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We completely agree with the guidelines on reform enunciated by leading comrades at the center. Through discussion we come to see that the reform in college work is aimed at raising the quality of teaching and the level of scientific research, breaking away from the situation of "everybody eating from the same big pot," implementing the policy toward intellectuals, and arousing the socialist enthusiasm of all teachers and staff members of the university to train more and better talented people for the four modernizations. The allegation that reform is designed merely to increase income and improve the economic situation of young and middle-aged intellectuals is one-sided and not fundamental. As some teachers have said during the discussions, if our orientation is changed just to increase our income each month, the university leadership will be condemned after a number of years.  相似文献   

将“五四”前后马克思主义在中国的传播作为一种知识传播的社会活动进行考察,可以看到知识建构为现实的过程落实为三重层面:一是以学会、研究会等“组织”为中心,接触、学习、理解并运用马克思主义理论的知识分子凝聚为意识形态共同体;二是以报纸杂志所构建的“语言”为中心,知识群体借助文本载体介绍、阐释马克思主义,以建构知识正当性;三是以学校等“空间”为中心,在传播过程中联合社会各阶层并作“实际运动”,扩大革命影响力。回溯马克思主义在中国早期传播的落地实践,对于推进新时代党的宣传思想工作具有启示意义。  相似文献   

在被李泽厚称之为"思想家凸显"的80年代,青年人在经历了"偶像坍塌"的短暂迷茫后,开始自我设计未来的人生之路,并以公共知识分子的身份担当国家改革和建设的重任,成为时代的弄潮儿。当他们为自己的人生规划寻求理论支持时,适逢萨特存在主义"自我选择和设计"理论的"西学东渐",由此引发了长达十年之久的"萨特热"。文章探讨了萨特与八十年代知识青年之间的关系问题,并着重分析"萨特热"的起因和表现。  相似文献   

"In the course of my social life, I try to avoid telling people that I am a teacher, but when I have to, the shutters come down like a clamp” (A head teacher). A young teacher in her first year remarked that she had stopped telling young men with whom she danced that she was a teacher. “It's much easier if I say that I work in a shop or an office.” Sociological writing and inquiry suggests that such experiences are not idiosyncratic. Like the policeman and the priest, the teacher may be perceived as the symbol of approved behaviour and values, not comfortably‐acceptable in the spontaneous, everyday concourse of other adults. The notion is built into all formulations of the teacher stereotype.  相似文献   

以时下社会上流行的“干得好不如嫁得好”的观念为切入点,对青年知识女性价值观向传统回归的外部社会因素和内部心理因素进行了分析,并提出要解决知识女性价值观回归传统问题,政府、社会必须优化女性发展的社会环境,知识女性自身必须强化主体意识、性别观念,培养独立的人格精神。  相似文献   

马克思主义传入中国,是在民族历史走向世界历史的历史背景下发生的。李大钊以其睿智和勇敢,成为传播马克思主义的旗手,他的思想引领时代前行,一代中国先进知识分子因此走上马克思主义社会革命的光明大道。李大钊的"根本解决"思想,是中国先进知识分子根据马克思主义基本原理而提出的改造中国社会的最初方案,是马克思主义中国化的历史与逻辑起点。  相似文献   

延安时期,大批知识分子为中国革命事业和边区建设作出了突出贡献,这主要是缘于中国共产党与知识分子在价值互认的基础上构建并形成了理论互动和实践互助的良性关系。价值互认是中国共产党与知识分子构建良性关系的基本前提;理论互动与实践互助是中国共产党与知识分子良性关系业已形成的具体表征。通过理论互动,中国共产党完成了对知识分子理论立场和研究旨趣的重塑,知识分子则推动了马克思主义中国化;通过实践互助,中国共产党帮助知识分子融入了延安的工作、学习和生活,知识分子则推动了马克思主义大众化,并帮助中国共产党夺取了革命话语权。  相似文献   

以网上问卷调查的方式,对849名参加"京教杯"比赛的青年教师进行专业素养现状调查。结果发现:"京教杯"参赛青年教师对学科知识的理解尚不够深入,反思能力低于其他能力,教育观念还需深化,情感素养亟待提升。制约参赛教师专业发展的主要因素是"工作繁忙、缺乏自主时间""缺乏专业指导""缺乏教育资源"等。基于此,我们需要整体、全面地认识中小学青年教师的专业素养,提升其情感素养,营造良好的成长氛围,提供专业支持与指导,激发其自我实现的内驱力,促进其自主成长。  相似文献   

我们从政治、思想、道德、人生四个方面对河南省青年知识分子的义利观、价值观进行了广泛而深入的调查研究。调查结果表明 ,河南省青年知识分子义利观、价值观的现状是 :以共产主义理想、爱国主义、集体主义、为人民服务为核心的适应市场经济的社会主义义利观、价值观 ,是河南省青年知识分子义利观价值观的主流。同时 ,其他性质的义利观价值观也在河南省青年知识分子中存在。这一现状的形成 ,有着深刻的经济、政治、思想文化根源。  相似文献   

Reciprocity between young women and aged women is a powerful inducement in encouraging young women to consider work with elderly adults. Research shows that strict skills training and productivity models of care can drain the emotional resources of young women and devalue the personal virtues of the aged who are served. A sample survey supports the idea that young women need positive experiences with aged women to consider working with them. Using developmental models of Erikson, Erikson and Kivnick (1986), Gilligan (1982), Kegan (1982) and others, a concept of intimacy (McAdams, 1986) in the service environment can instill hope and integrity in young and aged women. Intimate encounters with aged women, promoted by training in developmental awareness and communications, can be the motivation a young woman needs to consider or continue service work with an expanding aged population.  相似文献   

关于加强高校党外知识分子工作研究的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新世纪新阶段高校党外知识分子在建设中国特色社会主义事业中的重要作用日益凸显,高校统一战线根据其呈现出的思想价值取向多元化、队伍发展迅速化、对外交往扩大化特点,应从思想政治建设、组织管理建设、制度建设三方面努力做好工作,以更好地发挥高校党外知识分子的积极作用。  相似文献   

马克思主义知识分子理论中国化是马克思主义中国化的重要组成部分,自中国共产党成立并领导革命开始,迄今已经走过90年历程,其历史轨迹与马克思主义中国化发展历程基本一致,历经早期探索、初步成熟、曲折发展、拨乱反正、创新发展和理论升华等阶段。马克思主义知识分子理论中国化的90年的历程启示我们,必须坚持以马克思主义知识分子理论为指导,彻底摆脱在知识分子理论和政策上的"苏联式"机械模仿,科学认识和正确评价知识分子的社会地位和历史作用,科学制定和认真落实党对知识分子的各项基本政策。  相似文献   

知青作家是寻根文学的主力,寻根文学改变了新时期文学的叙事方向。寻根文学创作要比其理论高明得多,其作品所导致的实际文化价值判断大多与其理论旨趣相悖。“寻根”过后,知青作家作出了新的选择,调整了自己的叙事策略,知青写作很快由分化而汇入多元化文学发展潮流之中。  相似文献   

加强高校青年知识分子党员发展工作 ,对党的建设具有重要的战略意义。它是增强党的阶级基础 ,巩固党的执政地位 ,保持党的先进性的必然要求 ;是实践“三个代表”重要思想 ,坚定社会主义办学方向的重要条件 ,也是高校培养高素质人才的内在要求。高校党的组织要注重从政治思想品德方面加强对青年知识分子的教育 ,把握正确导向 ,建立健全一套科学稳定的工作机制 ,在青年知识分子中 ,着力培养和建设一支数量充足、质量较高的建党积极分子队伍 ,并把符合党员条件的优秀青年知识分子吸收到党内来。  相似文献   

"百花文学"在中国当代文学的舞台上只作了短暂的表演,却为我们提供了窥视一代青年知识分子内心世界的窗口。从成长叙事的角度解读"百花文学"中的代表作品,可以归纳出"青春的力量"和"成长的烦恼"两大主题,从而能够在文学史有关"百花文学"干预生活和写人情人性的定义之外去探求作家们的创作心理,去追寻那个特殊年代属于青年知识分子的成长记忆。  相似文献   

青年知识分子健康成长之路是与实践相结合、与工农相结合。青年知识分子要树立劳动观点,把书本知识和实际知识结合起来,树立高尚理想,从基层干起,德才兼备,永不停止学习。以高校毕业生为代表的青年知识分子参与新农村建设,是践行这一成长道路的时代选择。  相似文献   

Teacher and student: Designing a democratic relationship   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Teaching is a practice that aims to develop appropriate relationships between the mature and the immature. The good teacher has learned to balance the personal and the impersonal dimensions of daily contact with young people. Classroom experiences are often so subtle and the time for reflection too frequently so minimal that teachers have to rely on momentary responses rather than careful analysis. But, when we tease out the meanings and the implications of our experience, we are able to spot the limitations of our assumptions, to examine the craft of our profession, and to contemplate the new horizons that our students open up. The moments considered in this paper all concern the opportunities and dangers of conversation in a school. The goal is to provide notes on the ways adults succeed or fail in their efforts to engage young people in meaningful conversation. The mutuality of the teacher/student relationship signifies the obligation of the mature to provide, as Dewey says, 'whatever capacity for sympathetic understanding' we have gained from our own experience to each educational occasion.  相似文献   

For some people, a part-time job is merely an intermediate state that serves as a stepping stone to further employment and makes labour market integration easier. Yet, part-time work also appears in highly unstable careers. The present research aims to determine the role of part-time employment for young people with non-university studies. Using the Survey on Transition from Education/Training and Labour Market Integration (ETEFIL-2005), we build the monthly sequence of labour states for young people from when they finish their non-university studies until the time of the survey. The analysis allows us to conclude that part-time work is fairly atypical in the early stages of a career but that those who have part-time jobs spend quite a long time in them. In addition, we identify several patterns in the use of part-time work, the ‘integrative’ pattern proving to be the most prevalent. Factors such as education and early preferences are seen to have a major impact on career paths.  相似文献   

党外知识分子在高校具有数量多、层次高、影响大的特点,因此,做好党外知识分子的工作历来是高校统战工作的一项基础性工作。以韩山师范学院的党外知识分子为调查对象,通过问卷调查和个别访谈的方式,重点调查党外知识分子的思想态势,并在此基础上提出了加强思想建设和组织建设等针对性的工作对策。  相似文献   

刘索拉的《你别无选择》、徐星的《无主题变奏》和陈村的《少男少女,一共七个》都是1980年代中国现代派小说发展史上重要的篇什.它们塑造了一群叛逆的当代青年知识分子形象,详细展现了他们探寻自我的精神历程;这些青年知识分子在面对传统观念时或者消极颓废、或者顽强执着、或者玩世不恭,张扬出不同的个性,表现出了迷惘、苦闷的精神气质;由于传统观念依然强大,他们很难与其直面“搏斗”,只能在自我的理念中探索属于自己的自由.  相似文献   

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