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基于可视化分析软件CiteSpace和文献计量学方法对2009—2019年的432篇期刊文献进行定量与定性相结合的分析发现,近年来我国科学教育的研究热点集中在国际科学教育的比较研究、科学教育与人文教育的融合研究以及科学素养培育研究等相关问题。随着科学教育研究的快速发展,其理论构建不断深入、研究方法更加多样且研究的系统性也在不断增强,但是仍然存在着哲学审视尚浅、学科学理不明和相关概念模糊等问题。未来我国科学教育研究应该注重科学教育学科的制度建构、科学教育研究的实证取向与科学教育经验的本土创新。  相似文献   

Cognitive science has the potential for offering explanatory models for many of the findings of empirical research in science education. In this paper, I use recent editions of international journals of science education to produce a categorisation of types of science education research, and what possible contributions each might make to cognitive science or the potential of results from cognitive science for enriching the science education research accounts. In a short, final section, the relationship of our own cognitive work to cognitive science is explored.  相似文献   

脑科学从基础研究向应用研究展开,与教育跨学科融合形成了"脑科学与教育"新的研究领域。日本率先在世界上倡导"脑科学与教育"的跨学科研究,并且将脑科学研究作为国家教育发展的一项战略任务,将脑科学的原理运用到教育中去,进行面向教育理论和实践的应用研究。本论文介绍的日本近年来"脑科学与教育"研究的最新进展,对推动我国尚处于起步阶段的脑科学与教育领域研究的发展有一定的启示。  相似文献   

远程教育合作文化理论的出现,是远程教育发展的自然产物,是远程教育文化建设的一个必然结果。远程教育科研合作文化是远程教育合作文化的一个方面,是远程教育合作文化在科研领域的具体体现。文章从文化维度对远程教育科研合作现状进行了解析,并在此基础上归纳了远程教育科研合作文化的特点,最后提出了远程教育科研合作文化建设的改进策略。  相似文献   

HPS科学教育是近年来西方一些科学教育专家以建构主义为指导思想,倡导的一种新的科学教育的课程与教学模式,是科学教育的一个非常重要而且可行的途径,是国际科学教育研究中一个前沿性课题,是科学教育的发展趋势。深入研究HPS教育有助于推动我国科学教育的改革,对其进行综述有助于HPS科学教育研究的进一步深化。  相似文献   

幼儿园教科研活动只有立足教师专业发展的主阵地,开展好教科研活动,才能有效提升教师专业素养。本文从建立科学规范的教科研制度、探求形式多样的科研活动、提炼丰富多元的科研内容三个方面入手,深入浅出地阐述了有效组织教科研活动的底气、底色、底蕴。  相似文献   

Science as profession is generally defined narrowly as research. Science education as preparation for a profession in research is usually perceived as course work and laboratory training, even though the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue a research career are more extensive and diverse and are learned in one-on-one interaction with mentors. A complete education of science professionals includes the values, ethical standards and conventions of the discipline since they are fundamental to the profession. Mentoring and education in the responsible conduct and reporting of research and in the ethical dimensions of science are among the professional responsibilities of scientists and need to be discussed as part of science education. Moreover, science as an enterprise is much more than research and includes a number of other components, including science teaching, science journalism, and science policy. Each of these contributes to the nature of science and its role in society.  相似文献   

This article focuses on (a) theoretical underpinnings of social constructivism and multicultural education and (b) aspects of social constructivism that can provide frameworks for research in multicultural science education. According to the author, multicultural science education is “a field of inquiry with constructs, methodologies, and processes aimed at providing equitable opportunities for all students to learn quality science.” Multicultural science education research continues to be influenced by class, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, and different lifestyles; however, another appropriate epistemology for this area of research is social constructivism. The essence of social constructivism and its implications for multicultural science education research includes an understanding of whatever realities might be constructed by individuals from various cultural groups and how these realities can be reconstituted, if necessary, to include a scientific reality. Hence, multicultural science education should be a field of study in which many science education researchers are generating new knowledge. The author strives to persuade other researchers to expand their research and teaching efforts into multicultural science education, a blending of social constructivism with multicultural science education. This blending is illustrated in the final section of this article. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper presents a science/science education bibliography, to assist science educationalists interested in Papua New Guinea. 392 articles were reviewed. The bibliography was then categorised in a number of ways to indicate patterns of research productivity in various areas of science education, and at different levels of education. A questionnaire was devised to obtain information from former and current researchers in the field about their own contributions. This exercise produced some surprising information about science education research in Papua New Guinea. Specializations: science teacher education, chemical education, science education in developing countries, educational issues.  相似文献   

构建高职院校科研业绩评价体系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学合理的科研业绩评价体系是高等学校科研管理的基础和重点,而目前高等职业院校的科研业绩评价体系极不适应我国高等职业教育的要求和特点。因此,有必要针对高等职业院校科研工作特征,构建新的高等职业教育科研评价体系。新体系采用新的综合评价方法,同时突出对高等职业教育的适应性、产学研结合和应用性。  相似文献   

科学教育是建设创新型国家以及呼应科教强国政策的根本,对于科技创新人才的培养至关重要。美国国家科学教学研究学会的年会代表了全球最高规格的科学教育研究盛典,基于NARST 2020年会报告题目和摘要,采用定性与定量相结合的文本分析法,依次进行了词频分析、主题建构和共现演化三个阶段的研究。研究发现:教师的教、学生的学、教师教育、课程评估、科学文化是本届科学教育年会五个研究领域,STEM是贯穿其中的核心议题。基于行为科学理论、活动理论和知识整合理论的管理学与教育学的跨学科研究框架和关键要素,可以把STEM研究划分为理论-实践、结构-功能,宏观-微观和心理-行动这八个维度构成的多元分析框架;无监督LDA主题模型的关系建模全面、清晰地确定了全球科学教育最新的六大研究主题的发展脉络与趋势;国际科学教育研究极为重视职前和职后教师教育,高质量的教师是科学教育改革的重要引擎和支撑,教师的教与学生的学是探究教学机制的关键。最后对西方思潮影响的中国科学教育改革提出了审思。  相似文献   

探讨学前教育学的研究对象就是要回答学前教育学研究什么的问题.学前教育学的研究对象界定经历了"规律说--现象说--现象及规律说--综合说"的转变过程.从科学哲学、教育学与学前教育学的关系来看,把学前教育问题定为学前教育学的研究对象是比较适宜的.这一界定有利于指导当前学前教育事业的发展,有利于确立以"问题取向"为主的研究范式,有利于构建具有中国特色和中国风格的学前教育理论体系.  相似文献   

硕士研究生科研能力探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科研能力是研究生独立从事科学研究的能力,它是研究生所应具备的最基本的一种能力。科研能力的高低是衡量研究生综合素质的一个很重要的标准,科研能力的培养也一直是研究生教育和培养中的重头戏。硕士研究生教育作为整个研究生教育链的初级阶段,更加强调对学生科研能力和担负专门技术工作、解决工程技术问题能力的培养。而我国硕士研究生的科研能力还存在许多不足之处,有待于提高。本文围绕硕士研究生培养过程中出现的一些问题及原因,从学校、导师、学生三方面论述了学生科研能力培养的一些对策。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to survey and report on the empirical literature at the intersection of science education research in Latin American and previous studies addressing international research trends in this field. Reports on international trends in science education research indicate that authors from English-speaking countries are major contributors of publications. Despite the internationalization of the science education community, as represented by the publication of the work generated in non-English-speaking countries, research trends in science education in Latin America are uncommon in the literature. Therefore, it was deemed important to explore the scholarly productivity of science education researchers from Latin America to learn about the research orientations pursued by scholars from this region. Collective review findings are presented with respect to author’s nationality, publication volume generated in each country, research type and topic, collaborative research, and areas for future research. Of the ten countries represented in this study, Brazilian authors were the most research active scholars followed by their colleagues from Venezuela, Mexico, and Argentina. The History, Philosophy and the Nature of Science (HPNOS) was the topic that most attracted the interest of Latin American science education researchers, and the Empirical Qualitative studies was the most frequent research type combination in the analyzed publications. Findings in this study suggest a relationship between investment power in Research and Development (R&D) and the scholarly productivity not only in science education but also in the scientific field in the countries of the region.  相似文献   

In the context of science education globalization, the International Conference on Science Education was held in Nanjing, China, in October 2012. The purpose of this conference was to provide a forum for science education researchers from China and from the rest of the world to exchange research ideas and best practices in science education. A call for papers for a special issue of the Journal of Science Education and Technology was made to all conference participants, and a set of six articles was resulted from a standard peer review process. This set of six articles provides a snapshot of research in China and in some other countries, and represents a dialogue between Chinese science education researchers and science education researchers from other countries. We call for more exchange and collaboration in science education between China and the rest of the world.  相似文献   

This report considers ways in which the Republic of Latvia and other developing countries can evaluate the situations in which they find themselves and then act to obtain the greatest benefit from the development of higher education, science, and research. For fifty years higher education, science, and research in Latvia were separated from their equivalents in western countries. In addition in Latvia higher education was isolated from industry as well as from science and research. Now the reform of higher education, science, and research must be given a legislative basis. As Latvia would like to join the European Union, it should base its regulations concerning higher education, science, and research on those of the European Union. The necessary legislation must provide possibilities and mechanisms for the co‐ordination of the interests of the whole society and the interests of the academic community  相似文献   

比较教育研究是教育科学赖以产生和发展的基础,它推动了教育科学的产生,丰富了教育科学的内容,促进了教育科学研究方法的多样化,拓展了教育科学的研究领域,促进了教育科学的国际交流。  相似文献   

论高等教育研究的特性与学科归属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育研究有无自己的特性问题关涉到高等教育学的学科地位如何.事实上,高等教育研究不仅拥有教育的基本属性,而且具有自己的独特属性,这表现为它在研究目标上具有终极性,在研究过程上具有复合性,在研究课题层次上具有更强的宏观性,在研究行为上具有自组织性,在研究结果呈现方式上具有自明性等特点.这些特性最终决定了高等教育研究的学科归属,即高等教育研究既是社会科学研究,又是应用科学研究,同时还是综合科学研究.  相似文献   

The history of industrial research laboratories offers a good opportunity for studying the complex relationships between science and technology. A good insight of these relationships is relevant for shaping a good concept of science and technology in science education and technology education. In the article, three different interaction patterns are derived from the history of industrial research laboratories (in particular the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium), namely (1) science as an enabler for technology, (2) science as a forerunner of technology and (3) science as a knowledge resource for technology. In science education and technology education these insights can be used for historical projects and for a use in design-and-make projects.  相似文献   

青少年科技教育研究的现状与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年科技教育研究的目的是揭示青少年科技教育的基本原理、特色和规律,为青少年科技教育的可持续发展提供支撑。通过分析发现,我国科技教育研究机构建设处于初始阶段,缺乏综合学术性研究专刊,理论研究仍处在观念层面,实践研究多处于经验积累层面。需要运用系统科学的方法对科技教育进行研究,开发出分层次、分模块、有效协调、高效发展的科技教育研究创新系统。  相似文献   

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