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20世纪中国文学和医学深刻扭结在一起.西方医学科学的借鉴体验,对于"弃医从文"或"亦医亦文"的人文作家具有深层规约,造成文学叙事呈现出相当的冷静、理性和悲剧化品格,而这一点又恰恰和中国文学的现代性品质相契合.  相似文献   

Studies of college attrition typically assume that all attrition is permanent. We use data from the 1990/94 Beginning Postsecondary Survey to distinguish between long-term dropout and short-term stopout behavior in order to test that assumption. We find significant differences between those who stop out and those who drop out in the first year. Failure to recognize these differences biases the results of standard attrition models and hence may cause policy makers to pursue inappropriate policy initiatives or incorrectly target at-risk populations. Furthermore, the type of financial aid received is found to have a differential impact on stopout versus dropout probabilities.  相似文献   

曹雪芹笔下的妙玉是一位才貌俱佳的女子,因其“言语狂妄”、“行为怪诞”,历来颇受非议。本文试从妙玉的女性意识与抗争精神的角度来解析妙玉:女性意识的觉醒使她对爱情有了自觉的追求,而她特定的身份让她举步维艰,她选择了抗争,却归于失败。《红楼梦》正是用妙玉的爱情悲剧为那些有着强烈的女性意识与抗争精神的女子谱写了一曲无尽的挽歌。  相似文献   

探求与建构独立的民族教育研究方法,是为促进民族教育理论研究与实践,同时为民族教育学学科发展争取话语权,而苦苦追寻的"民族教育理想"。民族教育研究方法在生发的过程中彰显三重境遇:民族学或教育学传统研究方法的移植与镜鉴,在"学科"视角下寻求研究方法的相对独立,追求多学科研究方法的合理性。只要能够推动民族教育学研究向前发展的方法,都应成为民族教育研究方法的选择畛域、借鉴之方与创新之基。  相似文献   

用自己的思维思考问题,按照自己的意愿来生活,此之谓独立人格。顺从专制者的意志生活,是谓顺民。专制者奉行“顺我者昌,逆我者亡”,由此,红楼到处是顺民。顺贾政的傅试、赖大、赵姨娘们,昌;逆贾政的贾宝玉,虽然是亲生子,差一点儿亡,幸好有老祖母救命。贾政是无能的专制者,又是无能的顺民。薛宝钗、花袭人是有能的顺民。人的异化,顺民的普遍社会化,是专制制度的产物,是社会退步和消亡的基本原因。社会的发展依赖于人的独立人格的复归。“红楼三玉”和贾探春,是独立人格的佼佼者。贾探春独立人格的完善过程,更有典型意义。她与曾经合作伙伴薛宝钗的决裂,标志着她人格的升华。此外,贾惜春和司棋的独立人格也很特别。  相似文献   

Reproduced here is a version of the presidential address delivered at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) luncheon, during the American Counseling Association national convention in Atlanta on March 16, 1993. (Appendix A is a reference list the was available at the luncheon for those who found the content of the message interesting and wanted to pursue it further.)  相似文献   

江淮地区是商朝重点经营的区域之一.早商和晚商时期加强对江淮地区的经营,除了商代早期出于追歼南逃的夏遗民的政治和军事方面的原因外,主要目的在于对江南地区铜资源的掠夺.整个商朝对江淮地区的控制仅局限于在淮河流域建立若干军事据点,商代东南境内的民族整合成效甚微.商朝对淮河流域行之有效的政治、军事经营,加速了商代青铜文明在江淮地区的传播,并对江淮地区初期社会复杂化与文明化进程产生了重要的影响,但在商周相当漫长的历史时期,江淮地区的文明化进程始终没有走上独立发展的道路.  相似文献   

美国小学教师教育体系的基本特点与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国小学教师的培养在几十年的发展过程中形成了一个具有特色的教师教育体系,在招生和专业选择上,能够录取那些乐意当教师的学生;在课程体系方面,前两年的通识教育课程具有较大的选择性,后两年的专业教育课程重视结合小学的教学实际,很少有选修课程,同时教学实习长达四个学期;在教学方法上,呈现多样化特征,以小组讨论为主。这些特点对于我国当下小学教育专业的建设与发展具有参考价值。  相似文献   

波普尔在《开放社会及其敌人》中依据批判理性主义哲学,逻辑地演绎出人文主义正义论的价值观和社会正义论原则,捍卫并超越了自由主义的在体性基础。然而,其哲学认识论本质上决定了其社会正义观不是一种终极性真理,而只是一种假设。波普尔留给人们更多的是一种批判精神,他为那些寻求正义的人们提供了一种建设性的方法和思路。  相似文献   

This paper reports three aspects of a study involving institutional stakeholders (that is, those members of the community who come into closest contact with an institution and who thus can anticipate the societal outputs expected of that institution) in a review of goals for a South Australian TAFE College.

The paper reports a factor analysis of concepts underlying attitudes to a list of 29 goal statements prepared by the researchers for the college, the analysis covering both attitudes to the goals the college is seen as pursuing and those which it ought to pursue. An endogenous panel of stakeholders, comprising staff and students of the college, was used in this aspect of the study.

The second aspect reported used both exogenous and endogenous panels ‐‐ with output from the exogenous panel being used as input for the endogenous panel. Participants were asked to evaluate, on a three‐point scale, each of the 29 goal statements used in this study on each of three parameters: Student Desirability, Institutional Feasibility, and Timing of Priority. The output from the second, endogenous, panel is reported here.

The third aspect reports the data derived from using an endogenous panel to rank the three goals they perceived as being most important for the college to pursue.

The data provide interesting insights into the perceptions of differing groups of stakeholders on the goals of this particular TAFE college.  相似文献   

运用职业价值观量表与成就动机量表,对西安市361名师范生和非师范生进行了问卷测验.研究发现:师范大学生与非师范大学生的职业价值观差异显著;大学生职业价值观的性别差异显著,女生在兴趣性格、福利待遇方面要求高于男生;师范生成就动机一定程度上影响职业价值观:追求成功与回避失败倾向高、低者的职业目的性要求均差异显著;师范生成就动机对目的性职业价值观具有预测力.  相似文献   

以1999年至2010年全部共1182篇全国优秀博士学位论文为样本,按学科门类统计分析优博论文的一级学科分布以及该学科论文数第一的学位授予单位;按学位授予单位所属的高校系统、中国科学院下属科研院所以及其他科研机构三种类型分析,分别给出各类论文数前几名的学位授予单位并比较优博论文学科分布的特色;根据优博论文导师的姓名,统计获得3篇及以上优博论文的导师、所在机构和学科信息;最后针对各学位授予单位和有志读博的学生提出了几点建设性的意见。  相似文献   

People value those who act with others in mind even as they pursue their own goals. Across three studies (N = 566; 4- to 6-year-olds), we investigated children’s developing understanding of such considerate, socially-mindful actions. By age 6, both U.S. and Chinese children positively evaluate a character who takes a snack for herself in a way that leaves a snack choice for others over a character who leaves no choice (Study 1), but only when the actors had alternative possible actions (Study 2) and when a clear beneficiary was present (Study 3). These results suggest an emerging ability to infer underlying social intentions from self-oriented actions, providing insights into the role of social-cognitive capacities versus culture-specific norms in children’s moral evaluations.  相似文献   

Short notices     

Was there ever a golden age of academe: a time when academics were able to pursue their own interests, had relatively light and undemanding teaching responsibilities, and enjoyed widespread respect from both the general public and policy makers? This article explores that question, primarily in the context of the United Kingdom, but with some reference to other systems as well. It attempts to separate the mythical elements of the golden age from the reported memories and analyses of both those who were there at the time and subsequent authors.  相似文献   

With the emergence of gerontology as an academic discipline, the need for formalized training to address early career issues has increased. This paper offers personal experiences and advice regarding some of the challenges new faculty are likely to face when on the “tenure track.” Some of the challenges include whether to pursue a career in academia, the potential value of a post-doctoral research position, grant writing, academic duty, preparing for the job interview, negotiating, and achieving success in academia. In addition to offering personal perspectives on each of these challenges, a number of resources are provided to help those who seek additional insight or advice on early career management. Implications for creating formalized graduate training to assist those students struggling with early career challenges are discussed.  相似文献   

Little is known about how faculty at 2-year institutions secure grants. Although the mission of community colleges focuses more on teaching than research, many of the faculty desire to pursue grants and some actually engage in this activity. The purpose of this research was to better understand faculty at 2-year institutions regarding several issues: (a) the faculty profile for those who are securing grants, (b) the organization of their funding sources, and (c) the geographical area in which the faculty reside. The faculty in this study were located in 7 geographical areas and received funds from 7 different funding sources.  相似文献   

Zhu Qingshi, president of the Chinese University of Science and Technology has said that since the state resorts to relatively high remuneration and good working conditions to attract "foreign Ph.D.s" back to China, whereas "native Ph.D.s" must wait in order of seniority for better treatment, who wants to study in China, to pursue advanced studies, or engage in research? Various departments, regions, and news media frequently make vigorous publicity for the sake of "image-creating projects" when one or two people who have gone abroad to study are attracted back to China by means of high salaries and good treatment. However, a large number of scholars inside China feel hurt when students who come back from abroad fail to convince people of their superior talent. Everyone knows that the best table-tennis players are to be found on the national team, and only those that the national team does not want, go abroad. If, one day, the public feels that the best scientific and technological talent is to be found in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Engineering Academy and among only those who do not want go abroad, there will be hope for a change in the situation.  相似文献   

This study examined the school perceptions and educational aspirations of 6,599 rural high school students, a sample that included 428 students with learning disabilities (LD). Regardless of disability status, rural high school students who had negative perceptions of school had less well‐defined postsecondary educational plans and less often aspired to complete college or pursue an advanced degree. Compared to nondisabled youth, rural students with LD were more likely to have negative perceptions of school and lower postsecondary aspirations. However, students with LD who had positive perceptions of school more often planned to pursue postsecondary education and aspired to complete college or an advanced degree. Implications for research and interventions pertaining to the educational attainment of students with LD are discussed.  相似文献   

“士志于道”是儒家据以评判士之是非善恶的最高价值标准。“志道”之学,指中国古代知识分子自觉地追求儒家的道德境界,并以此作为立身处世的终极价值依据。而传统的“三不朽”理论又以“立德”为上善之选,这就为知识分子从“立德”走向“不朽”提供了内在依据。陶渊明的“立名垂世”思想,是指他在“志道”的践履过程中所形成的指向“不朽”追求的价值意图,即通过“三不朽”的操作体系以实现垂名后世的价值理想。所不同的是,陶渊明用“志道”之学为自己的“立名垂世”思想做了策略性的解释。  相似文献   

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