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This article examines the evidence that supports and rebuts the claims of school resegregation. By examining both types of evidence and considering them complementary (James 1986 James, F. 1986. A new generalized “exposure-based” segregation index: Demonstration in Denver and Houston. Sociological Methods and Research, 14(3): 30116. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Kelly and Miller 1989 Kelly, P. and Miller, W. 1989. Assessing desegregation efforts: No “best measure.”. Public Administration Review, 49(5): 43137. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the author gives the reader a deeper understanding of the current trends in school segregation. First, the literature on the topic of school segregation is discussed. Then follows a discussion of the methods used in the study and the findings. The conclusion includes implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Overestimations of null contingencies between a cue, C, and an outcome, O, are widely reported effects that can arise for multiple reasons. For instance, a high probability of the cue, P(C), and a high probability of the outcome, P(O), are conditions that promote such overestimations. In two experiments, participants were asked to judge the contingency between a cue and an outcome. Both P(C) and P(O) were given extreme values (high and low) in a factorial design, while maintaining the contingency between the two events at zero. While we were able to observe main effects of the probability of each event, our experiments showed that the cue- and outcome-density biases interacted such that a high probability of the two stimuli enhanced the overestimation beyond the effects observed when only one of the two events was frequent. This evidence can be used to better understand certain societal issues, such as belief in pseudoscience, that can be the result of overestimations of null contingencies in high-P(C) or high-P(O) situations.  相似文献   

We propose in this article to try to clarify the problems of the integration into schools of the Internet in the light of experience accumulated over nearly 20 years at the heart of the French educational system, on the use of network technologies in schools, and on the rather unfortunate recurrent tendency to neglect the lessons of the past. In effect, if the Internet is a new technology, because of its multimedia characteristics, its international dimension, its methods of navigation and the large diversity of applications that it supports, it still has, from the point of view of its uses, a certain relationship with earlier telematic systems. Un défi difficile, l’intégration d’Internet dans le système éducatif. Nous nous proposons, dans ce texte, de tenter d'éclairer la problématique de l'intégration scolaire d'Internet À la lumière de l'expérience accumulée depuis près de vingt ans au sein du système éducatif franÇais, sur les usages scolaires des technologies de réseau tant nous semble, en la matière, dommageable la tendance récurrente À négliger les leÇons du passé.En effet, si Internet est, de par sa caractéristique multimédia, sa dimension internationale, ses modes de navigation et la grande diversité des applications qu'il supporte, une nouvelle technologie, il n'en possède pas moins, du point de vue de ses usages, une filiation certaine avec des systèmes télématiques antérieurs. In diesem Artikel versuchen wir die Integrationprobleme vom Internet ins Schulsystem zu erläutern. Wir beziehen uns dabei auf die gesammelten Erfahrungen der letzten 20 Jahre im französischen Bildungssystems, auf den Einsatz von Netzwerktechnologien in der Schule - wie wir ihn wahrnehmen - und auf die sich leider wiederholende Tendenz, unsere Erkenntnisse aus der Vergangenheit zu missachten. Wenn das Internet - durch seinen Multimediacharakter, seiner internationalen Dimension, seine Navigationmethoden, und die von ihr unterstützte Vielfalt von Applikationen - eine neue Technologie ist, so hat es doch zumindest vom Standpunkt seines heutigen Einsatzes, eine gewisse Beziehung zu früheren telematischen Systemen.  相似文献   

Overview of the innovative process and the user   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The focus of this overview is on the role of the user (student, teacher, parent) in the process of educational change. In the first section research literature is reviewed by critically examining the assumptions of existing models and approaches to educational change, and by analyzing evidence on actual user experience with educational innovations. The main conclusion is that the modal process of change whereby innovations are developed external to schools and then transmitted to them has led to no significant change at the user level. In the second section of the paper, the analysis is extended by relating the basic contentions and findings of the authors in the present issue to the criteria for effective change identified in the first section. These articles provide important state-of-the-field analyses of various aspects of school innovations in organization for learning and in curriculum. The overall conclusion in the final section is that a radical restructuring of the role of the user and a complete reversal of the direction of influence in the process of change are required if effective innovations are to occur. Finally, the main principles and elements of reform—techniques, activities, organizational forms—necessary to support this active user role, and other factors beyond the user level that might impinge on this role, are outlined.
Résumé Cet article concentre l'attention sur le rôle de l'usager (étudiant, professeur, parent) dans le processus de l'évolution en éducation. Dans la première partie, l'auteur passe en revue les rapports de recherches et se livre à une étude critique des hypothèses servant de base aux modèles existants et des moyens d'aborder le problème de l'évolution en éducation; il analyse par ailleurs les preuves sur l'expérience réelle de l'usager en matière d'innovations éducatives. La conclusion principale tirée de cette étude est que le processus conditionnel de l'évolution, selon lequel les innovations se développent d'abord à l'extérieur de l'école pour y être communiquées par la suite, n'a pas abouti à un changement important au niveau de l'usager. Dans la deuxième partie, l'auteur pousse plus loin son analyse et compare les affirmations et les découvertes de base des auteurs de la présente publication, auteurs qui se sont penchés sur ce problème aux critères indispensables à l'évolution et identifiés dans la première partie. Ces articles renferment d'importantes analyses sur l'état du problème et sur les aspects relatifs aux innovations scolaires en matière d'organisation en vue de l'apprentissage et du programme d'études. Dans sa conclusion générale, exposée dans la dernière partie de l'article, l'auteur affirme que si l'on veut aboutir à des innovations efficaces, il faudra procéder à une restructuration radicale du rôle de l'usager et à un renversement complet de l'orientation de l'influence qui s'exerce dans le processus de l'évolution. Il énumère enfin les principes et les éléments fondamentaux de la réforme qui sont nécessaires à appuyer ce rôle actif de l'usager: techniques, activités, formules d'organisation—ainsi que les autres facteurs qui dépassent le niveau de l'usager et qui peuvent empiéter sur le rôle en question.


I would like to thank Andrew Effrat and Paul Paschke for their many valuable contributions in developing this issue, and Glenn Eastabrook for many ideas included in the introduction. I would also like to thank Nancy McIntosh for typing this introduction, and Barbara Finch and Catherine Cragg for their extensive editorial work.  相似文献   

In 1965, Raymond Poignant published in Paris, on the initiative of the European Institute of University Studies, a work entitledEnseignement dans les Pays du Marché Commun. This work, which was subsequently translated and published in English and German has become a classic of its kind. The initial idea was to compare the structures and relative degrees of development of the educational systems in the European Economic Community (EEC) countries, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the U.S.S.R., in order to see how school and university systems in the EEC countries were adapting to the most pressing human, social, democratic and economic requirements of the modern world. This idea originated in the apprehension that, because of the strength of their long educational traditions, the EEC countries might find it more difficult than others to make the necessary adjustments. The conclusions of this initial work in many respects confirmed this apprehension and contributed, at the time, to the development taking place in European educational systems.Under an agreement between IIEP and the European Cultural Foundation, Raymond Poignant is to publish a new work entitledL'Enseignement dans les Pays Industrialisés (Education in the Industrialized Countries), which to some extent carries on from the first but is motivated by other preoccupations.In this second work, which is set in the general context of the studies undertaken by the European Cultural Foundation on European education in the year 2000, the point is not so much to emphasize the quantitative and qualitative differences still encountered in the educational systems of the eleven countries under consideration—Japan and Sweden having been added to the original sample—as to show up some of the most characteristic trends common to their development during the last two decades or the trends of development in the most advanced countries, trends which, by the year 2000, a date so distant and yet so close at hand, may or should develop more rapidly or indeed become general.The author takes the changes noted since 1950 in the eleven countries considered, which he sees as being of some indicative value for the future, and outlines, in conclusion, the directions in which he feels they should continue in the three decades between now and the year 2000. He points out the forces of resistance of every kind which, in the short term, slow down the transformation of educational structures in the various European countries. He also emphasizes the decisive influence which the trend towards a levelling-out in the attitudes of different social groups towards secondary and higher education is likely to have on the dynamics of the development of European educational systems, of which he describes both the uncertainties and the most likely prospects.The European Cultural Foundation and the Nijhoff Publishing House have kindly given their permission for publication in the reviewProspects of a long extract from the conclusions of this work, which concerns future changes in the structure of European educational systems.Maître des requêtesin the Conseil d'État. Rapporteur of the Commission for Educational Planning for the Third and then the Fourth Plan in France (1957–61; 1962–65). Main publications: Education and Development in Western Europe, the United States and the U.S.S.R. (1969); Les Plans de Développement et la Planification Économique et Sociale (1967); Educational planning in the U.S.S.R. (co-author; 1968).  相似文献   


After criticising the solutionist drift, this article argues for the need for three gestures, in order to build a more problematised Comparative Education: estrangement, that is, the ability to see the unknown and therefore to distance ourselves from what is already known; intercession, that is, the ability to perceive the importance of mediators; communication, that is, the ability to work in common with others, from different positions and perspectives. Based on these three gestures, the article argues for a Comparative Education that seeks to develop three lines of work: to build a science of difference, rather than a ‘solution’ that tends to homogenise educational directions throughout the world; to strengthen the public space, instead of contributing to the authority of experts; to revitalise the common, instead of yielding to the current fragmentation, in which we interact only with what is similar to us. The arguments are not limited to Southern Europe, as they intend to open up a set of general questions about the meaning of comparative work in education.  相似文献   

This article considers J.M. Barrie’s satirical treatment of the Platonic doctrine of reminiscence in Peter Pan, and how Barrie’s work both honors and undercuts it. It will first analyze the Platonic notion of the doctrine of reminiscence in Wordsworth’s “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood” (1807). It will then show its influence on Victorian literature in the depiction of the exalted perception and moral purity of children, and how Barrie satirizes these ideals by underscoring the ignorance and savage qualities of the children in Peter Pan. The essay will also explore the portrayal of the Eden of childhood in Wordsworth’s poem (as influenced by Plato), and how Barrie subverts this utopia by presenting a dystopic world where Darwinian principles rule. Like Darwin, Barrie argues for a natural rather than a divine origin of species and demonstrates the struggle for existence in a profoundly disturbing way. Finally, the essay will contemplate the subject of immortality and how, far from being an idealized condition as in Wordsworth’s poetry, it is a far more ambivalent state in Peter Pan.
Glenda A. HudsonEmail:

After learning is defined as a two-way process involving the mutual engagement of complete persons, the structural inhibitions on this kind of educational process are described in an analysis of the large university as a mass organization. The strains inherent in faculty and student roles are outlined and a number of adaptive identities are posited that could be enacted to reduce them. The effects of these processes on learning are delineated and organizational changes are suggested to resolve or minimize the problems raised.
Résumé Après avoir défini l'enseignement comme une communication bilatérale qui implique un engagement mutuel et total des individus qui y prennent part, la présente étude décrit les limitations structurelles d'un tel système éducatif en présentant une analyse de l'organisation massive que représente une grande université. Elle souligne par ailleurs les tensions inhérentes aux rôles respectifs joués par les professeurs et les étudiants et énonce un certain nombre d'identités à caractère flexible que l'on pourrait attribuer afin d'alléger les tensions en question. L'auteur esquisse enfin les effets produits par ces démarches sur l'enseignement et suggère les modifications organiques susceptibles de résoudre ou de minimiser les difficultés qui se posent dans ce domaine.

The authors would like to thank Mr. Paul Paschke for his substantive suggestions and theoretical refinements that broadened the scope and depth of this paper.  相似文献   

Within the texts from the 1992 National Kindergarten Teachers' Collective Employment Contract Negotiations, using Foucault's interpretation of 'discourse', dominant discourses were identified. Two of these discourses illustrate the gendered nature of the position of kindergarten teachers in New Zealand, which I have called 'Children First' and 'For the Sake of the Children'. These discourses can be seen to be used tactically to affect the outcomes of the negotiations, and have 'their' view accepted as 'reality'. Each sited teachers in a powerless position for negotiating wages and working conditions, but presented different possibilities outside of the negotiating setting. This paper addresses these two discourses, which most clearly illustrated the gendered nature of the position of New Zealand kindergarten teachers.  相似文献   

The reform of Peruvian education initiated in 1972 was based on new concepts, postulated new policies and proposed to convert the old school system into a new educational system in accordance with the revolutionary process begun in 1968. The principles of permanent education, education in the community and the educating community inspired an ambitious educational model on a national scale, to organise community education nuclei (NECs) of a local dimension, in which a dynamic social education of a participatory and self-managerial character could be created. This process of nuclearisation, which has historical antecedents going back to the social, economic and political organisation of the Incan Empire, and was revived in the twentieth century by the creation of the famous Warisata School in Bolivia, has now undergone nine years of valuable experience in Peru, attempting to develop an efficient alternative to the old school model which originated before the Christian era. The community/education dialectic has suffered a profound change in Peru in the last ten years and the experience, whether of obstacles and limitations, appears to be valuable and irreversible. The non-statist, non-bureaucratic, non-party and non-private solution that was pursued by the Peruvian Revolution in the field of education is very attractive and could interest other countries of the region which, during the last 30 years have applied the nuclearisation model, as well as other countries in Latin America or other regions who have recently either initiated or considered it. This article presents the experience, relates it to its historical antecedents, gives some information on evaluation studies in progress and traces some perspectives or projections for educational nuclearisation.
Zusammenfassung Die im Jahre 1972 begonnene Reform des Bildungswesens in Peru beruhte auf neuen Konzepten und erforderlichen Bildungsstrategien zur Umwandlung des alten Schulsystems in ein neues, dem sich seit 1968 vollziehenden revolutionären Prozess entsprechendes Bildungssystem. Angeregt von den Prinzipien des lebenslangen Lernens, der Erziehung im Gemeinwesen und der Bildungsgesellschaft, wurde ein anspruchsvolles nationales Bildungsmodell erarbeitet. Auf der Basis von Bildungszellen (NECs) konnte auf örtlicher Ebene ein dynamisches Sozialerziehungswesen unter Mitwirkung und Selbstverwaltung aufgebaut werden. Dieser Prozess der Zellbildung, dessen historischer Vorläufer auf die soziale, wirtschaftliche und politische Organisation des Inka-Reichs zurückgehen und der im 20. Jahrhundert durch die Schöpfung der bekannten Warisata-Schule in Bolivien wieder in Gang gebracht wurde, hat jetzt neun Jahre wertvoller Erfahrung eingebracht; dadurch kann in Peru eine wirksame Alternative zu dem tradierten Schulwesen entwickelt werden. Im Laufe der letzten zehn Jahre hat sich die Einstellung zu sozialen und pädagogischen Sachverhalten in Peru grundlegend verändert; die dabei gewonnenen Erfahrungen bleiben wertvoll und unwiderlegbar. Die von der peruanischen Revolution auf dem Gebiet der Bildung verfolgte undirigistische, unbürokratische, parteilose und nicht-private Lösung ist sehr attraktiv. Sie dürfte auch für andere Gebiete der Region interessant sein, die seit 30 Jahren das Zellenmodell anwenden, sowie für andere Länder in Lateinamerika oder in anderen Erdteilen, die dieses Modell in neuerer Zeit eingeführt oder in Betracht gezogen haben. Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt diese Erfahrungen, bezieht sie auf ihre historischen Vorläufer, informiert über laufende Evaluationsstudien und zeichnet einige Perspektiven oder Projektionen für Zellbildungssysteme im Bildungswesen auf.

Résumé La réforme de l'éducation au Pérou, entreprise en 1972, était basée sur des concepts nouveaux; elle posait en postulat des lignes d'action nouvelles et se proposait de modifier l'ancien système scolaire en conformité avec le processus révolutionnaire entamé en 1968. Les principes de l'Education Permanente, de l'éducation au sein de la collectivité et de l'éducation communautaire ont inspiré un modèle d'éducation ambitieux à l'échelon national: l'organisation de centres (nuclei) d'éducation communautaires (NEC) localisés dans des périmètres limités, où une éducation sociale dynamique caractérisée par l'autogestion et la participation pourrait être réalisée. Le processus de nucléarisation, dont les antécédents historiques remontent à l'organisation politique, économique et sociale de l'empire Inca, et a été ressuscité dans le vingtième siècle par la création de l'école célèbre de Warisata en Bolivie, a maintenant derrière lui, au Pérou, 9 années d'expérience précieuse au cours desquelles les responsables se sont efforcés de mettre en place un autre système efficace que celui de l'ancienne école qui avait vu le jour avant l'ère chrétienne. La dialectique éducationcollectivité a connu de profonds changements au Pérou ces dix dernières années et l'expérience, même avec ses limitations et les obstacles rencontrés, s'avère constructive et irréversible. La politique poursuivie par la Révolution Péruvienne d'une éducation qui n'est ni privée, ni partisane, ni bureaucratique, ni étatisée est très séduisante et pourrait intéresser des contrées voisines qui, durant ces 30 dernières années, ont appliqué le principe de la nucléarisation, ainsi que des pays d'Amérique Latine ou d'ailleurs qui plus récemment ont mis en pratique, ou simplement envisagé, ce modèle. Cet article présente l'expérience menée par le Pérou, la rattache à ses antécédents historiques, donne des précisions sur les études en cours relatives à l'évaluation, envisage quelques perspectives et indique les prolongements possibles de la nucléarisation de l'éducation.

Even though there is no common conceptual basis guiding teacher education in Canada, over the past two decades teacher educators both in Canada and around the world have called for teacher candidates to become agents of change. While researchers across Canada strive to demonstrate how to prepare pre- and in-service teachers to be agents of change, few scholars have examined in detail what teacher agency might mean in the Canadian context. This paper reviews the conceptualisation of agency from five theoretical perspectives (psychology, sociology, critical theory, historical studies, and post-structuralism) and examines how empirical studies in the Canadian contexts align with these perspectives. This paper makes explicit the connections between the how and the what of agency, and as such informs current approaches to preparing pre- and in-service teachers and their potential role as agents of change, and maps out how the notion of agency is taken up in a particular jurisdiction.  相似文献   

周厚琴 《唐山学院学报》2015,28(2):57-59, 96
19世纪俄国革命经历了贵族革命、平民知识分子运动和无产阶级运动三个阶段,每阶段革命运动的目标与手段始终随主导阶级的道德原则而发展变化,使俄国革命在温和与激进、人道与恐怖的矛盾斗争中曲折前行。道德原则赋予了革命正义性,革命的结果反过来验证革命道德的价值,从这个视角出发,可以了解到另一部俄国革命思想史。  相似文献   


These stories are part of a collection in progress to be entitled It Happened in the Neighborhood. They deal with events that occurred in Coco Solo, a small marginalized neighborhood of Havana. The characters are real; the events are mostly real. Many situations that appear surreal certainly happened. Popular imagination, tales transmitted from one generation toanother, or the author's imagination are also present, but the stories are always based on what happened in the neighborhood.  相似文献   

Children as readers of picture books and the ways they respond to, and make meaning from, such texts are the focus of this article, which reports on a small-scale study undertaken in Norway and Wales, UK. The theoretical framing of the research draws on concepts of the multimodal ensemble in picture books and of the reading event as part of a social practice. The research design was developed from the team’s analysis of two texts, Pappa by Svein Nyhus (1998) and What does Daddy Do? by Rachel Bright (2009). Twenty-four children, who were 7 and 8 years old, took part in the study. This was built around two reading events for each book, staged as an immediate response and as a guided response. The data subsequently collected were analysed according to three overarching organisational principles, as book world, real world and play world. For both Daddy and Pappa, the first reading event showed the children’s responses were mainly directed towards exploring the book world. On the second reading event, references to the real world predominated for Daddy, while for Pappa the book world was again dominant. Across both reading events and for both books, the playworld revealed those occasions when the children expanded the meaning of the story, demonstrating an inventive ability to play with the text. Overall, the children’s responses moved fluidly across the three worlds, showing them to be energetically making connections between the reading, their experience of books and their own lives.  相似文献   

先秦两汉志怪小说的深厚底蕴和深刻的社会原因,使魏晋南北朝时期的志怪小说发展进入成熟时期。唐传奇在此基础上的崛起,有其深刻的学渊源、学环境和特定的社会时代背景。蒲松龄又化腐朽为神奇,使《聊斋志异》拔地而起,把言小说推向历史最高的境界。  相似文献   


At the end of a decade of enhanced marketisation in schools, this article considers the subjective meanings attached to educational marketing by school teachers and the ways they construct and interpret teachers' 'idealised' and 'actual' involvement and contribution to school marketing. Through semi-structured interviews with 12 secondary school teachers from the south of England, the study revealed teachers' perceptions of and attitudes towards competition, marketing and education, their awareness of the marketing activities of their schools, the teachers' role in marketing the school and the perceived impact of the market upon teachers' well being. The results show that there is no coherent, organised view of education marketing among teachers in the study but rather that there are a number of inchoate voices amongst teachers concerning their role in school marketing. Broadly, two voices are revealed that reflect a cognitive dissonance which may exist among school teachers in the era of marketisation. This dissonance may stem from teachers' ideology-based difficulty in perceiving marketing as part of school life, while at the same time, they are aware of its importance to the school's success.  相似文献   

Besides “inclusion” meaning incorporation within the education system, there is also “inclusion” signifying the incorporation of knowledge, two distinct processes which went hand-in-hand to start with but which, as education systems expanded, have begun to drift apart. While the population as a whole, including the more deprived sectors, has improved its educational level over past decades, in more recent times there has been little to show for the considerable efforts made. It is as if the process had reached a ceiling, owing to practices of educational marginalization that are so embedded that they perpetually recreate themselves. The education system has lost its bearings because a new approach is needed with the emergence of the information and communication society, which implies a new definition of knowledge, cut off from its origins. The idea of “including” must also be a key notion in relation to the search for a fairer, more democratic society. This implies developing a number of viewpoints or fundamental attitudes when we consider inclusive education. There is the ideological/political point of view—which means developing the ideal of justice and democracy within the framework of education as a right; the epistemological aspect—which entails supporting the new educational approach in the very latest developments of the theory of complexity; the pedagogical aspect—which entails adopting the advances made in the new learning sciences in order to develop a new “technology of educational production” (didactics) that will guarantee the entire population’s ability to reason; and the institutional point of view—which requires reviewing the notion of a “school system” and incorporating other institutional spaces by considering the whole of society as offering potential “learning environments”.
Inés AguerrondoEmail:

Inés Aguerrondo   (Argentina) Sociologist. Lecturer, Universidad de San Andrés and Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Former Under-Secretary of Programming at the Ministry of Culture and Education (1993–1999) in charge of substantive aspects of educational changes in Argentina. For 30 years she worked as a technical adviser at the Ministry’s Educational Planning Unit. She has been a consultant for many international organizations (including OAS, OREALC, IDB and OECD-CERI), while engaging in writing many books and articles. Currently, she is a consultant-researcher for UNESCO-IIEP in Buenos Aires.  相似文献   

Our research is concerned with teacher’s knowledge, and especially with teacher’s processes of learning, in the classroom, from observing and interacting with students’ work. In the first part of the paper, we outline the theoretical framework of our study and distinguish it from some other perspectives. We argue for the importance of distinguishing a kind of teacher’s knowledge, which we call didactic knowledge. In this paper, we concentrate on a subcategory of this knowledge, namely observational didactic knowledge, which grows from teacher’s observation and reflection upon students’ mathematical activity in the classroom. In modeling the processes of evolution of this particular knowledge in teachers, we are inspired, among others, by some general aspects of the theory of didactic situations. In the second part of the paper, the model is applied in two case studies of teachers conducting ordinary lessons. In conclusion, we will discuss what seems to be taken into account by teachers as they observe students’ activity, and how in-service teacher training can play a role in modifying their knowledge about students’ ways of dealing with mathematical problems.  相似文献   

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