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《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):132-133
From a reading of Xu Mumin's "Zheng wen" [A Solicited Letter — selection 13, above] it is easy to see that, (1) he is basically opposed to writing reform; (2) he would limit any reform of Chinese writing to the simplification of Chinese characters; and (3) he is opposed to the Latinization of Chinese writing. The first two completely deny the need for a reform of Chinese writing. This has been debated many times, and I am not prepared to discuss it again. I shall just express my own limited views on the third point.  相似文献   

Scholars have celebrated the spoken word in King's “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” but they have overlooked the significance of the Letter's writing. In this essay I closely read King's act of writing the Letter, along with the figures of speech he employs in it, and I show how both—by enacting the mass media's ability to cross contexts—are essential to King's political strategy of nonviolent direct action, as well as to the Letter's argument against segregation—an argument that, before the fact, follows the steps we have since come to associate with deconstructive analysis.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):114-120
In the current Party rectification movement, the bourgeois rightists have seized the chance to express opinions freely, to produce many anti-Party, antisocialist falsehoods. Even writing reform, which everyone has been actively promoting under the Party's leadership, has become a target of their attack. Rightist Zhang Bojun fired the first volley in this battle early in the campaign at a conference convened by the United Front Office.? Ignoring objective reality, he made the slanderous accusation that a small minority had taken charge of China's writing reform. Other people brought out many facts to refute this point, leaving him without a thing to say. Many poisonous ideas concerning writing reform have also appeared in some periodicals they control. One example is an article in Guangming ribao [Kwangming Daily] of April 28 of this year, entitled, "A Biologist's Thoughts on Writing Reform."? Square Chinese characters have a long history in our country, and they have become deeply rooted in some people's minds.  相似文献   

从《滕王阁序》的写作背景,作品本身的内容、主题和众多有关的献资料等方面看,古序体有三种,而非两种。《滕王阁序》的“序”应为“记序”。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):126-128
Recently we received this letter entitled "Zheng wen." The writer is Xu Mumin of Middle School No. 2 in Dezhou, Shandong. The letter contains such statements as, "Latin writing is not our national product"; if we use the Latin alphabet "we will be fighting the world for Latin writing," "surrendering our teachers," "unable to face our ancestors," "unable to face our descendants."… The writer has piled up insult and filth without restraint; it would appear that only he is a "patriot." But, we believe that many of you readers can answer correctly the questions of how one is a genuine patriot and what genuine patriotism is in writing reform, and we are publishing this "solicited letter" by Xu Mumin for you.  相似文献   

徐讠于是中国现代文学史上的一位命运奇特的作家。这位活了72岁,“长长的一辈子,除了写书,出书外,好像什么也没有做”,有长、中、短篇小说70部,还有为数不少的新诗和剧本的作家,并没有得到评论家的足够重视。根据评论界对徐讠于的关注、研究状况,文章从20世纪40年代始,至新世纪止,对徐讠于研究的历史轨迹进行了较为系统的爬梳和整理,以期对研究者有所帮助。  相似文献   

“重建知识概念”辨   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
刘硕 《教育学报》2006,2(1):48-53
在我国基础教育课程改革中,提出“知识概念重建”是站不住脚的,必须坚持能动反映论的正确知识概念;建构主义不能作为正确知识概念的理论基础;用“重建”的“新”知识概念指导课程改革必将产生灾难性后果;在“革命”中进行的“概念重建”违反科学认识的规律;“知识概念重建”不是“理论创新”。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):121-125
At the meeting of the Central United Front Office, in addition to proposing the so-called "Institute for Political Planning" which was intended to take the leadership away from the Communist Party and to smash the people's democracy, Zhang Bojun made a derogatory speech about writing reform,? He stated contemptuously that writing reform was conceived by a few people behind closed doors, that it had not been researched or debated.  相似文献   

The costs of living and studies for postgraduate students will be paid by their mentors. Postgraduates, however, must assume more of their mentors' duties regarding scientific research. The state grants postgraduate students a monthly living allowance, but for a master's degree or doctoral student this is currently a mere 200-plus yuan. The Central China University of Science and Technology has decreed that, starting with postgraduate students enrolled this year, this sum shall be paid by the mentors. The allowance for students working toward a master's degree will increase to 270 yuan, and that for students pursuing doctorates to 350 yuan. Adding this to the research subsidies paid to postgraduates by mentors out of their research grants, it is estimated that a student studying for his or her master's degree will have between five hundred and six hundred yuan per month, and doctoral degree students between seven hundred and eight hundred yuan per month. It is estimated that this reform will result in priority development for disciplines closely concerned with economic development.  相似文献   

欧阳修的《六一诗话》和刘攽的《中山诗话》均为北宋较早出现的诗话著作,两人都于作品中粗略地表达了自己的诗学主张.论文从两者对诗歌创作的首要关注点、对待西昆浮艳风气的态度、关于诗歌与现实的关系以及关于诗歌之"病"等四点对两部诗话的诗论主张进行比较,以便洞悉欧阳修和刘攽的主要诗论侧重点所在;同时对两部诗话部分观点相似的现象作出一定的解释,从而增进对北宋初期诗话创作情况的了解.  相似文献   

中国现代随笔的话语建构,离不开国外现代文艺思潮和现代随笔理论的影响,这典型地表现在中国现代知识者接受西方现代性的批判观念,从而将社会启蒙、社会变革、人生改造统一到随笔的创作中去。与传统随笔比较,中国现代随笔出现了在西方现代性特征影响下前所未有的新美学特质。其表现为:其一,兴之所至,任心闲话。西方现代随笔标举的“闲话”境界极具美学意味,在中国现代知识者笔下就是“我手写我口”,将随笔创作视为谈天说地、率意随心、恣意创作的一种体现。其二,个性精神,人格色彩。中国现代知识者在挣脱封建樊篱而获得西方现代性特征后,就将随笔创作视为强化个人感情色彩,突出批判意识的一种自由文类。其三,信笔涂鸦与雕心刻骨。现代随笔是“表面”的“平常”与“苦心雕刻的妙笔”的结合,同样也能达到“美文”的境界。  相似文献   

To challenge the distribution of condoms on school campuses with accusations of immorality and "lack of good character" appears shallow at best. Considering the home situation of many young people and their immediate environment, the act of securing a condom could be totally consistent with "good character." Certainly, abstinence up to a certain stage in a youth's life is prudent, but who is to determine the age to which, and the environment in which, abstinence must be observed universally? The litany of virtues to which Gow refers (kindness, courtesy, the Golden Rule, and so forth) all could be attributed to the youth who obtains a condom at school and uses it in an effort to protect himself and his partner. Use of a condom even by a teenager is not an unvirtuous act. Gow refers to two "misguided assumptions." The first is that "it is the legitimate function of the schools to dispense contraceptives." He maintains that parents and physicians, not schools, constitute the proper source of medical information and medication. Granted, they are the most logical and desirable sources, but what if a student has incompetent or perhaps no parental guidance and has little if any access to a physician? Schools have acted in loco parentis ever since public education first evolved. Why should it stop now during a devastating health crisis? The second "misguided assumption"--that "teen sex and pregnancies result from ignorance"--happens to be true. Ignorance is a major cause of pregnancies and AIDS. Distribution of condoms on campuses will help to counteract ignorance because it leads to explanations and discussion, two essential components of education. I find no quarrel with Gow's call for reevaluation of values and methods of communication. His belief that institutions such as churches, families, social organizations, and so forth must assume a larger role in clarification of values is logical. But until that occurs, what institution other than a public school has a better chance to reach the greatest number of young people?  相似文献   

In pursuit of my rights, I joined the revolution that imposed the veil upon me and then joined a political party, where I found that I was making decisions against myself. Following this, I researched the only women's magazine published in Iran at that time and found that it was against women. The questions that came to mind were about whether women writers voice their own experiences. Were my experiences unique? Could I learn from others, particularly through what they wrote? Since literature cannot exist without education, this may be the main reason why Iranian women started so late. In the l960s, mass education created a mass readership and with it the first novel by a woman. The issues of women's rights, education and writing are intertwined.  相似文献   

本文讨论徐德江的索绪尔研究系列论文中的几个问题:徐德江对索绪尔的主要贡献和局限认识,对索绪尔口语书面语观的认识,以及徐氏自视极高“标独功能”和“结合功能”。我们认为徐氏没有正确理解索绪尔的语言理论,并产生了一系列的误解,这种错误认识需要澄清。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(1-2):143-149
The entirety of Chairman Mao's "Letter to the Jiangxi Communist Labor University" is being publicized under the exceedingly favorable situation in which the struggle profoundly to expose and criticize the "gang of four" has achieved great victory. These are happy days; the entire Party, military and people of the country resolutely support the various important decisions reached by the Tenth Plenary Session of the Party's Third Central Committee and welcome the convening of the Eleventh Party Congress. When this happy news arrived, all of our faculty, students and employees were filled with joy and excitement.  相似文献   

In "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People," Chairman Mao said: "All of our plans, our procedures, and our thinking should take as their starting point the fact that there are 600 million people in our country; we must never forget this." I feel that this statement by Chairman Mao can direct writing reform too. Writing reform is a major undertaking; it is related to the livelihood of 600 million people and their sons and grandsons for ten thousand generations. If such a major undertaking does not take the whole nation as its starting point, it will in all probability fail. Recently, however, some discussions of writing reform have not taken the 600 million people as their starting point; instead, they have considered it from the point of view of the advantages to and the convenience for a very small circle of people. They have not considered the laboring people in general, or the needs of the peasant masses in particular. This is what Mr. Chen Mengjia does.  相似文献   

康有为戊戌前的岭南讲学中,有大量关于"董氏学"思想的阐述。他指出了"董氏学"在儒学思想学术发展中的地位与作用,并认为"董氏学"与孔子"改制思想"和"微言大义"有密切关系。他还着重说明了"董氏学"的入门途径。康有为讲学中的"董氏学"内容与其《春秋董氏学》的成书也有密切关系。  相似文献   

经济全球化步伐的加快和对外贸易的快速增长,具备实用英语写作技能人才的需求显得更为迫切。但目前我国大学生缺少较强的写作能力,不能流畅自如地与外国人交流,而且学生不满意目前大学英语写作教学,因而有必要探讨如何改进写作教学。本文在分析英语写作教学现状的基础上,探究了写作教学改革的趋势和思路。  相似文献   

查有梁 《教育学报》2007,3(2):16-23
新课程改革需要“软着陆”,是指课改的进程要减慢速度,课改的实施要稳步成功。钟启泉教授的一篇对新课程改革的总结性《对话》提出的一系列观点,都不利于课程改革的“软着陆”,是对课程改革的误导。这些误导表现出了西方后现代理论在中国课程改革中的一种思潮。新课程改革如何“软着陆”,这需要以“科学发展观”为指导。  相似文献   

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