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Analyses of society during the Soviet period need to include an understanding of the construction of everyday life by ordinary people, as well as of the policies and behavior of political leaders and of the formal structure of Soviet institutions. The usefulness of this approach can be seen by looking at data on how students in the 1970s interpreted their lives and experiences.  相似文献   

在20世纪60年代中期开始到70年代末,由于当时国际形势的变化,在中国西南、西北内陆地区开展的一场以备战为中心、以军工为主体的大规模的经济建设运动。甘肃因为有丰富的资源条件、复杂的地形状况及独特的地理位置,成为三线建设中一个重要的省份。回顾这段历史,理性地分析甘肃三线建设的得与失,对我们当今的经济建设有重大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

英国伯明翰学派早期亚文化研究探微   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
亚文化研究是伯明翰学派早期最有影响力的研究之一,它奠定了早期伯明翰学派在西方学术界的地位。通过运用社会学、人类学中的民族志学、符号学和结构主义等理论方法,学派成员把研究的焦点放在“亚文化”的建构过程、亚文化群体与母体文化的关系、亚文化与主流文化之间的关系、以及亚文化之间进行“对抗”与“收编”的历史过程。保罗·威利斯、迪克·赫伯狄格和安吉娜·麦克萝碧等人的研究成果代表了伯明翰学派早期亚文化研究的水平。  相似文献   

文章认为邓小平从1973年恢复工作之后,结合他实际主持的中国政府特别是外交工作,重新开始观察分析国际局势,形成了许多有益的思考,对当时的"三个世界"划分的认识,也有不同于当时流行话语的理解,最终再次被打倒.直到邓小平又一次复出,才将原有的想法进一步发展,并取得了丰富的思想成果.这些成果成为邓小平理论的一个重要内容,不仅指导着中国特色社会主义现代化事业建设,而且对于此后中国对外政策的制定,以及外交实践的指导思想探索,都有积极的影响及启示.  相似文献   

Having, in the past decade, spent billions of dollars on compensatory education, initiated thousands of projects, completed hundreds of studies, entered numerous judicial decisions and rulings, experienced dozens of riots and disorders, and generated whole new agencies and educational institutions, the nation's urban schools continue to operate in a vortex of segregation, alienation, and declining achievement. Various strategies and programs have been proposed for achieving equality of educational opportunity. The crisis in urban education has stimulated total rethinking about the educative process-the goals, the means, the resources, the strategies, the relationships-for all individuals, the advantaged and the disadvantaged, the majority and the minority. No panaceas exist but comprehensive planning based on the reservoir of experience, research, and theory can provide for effective learning in which the entire community becomes the site for education of urban populations.
Résumé Dans la décennie passée, ayant dépensé des milliards de dollars pour l'éducation compensatoire, inauguré des milliers de projets, terminé des centaines d'études, participé à de nombreuses décisions juridiques, subi des douzaines d'émeutes et de désordres, et engendré des établissements entièrement nouveaux et des institutions pédagogiques, les écoles urbaines du pays continuent à fonctionner dans un tourbillon de ségrégation, d'aliénation, et de déclin dans les résultats. Des stratégies et des programmes variés ont été proposés pour atteindre l'égalité dans l'éducation. La crise de l'éducation urbaine nécessite qu'on repense totalement nos idées du processus éducatif-les buts, les moyens, les ressources, les stratégies, les relations-pour tous les individus, avantagés et désavantagés, la majorité et la minorité. Il n'existe pas de panacées mais une planification intelligente, basée sur l'expérience, la recherche, et la théorie, pourra mener à une meilleure compréhension dans laquelle la communauté entière devient le site pour l'éducation de populations urbaines.

A longer version of this paper will appear inUrban Education in the 1970's, a collection of ten lectures to be published by Teachers College Press in January 1971.  相似文献   

Student movements in Japan have, during the 1970s, tended to move from cooperation between various radical sects to bloody conflict among them, from participation by students generally to involvement by only a limited core of committed activists and from a struggle against the universityand society to one against society alone. The end of the war in Vietnam, the economic crisis, and other societal factors have contributed to these changes. The future of the student movement in Japan cannot be accurately predicted but it is unlikely that a powerful and politically effective movement, such as that of the 1960s, will re-emerge in the near future.  相似文献   

‘To understand is to invent’ (Piaget, 1968). This paper examines the attempt of Les Dale, the Assistant Director of the Australian Science Education Project, to apply Piagetian theory to describing a theory of instruction for the Project. The historiographical method consists in examining and comparing instances of curriculum invention in science education in Australia starting with contemporary and retrospective accounts of the key figures (Fawns 1988a). This paper is a case record (Stenhouse, 1978) which synthesises public and personal material in the files collected by the author. It has been subjected to review by Dale and others including those to whom it was presented at A.S.E.R.A. It accompanies an earlier paper (Fawns, 1989) which assessed the social context of the Debate at the Guidelines Conference 20 years on. Specializations: studies in twentieth century science education in Australia, teacher education.  相似文献   

时论以为,50至70年代的文学读者,是党出于政治控制动机凸显的。党还通过意识形态修辞技术,使之转换为规范、控制文学的工具。此种论点误解甚多。其实,此时期读者凸显的动因与政治控制无关;不是意识形态修辞,而主要是特殊的接受制度的建构,赋给了读者超强接受权力;而知识分子与大众对接受权力的觊觎与争夺,又成为读者朝向政党/私人势力控制工具沦落的重要导因。  相似文献   

世纪之交,一群70年代出生的文学新人热热闹闹踏足文坛,也引来颇多争议,他们共同的成长记忆是做一个问题孩子,这群迷途羔羊在荒芜的城市旷野中毁灭或艰难成长,有一部分开始在为生存寻找一个理性的依据。他们的个人叙事话语某种程度上走向了平面化,酒吧是他们写作中最富于意味的文化符码。70年代出生的女作家们的性爱叙事比了染、林白们更具商品社会性被物化的特点,性体验也有随意、泛滥与平庸化的趋势。  相似文献   

Under the authoritarian regime, policies on higher education were mostly produced by the Excutive. First of all, an Educational Reform made up for the rapid expansion of a huge private sector where small teaching institutions prevail and which now absorbs over 60% of Brazilian students. The public sector, in turn, was substantially improved: the number of full time faculty increased and teachers in the federal universities were encouraged to apply for a M.A. or a Ph.D. and to get involved with research activities. Meanwhile, a dual funding system (teaching and research) emerged which was responsible both for the creation of graduate programmes all over the country and for the expansion of a research infrastructure. The civilian government (1985 on) brought policy making out of the bureaucracy and into the Congress. The new Constitution granted the university a degree of autonomy it had never enjoyed before which, however, is still to be regulated by further legislation. Policy initiatives driving at institutional differentiation and at performance assessment have systematically failed to become effective due to resistances within the university itself. Meanwhile financial stringency at a time of recession necessarily leads to reductions in funding, notably for research.  相似文献   

美国二十世纪七十年代的定位理论透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合美国二十世纪的经济背景、营销学和传播学的理论环境,具体阐述了美国七十年代定位理论的产生、发展及其特征,同时也指出了定位理论的贡献及其存在的理论缺陷。  相似文献   

Recent changes in women's education in Poland are described in the context of Polish higher education. The proportion of female students rose from 42.3% in 1970 to 50.8% in 1984 but the increase is concentrated in departments such as humanities, mathematics and natural sciences where women were already well-represented. In the period under review there was a decline in interest in technical studies but this affected men as well as women and is to be explained by reference to the labour market which is currently over-supplied with technical school graduates. Women seem to prefer more general courses especially those offering social and occupational mobility. The period 1977/78 to 1984/85 saw a significant decrease in students especially in technical schools, law and administration, mathematics and the natural sciences. The preferred fields in recent years from the point of view of the needs of the economy have been medicine and teacher training. The decline is due to demographic factors and the situation in the labour market. These changes are discussed in relation to mode of attendance (full-time, evening, extramural).Particular attention is paid to the slow increase in the proportion of women university teachers; in 1970/71 the percentage was 30.7% and in 1984/85 it was 34.9%. However the higher the academic grade or degree the lower is the proportion of women and factors explaining this are discussed. Throughout the article comparisons are made with other socialist and with industrialized capitalist countries.  相似文献   

Using data published in UNESCOStatistical Yearbooks (1972 & 1991) on the 50 countries with the largest number of exchange students, this article describes the international student exchange network and its changes between 1970 and 1989. The results indicate that the network changed significantly over this 20-year period. While the United States and some Western developed countries have remained at the center of the network, Asian and Middle Eastern countries have become more central and African countries have become more peripheral. The role of colonial and linguistic factors has become less important, while economic development has a more important role in international student exchanges. The international student exchange network suggests an academic hegemony consistent with that of economics and politics. The changes of the network reflect the hierarchical structure of the hegemonic powers in the modern world system.  相似文献   

This paper sets the development of the Sociology of Education in the changing Australian social structure, emphasising particularly economic prosperity, the influence of the rapid growth in the 1970s of the tertiary sector, the continuation of a relatively high level of migration, the egalitarian political ideology and the nature of educational administration. During this period many social pressures worked to support the political arithmetic tradition, though less so as the decade progressed. The sub‐discipline does seem by some measures to have become more mature by 1980, but at the very moment when economic stringency has been applied to the education sector.  相似文献   

语言问题一直是20世纪中国新诗历史发展中一个相当重要的论题,而语言的不断变化又从根本上影响了中国诗歌的艺术风貌。一个民族诗歌语言的发展变化,一方面取决于社会时代的发展变化,另一方面取决于语言自身的内部运动。台湾诗歌语言在20世纪70年代后的30年间发生了显著变化:首先突出表现为诗歌语言风格的变化,即由“欧化”到“白话”、传统与现代的融合、从精神化到肉身化和科技化;其次表现为语言资源的开发,即“方言”(闽南语)入诗。  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代始,美国宣椎发动毒品战,时至今日,却成效甚微。究其原因,可以从理论和实践两个层面进行分析:理论上,美国毒品战陷于现实主义理论指导的困境,存在诸多缺陷;实践上,禁毒方式尚无得到有效安排,禁毒资源调配陷入误区。因此,美国开展毒品战只有在政镱调整上更灵敏,才可能提高禁毒工作成效,并最大限度地控制禁毒可能带来的副作用.  相似文献   

The author of this article is Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller's chief speech writer. The article deals with professional speechwriting both generally, and specifically, with regard to the 1970 New York State gubernatorial campaign. It describes the qualities sought in speech writers, how the speech writing effort proceeds, some rhetorical effects sought, and provides somewhat more detail about the typical procedure in preparing one speech.  相似文献   

SOCIAL SCIENCE, EDUCATIONAL POLICY, SEARCH FOR STANDARDS: INDETERMINACY IN EDUCATION edited by John E. McDermott. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1976. XV + 336 pp. $12.50.

LIBRARIES FOR TEACHING: LIBRARIES FOR RESEARCH edited by Richard D. Johnson. Chicago: American Library Association, 1977. xvi + 259 pp. $12.50.

SCHOOLING IN CAPITALIST AMERICA by Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis. New York: Basic Books, 1976. 340 pages.


In the 1970s, the proportion of male college freshmen who planned to become teachers dropped from 15% to 3%, and that of female freshman from 45% to 12%. In this paper, I use nationally representative survey data on the career plans of college freshmen to look at the roles played by increased access to fertility controls and the unionization of the teaching sector, in the decline in the popularity of the teaching sector during this period. I find that the overall impact of these factors on men was small and insignificant, whereas early legal access to contraceptives increased women’s likelihood of planning to become teachers. Looking at the actual career outcomes of the same cohorts in the census data, I find that access to the pill had a negative impact on the share of men in teaching and positive impact on the share of women. I use information on high school grades and college selectivity in the freshmen surveys to separate students by academic ability in the analysis. I find that unionization had a negative impact on plans to become teachers among high-ability men and low-ability women. Increased access to the pill had a negative impact on the share of low-ability men who planned to teach and a positive impact on the share among low- and medium-ability women.  相似文献   

从精神生态批评的角度解读“70年代后“的女性写作,是对现代新都市人精神危机和道德取向的进一步批判和溯源.世纪之交物质的丰富和挥霍、欲望的沉迷和放纵、个体身份的无羁和自由,并不能掩饰她们精神上的空虚、孤独和痛苦.精神生态作为文艺批评的一种新思想范式,不仅是对外在自然宇宙的绿色忧思,更是对人类内部精神的支撑和维护,聚焦于“70年代后“的女性写作,目的是从精神的层面上揭示出她们正在逐渐走向绝地或边缘的精神面貌.  相似文献   

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