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邓小平实现了对马克思主义跨越式发展观的继承、丰富和发展,形成了内涵丰富、影响深远的跨越式发展思想。邓小平的跨越式发展思想围绕着人本发展、全面发展、协调发展和可持续发展等基本问题而展开,在某种程度上,科学发展构成了邓小平跨越式发展思想的逻辑基点和根本特征。  相似文献   

解决利益矛盾、缓解利益冲突是构建社会主义和谐社会的前提和基础,因此,能否依据马克思主义的利益原则认识和处理当代中国社会的利益矛盾和利益冲突,使当代中国社会的各种利益能够在彼此协调的基础上快速地得到实现,已经成为关系改革开放进一步健康发展的重大课题。  相似文献   

论冷战的三级概念与冷战结束   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷战大体具有广义、较狭义、最狭义三个层级含义。广义的冷战将在人类历史上长期存在,较狭义的冷战仍未结束,最狭义的冷战已经结束。通过对概念的认识和对史实的分析,笔者认为:“冷战结束”的提法(或断语)是非科学的。  相似文献   

本文选取2014-2018年度国有上市公司作为样本,探讨治理因素、现金股利和国有企业过度投资三者间的关系。研究发现:国有企业过度投资行为普遍存在,整体上过度投资程度逐年上升;支付现金股利的行为对过度投资有显著的抑制作用,支付现金股利的水平也能起到抑制作用,但结果却不显著;第一大股东持股比例与过度投资水平之间呈倒“U”型关系,其他大股东持股比例与过度投资水平显著正相关;政府对市场的干预程度、市场中介组织发育和法律制度环境与过度投资水平呈负相关关系,但不显著。  相似文献   

鲸鲨是世界上最大的鱼类:长达15米以上,重达18吨以上。 这种巨大的鱼有超过4000颗牙齿。不过,鲸鲨像鲸一样,只在吃浮游生物时才用到牙齿。  相似文献   

基于互联网的电子商务是一种全新的商务模式,在全球引发了生产方式的变革,是21世纪中国提升国家竞争力的难得机遇。我国政府已经提出以信息化带动工业化实现跨越式发展的宏伟目标,并制定了相应的电子商务发展政策。本文首先基于电子商务发展的全球经验和中国国情探讨了中国企业电子商务快速发展的可行性,然后对电子商务模式的创新进行了初步的探索。  相似文献   

超标排污费的经济学批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在排污费征收管理制度方面,我国总体上以“排污即收费”代替了已经实施20多年的“超标排污费”,这具有重要的理论和现实意义。但受“超标才该交费”传统思想的束缚,“排污即收费”制度并未得到认真地贯彻。人们虽已认识到“超标排污费”的弊端是排污的成本并未完全内部化,但这种批评远远不够。从经济学角度对“超标排污费”的弊端进行剖析,有助于从行为上彻底实现这一转变。  相似文献   

由湖北大学黎世法从 1979年开始主持的教学改革课题———异步教学研究 ,以其旺盛的生命力迅速在全国各地生根、开花、结果 ,现已得到国内外的认可。异步教学研究课题无论是从理论还是从实践上都具有自己独特的风格 ,在二十多年的发展过程中积蓄了巨大的力量 ,已初步形成教育学派。对异步教育学派的研究 ,有助于对教学改革的深入认识 ,有助于提高基础教育的理论水平 ,特别是对实施素质教育有重大帮助 ,同时还能丰富我国教育科学理论的宝库。  相似文献   

The ‘summer learning effect’ (SLE) is described as a stall or drop in achievement over summer, especially in schools serving poor or ‘minority’ communities. There has been little research in Europe on the effect, and research internationally has primarily focused on the effect in reading, with minimal focus on writing. This paper describes the extent and nature of the SLE in reading comprehension and writing in second grade classrooms in Germany. The SLE was evident in both subject areas with all students experiencing lower progress rates over summer. In reading, students attending the high‐income school progressed significantly more over summer than their low‐income peers, while there was no significant difference in writing progress over summer. Literacy logbooks over summer and interviews with a subset of students provided information on how home literacy practices influenced the effect.  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》在域外传播已逾千年,其影响越来越大,并形成世界性孙子研究热潮。迄今《孙子兵法》已有40余种文字译本问世,发行遍及全球各地。《孙子兵法》走向世界,大致经历了东传萌芽时期(2世纪?—1771年)、西渐兴盛时期(1772—1980年)和全球繁荣时期(1981年至今)三个发展阶段。研究《孙子兵法》域外传播历史,对提升中华文化的国际影响力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

彝族原始宗教是彝族先民在长期的社会生活中形成的属原生态的本土本民族信仰的宗教,彝族原生态宗教有主持祭仪的祭司(经师)毕摩--他们是民族文化创造者、传承者、保护者;有定期或不定期的祭祀及宗教节日活动的不同场地,人与"神"交流对话的活动场所,彝族原生态宗教是彝族古代社会生活和思想的折射.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the experience of incorporating action learning within a Master's degree programme over a period of 14 years. The MA in Leading Innovation and Change was launched in 1995. It was first developed, and subsequently delivered, by a small group of staff working collaboratively across organisational boundaries. It is currently provided by York St John University. The programme attracts, and has always attracted, mature managers and professionals who undertake their studies part time, gaining the qualification over a period of two years. Action learning has been a part of the programme from the outset, with action learning sets a part of every meeting, alongside more traditional ‘P’ elements, such as lectures, seminars and tutorials and other exercises and activities. Records of participant evaluations of the programme over its lifespan indicate that action learning has been a valued part of the process. The paper explores potential difficulties in incorporating action learning into a programme of this nature and suggests four factors that supported its successful incorporation: the culture of the programme, the stability of the participant and tutor group over time, the size and variety of the participant group and the availability of skilled and experienced action learning facilitators.  相似文献   

Australian universities over the last 25 years have been unified, internationalised, corporatised and become mass educational providers. This process is replicated globally as a response to rapid mass enrolments and marketisation. In the light of these changes, a corporate and managerial model has been identified, which has been the subject of growing discontent within the academic workforce. However, from a political economy perspective there is a lack of understanding on how and by what means academic labour has been commodified in this process. This paper, using Australia as its case study, argues that the managerial culture has alienated academics from their labour. This has resulted in them losing control over their skills and thus becoming disassociated from the educational purposes of their work. Higher education has been subjected to systemic regulatory governance that has fundamentally transformed the nature of academic labour. We contend that the regulatory state has reached so deep down into the university that academics have effectively become a de-professionalised and proletarianised labour force.  相似文献   

破解难题顺利推进宁波失地农民市民化进程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代后期以来,宁波城市化进入了一个新的发展阶段。城市化的迅猛发展使得广大农民的土地被征用,许多农民在身份和职业上转变为了“市民”。但从社会和文化层面来看,户籍的改变并没有带来农民“角色”内涵的完整转型,也没有因此而让农民过上真正的城市文明生活。顺利推进宁波失地农民市民化,不但是一个值得我们深刻反思的理论问题,还是一个关系到宁波全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会的重大现实问题。  相似文献   

孔子“温故而知新”是对人认识世界的一种真理性概括,具有方法论的意义。孔子思想的形成就是他对传统的继承与超越,是温故而知新。“温故而知新”统摄了孔子对待整个传统、对待一切知识形态的态度。他是通过言说“为师”的具体事实来阐发其认识论的一般。  相似文献   

相对于经济、文化和人员交往领域的快速发展,中日防务交流却在长时间内一波三折,步履维艰,长期处于一个较低的发展水平上。中国和日本都是亚太地区的重要国家,两国逐步扩大和深化安全对话与防务交流,符合两国的共同利益,也有利于亚太地区的和平与稳定。  相似文献   


During the past two decades, the debate over a national curriculum has been the subject of much controversy in the United States. However, this debate, part of a much larger debate over the broader goals of public education, has inevitably clashed with the long‐held American notion of local control of schools. The purpose of this article is to present a brief historical overview and identify some issues which continue to feature prominently in the ongoing debate over national and state curriculum standards. The authors focus on curriculum standards for history. A case‐study of this specific debate will reveal some of the major issues which have surfaced in the broader debate.  相似文献   

This paper explores changing patterns of access to basic education in six Sub-Saharan Africa countries using data from Demographic and Health Surveys at two points in time. In general the analysis confirms that participation of children in schooling has increased over the last decade. However, access to education remains strongly associated with household wealth. In most countries the differences associated with urban and rural residence and sex are smaller than those associated with household wealth. Over time the wealth gradient related to access has deteriorated more often than it has improved in the countries in the sample. Disturbingly, the proportion of over age children has also risen rather than fallen more often than not, and the poorer the household the more likely children are to be over age. Increased numbers of over age children are indicative of internal inefficiencies, and make it unlikely that goals to universalise access and completion will be achieved. Education for All should be pro-poor and where it is not, it is failing.  相似文献   

澳门土生葡人文学是澳门文学发展史上的一个特殊文学现象,有着诸多重要的作家、作品,具有重要的史料价值。在现阶段的澳门,这种历史上遗留下来文学现象仍然有其存在的意义,但在客观上有走向式微的倾向。  相似文献   

A great deal of literature in recent years has focused on the supervisory relationship, yet very little has been written about the nature or content of supervisory meetings, beyond commenting on the frequency and length of meetings. Through semi-structured interviews, informal discussions with colleagues and students, a critical review of literature and personal reflection, this paper explores the salience of coffee for postgraduate supervision. This paper locates supervisions over coffee in reference to contemporary debates about the supervisory relationship (models, styles, tasks and dimensions). Using the concept of ‘third places’ and Misztal's theorisation of informality, it is argued that supervision over coffee conveys a particular supervisory relationship to postgraduate students: one that is incompatible with expert-disciple models or styles of supervision. Instead, supervision over coffee is on neutral territory and on a more informal footing. Finally the paper concludes with discussion about finding a balance between formality and informality in supervision and the development of personal and institutional trust.  相似文献   

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