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Nanchang, April 9: Wang Shaoxiong from Guangming Daily and our reporter Zhao Xiangru reported that the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Commission for Discipline Inspection recently investigated and severely punished a major case of malpractice in the enrollment of graduate students at the Jiangxi Medical College. Ma Ti, former member of the party committee and vice-president of the college, was expelled from the party and demoted from the level of deputy chief of a provincial governmental department to that of section chief, and his salary reduced by one level. Shang Junjia, deputy party branch secretary and deputy chief of the scientific research section, was dismissed from all his posts inside and outside the party. Yu Changfeng, a functionary in the scientific research section, was expelled from the party and put on a two-year probation pending discharge. The Provincial Party Commission for Discipline Inspection publicized this incident through the province so that cadres at all levels will learn a lesson.  相似文献   

New China News Agency Beijing Dispatch, January 27: Recently the CCP Central Discipline Commission issued a circular on the case of Liu Yonghai, former chief and party secretary of the Education Bureau of Baicheng Municipality, Jilin Province, who embezzled large sums of education funds for personal use. It demanded severe punishment for these embezzlers.  相似文献   

教育评论应力戒夸大其词,简单复述,舒本逐末,自以为是,自相矛盾,卖弄才学,喧宾夺主,经验主义,人云亦云,空洞无物等十种不良习气。  相似文献   

Wyoming Community College Commission policy currently states any student enrolled for more than 12 credit hours will be charged tuition for only 12 credit hours. This policy is referred to as the tuition cap. In November 2010, the commission discussed increasing the tuition cap to 15 credits. An increase from 12 to 15 credits would have represented a 25% increase in tuition for students enrolled for 15 or more credits. Casper College president Dr. Walter Nolte commissioned a study to examine the impact such an increase would have on Casper College and its students. A survey instrument was designed to determine if students carrying more than 12 credit hours would reduce their enrollment credits and what sources of funding they would seek to defray the increased cost. Using a multistage sampling design, a sample of 67 Casper College course sections was selected to respond to the survey. The data were analyzed with logistic regression models, and the estimates were adjusted using sampling weights and a finite population correction. Analysis indicated that 42% of Casper College students would reduce their credit hours by an average of 3.3 credits. Approximately 58% of students would seek additional scholarships and 63% would seek increased work hours. The results of the study were presented to the Wyoming Community College Commission on October 28, 2011. In December 2011, the Commission announced a decision not to increase the tuition cap.  相似文献   

随着研究生招生规模的持续扩大,研究生面临着择业过程中的种种问题,由此出现了一些不良心态和心理误区。研究生的择业观生动地反映了我国社会转型期人们急剧变化的思想观念和趋于实用的价值追求。文章围绕研究生择业过程中的不良心态与心理误区展开了深度探讨与理性分析。  相似文献   

从年龄、性别、学历、专业、资历等五方面分析了构成因素,针对当前行政办公室人员构成在这五个方面存在的不健康倾向,提出了科学构成的纠正意见。  相似文献   


As part of an ongoing market research function, the administration at a private university's business school implemented a project to better understand the composition of its master's students. This research was an extension of a similar study conducted for the school's doctoral programs. Like the earlier study on doctoral students, a behavioral approach that employed a theoretical model of the decision process leading to enrollment was applied to master's students. This enrollment process model was utilized to guide the implementation of a survey that sampled the school's current students. Application of this model to questionnaire development procedures is also presented. Based on the information collected, the decision process leading to enrollment in the master's business programs was characterized. Quadrant analysis was applied to selected data derived from the enrollment process model in order to develop a two dimensional profile of students. In practice, this depiction provided insight to student perception of ideal versus actual program characteristics. The usefulness and applicability of the enrollment process model in achieving enrollment management objectives is also discussed.  相似文献   

Globalization prompts remote acculturation toward U.S. culture in Jamaica; this study used a bioecological systems approach to examine its proximal impact on nutrition through U.S. cable TV consumption, and maternal influences in the home. Overall, 330 randomly selected adolescent–mother dyads from schools in Kingston, Jamaica (Madolescent_age = 13.8 years, SDadolescent_age = 1.8) completed questionnaires reporting American identity and behavioral preferences, daily time spent watching U.S.‐produced TV programs, and frequency of eating unhealthy foods. Actor–partner interdependence models revealed that girls’ American identity/behavior directly predicted their unhealthy eating, whereas girls’ mothers and boys’ American identity/behavior indirectly predicted unhealthy eating as mediated by their U.S. TV hours. Additionally, mothers’ American identity/behavior predicted daughters’ unhealthy eating as mediated by mothers’ U.S. TV hours. Remote acculturation theory may facilitate more targeted research and prevention/intervention.  相似文献   

加强高校爱情道德教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大学生恋爱是高校中的一个普遍现象,但由于大学生受人生观、爱情观、道德观不成熟、不稳定及各种错误思潮的冲击和影响,其恋爱出现了三种较为突出的不良倾向:“追形势、赶时髦”的盲目性倾向;“寻求刺激,消除寂寞”--褒读爱情的倾向:“失恋、失志、失德”--丧失理智的倾向。这些不良现象的产生有主观和客观两方面的原因。为此,高校对大学生恋爱,决不能放任自流,而应加强道德教育。  相似文献   

浅谈当前高校如何加强考试管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当前高校中“厌学、厌考”、考试作弊及考试管理制度中存在着不可忽视的问题。加强考试管理, 抓好教风、学风以及考风建设, 是提高考试管理水平、教育教学质量的重要保证。  相似文献   

This study shows that financial aspects of state higher education policies, particularly tuition, have an impact on the level of enrollment of adult undergraduates within a state. This study also demonstrates how stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) can be utilized to examine the potential maximum enrollment of adult learners in postsecondary education and generate state-level scores that can be utilized to rank states according to the difference between the potential maximum and actual enrollment of adults in higher education.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether asking early adolescents to evaluate the food choices of remote peers improves their own food selection. Participants were students from fifth (N = 219, Mage = 9.30 years) and sixth grades (N = 248, Mage = 10.28 years) of varying nationalities living in the United Arab Emirates (race and ethnicity were not collected). Students saw peers’ healthy or unhealthy food choices before picking their own food. In some conditions, students also critically evaluated the healthiness of the peers’ choices. Evaluation of peer choices led to healthier decisions (d = .53) to the point that it offsets the negative impact of observing unhealthy peer choices. This effect is larger for sixth graders compared to fifth graders.  相似文献   

邓小平提出"小康社会"的概念,是为了纠正过去我们在建设现代化问题上急于求成的倾向,从实际出发,对我国实现现代化进程进行重新界定。"小康社会"的概念具有丰富的内涵和重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 10—With approval from the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the State Education Commission recently published "Provisional Regulations of the State Education Commission Concerning the Work of Sending Scholars Abroad."  相似文献   

期刊是一种有固定的出版形式和统一固定名称的连续的定期出版物。而当前有的期刊 ,忽略或无视期刊的独特属性与功能。无论是何种类型的期刊都应该坚持期刊的本质特征与作用 ,自觉抵制、防止和消除不良现象的发生。  相似文献   

对大学生的考试作弊现象进行了深入分析,其主要原因有社会不良风气,教育、教学观念的相对滞后,不尽完善的评价体系,师资力量不足,学生自身心理因素,同时提出了加强学生的诚信教育,适量、适时、适宜进行扩招,建立科学合理的大学生学习评价体系,加强监考力度的应对方案。  相似文献   

中国高校影视教育状况调研分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
影视教育已经成为重要综合性大学的标志之一,专业扩张加快,课程设置也多种多样,但包含影视在内的大传媒教育发展趋势日渐明显。本文以大量数据采集来分析影视教育发展趋势、在校学生和招生相关情况、分析学生思想状况与创作实践和就业情况,为有关部门提供参照。  相似文献   

农业推广硕士专业学位是国务院学位委员会于2000年新增的专业学位类型,其教育管理过程尚属于起步创新阶段。本针对在职人员攻读专业学位的实际情况,对招生,培养,学位论,与企业联系培养等过程进行了研究与探讨。在招生报名资格审查,考前辅导,案例教学,合作指导等方面进行了分析,提出了一些符合的管理措施。  相似文献   

Dual-enrollment programs have been proposed as a useful way to ease students’ transition from high school to community college. Several studies have shown that dual enrollment produces positive effects for students, but less is known about the mechanisms these programs use to support student success. Symbolic interactionism suggests that clarity of the role of a college student may help students transition into this role with more ease. With new legislation allowing students to use Pell Grants to attend dual-enrollment programs, and other proposed policies to increase attendance at community college, research on the mechanisms that make dual enrollment successful is well-timed. This study takes a mixed method approach with an online survey (N = 101) and a series of focus groups (N = 15) to explore the experiences of dual-enrollment students from several high schools and one community college. Findings suggest that dual enrollment helped to enhance participants’ clarity of the college-student role, including who attends college, what skills are required, what college can lead to, and their own self-identification as college students. Sources of role expectations for these students included self-reflection and peer, family, teacher, and structural expectations. Students highlighted strengths and weaknesses of the dual-enrollment program in which they were enrolled. These findings have implications for practice, including the potential for dual enrollment to support low-income and first-generation college students in their transition to higher education.  相似文献   

In this study, I capitalize on a natural experiment to examine the effect of federal Pell Grant eligibility on college enrollment for students who graduated from high school in spring 2004 and who completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Data from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 are used to array students on the continuous Expected Family Contribution (EFC) variable, attained from the FAFSA, and divide them into two categories—those with an EFC at or below the federally designated amount for Pell eligibility, and those above. This regression-discontinuity approach allows me to measure whether students who vary regarding their Pell Grant eligibility, but who have essentially identical family incomes, differ in their college enrollment rates. I find no effect. While confirming prior studies examining the impact of the Pell Grant on college enrollment for traditional students, this finding remains inconsistent with findings on other need-based grants. This result suggests that the minimum Pell Grant amount, currently less than 10% of an average college’s tuition and fees, may be insufficient.  相似文献   

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