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劳动教育教材的编制是落实《关于全面加强新时代大中小学劳动教育的意见》的具体行动,对于指导当前学校劳动教育实践具有重要的现实意义。德国普通中学拥有相对成熟的劳动教育教材体系,其主流劳动教材设计的主要特点表现为:遵循联邦州教学大纲,构建两级问题解决能力体系;设置多种类型的主题单元,搭建跨学科知识体系;遵循项目式教学法,提升学生实践能力;立足可持续发展教育理念,培养具有时代特征的“世界公民”。  相似文献   

Subregion Commissioners and district (City) chiefs (mayors): 1. "When the days are cold and the ground's frozen, it is time to study. When flowers bloom and the water's warm, it is time to serve the peasants." These two sentences, a north Shensi proverb, explain the popular historical basis of the winter study program. Today, due to the situation of the rural villages, where economic development is inadequate and most of the inhabitants are illiterate, winter study is still an extremely important form of education. It not only expands the capacity of the schools for educating youth but also results in an increase in training schools for adult men and women and for lower-level cadres. If we wish to eliminate illiteracy, if we wish to raise cultural standards, then we must broaden the winter study movement. We have in the past operated winter study schools, and in some areas they have met with success, but because the financial status of the majority of the people had not been raised to a satisfactory level, and because the way in which we ran winter schools was in some respects faulty, the schools were unable to develop, and those in operation were unable to continue. With the great development of agricultural production in the past two years, the life of the people has improved to the point where they may be said to be well off, and labor has been gradually collectivized; the demand for literacy and the need for an increased understanding of production have at the same time grown and spread, so that favorable conditions for a winter study movement have been created. Because of this, it has been decided that beginning this year winter education will be organized each year throughout the Border Region; the slogan for this winter is "every township run one winter school." Where conditions are favorable, as many schools as possible should be run. Classes in reading should be added to the winter training program of the self-defense forces. In the future, we wish to have a winter training program in every village, so as to attain the goal of having all citizens of the Border Region, except for those past the age of fifty who are decidedly unwilling to study, able to understand 1,000 characters and thus able to read mass newspapers; cadres who cannot read or whose reading ability is limited should in particular act as the vanguard and as models for the people's literacy movement.  相似文献   

… Since the downfall of the Gang of Four, the cause of rural education in China has undergone profound change and great development. Yet the enterprise is still seriously inappropriate given the pressing demands of agricultural modernization and the peasantry's actual needs. The key to solving this contradiction is to restore and develop agricultural secondary schools. Agricultural secondary schools are a new type of school combining education and productive labor, created under the conditions of socialism in China by the broad masses of peasants themselves in their struggles against ignorance and backwardness. These schools implement a part-agriculture, part-study system whereby their students acquire book learning while engaging in productive labor—a system that lightens the burden on the state, on the collective, and on the students' families, and is therefore beneficial to the state, the collective, and the individual. Actual practice has demonstrated that doing a proper job of running agricultural secondary schools is an important means for the rural areas to achieve greater, faster, better, and more economical results in producing trained personnel. Our respected and beloved Premier Zhou Enlai pointed out in his "Report on the Work of the Government," delivered at the Third National People's Congress, that "these new type of schools are able to turn out universally developed, new-type people who are both capable of doing physical labor and equipped with culture and technology, and thus create the conditions for gradually eliminating the disparity between mental and manual labor." Hence, the National Work Conference on Education held last year confirmed the guiding principle of developing agricultural secondary schools in the rural areas, and Comrade Deng Xiaoping emphasized in his speech that the proportion of agricultural secondary schools should be increased.  相似文献   

张颀  汪冰冰 《中学教育》2021,18(1):40-50
在后撤点并校时代,农村小规模学校的发展是补齐我国义务教育发展短板的关键问题.研究以豫东平原杨村小学从衰败到初步振兴的发展历程为案例,探讨农村小学振兴的路径与机制.研究发现,农村小规模学校处于教育体系和乡村社会的双重网络之中,濒临倒闭的杨村小学面临着在两个系统中都不被认可的困境.杨村小学的校长和老师为争取承认而奋斗,他们...  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔自治区教科所小学双语教学整体改革实验喀什组先后对喀什地区疏附县明德小学、托克塔克镇小学和喀什市第八小学三所小学进行了评估及期末检测,总结实施双语教学的基本现状、存在的主要问题并提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

新时代赋予劳动教育以新的内涵,对中等职业学校劳动教育的现状探究是创新发展新时代中职劳动教育的基础。基于劳动教育内涵,主要采用问卷、访谈调查中职学校劳动教育的组织实施现状及效果,描绘现阶段中职劳动教育存在的现实问题,探索改善中职学校劳动教育的对策建议。研究发现:中职生具备良好的劳动技能和劳动习惯,但劳动价值观有待提升;中职学校劳动教育的组织实施不符合学生发展期望;中职学校劳动教育的内外部支持不足限制了其发展。研究提出营造新时代劳动教育文化、建立健全劳动教育课程体系、加大劳动教育资源投入和专业指导等改进策略。  相似文献   

面对“应试教育”带来的困惑以及对“新教育”的渴望,锦田小学确立了“健康育人”的办学理念。在叙述“健康育人”的办学理念形成的基础上,从理论上阐述“健康育人”的基本涵义,“健康育人”办学理念的实施途径,“健康育人”在锦田小学办学中的作用,从理论与实践两个层面提出见解。  相似文献   

郇永龙 《天津教育》2021,(7):168-169
信息技术的不断发展在一定程度上带动了教育教学的改革,小学是基础教育阶段,是学生打下良好的学习基础、养成良好学习习惯的关键时期。汉语拼音教学是小学语文教学的首要教学任务,由于传统教学形式单一、内容枯燥,导致学生缺少学习兴趣。微课的出现很好地解决了这一问题。本文分析了小学语文拼音教学中存在的问题以及微课应用的作用,最终提出了几条微课应用的策略。  相似文献   

劳动教育是落实立德树人根本任务、提升学生核心素养的重要途径。北京师范大学天津附属中学从1958年开始贯彻教育与生产劳动相结合的方针,坚持对学生进行劳动教育,促进学生全面发展。新时期,学校构建劳动教育体系的措施包括以下几点:一是构建以"立身修心"为总体目标,以"修德、明理、尚学、生才"为教育基本元素的课程体系;二是促进学科融合,强化劳动教育;三是实施家庭和学校相结合的劳动习惯养成教育;四是组织学生参加社会实践与社区服务活动;五是坚持开展劳动技术教育科学研究。  相似文献   

甘肃临夏回族自治州康乐县农村小学“快乐校因”活动不仅仅是在灌输项目的“教育公平”、“以儿童为中心”教育理念,而且已触及到了农村小学校因生活单调枯燥的弊端。通过创建快乐校因活动,教师的学生观发生了变化,他们致力于营造一个爱生的校因氛围,在这个乐因里,师生共同学习,共同参与各种活动,教师的素质得到不断提高,儿童的智能不断得到开发,个性得到张扬,特长得到发挥,师生关系变得更加融洽,农村孩子会以另一种方式享受城市孩子所能享受到的快乐。  相似文献   

The Northwest Bureau Propaganda Department [of the Communist Party] and the Provincial Department of Education of the Border Region Government, with the assistance of the [Party] Central Propaganda Department, have already decided upon the main content of the curriculum and fields of study for a three year (six semester) course in the secondary level normal schools in the Border Region, and have assigned special personnel to edit the teaching materials.  相似文献   

Yenan. New China News Agency cable, September [?] 19 — The entire text of the "Northwest Bureau Directive on the Question of Winter Cadre Training in Subdistricts and Townships" reads as follows: 1. On the basis of reports from the various subregions and of views expressed by non-Party people at a forum in the Yenan subregion, the Northwest Bureau [of the Communist Party] feels that the main weakness of a great many local cadres today is a lack of understanding of policies and an excessive simplification of work methods. These are basic problems in the thought and work style of subdistrict and township cadres today that must be exposed and changed. If this sort of problem cannot be satisfactorily solved, different opinions about Party policies can develop between higher and lower levels, and there is a danger that the policies will not be thoroughly implemented. A proper and suitable solution to this problem, then, is to have local cadres both understand all the policies and laws applicable to local work and be good at uniting the masses and non-Party people to carry out these policies and laws. This is tantamount to solving all the basic problems of Border Region construction, and it is the most reliable guarantee that local work will be thoroughly transformed and that policies and laws will be thoroughly implemented.  相似文献   

Middle-level education and citizen's education [see glossary] in the Border Region has in the past suffered from serious problems of dogmatism and old-fashioned orthodoxy, thus departing from and even opposing the needs of the Border Region and of the Border Region peoples. The senior cadre meeting of the year before last and the third meeting of the Government Committee in the spring of last year pointed out a clear and correct policy: for the purposes of the War of Resistance Against Japan and of service to the Border Region peoples, the education of cadres comes first, citizen's education second. That is, we must change those aspects of education that are not relevant to carrying on the War of Resistance and not relevant to the Border Region and its people, thus making education fully compatible with revolutionary San-min chu-i [Three People's Principles] (which is to say, the New Democracy) and with the spirit of the Ten Great Policies,* and suitable to the present needs for construction in the Border Region. The Conference on Rectification of Studies in Middle-Level Schools during the first half of last year and the rectification movement in the various Middle Schools during the second half of last year generated criticism of old-fashioned orthodoxy and dogmatism; this is a great step forward and is a key transformation of middle-level education in the Border Region.  相似文献   

In the clamor surrounding the "return to class and make revolution" movement that has begun in Peking universities and in primary middle schools, the revolutionary students and teachers of Stone-view Mountain Middle School have, with the aid and support of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Advisory Group, raised high the great red flag of the thought of Mao Tse-tung, conscientiously studied Chairman Mao's writings, resolutely and thoroughly carried out the latest instructions of Chairman Mao relative to the education revolution, and, in the midst of the education revolution, have taken a joyous step forward.  相似文献   

Border Region culture has both progressive and regressive aspects: New Democratic culture is its progressive aspect, the remnants of feudal culture are its regressive aspect. The Border Region people have destroyed feudal control on the political and economic fronts; in cultural life, which is a reflection of politics and economics, feudal control should also be destroyed; and from the standpoint of the direction of government leadership and of government's new cultural and educational work, the old kind of cultural control has indeed already been destroyed. In the army, factories, public schools, and in many mass organizations in the Border Region, the old kind of cultural control basically has ended as well. As far as the most important aspects of peasant ideological attitudes are concerned, feudal bondage also has already been broken. But as far as the general sphere of the majority of peasants' cultural life is concerned, remnants of feudal culture still exist, and in certain spheres, such as public health and art, they temporarily occupy a dominant position and clash with rather than conform to political and economic life in the Border Region. Therefore, moving from old to new and destroying feudal remnants, opening up a broad route for the new democratic culture, and making culture appropriately reflect the new political and economic life - these are still important historical tasks for Border Region education, and it is necessary to devote massive efforts to these tasks before we can succeed.  相似文献   

Recently, air force students at the "May 7" Cadre School in Shenyang held a discussion meeting. With personal experience, they praised the wiseness and correctness of Chairman Mao's great directive to "send the masses of cadres to do manual labor." They talked at length of their experiences in seizing the "excellent opportunity" to temper themselves through labor and further raised their self-motivation for revolutionizing their ideology by "renewing study."  相似文献   

北京市海淀区万泉小学是一所以"营造绿色教育生态,传递教育幸福"为办学理念的素质教育优质学校。近年来,万泉小学从提升中层干部的规划能力、计划能力和策划能力入手,积极为教师和学生营造一个自然、和谐、美好、多元的教育生态系统,使教师人人有追求、人人有责任、人人得以发展、人人感受到愉悦,为学生带来自信快乐和成长,为学校带来全面、和谐、健康和可持续的发展。  相似文献   

"未来学校"是新加坡"智慧国2015"计划在教育领域使用信息科技的先行范例。"未来学校"通过在教学中使用最新的应用软件,开发3D仿真学习情境模式,创新课程体系方法 ,培养师生自主创新能力等,教会学生学会学习,使学生的创造性思维、互助协作能力等得到全面发展,也使新加坡走在了信息科技运用的最前端,为其2015年实现所有学校都能使用信息科技的目标奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

新时代大中小学劳动教育在认知、情感与实践等方面遵循着严密的逻辑层次。厘清劳动教育在认知逻辑、情感逻辑和实践逻辑中的内在层次,是有效推进新时代大中小学劳动教育的应有之义。具体来讲,在认知逻辑上,新时代大中小学劳动教育囊括了"人人都要劳动"的低阶认知、"劳动创造价值"的中阶认知以及"教育与生产劳动相结合"的高阶认知;在情感逻辑上,新时代大中小学劳动教育内蕴着感知劳动乐趣的初级层次、体会劳动光荣的中级层次、厚植劳动精神的高级层次;在实践逻辑上,新时代大中小学劳动教育包含了注重养成劳动习惯的初级阶段、着重培育劳动技能的中级阶段以及提升就业创业能力的高级阶段。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,各根据地中小学通过采用弹性学制、开设劳动课程、调整教学计划、改革教学内容与方法、在教学过程中“渗透”生产劳动知识等方式来开展生产劳动教育,推动了根据地的社会生产和教育事业的普及,同时也积累了宝贵经验:坚持以文化科学教育为主,推广先进典型经验;坚持理论联系实际,因时因地制宜;坚持以生产劳动为纽带,加强学生的思想品德教育,等。  相似文献   

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