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This paper investigates the performances and the progress made by pupils of minority ethnic origin between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 in British secondary schools. The data used in this paper were collected as part of a PhD study by Haque (1999). The paper discusses findings from multilevel modelling analyses carried out on 12 of the 20 schools in the research study. In particular, it reveals that whilst differences exist in the performances and the progress of pupils of minority ethnic background in their Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 examinations, these differences become substantially reduced when background factors (other than ethnic origin) are taken into account. The paper concludes that in order to identify accurately and reduce the nature of disadvantages for pupils from particular minority ethnic groups, policy-makers, schools and teachers need to differentiate these groups beyond their national origin.  相似文献   

中华文化是由各民族文化共同汇集而成。传承民族文化是保存和延续民族文化、增进多元一体文化交流、汇聚更强大的中华文化的需要。民族地区职业学校传承民族文化受到国家大力支持,在宏观政策、类型特征、传承功能等方面具有独特优势,是传承民族文化的重要载体。但受现实社会背景、学校教育制度属性等影响,民族地区职业学校传承民族文化存在制度体系不够完备、教师队伍专业化水平不高、学生学习兴趣相对不足、教学安排的适切性有待增强、文化传承生态动力羸弱等困难。民族地区职业学校需要采取健全优化制度、加强教师队伍建设、搭建实践平台、灵活安排教学以及增强生态动力等举措破解上述困难,助力民族文化传承。  相似文献   

This article explores the perceptions and experiences of the professionals about integrational and academic programs for newly arrived minority language pupils in elementary reception classes in two Norwegian municipalities: Oslo and Trondheim. The data were collected through interviews, field conversations, and available relevant documents. The head teachers, subject coordinators, and reception teachers were interviewed. Framed by activity theory, the article offers a combinative analysis of all aspects of the reception classes. The findings reveal the complex layers of challenges built into the process of integrational and academic programs for newly arrived migrant pupils in the reception classes.  相似文献   

通过对少数民族地区部分中职学校的走访调查,我们发现大部分中职学校普遍重视组织对口升学工作,中职生也有继续升学的愿望,然而部分中职学生的家庭条件普遍较差,或是对未来升学环境不了解,虽有很强的升学愿望,但客观原因阻碍其继续升学的道路。中高职院校应联合采取相应对策,为有意向升学的中职生搭建桥梁,做好升学的组织与开发工作。  相似文献   

少数民族地区高等医科院校肩负着培养地方性医学科学人才的重任.推进学科建设,确立学科建设的龙头地位,对于少数民族地区医科院校提升办学层次具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

少数民族地区高等医科院校肩负着培养地方性医学科学人才的重任.本文旨在探讨少数民族地区医科院校学科建设发展的影响因素,对于其提升办学层次具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

教育调皮学生需采取相应的教育方法与艺术。教师对调皮学生不能一味地采取批评、训斥的方法,而应尊重和理解学生,真诚地与他们进行心与心的沟通。只有多一份宽容与理解,多一些赏识和激励,多一些帮助与指导,才能让学生健康快乐地成长。  相似文献   

急剧变化的社会很容易在学生的身体和心理方面带来一定的影响,尤其黑龙江省朝鲜族学校学生的家庭,面临当今世界经济大潮的深刻冲击,许多家庭的父母纷纷离开子女去追求经济利益,而使留守的子女出现了一系列的心理健康问题.因此,掌握准确的信息,研究解决对策成已成为当务之急.  相似文献   

This slightly abridged report on the school provisions for young immigrant children in the city of London shows the practical application of some of the recommendations of the Plowden Report. It will invite readers to draw comparisons with similar problems in large American cities-especially New York, with its influx of Puerto Rican children and Negro children from rural Southern areas.  相似文献   

少数民族中小学汉语课程的性质是第二语言教学,其内涵是交际能力的培养,实施时应以功能教学为主,把听说能力的培养作为首要目标。  相似文献   

少数民族妇女是旅游从业人员中的主力军。传统的农业社会中,少数民族妇女的受教育水平低、收入少、家务劳动沉重及社会地位较低。而近年来大力发展的民族旅游,对少数民族妇女产生了正反两方面的影响,积极影响主要体现在收入增加、社会地位提升和生活质量改善等多方面,同时也存在着消极影响。云南省弥勒县西三镇可邑村民族旅游对阿细妇女的影响颇具典型性。客观分析民族旅游对少数民族妇女产生的影响,对于激发少数民族妇女参与旅游业的热情和创造力,全面提升少数民族妇女参与旅游业的能力有着重要而特殊的意义。  相似文献   

This article describes the ethnic and gender make up of a substantial (60%+) sample of the staff and pupil population of schools and units for pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties in England and Wales. The data presented is taken from a questionnaire survey. This is the first large sample study of this topic to be conducted in educational establishments of this type in England and Wales. Notable findings are: (1) the imbalance in gender distribution in these facilities, with the boys far outweighing the number of girls; (2) the over representation of pupils of Afro‐Caribbean origin, particularly among the boys; and (3) the under representation of teachers from ethnic minorities among the teaching staff in these schools. These findings are shown to be generally consistent with the findings of related studies, and are discussed in terms of social and educational issues.  相似文献   

社学是元、明、清三代在府州县外的郊区、乡镇村舍和边远少数民族地区设立的基层教育机构。明代少数民族地区的社学继承和发展了元代的社学制度,在设立和办学过程中颁布了相关的法令,采取了相应的举措,加强了对少数民族的社会教化,为清代少数民族地区社学和义学的进一步发展积累了经验。  相似文献   

文章追溯了新疆少数民族学生进入汉语授课学校的历史以及建国后的发展过程,并在1998年对南疆中、小学校实地调查的基础上,对少数民族学生进入汉语授课学校的现状及发展状况进行了描述与分析,指出近几年由于汉语的重要性日益显著,民族学校的汉语教学尚不能满足要求,民族学校的教学质量又相对较低,南疆少数民族学生进入汉语授课学校学习的人数呈急剧上升趋势,体现了少数民族对提高文化教育水平的迫切要求以及民族团结的现实  相似文献   

中学生的心理素质教育远比其化知识的学习更重要;少数民族中学生异常心理状态直接阻碍了其在大学期间良好心理素质的培养和形成;少数民族大学生如果没有良好的心理适应能力,将会给其日后的生活和事业带来严重的影响。  相似文献   

Research has suggested that inappropriate or misfitting response patterns may have detrimental effects on the quality and validity of measurement. It has been suggested that factors like language and ethnic background are related to the generation of misfitting response patterns, but the empirical research on this is rather poor. This research analyzes data from three testing cycles of the National Curriculum tests in mathematics in England using the Rasch model. It was found that pupils having English as an additional language and pupils belonging to ethnic minorities are significantly more likely to generate aberrant response patterns. However, within the groups of pupils belonging to ethnic minorities, those who speak English as an additional language are not significantly more likely to generate misfitting response patterns. This may indicate that the ethnic background effect is more significant than the effect of the first language spoken. The results suggest that pupils having English as an additional language and pupils belonging to ethnic minorities are mismeasured significantly more than the remainder of pupils by taking the mathematics National Curriculum tests. More research is needed to generalize the results to other subjects and contexts.  相似文献   

肃南二中和勐罕镇中学两所学校,以人类学的经济文化类型为理论依托开发出来的校本课程,在加强学校教育与社会发展、学校与社区间的联结,解决教师职业倦怠,促进校园文化建设等方面取得了显著成效。但信息、技术、文化资源匮乏等给校本课程的深入开发带来困难。民族地区学校的校本课程开发要依赖于政府和社会各界对学校给予资金、技术支持,在教师培训中使用教育人类学的理论方法,积极整合社区文化资源。  相似文献   

文章通过新疆少数民族高中双语班教师对新课程改革的适应性状况的调查,分析了教师在对新课改理念的理解、对新课改背景下的汉语教学方法无法适应、教材把握度比较低、培训力度不够、教师教研能力有待提高等问题,并针对这些问题提出了建议.  相似文献   

我国是一个多民族的国家,少数民族在我国占有比较重要的比重。在西方世界,少数民族同样是一个特殊的群体,拥有自己的独特历史。少数民族的教育问题不仅影响了他们的发展,同时对于社会稳定和民族团结有着重要的作用。本文重点分析了西方国家教育政策与我国现行的教育政策之间的不同和相同点,并借鉴其成功的经验。  相似文献   

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