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从林某诉某大学案的审理和分析中,可以得出以下结论:高校是"法律法规授权组织",具有行政主体资格,相应被纳入行政诉讼制度的监督范围;司法审查的有限介入是必要的,而不是对学术自由的干预;教师职务授予行为的主体不是学校的教师职务评审委员会,而是学校;"评"与"聘"是两个相对独立的行为过程,前者是一种行政行为,后者是一种民事行为。  相似文献   

本根据“能力为本”的教学理念,论述心智技能在学生能力结构中的关键性作用,提出职业技术教育在注重培养学生动手技能的同时,要关注学生心智技能的开发,提高学生的学习能力。发展创造性应用能力,同时阐述如何用“启发性”教学来实践这一理念。章认为,智力技能作为心智活动方式,对提高思维能力和学习效率,从而也更好的习得和 灵活运用运作技能具有重要意义。“能力本位”通过“启发性”去实现。但“启发性”不是一种固定的教学方法,它是通过师生的双边互动来激发学生学习兴趣,引起思维活动,提高心智技能,从而培养能力的教学思想。  相似文献   

高校因为各种原因造成内部各院系的发展规模不尽相同,导致院系间的学生工作具有差异性.规模较小的院系,虽然具有自身的特色和优势,但由于经费少、生源缺、学生管理队伍力量不足等原因,学生工作的许多方面存在较大的困难.要促进学校学生工作的整体发展,提高学生工作的成效,就要加大力度对小院系进行扶持与建设.  相似文献   

新世纪高校图书馆队伍建设的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息技术的发展,改变了高校图书馆的工作方式,对图书馆队伍的整体素质提出了新的要求。高校图书馆可通过提高馆员的现代信息技术能力,加强职业道德建设,树立全新的队伍建设理念等方面来提高馆员素质。  相似文献   

国家教师专业标准对实践中的教师专业能力培养提出鲜明的价值导向和具体的评价标准。然而国家教师专业标准中所包含的教师能力体系并未完整准确地概括教师专业能力的全部领域,较为明显地存在见物不见人的倾向,根据国家教师专业标准和教师专业发展基本要求,重新厘定教师专业能力内涵,构建全面科学的教师专业能力框架体系,探讨其培养策略具有重要的实践价值。  相似文献   

Would it not be more ‘responsible’ to try pondering the ground, in the history of the West, on which the juridico‐egological values of responsibility were determined, attained, imposed? There is perhaps a fund here of ‘responsibility’ that is at once ‘older’ and—to the extent it is conceived anew, through what some would call a crisis of responsibility in its juridico‐egological form and its ideal of decidability—is yet to come, or, if you prefer, ‘younger.’ Here, perhaps, would be a chance for the task of thinking what will have been, up to this point, the representation of university responsibility, of what it is and might become, in the wake of upheavals no longer to be concealed from ourselves, even if we still have trouble analyzing them. Is a new type of university responsibility possible? 1 1J. Derrida (1992) Mochlos; or, the conflict of the faculties, R. Rand & A. Wygant (Trans.), in: R. Rand (Ed.) Logomachia: the conflict of the faculties (Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press), p. 11. Original translation has been modified. View all notes  相似文献   

该文根据高职教育的特点,以及我校省级示范性高职的创建,指出了加强“双师型”教师队伍建设的必要性。并结合学校发展的需要,对如何建设“双师型”教师队伍所采取的途径.形成合理的“双师型”师资结构比例,建立与业务部门联系及“产学研”结合等提出建议。  相似文献   

The article investigates the issue of teaching evaluation in higher education, providing a picture of the phenomenon into the Italian specific context within a European dimension. Starting from the premise that in Italian universities, teaching evaluation is based on general indicators which reflect a simplification of a complex phenomenon, scientific research related to teaching evaluation in higher education is presented and discussed. In this perspective, it will be argued that nature of teaching evaluation is characterized by multidimensionality and complexity. Only in this way it can represent a useful instrument for the improvement of teaching process and for the comprehension of the importance of being effective teachers. Moreover, on the basis of a participative model, it seems important to involve teachers and students in the formulation of relevant questions related to teaching. The aim of the research is represented by highlighting the specific aspects of teaching process dependent from the context through a comparison among faculties. Seventy interviews have been carried out with teachers and students of the same four faculties (Humanities, Psychology, Educational Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences). Qualitative analysis of the data collected are conducted using the scientific software Atlas.ti. The outcomes confirm our initial assumptions showing differences among the four faculties considering the multiple dimensions of the university teaching.
Elisabetta GhedinEmail:

Fifteen years ago, in February 1964, Georg Picht published his series of articles entitled "Die Deutsche Bildungskatastrophe" [The German Educational Catastrophe] in the journal Christ und Welt. He prophesied, for the next ten to fifteen years, a disturbing shortage of academics in all areas of public life; foresaw a rapid end of our economic boom, owing to a dearth of qualified (which for him meant academic) new generations of manpower; said that all higher-education graduates would have to become teachers if our schools were to be adequately supplied; and felt that it was inconceivable that the tremendous expansion of colleges and universities over the next fifteen years would succeed, though it would still be necessary even if we wanted only to train secondary-school instructors.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of which the main aim was to provide insight into whether increasing the enrolment of large classes influences student academic achievement at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), City, South Africa. The massification of higher education has led to greater numbers of students being enrolled in contact programmes. there is a widely accepted inverse relationship between class size and academic achievement for small class sizes and it would be speculative to extend the same understanding to larger class sizes. It is within this context that a cross-sectional study was conducted during which student achievement was analysed against increasing the enrolment of already large classes, in selected undergraduate modules at UKZN over a period of four years. convenience sampling and judgemental sampling were used to select modules in the discipline of Supply Chain Management (SCM). The findings revealed that while the average class size increased significantly, the pass rates remained constant. Based on the study findings, it was concluded that an increase in the enrolment of already large classes does not influence student academic achievement. It is recommended that the study be replicated in other schools and faculties where disciplines have experienced similar increases in the enrolment of large classes, thereby presenting an opportunity to either validate or dispute the study results. It is further recommended that the role of peer effects be subjected to further study to establish whether they have any influence on academic achievement. These results are expected to encourage future debate on how faculties manage increasing student enrolments at higher education institutions.  相似文献   

将地方民俗文化作为中小学地方特色课程,是基础教育新课程改革和地方经济与社会发展的需要。它既有利于形成地方教育和学校特色,促进学生全面发展,又有利于地方民俗文化的传承与创新。合肥市各级教育主管部门要充分认识到地方民俗文化资源的教育价值,积极利用合肥地方民俗文化资源开发中小学地方课程与校本课程,充分发挥地方民俗文化资源的育人功能。  相似文献   

Psychobiology is an area of knowledge that deals with the biological basis of behaviour. Its concretion as a specific area of study originates in the confluence and development of other areas such as physiological psychology, experimental and comparative psychology, ethology, biology and the neurosciences. For some, psychobiology would be that part of the neurosciences that deals with the study of the processes of emotion, motivation, cognition and learning. Others are of the opinion that it covers a much wider area, and that its objective is rooted in the study of all biological mechanisms that govern behaviour — and these, undertaken from a philogenetic and ontogenetic perspective.

In the last decade, we have witnessed the creation of psychobiology departments throughout the world. These departments participate in the teaching of faculties of medicine, psychology, biology and zoology. In some universities, these departments even contribute to the teaching imparted by the faculties of philosophy and educational sciences. Sooner or later, the universities teaching at a distance had to consider the creation of departments of psychobiology to attend to the up‐dating of the curriculum of diversive faculties.

In the National University of Education at a Distance, U.N.E.D. (Madrid, Spain) the teaching of psychobiology is entrusted to a department of the same name which started during the academic year of 1982–83. Even though the experience is very short to be able to advance a complete evaluation, the difficulties encountered in the organization of the form and content of different courses imparted by the department of psychobiology (D.P.) could be useful to the reader. Therefore, these difficulties must be understood within the educational model of teaching at a distance at U.N.E.D.  相似文献   

"Man looks upward, and water flows downward." Even though one has reached the South Heavenly Gate, one still intends to climb the Jade Emperor Peak. [Both famous heights in China.] We should not regard it as a bad thing for a certain middle school or a certain class to have more students who pass the entrance examination and are admitted into institutions of higher education. Those with high promotion rates should not be accused of "lopsided emphasis on promotion rate." It should be affirmed that for a school or a class to have even 100 percent of its students admitted into colleges and universities still meets the needs of the socialist modernization program, the needs of the development of our country. Schools that have more of their students admitted into institutions of higher education must be of a higher quality than those with lower promotion rates. If we indiscriminately accuse the former of laying lopsided emphasis on the promotion rate, we are bound to dampen their enthusiasm for improving teaching quality, especially the students' enthusiasm for gaining cultural and scientific knowledge. When the "gang of four" ran wild, they pursued the policy of "better have a laborer without culture" in their opposition to intellectual education. They made an example of one who handed in unanswered examination papers and thus wasted a whole generation of young people. This painful lesson we should never forget.  相似文献   

在产学研合作教育中,寻求稳定、合适的社会合作伙伴一直是实施合作教育最困难的环节,尤其是欠发达区域的地方性高校。因此,高校要从自身出发,探索和总结有利于促进产学研合作教育发展的模式、体制、机制等。文章总结出了"高校科技产业+工程技术研究中心+教学院系"的高校内部产学研合作培养应用型人才模式,并从动力机制、运作机制、保障机制、调控机制和评价机制等五方面对其有效运行进行了分析。  相似文献   

当前高师美术教育专业存在重技能轻理论的现象,美术理论没有得到应有的重视,给高师美术教育带来了长期的负效应,影响了对基础教育和中、高等学校美术师资的培养。因此在重技能的同时,应加强美术理论学习。  相似文献   

The article presents the final conclusions of a series of studies (secondary analyses of statistical data and investigations) carried out by the Centre de Sociologie Européenne between 1964 and 1967 and re-evaluated in the light of the new trends which emerged after 1968 (more open system of education offset by diversification of schemes of study with unequal returns in terms of career openings or prestige). In order to present the problem of the democratisation of higher education by reference to unambiguous data, the authors propose a simple principle for calculating the opportunities for entry to a given level of instruction, or into a given field, as a function of social origin and sex. This systematic method of measuring inequality of academic opportunity, linked to sociological variables, has (a) technical (b) methodological and (c) theoretical advantages.o li](a) From the technical point of view, this calculation which relates the number of students (of a given level) possessing certain social characteristics with the cohort of young people of the same age possessing the same social characteristics, makes it possible to eliminate the ambiguities and statistical fallacies of most analyses of the democratisation of education, which are confined to a comparison of the percentages (or the change over time of the percentages) of different social categories represented within the student population, without taking account of the numerical representation (and the change over time of the numerical representation) of these same categories in the active population. li](b) From the methodological point of view, one has thus at one's disposal an indisputable method of presenting unambiguous conclusions with regard to the chronological development of academic inequalities for a given country, or with regard to international comparisons. li](c) From the theoretical viewpoint, this method translates into statistical terms a principle of sociological theory of much more general application and one which is exemplified in the article; this principle, which might be termed structuralist, states that no value (quantitative or qualitative) should be appraised in itself and for itself, rather that it must always be evaluated in its operational or transformational context by taking into account its positional value in the whole system of relations which link it to other values.By applying this principle, it becomes clear that the sciences are not, in France, more democratic than other fields of study, as is asserted by some authors who are content to compare the percentage of working-class students in the science faculties with the percentage achieved in the other faculties, without relating this rate to the extremely low one for working-class students in the Grandes Écoles scientifiques (the École Polytechnique, etc.): in fact, making such a comparison would highlight the weak positional value of scientific subjects in universities in the total system of scientific institutions of higher education and it would reveal the function of relegation (or reduced acceptance) of children from lower-class families assumed by the science faculties in a system dominated by the Grandes Écoles.On a more general level, this principle of relational intelligibility guides the authors' interpretation of opportunity for entry to higher education in France from 1962 to 1966. During this period, the structure of academic inequalities which in 1962 ranged from one chance in 100 (for the least favoured category) to 50 chances in 100 (for the most highly favoured category) has moved upwards, since, in 1966, the range of opportunities extends roughly from 2% to more than 70%. In other words, the total increase in the rate of enrolment in higher education of 18 to 21 year olds has been distributed, grosso modo, between the different social categories in proportion to existing inequalities. Despite a slight statistical narrowing of this range, the authors' psychosociological analysis attempts to show that the general system of expectations and attitudes of different social classes vis-à-vis the University cannot have been modified by a change which amounts to an upward translation of the structure of inequalities. It is therefore concluded that the policy of increasing enrolment during this period had an almost zero effect (sociologically speaking) on the phenomenon of the democratisation of the university, defined as a process equalising the academic opportunities of different social categories.Again it is the same principle, applied to the analysis of the relative scarcity of academic qualifications, which makes it possible to demonstrate that the expansion of higher education devalues degrees (both in the job market and in the symbolic prestige market) as it democratises them, thus reconstructing again at a higher level, or in fields of study yielding high returns, the academic privileges of the favoured classes.  相似文献   

More than one-third of all Canadian faculty are part-timers who contribute significantly to academic work while consuming only marginally universities' economic resources. Mythical images of their temporariness in the workforce obfuscate the differences of career aspiration and motivation within the group. Two factors render them invisible or hidden academics: one rooted in the economics of the university system and the second in the ideological structures of academic practices and traditions. In the political economy of universities the relentless drive to manage enrolment, finances, and teaching costs has resulted in a bureaucratic rationalization of the academic workload and a bifurcated academic labour force hierarchically split into full- and part-time faculties with radically different work processes and treatment within universities. Part-timers are now a permanent and low-cost academic workforce, producing a surplus value transferable within the university to compensate for what would otherwise be fiscal shortfall. Degradation of certain workprocesses by rationalizing and de-professionalizing certain academic functions legitimized the academic workforce split in relative pay and job characteristics, which reinforces the evident feminization of the part-time faculty.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role played by educational technology in the four social science faculties of the University of Malaya. Some explanation of what is meant by educational technology is first given. This involves considering three approaches to educational technology found in the literature and these provide a convenient frame of reference for examining the situation in the four faculties. The prevailing conception of educational technology in the faculties is the least developed and least comprehensive of the three approaches. Reasons are advanced for changing the existing situation in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Recommendations in this direction are made and it is suggested that they are applicable not only to the University of Malaya but similar institutions of higher education as well.Paper presented at the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) Seminar on Modern Technology in ASAIHL Universities, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, October 16–17, 1981.  相似文献   

Professional identity in institutions of higher learning in Israel   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Members of the faculties of Engineering and Sciences were surveyed at the Israel Institute of Technology (N = 247) and Tel Aviv University (N = 112) as to identification with, criticism of, and feelings about their respective institutions, as well as recommendations for possible improvement. Findings showed that a strong professional identity coexists with a pronounced critical stance. Findings are consistent with Herzberg's two-factor theory of work motivation that views higherorder motivators, such as the professional identity here assessed, as relatively independent of lower-order hygiene needs, mainly working conditions. The strong professional identity of engineering and science faculties would seem to minimize the likelihood of a massive exodus to industry.This study was performed in the S. Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, with the cooperation of the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem. The authors wish to acknowledge Engineer David Kohn's valuable advice and assistance at every stage of the study.  相似文献   

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