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《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):137-143
Since "let a hundred schools contend" was proclaimed, some people have already submitted their opinions about the "Plan for the Simplification of Chinese Characters." I maintain that in the first and second lists of simplified characters approved by the Committee for Chinese Writing Reform there are some problematic characters, and consequently, problems. The primary considerations in creating them were reduction of the number of strokes, convenience in writing, and the number of possible uses of a known character. The peculiarities of Chinese characters, and the specific meanings and functions of many Chinese characters, were disregarded.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):114-120
In the current Party rectification movement, the bourgeois rightists have seized the chance to express opinions freely, to produce many anti-Party, antisocialist falsehoods. Even writing reform, which everyone has been actively promoting under the Party's leadership, has become a target of their attack. Rightist Zhang Bojun fired the first volley in this battle early in the campaign at a conference convened by the United Front Office.? Ignoring objective reality, he made the slanderous accusation that a small minority had taken charge of China's writing reform. Other people brought out many facts to refute this point, leaving him without a thing to say. Many poisonous ideas concerning writing reform have also appeared in some periodicals they control. One example is an article in Guangming ribao [Kwangming Daily] of April 28 of this year, entitled, "A Biologist's Thoughts on Writing Reform."? Square Chinese characters have a long history in our country, and they have become deeply rooted in some people's minds.  相似文献   

本文以英国人亚克敦终生读书不止,却在做学问上毫无成就为鉴戒,提出读书起码应做到以下五点一、有选择地读;二、读书贵疑,更贵释疑;三、精读与粗读相结合;四、读与写相结合;五、学以致用,立足于创造.否则,书读得再多,也没有什么用场!  相似文献   

Most current psychological research on children's reading concentrates either on the various abilities that children need to read or write or on the relative success of different kinds of instruction. Very little attention is being paid to the ways in which children learn orthographic rules. I argue that children typically go through 3 steps in learning a new rule. First they apply a rule that is already in their repertoire but is inadequate. Next, when they realize that this rule is inadequate, they try to extend and adjust it to cover these inadequacies. This adjustment leads them into new experiences that allow them to take the third and final step, which is to form a new and more adequate rule. These steps are similar to the theoretical sequence proposed by Piaget for children's construction of logical rules.  相似文献   

繁体字与简体字都已成为中华汉字文化的有形载体,在文明社会发展过程中功不可没.从文字发展规律看.简体字的出现有其特定的历史意义,但也掩盖不了繁体字深厚的审美智慧和文化蕴含.在面对简体字改革基本成功已既成事实的现状,我们既能充分意识到恢复繁体字的种种益处,也更为深入地领会到继续规范使用简体字对当下中国社会发展的重要性,呼吁政府和社会各界能为妥善处理繁、简体字间存在的矛盾问题,早日提出一些切实可行的方案策略加以实施.  相似文献   

商事信用是商法的一个基本范畴,是信用在商事领域的具体体现。本文从商法的角度对商事信用进行了以下几个方面的简单阐述:对于商事信用的内涵,从“商“的角度进行剖析,阐明其与商主体的关系;商法中关于维护商事信用的制度;在信用缺失的今天,对商事信用的规制构想。  相似文献   

关于改革教学方法的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育教学方法改革是提高教学质量的一个重要课题。要树立"以人为本"的教育理念,调动广大师生参加教学方法改革的积极性,教师一定要研究教学方法,积极推进教学方法改革。启发式是教学方法的灵魂,其核心是师生互动性,以提高学生主动学习精神和创新能力。  相似文献   

城市规划是"四个襄阳"建设的龙头工程。在新一轮城市规划编制过程中,襄阳城市规划应着重突出规划的"人气"、"大气"和"傲气",并以开放的胸襟,切实把握"放弃"的理念。  相似文献   

I will speak today about the connection between teaching and learning and will try at the same time to shed an unfamiliar light on some of our current understandings of that connection. At the outset I will put this inquiry into a larger context of research concerned with educational influences and their effects.  相似文献   

实施信息技术与课程教学的整合,就是利用计算机技术,突破教学的重点和难点,化抽象思维为直观印象。要利用计算机辅助课程教学,就必须学会制作多媒体课件,多媒体课件通常可分为:教学课件、练习课件、模拟课件和测试课件等。制作多媒体课件首先要设计课件的结构,准备课件制作的素材,然后通过集成工具软件进行合成。  相似文献   

本文在学生如何学习声乐方面进行了研究与探讨 ,指出了学习声乐普遍存在的问题 ,并指导学生如何获得学习声乐的有效方法 ,解决声乐学习中一些难点问题  相似文献   

国家教育部、国家语委于2006年8月28日正式颁布《汉字应用水平等级及测试大纲》。2007年2月1日该大纲作为我国现行语言文字规范开始试行。这是我国一项重要的语言文字能力测试指导性文件,对推动我国语言文字应用的标准化、规范化有着十分巨大的意义。但任何事都可能存在百密一疏,笔者就其中的一些细节存在疑虑和看法,故提出来求教方家。  相似文献   

历史是由注释组成的。每一个注释都是历史片断的回放和缩影。人生的意义和价值在历史注释中得到体现和说明。人们在注释历史,历史也在注释人们。人们注释历史是对历史的雕刻和理解,历史注释人们是对人们的铭记和评价。每一部个体人生史在历史中表现为大小不同的历史注释。  相似文献   

本文对美育这个命题进行了历史回顾,并对其概念进行了辨析。高校美育的认识误区大致有模糊论、辅助论、混同论等等。高校美育在塑造完美人格、培养创新型人才、培养超越精神、促进德育和体育发展等方面具有重要功能。  相似文献   

阅读的宗旨是培养学生综合性的语文素养,培养学生的阅读兴趣和阅读习惯。教师要采用多种方式调动学生的阅读兴趣、阅读能力和阅读习惯。本文从想方设法,激发学生阅读兴趣;适合学生,进行有选择性阅读;交流品茗,注重阅读之后的分享三个方面分析了培养小学生阅读能力的方法。  相似文献   

唐代作为“四子书”之一立于学官的《亢仓子》,自柳宗元以来虽多有辨析,但对其作伪情况及其思想,则论述甚略。本文通过对前人论述的梳理,认为唐人王士源当时曾伪作两种《亢仓子》,现存《亢仓子》被视为“注本”,而“古本”基本上保存于现存本中;《亢仓子》以道家思想为基础,广泛吸取儒、法、农、兵等各家学说,表现出唐初黄老道家的特点和道家学说为满足政治需要而进行改造的学术趋向。  相似文献   

家庭教育权,不仅指家长对其子女施加教育的权利,还应当包括家长接受提升其教育素养之教育的权利。在终身教育、终身学习和学习化社会三大理念的指导下,成人教育应当在家庭教育方面有所为,开设家庭教育培训课程,以此提升家长的教育素养,从而提高家庭教育的质量。  相似文献   

中学生阅读能力的高低及培养的方向主要取决于对阅读教学价值取向的认识,不同的阅读取向导致了不同的阅读能力,“鉴赏者”和“解读者”阅读价值取向都是阅读教学中不可缺少的,应根据阅读教学不同的目的和需要在取向上有所侧重,这样学生形成的阅读能力才是多元的,才能适应社会需要。  相似文献   

In a commentary to Kane, Tryon and Halligan, the factors challenging the novice therapist's practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in a college counseling center are discussed. Trainees may find it arduous to apply theory to grasp the complexities of transference and countertransference. A useful method to help trainees identify transference is listening for themes and relationship patterns as a central focus for therapy.  相似文献   

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