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通过对国家教育行政学院“地市及县市教育局长培训班”246位来自全国地市、县市教育局长的问卷调查数据的分析,可以看出,多数教育局长对本地区可接触的中小学生思想道德发展的整体状况持比较肯定的态度,对德育的针对性和实效性也持基本肯定的态度。但也有很多局长对当前的德育工作、中小学学生的思想道德状况评价不高,一些局长对德育本身重要性的认识还有待提高。因此,要重视区域特征,进一步突出未成年人思想道德教育工作的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

加强党支部建设是发挥高校基层党组织战斗堡垒作用,培养合格人才的一项重要工作。做好这项工作需要领导重视,加强指导,不断完善制度;要确立地位,明确职责,强化支部作用;要优化设置,选好书记,建立健全支委会;要围绕中心,寻求结合点,不断拓宽支部工作渗透面;要搞好支部目标管理,不断提高高校党建工作水平。  相似文献   

新的历史时期,党的自身建设显得十分重要。高校学生党支部是党在高校的最基层组织,是大学德育工作的重要承担者,对在高校贯彻执行党的各项路线、方针、政策起着非常重要的作用。因此,应切实加强高校学生党支部的建设。而认真抓好学生党支部书记的培养、学生党员的教育管理、新党员的发展、党的自身建设以及社会实践活动五个环节,是加强高校学生党支部建设的根本所在。  相似文献   

It has been proposed that boarding schools in England can be used to provide a stable education and care environment for vulnerable children in need, and the government is expanding their use. However, for vulnerable children to be placed in boarding schools, social workers will need to be willing to contemplate boarding as a viable care option. In this study we interviewed N = 21 social care practitioners including directors, senior and middle managers, frontline social workers, social worker-academics and family support workers who work with vulnerable children. Using thematic analysis of the transcribed interviews, seven major themes identified a range of issues and concerns held by social care workers about placing vulnerable children in boarding schools. We present these themes and consider the issues that will have to be addressed prior to changes in policy and practice. The study concludes that many of those within the social work profession are unlikely to consider boarding as an intervention for children in need. Further research in this area is a matter of urgency.  相似文献   

进城务工农民随迁子女教育状况调研报告   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对北京、上海、广州等12城市调研发现,各地在解决进城务工农民随迁子女教育问题方面都采取了一些措施,取得了一定成绩,但仍然存在许多问题,主要表现在进城务工农民随迁子女教育管理、在校学习以及心理发展等方面。为进一步改善进城务工农民随迁子女教育现状,建议中央设立进城务工农民随迁子女教育专项基金,实施教育券制度,建立全国性的电子学籍管理系统;各地制订合理的入学标准,挖掘公办学校潜力,推广农民工子女学校"国有民办"办学模式,加强对农民工子女学校的支持和监管等。  相似文献   

山西省农村远程教育实施3年内,教师信息技术能力得到不同程度的发展,但也存在一些问题。在对山西省12个行政辖区中小学信息化教学能力培训现状及培训后实施效果进行了调研,分析了信息化教学能力培训存在的问题及成因,并结合调研对象的实际状况,有针对性提出了改进的建议和对策。  相似文献   

Totally 789 students from 18 schools (9 primary schools and 9 junior high schools) at a medium managed level from Shanghai, Wenzhou, and Aojiang, which are located in the Eastern coastal developed areas of China were investigated with the questionnaire of Hong Kong Classroom Environment Scale in this study. The result indicates that the actual classroom environment in the Eastern coastal developed areas at the present stage of curriculum reform is as follows. (1) The satisfaction of the students is above the average. Teachers’ involvement and support are higher than collaboration, classroom order and the student involvement. (2) There are significant differences between urban and rural areas. The big cities are better than the middle-sized cities, while the latter are better than the counties in the aspects of collaboration, teacher involvement and support. The big cities are better than counties, but the counties are better than the middle-sized cities in the aspects of classroom order and student involvement. (3) The three main types of the actual classroom environment are high, middle and low ones, which distribute in a descending way in big cities, middle-sized cities and counties. (4) Per capita GDP of a region is a main factor affecting classroom environment. __________ Translated from Jiaoyu Xuebao 教育学报(Journal of Educational Studies), 2007, 3(3): 77–85  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(1-2):127-132
The History Department of Kaifeng Normal College recently sponsored a conference on history. Among those invited were history departments from our fraternal schools and other related departments from twelve provinces and cities, thirty-one units in all. Comrades participating in the meeting raised the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought. They stood together and accomplished an in-depth exposure and criticism of the self-serving use of historical analogy by the "gang of four." They vigorously denounced the "gang of four's" counterrevolutionary crime of trying to use history to usurp the Party and seize power; they uncovered the "gang of four's" evil intent in wantonly distorting Marxism-Leninism, forging history, and attempting to knock out a large number of leading comrades in the Party, government and army so that they could usurp the Party, seize power and restore capitalism.  相似文献   

加强党的执政能力建设,是党的十六太、十七大向全党提出的带有全局性、根本性的重大课题。区县(市)在我们党和国家的工作中处于承上启下的重要地位,是国家经济发展、社会稳定和政权巩固的重要基础。因此,加强区县(市)党政领导班子的执政能力建设,具有重要的现实意义和深远的战略意义。  相似文献   

通过对山西省七个市的市教育局和部分县区的教育局、县级教育支持系统进行调查发现,县级教育支持系统在组织管理、人财物、工作开展情况等方面都存在着或多或少的问题,需要我们去改进。  相似文献   

关于中小学音乐教学现状的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学音乐教学存在许多不适应时代发展的因素。在农村,小学音乐教学80%以上无专职音乐教师,教学方法陈旧、单调,教学设施、器材奇缺,"唱歌"是音乐的全部;城市小学以"识谱"为主要教学内容;中学音乐欣赏教学不注重学生求异思维的训练和创造力的培养等。尽快严格地实施中小学音乐课程标准,加强职后教育,建立一支具有改革意识的高素质的音乐教师队伍,改革高师音乐学专业现有课程体系是改变中小学音乐教学现状的途径。  相似文献   

The Supreme Court's 1925 ruling in Pierce v. Society of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (Pierce), striking down a law from Oregon that would have required all children, other than those needing special education, between the ages of 8 and 16 to attend public schools, essentially upheld the right of nonpublic schools to operate. At the same time, the Court recognized that state officials could “reasonably…regulate all schools, to inspect, supervise, and examine them, their teachers and pupils” (p. 534). However, in practice, other than health and safety code issues, educational officials typically impose fewer restrictions on nonpublic schools than on public schools, particularly on curricular content. In light of the significant curricular differences between public and nonpublic schools, this two-part article reflects on how educators in both systems can learn from one another as they seek to ensure the presence of diversity of educational perspectives in the marketplace of ideas. The first part of the article examines legal developments on selected curricular issues, and the second section offers recommendations on how educational leaders can work to maintain the vibrancy of American schools by affording parents the opportunity to send their children to study in schools best meeting their needs.  相似文献   

城市普通高中学生就读农村县中现象令人关注.外出就读的学生主要流向农村县级寄宿制高中,并呈现"扎堆式"的特点.这对教育行政管理、教育资源配置、城乡学生发展等都产生了一定的影响.解决这一问题的根本出路在于城乡普通高中优质资源的均衡化发展,以及积极的舆论引导等.  相似文献   

Despite rapid growth in the field of educational interpreting little is known about the formal training of educational interpreters. This gap in the research is the focus of this study. A questionnaire was sent to the directors of 50 interpreter training programs nationwide asking for information about their course work in educational interpreting and related areas; instruction in signed English systems; and the directors' opinions on certain ethical and professional questions facing the educational interpreter. The results suggest that graduates of interpreter training programs who obtain employment as public school interpreters are not adequately prepared. Training programs provide few courses on the education of deaf children, on the language systems used, and on issues specific to classroom interpreting. The directors of these programs overwhelmingly support the development of guidelines on the educational interpreter's role. They show some support for the "interpreter as tutor" role but are equivocal about the development of a special certification for educational interpreters.  相似文献   

残疾儿童随班就读质量影响因素的调查   总被引:1,自引:9,他引:1  
对全国三类经济发展水平不同地区的14个县(市、区)的674名教育管理人员、教研员、校长和教师进行了问卷调查。结果表明:当前我国残疾儿童随班就读质量的提高受到政府部门的政策制定与执行、普校师资特教专业水平、特教中心(特教学校)的指导作用、普校对残疾儿童的接纳程度、资源教室的建立以及家长和社区的支持等各方面因素影响。因此,随班就读质量的提高应是一系统工程,应建立涵盖各方面因素的支持体系。  相似文献   

中国西部地区农村学校义务教育教学质量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper has compared the quality of compulsory education of rural schools in West China with the counties, cities, and provincial capitals, and find out that there is a big gap between the quality of West rural and urban compulsory education, the quality of some grades of the rural primary schools has not achieved the basic requirement of the curriculum standards, the gap between the quality of junior high schools in rural and urban areas is relatively severe. The mean score and qualified rate in the subjects of Chinese, mathematics and English of West rural junior high students are distinctly lower than that of the urban and county schools. The main factor that leads to the bigger discrepancy between the urban and rural education quality mainly lies in the difference in the teaching force. Compared with urban schools, the teachers in rural schools is insufficient and poorly-trained, with less access to teachers’ professional development and support. The teaching quality in the West rural schools should be paid attention and improved in light of the rationale of educational equity. __________ Translated from Jiaoyu Yanjiu 教育研究 (Educational Research), 2008, (2): 21–32  相似文献   

西部地区农村学校义务教育教学质量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对西部地区农村学校与县城、地市、省会城市学校义务教育阶段教学质量的调查比较发现:城乡义务教育阶段教学质量存在较大的差距,其中农村小学部分年级的教学质量未能达到课程标准的基本要求;城乡初中教学质量的差距较为严重,农村初中学生在语文、数学和英语三科的平均成绩、合格率等都明显地低于城市和县城学校。造成城乡义务教育教学质量差异较大的主要原因在于师资队伍之间的差异,与城市学校相比,农村学校教师数量不够,素质不高,教师专业发展机会较少、专业支持不够等。应从教育公平的理念出发,提高农村学校教育教学质量。  相似文献   

高校基层党组织是党的建设的重要组成部分。新的历史时期对高校党的基层组织建设提出了新的任务和要求。从实践的层面看,需要从高校党的基层组织围绕中心服务大局、建立党政配合工作体制、加强党的制度建设、科学设置基层组织、选拔配备好党总支(党支部)书记等五个方面加强高校党的基层组织建设工作。  相似文献   

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