussi à la modicité des moyens financiers mis à la disposition de la recherche, reflet du manque de volonté ou de confiance de la part de la société en ce qui concerne l'utilisation de la recherche dans le domaine de l'éducation.

Over the last hundred years correspondence study for adults has been a substantial ‐‐ if little studied ‐‐ part of the education and training of adults in the UK Private colleges, non‐profit making institutions, professional, trades union and political bodies were experienced in the provision of correspondence courses long before the Open University came on the scene. In 1981, a national survey of mature students included almost a third who were distance students. Alan Woodley, of the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University, was a member of the survey team.  相似文献   

This paper comprises five sections. Section 1 is concerned with the aims of education and definitions of pupil success and pupil failure, including criteria for determining success/failure; and section 2 proposes a model of pupil ssuccess/pupil failure which is analysed in terms of (i) ‘within-child’ characteristics and previous learning experiences, (ii) the physical, social and educational environment, and (iii) the extent to which there is a match or mismatch between educational provision and educational needs. The different criteria for measuring success/failure (educational attainment and pupil progress; pupil behaviour; pupils’ self-concepts and expectations of success; attitudes to school; number of pupils assessed as having special educational needs) are identified in section 3, and sources of evidence are analysed. Section 4 traces the legislative basis of educational provision from the 1944 Education Act, through the Education Act of 1988, which introduced the National Curriculum, to the present, while section 5 examines current developments in education.  相似文献   

This paper surveys developments in Higher Education in the United Kingdom since the publication of the White Paper in December 1992. It considers in particular: (1) the progress made in the reorganisation of the public sector of Higher Education, in particular of the Colleges of Education; (2) the extent to which the pressure of student demand is slackening, with consequent reduction in the rates of growth envisaged in the White Paper; (3) the tendency for women to form a larger proportion of the applicants and of those admitted, both in arts-based and science-based courses; (4) the immediate financial problems faced by universities and other institutions as a consequence of inflation.This article by Sir Derman Christopherson is the second in a series of reviews of developments in different parts of the world. The next issue will include a review of developments in Japan.—Ed.  相似文献   

李亦敏 《教育学报》2005,1(3):49-52
半个世纪以来,发展教育的理念日益进入英国教育的主流,其组织规模也不断扩大。但理论基础薄弱,概念界定不清,实际操作性差仍是其存在的棘手问题,向操作性强、可塑性强的学习理论的转型,是它的必然选择。  相似文献   


This paper, which is in three parts, first surveys the development of some forms of informal death education in the United Kingdom since Gorer's (1965) post‐war survey of attitudes to death, grief and mourning. It notes how many of the responses made to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, are part of such developments. Next it shows how the media in particular, together with exhibitions, courses and reports, continue to contribute to the attainment of four goals originally applied to American Death Education: (1) informing of facts not currently widespread in society, (2) learning to deal with feelings about one's own death and the deaths of significant others, (3) becoming informed consumers of medical and funeral services, and (4) clarifying one's values on social and ethical issues. The paper concludes by outlining some choices and challenges that death and bereavement present using Buber's I‐‐Thou perspective.  相似文献   

ALL CHILDREN of school age in the United Kingdom are the responsibility of the Education Authority and must be offered educational provision. About 1.3% of pupils attend special schools; other pupils with special educational needs receive support of various kinds in ordinary schools. The Education Act 1981 is the main legislative instrument concerned with special education: it defined special educational needs, established integration as a key principle guiding service provision and laid down detailed procedures for conducting assessments. Special educational provision is likely to be affected significantly by the general Education Act introduced in 1988 but the precise implications are not yet clear.  相似文献   

A number of new initiatives have been taken recently in the UK to not only bring the universities and industry closer together but to allow genuine collaboration. These range from industry-based research programmes to university groups entering the industrial world for themselves

This paper outlines these various programmes and then describes the experience at Cambridge with a research programme and a teaching programme which linked directly with manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

The impact of Donald Super's work on the theory and practice of career guidance in the UK is reviewed. He played an important role in the move away from a ``talent-matching' to a developmental model, and in the emergence of the concept of careers education. He also made significant direct contributions to the field during the three years he spent in England towards the end of his own career. The critique to which his work was subjected led to innovative theoretical work which stands in its own right. While in some respects his legacy was more indirect than direct, it is still evident.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse of children in the United Kingdom   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Questionnaires were circulated to 1,599 family doctors, police surgeons, paediatricians, and child psychiatrists to determine the frequency and nature of child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom. At least three per 1,000 children are currently being recognized as sexually abused sometime during their childhood. The majority of cases reported involved actual or attempted intercourse, and 74% of the perpetrators were known to the child. Family disturbance was noted in 56% of the cases. The most common outcome (43%) was criminal prosecution of the perpetrator. Area Review Committees had no clear policy for the management of sexual abuse. Before it is possible to protect children and to develop therapeutic services for the family, it will be necessary to acknowledge that sexual abuse is part of the child abuse spectrum.  相似文献   

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