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本文介绍了由单片机AT89C50组成的LED点阵式汉字显示系统的硬件结构、功能特点、显示数据的处理方式、软件框图,并给出部分程序。该系统能完成时间显示、汉字动画处理、循环显示等功能。  相似文献   

展示设计是一个内容非常丰富的学科,它涉及的领域广泛,也关系到了时代的发展并在不断地丰富着事物主体的内容。视听语言在展示空间的设计中是正确处理空间与人的关系的关键。文章从展示空间以及情感和信息体验的影响出发,深入分析了空间因素与视听因素在展示艺术中的应用。文章还指出,合理使用空间视听语言是展示空间语言真正意义和生命力的必要条件。  相似文献   

作为语言无意识的语感   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
语感这一概念的重要意义随语文教学改革的深入日益显露出来,但是至今缺少理论上令人满意的界定和论证。从语言的出现造成意识心理和无意识心理的定位,以及无意识心理在人的意识活动整体中不可或缺的重要作用入手,可以看到语感就是我们对语言的无意识,由此,就可能深入探讨语感在学生的语言能力,语言学习两方面的表现。  相似文献   

在汉字操作系统下汉字字库将占用较大的内存空间,而在应用程序又比较大时,可能会导致程序无法加载.此外,汉字操作系统下显示的汉字是16×16点阵,而且颜色和显示方式都比较单调.本文介绍在西文操作系统状态下以描点的方法显示汉字的技术.这种技术同样可以在汉字操作系统下使用.  相似文献   

试论学者型教师的成长规律及培养策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高标准普九急需高素质的青年教师队伍 ,学者型教师是教师努力的目标。学者型教师与教师新手的区别主要在于知识结构的不同以及由此产生的能力差异。青年教师要成长为学者型教师一般要经历适应、定型、突破和成熟四个阶段 ,有二种不同的成长模型 ,缄默的知识与明确的知识的结合与转化是教师成长的关键。系统的理论学习、技能技巧的完善训练、科学的自我反思和自觉的科学研究 ,是青年教师成长的有效策略  相似文献   

作为一个僻处西南山野以诗书自娱而自学成才的学者兼诗文家,郑珍一生以手中笔和箧中书寄栖精神.买书、借书、抄书,构成其人生必修课.爱书、求书、担书、读书、烘书、烤书、藏书、惜书、品书,构成其人生道道景观.又,郑珍因爱书、惜书而埋书.郑珍埋书,无异于黛玉葬花、怀素弃笔、复愚封文.郑珍无悔的求书之志和热爱书籍的亲情与痴情,可留给生活在精神迷雾中的现代人一些启迪.  相似文献   

语言迁移作为应用语言学研究的重要领域,在学习者的第二语言学习中起着关键的作用,本文在描述语言迁移现象及分类的基础上,分析其在汉语作为第二语言学习过程中的相关表现,从理论层面探讨语言迁移研究给对外汉语教学带来的启示,从而继续加强语言迁移理论在二语习得中的应用。  相似文献   

《儒林外史》的叙事结构具有表层和深层两种不同的模式:从表层结构视之.它是“纪传体结构”;从深层结构视之,则是“阴阳共生的太极图式”。  相似文献   

《儒林外史》有着丰厚的文化内涵,其厚重的人文精神无疑是中国文化史上的宝贵财富,这种人文精神可以概括为:对人的生存状态的关注,对真与善的赞美和对假恶的鞭挞,对独立人格的肯定和礼赞。  相似文献   

One can extrapolate from the art of language instruction to discover methods applicable across the disciplines in higher education. The paradigm presented by language instruction is applicable throughout the arts and sciences. If cultivated—and there are institutional pressures working against it—such an art can impact the languages and codes of the individual disciplines so as to advance the research mission of scholars in those fields; it can also favor the interrelationships between the disciplines. How the student learns another language (L2) is comparable to the process of learning a scientific discipline.  相似文献   

<正>Trying to teach English well gives many teachers a headache even though they try very hard.One of the major reasons is that these teachers lack the art of English as a classroom language,which they stillhaven’t realized.Here,the writer would like to discuss the problem with readers from four points of view.  相似文献   

语言模特是语言教学中的一个新概念.作为一种新的职业,语言模特的职责主要是为语言学习者提供标准的目的语示范,引导语言学习者进行相对规范的语言训练和学习.韩国高中汉语教学是作为外语的语言教学,其协同教学的教学模式体现出语言模特角色的重要性.区别于语言教师,语言模特需要具备相应的语言应用能力,语言理论知识、文化知识和文化意识以及语言教学和语言习得理论修养.  相似文献   

在外国语专业的学习中,第二语言的开设具有重要的补充作用。俄语专业已经成为了许多大学常见的语言专业之一,并且随着"一带一路"战略的推进,中俄关系的日益深化,我国与俄罗斯、中亚国家的贸易往来日趋频繁。新疆地区独特的地理位置决定了对小语种人才的需求,立足新疆经济发展并从学生未来就业和创业前景来分析,开设维吾尔语作为第二语言具有重要意义,这也是适应俄语专业教学改革的一条重要路径。  相似文献   

The goal of this research endeavor is to take the previous calls of sport scholars to expand into alternative research approaches (e.g., history, case study, law reviews, philosophy, etc.) and to show how storytelling can be an effective tool through the use of a heuristic device. The present analysis attempts to focus on the usage of the historical ideal-type as a heuristic device for academic storytelling so that scholars within sport studies can possibly become more comfortable in other methodological approaches. To support this goal, an example of a sport-focused historical ideal-type is reviewed along with an ideal-type activity practiced in other disciplines. Finally, the contribution and employment of academic storytelling and historical ideal-types will be promoted as an important tactic to enhance the impact of a scholar’s academic findings and overall writing potential.  相似文献   

《儒林外史》是我国小说史上的一部里程碑式的作品,它不但在思想内容上有所创新和发展,艺术上也以其独创的讽刺手法,突破了前人的藩蓠,打破了传统小说的说-听模式,确立了性格结构在小说中的重要地位,开创了古代讽刺小说的先河,成为古代小说向近代小说过渡的标志和转折点,从而最终确立了其在小说史上的重要地位.  相似文献   

Professors from across the academic disciplines at Council for Christian College & Universities (CCCU) institutions have traditionally excelled in their teaching. In recent years, CCCU faculty have also increasingly been expected to conduct research and to publish scholarly work. As CCCU institutions expand research and scholarship expectations for faculty, we must also provide the requisite support for professors to be effective in this work. In this article, we highlight institutional practices to encourage, support, and celebrate scholarly writing and research by faculty. Drawing upon findings from Zuidema's 2016 survey of CCCU chief academic officers, we offer benchmark practices for communicating expectations, offering tangible supports and resources, augmenting accountability measures with formative feedback, and recognizing and celebrating scholarship. Against this backdrop, we highlight practical, affordable strategies used at Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU) in California and Dordt College in Iowa, two CCCU institutions that have increased expectations for scholarship in recent years. Through these illustrations, we aim to inspire new and creative strategies for supporting scholarship by showing how these practices are an outgrowth of a developmental philosophy of leadership that seeks to invest in the core resource of CCCU institutions: the faculty.  相似文献   

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