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重点中学与普通中学学生考试心理问题的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用自编“中学生考试心理和行为问题症状自评量表”(EMP)的研究方法,以542名中学生为被试(重点中学258,普通中学284名),考察了重点中学与普通中学学生的考试心理问题差异及其影响因素。结果发现:重点中学学生的考试心理问题在类型及严重程度上显著低于普通中学学生;初一年级重点中学学生考试心理问题发展状况显著优于普通中学学生;初二和初三学生的考试心理问题不存在显著差异;普通中学的高中生比重点中学的高中学生存在更多更严重的考试心理问题;学生考试心理问题与个体考试体验、育人环境、教育方式等因素有关。  相似文献   

完善城乡学校一体化管理运行机制需要深入把握城乡学校一体化管理的重点内容和关键问题。通过调研X市6对城乡学校一体化管理试验学校样本,运用NVivo8软件对调研资料进行编码和统计分析,研究发现:城乡学校一体化管理的基础是要建立市、县、校三级管理体系;城乡学校一体化管理的内容是教研、教师、教学、行政、课程、文化和教育一体化七个方面,其重点是推进教研、教师和教学一体化;城乡学校一体化管理的问题涉及跨区障碍、人事、经费、输入校发展、教学教研、市级统筹和课程,其关键是破解跨区域的管理障碍。  相似文献   

用问卷调查法对不同水平学校(普通中学和重点中学)548名被试的父母教养方式各维度及父母教养类型的比较发现,普通中学被试的父母教养方式比较消极,他们感受到的父母的干涉和拒绝更多,而感受到的父母的接纳和保护相对较少,就教养类型而言,普通中学被试的父母教养类型更趋于消极,重点中学被试的父母教养方式则总体上比较积极。  相似文献   

Distributed leadership: developing theory from practice   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Hopes that the transformation of schools lies with exceptional leaders have proved both unrealistic and unsustainable. The idea of leadership as distributed across multiple people and situations has proven to be a more useful framework for understanding the realities of schools and how they might be improved. However, empirical work on how leadership is distributed within more and less successful schools is rare. This paper presents key concepts related to distributed leadership and illustrates them with an empirical study in a school‐improvement context in which varying success was evident. Grounding the theory in this practice‐context led to the identification of some risks and benefits of distributing leadership and to a challenge of some key concepts presented in earlier theorizing about leadership and its distribution.  相似文献   

Of late, newspapers and radio stations at both central and local levels have published different opinions over the issue of key elementary and secondary schools. Some newspapers carried articles that concentrated on the "drawbacks" in running key schools and demanded that they be abolished so as to "let all elementary and secondary schools compete." As a pedagogic study and discussion, the move was beyond reproach. According to the report of some newspapers, however, a few provinces and municipalities even went so far as to declare the abolition of key elementary schools and the method for key middle schools to enroll the better qualified students. As we all know, it was Vice Chairman Deng who first proposed that key elementary and secondary schools be run after the smashing of the "gang of four." For this purpose the Ministry of Education convened a special conference, issued relevant documents, and has not yet made any decision concerning the abolition of the key school system. Under such circumstances, publishing in the newspapers the decision to abolish key schools has thrown people into confusion. Some people called or wrote to demand that the educational departments quickly declare the abolition of key schools, and some schools of nonkey status asked for backbone teachers from key schools. There were also people who even considered a redistribution of the facilities owned by key schools. Thus a tension has been arbitrarily created between society and the educational departments, and between key schools and schools of nonkey status. And the teaching order in many schools has been affected. All this undermines stability and unity and hampers the readjustment of educational undertakings. Personally, I believe our current endeavor to run key elementary and secondary schools indeed involves quite a few problems and conscientious efforts should be made to address them. However, all this boils down to a question of how experience should be summed up and how further efforts can be made in order to run the key schools better; under no circumstances should we thereby arrive at a conclusion that key schools should be abolished. There are several reasons for this.  相似文献   

目前,民办学校分类管理改革已经进入试点阶段。民办学校分类管理需要完成两大基本任务:一是建构分类管理的制度框架,二是对现有民办学校进行转制,即重新分类。其中,能否让现有的民办学校顺利转制,是决定分类管理改革能否推进的关键。本文提出了民办学校转制的参考方案,并进行分析。  相似文献   

Our own dispatch. In the college entrance examination in the Guangzhou area this year, those who scored high were all key middle schools at the provincial and municipal levels. They included the Middle School affiliated with South China Teachers University, No. 2 Municipal Middle School, and Guangya Middle School. The facts show that running a number of key middle schools successfully makes it possible to bring up more able people.  相似文献   

International comparative data on student performance has led McKinsey&Company, among others, to suggest that education systems will inexorably converge in their developmental trajectories with principals and schools enjoying more autonomy. This article challenges these assumptions through referencing Singapore where schools and professionals are still tightly controlled in key resources, curricula and assessment, and where other key factors contribute to its success – thereby evidencing multiple pathways to success.  相似文献   

高中阶段的社会分层和教育机会获得   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本文通过对10个城市40所普通高中学生的问卷调查,揭示了高中阶段学生社会分层的状况:城市和中高阶层家庭’的学生更多地集中在重点中学,而农村和低阶层家庭的学生多在非重点中学。重点高中入学机会的获得,在一定程度上已经成为学生家长经济资本和社会资本的较量。显示城乡二元、重点非重点二元的学校制度,是一种基本的教育分层制度,重点学校制度存在一种复制和扩大社会阶层差距的机制。  相似文献   

重点中学的发展历程曲折颇多,其存在价值既受到质疑,又得到辩护.基于教育公平的价值理念,重点中学的弊端理应得到反思.但其作为一种已经客观存在的现象,争论其是否应该存在已无重大意义.改革重点中学的关键在于超越这种存废之争,从而让"重点中学"成为真正的优质示范学校.  相似文献   

This study utilizes public data mining to explore participation divides of all available K-12 institutional Twitter accounts in the U.S. (n?=?8275 accounts, n?=?9,216,853 tweets). Results indicated that U.S. schools used Twitter to broadcast information on a variety of topics in a unidirectional manner and that hashtags included a variety of intended purposes, including affinity spaces, education topics, emotive language, and events. Those schools in wealthier, more populated areas were more likely to use Twitter, with wealthy, suburban schools being the most likely to use it and poor, rural schools being the least likely. Furthermore, factors such as charter school status and urbanity influenced the content of school tweets on key issues, with schools in more populated areas tweeting more about coding and college than schools in less populated areas and charter schools tweeting more about college and the politicized educational issue of common core than non-charters. These results reveal participation differences between schools based upon demographics and provides a basis for conducting future large-scale work on publicly available artifacts, such as school tweets, that may be meaningfully used as education research data.  相似文献   

This article asks whether a school improvement programme in three provinces in Canada could have any implications for schools in England. Based on experience in a failing school that ‘turned around’, a key feature of the programme was its emphasis on developing respectful social relationships at the same time as strengthening the teaching of curriculum subjects. We summarise the key features of the programme. Next, we discuss questions arising from projects in schools in very diverse provinces in Canada. Finally, we discuss the potential implications for the development of more positive relationships, and improvements in educational progress, in schools in England.  相似文献   

Despite the contemporary policy rhetoric of global citizenry and the importance of languages and intercultural capabilities, language learning in Australian schools struggles for recognition and support. The curriculum marginalisation of languages, however, is uneven, affecting some school sectors more than others. In this article, we examine the provision of languages in two government comprehensive high schools, both low socio-economic status, located in urban areas in New South Wales, Australia’s largest state. They are termed ‘residual’ high schools because they cater for the students remaining in the local schools while others attend either private or selective government high schools. We provide a qualitative picture of language provision in these two schools from the perspectives of key stakeholders – school principals, teachers, students and parents. We also draw on observational data of language classes. The aim is to provide, within a largely social class framework, an understanding of the state of language provision in these schools. We argue that currently students in these schools are experiencing unequal access to the linguistic and cultural capital associated with language learning relative to students in more privileged communities and schools.  相似文献   

采用《学业求助量表》对633名初中学生进行了调查,结果表明:1.初二、初三年级学生的执行性求助极显著高于初一学生,初二、初三年级间差异不显著;2.重点学校学生的工具性求助极显著高于普通学校学生,而普通学校学生的执行性求助、回避求助却极显著高于重点学校;3.女生的工具性求助极显著高于男生,男生的回避求助显著高于女生。  相似文献   

基督教会传教士为了传播基督教,在沂蒙创办了大量的教会学校。这些学校遍布沂州府所属各县,采用西方近代教育体制,招收教徒和非教徒子女授学,宗教是必修重点学科,此外开数,理化,外语,体育,实验等课程。初办时,少收或不收任何费用,后收费越来越多。教会粉学属于文化侵略的范畴,一些沂蒙人因到教会学校就读而信仰了基督教,很多教会学校的毕业生成了洋奴和帝国主义侵华的帮凶。但教会学校也扩大了西学在沂蒙的传播和西学对沂蒙的影响,培养了一批新式人才,客观上促进了沂蒙近代教育的发展。  相似文献   

基础教育“重点校”政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国基础教育"重点校"政策是社会经济非均衡发展战略在教育中的体现。"重点校"政策在推动部分学校教育质量提高的同时,也扩大了城乡间、学校间在资源配置和教育质量上的差距,导致了教育公平的缺失,使得基础教育群体间入学机会不公平,尤其接受优质教育不公平。应从制度入手,推进教育管理制度、教育人事制度、教育财政制度的改革,缩小基础教育校际差别,逐步取消"重点校"政策,使公众享受到较为公平的教育。  相似文献   

使用中学生社会关系网络问卷和心理健康问卷对来自不同水平学校548名初中生调查发现,重点中学被试与普通中学被试在社会支持方面差异显著:重点中学被试感受到的社会支持程度显著高于普通中学被试,与重要他人的冲突及受到的惩罚显著低于普通中学被试;成人(主要是母亲)是重点中学被试社会支持的首要来源,同伴是普通中学被试社会支持的首要来源.重点中学被试心理健康状况整体上优于普通中学被试.成人(父母、教师)应该给予普通中学初中生更多的社会支持,以促进其心理发展.  相似文献   

Thinking more deeply about networks in education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In education, initiatives to restructure and reculture schools through their involvement in intra- and inter-institutional networks have grown in number in recent years. Networks of teachers and schools (often linked to institutions outside education) are becoming a key focus of change efforts promoted by professionals and policymakers. However, in current research, writing and policymaking, the use of the network concept has been generally vague, normative and mostly instrumental. This paper develops a discussion of network concepts and proposes more systematic, less normative ways of addressing and researching network issues in education. It outlines a set of key dimensions of intra- and inter-organizational networks and makes a case for more a comprehensive research approach to these phenomena.  相似文献   

广东省惠州市励志成为中国石化、数码产业名城,对化工专业人才需求量很大。近年来,随着中等职业学校发展的不断壮大,惠州市的中等职业学校包括国家级重点、省重点、市民办中职学校共30多所。然而在这些中等职业学校中开办有化工专业的只有四所,且化工专业学生数量很少,远远满足不了惠州市石化区的需求。本文从多方面分析其原因和寻求其发展的对策,旨为培养更多的符合惠州石化区工业生产需求的中职生。  相似文献   

在美国教育现代化的进程中,联邦宪法立教条款在政府与私立学校之间所设置的严格壁垒开始瓦解.自20世纪初,在一系列联邦最高法院判例法的主张之下,美国政府对私立学校逐步形成了资助与管理并行的责任与立场.美国政府对私立学校的资助是在公、私学校对等的原则框架内展开,以学生资助为其基本的形式;政府对私立学校拥有管理权,但管理有合理的限度.联邦政府是私立学校的主要资助者,州政府的资助相对有限,但州政府是私立学校外部管理的主体.进入21世纪,越来越多的州通过教育券和教育费用税赋宽减等政策逐步加大对私立学校的公共资助,随之而来私立学校的政府规制将会增加  相似文献   

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