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考试舞弊本来只与考试本身有关,但是,高考作为连接中学教育与高等教育的桥梁,历来就对教育和社会发挥着重大而深远的影响。因此,大规模高考舞弊事件的发生,不仅意味着考试本身出现了问题,同时也清楚地折射出在教育和社会的某些方面正预示着某种程度的危机。了解这些危机,有助于从本质的层面认识高考  相似文献   

The Validity of National Curriculum Assessment   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This paper reviews the validity of National Curriculum assessment in England. It works with the concept of 'consequential validity' (Messick, 1989) which incorporates both conventional 'reliability'issues and the use to which any assessment is put. The review uses the eight stage 'threats to validity'model developed by Crooks, Kane and Cohen (1996). The complexity of National Curriculum assessment makes evaluation difficult. These assessments are used for a variety of purposes so that the 'consequential'aspects are compounded. National Curriculum assessment also involves both Teacher Assessment and tests – each of which has strengths and limitations in relation to validity. The main finding is that the validity of National Curriculum assessment hinges on the balance between Teacher Assessment and testing. Between them they can meet Crooks et al.' s requirements of a valid assessment system. The current emphasis on the use of test results for school accountability and as a measure of national standards has undermined Teacher Assessment to a point at which the validity of the system is in question.  相似文献   

For a number of years experts who knew both England and the United States tended to claim that the teachers' organizations of England, notably the National Union of Teachers (NUT), were more effective in influencing educational policy than were American national teachers' organizations such as the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). The increasingly militant posture assumed by the National Education Association beginning in the 1960s has altered the comparison somewhat but has not changed the basic point that the NUT is able to exert greater influence on educational policy.  相似文献   

高考本质上是起点相同、机会均等的竞争,然而现行的高考制度存在不能忽视的系统误差和偶然误差,极大地影响了高考公平性的体现。在分析高考公平的误差的基础上,提出了如何减少系统误差和偶然误差的措施。  相似文献   

高考改革与和谐社会的价值追求不谋而合,那就是公平与正义。课程改革与高考改革相互影响,相得益彰。以人为本,促进人的全面、和谐发展,是高考改革的基本使命。正确地引导基础教育的发展方向,提升中学师生的幸福指数,是高考改革关注的焦点。只有将高考改革纳入和谐社会建设的大背景、大框架中来,才能取得进展与突破。  相似文献   

高考制度作为一种文化现象,具有教育文化和制度文化两重属性,既具有文化的历史继承性,也具有文化的社会发展性。我国高考制度在发展中呈现出分权化、多元化、多样化、自主化等基本趋势,正确评价高考制度的社会价值有利于它的改革和完善。  相似文献   

我国现行的高考制度体现了公平公正,与我国古代的科举制度有着一致的目标追求,都成为其时政治统治权威性和合法性的重要标尺。但目前的高考又与古代的科举制度有诸多不同。其中最重要的一点就是:它不再像科举那样仅是选拔官员的考试,而成为培养社会发展所需人才的入门考试,但高中生经高考进入大学也不是人才成长的唯一途径。因此,在对待高考及其改革这一重大问题上,我们一方面必须维护高考的权威性,另一方面则应该理性地对待高考,去除一些过度看重高考的观念和行为。  相似文献   

日本国立大学校长角色的历史演变述论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在日本国立大学的发展史上,校长的职能、角色及选拔方式都发生过阶段性的发展和变化.这些发展和变化既是国立大学自身发展的体现,同时也是国立大学适应和应对外部环境变化及要求的结果.值得特别关注的是,在法人化改革以来,国立大学校长肩负着大学运营和大学法人经营的双重职责,兼具管理者和经理人的双重角色,集多重权力于一身,形成了一种校长治校的体制.  相似文献   

中华民族精神不是封闭凝滞的,而是开放流动的,它处于不断丰富和发展之中。汶川地震和玉树地震发生后,在全民抗震救灾过程中,中华民族精神得以发扬和升华,向全世界展示了海内外中华儿女的抗震救灾精神:情理交融的爱国精神、敬畏生命的人本精神、团结互助的仁爱精神、勇于负责的担当精神。  相似文献   

日本国立大学法律地位之变更   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
日本国立大学法人化是日本高等教育领域的一项重要改革,给包括公立、私立大学在内的整个高等教育系统都带来了深远影响.本文从法理学的角度分析了日本国立大学法人化的核心问题--国立大学法律地位的变更及其由法律地位变更所带来的权利、义务的变化.  相似文献   

高考体制改革是当前教育系统乃至整个社会关注的热点问题,必须立足于中学教育与高等教育的和谐发展,必须立足于克服发展模式的不足和弊端,必须立足于促进教育体制的改革和发展。在分析高考制度现存诸多矛盾的基础上,以建构和谐教育体系为理念,提出高考改革的基本思路和具体措施。  相似文献   

The introduction of the National Curriculum in 1988 caused much discussion (some of it angst‐ridden) among both academics and practitioners working with pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties, and much of the meat (and the angst) of these discussions is still going on today. We argue that 24 years is a long experiment; that despite the best intentions of many, the experiment has failed; it is therefore well past time for separate and distinct pedagogies to be formulated for both severe and profound learning difficulties. Such pedagogies can only exist as part of the current National Curriculum if they are recognised as distinct curriculum models for those with severe and profound learning difficulties.  相似文献   

自1995年金泳三政府提出国立大学特殊法人化建议以来,韩国历届政府都致力于国立大学法人化改革。国立大学对加强国家竞争力的意义重大,因此在新自由主义以及韩国高等教育面临新问题的合力推动下,国立大学法人化改革受到政府各部门的一致认可并制定了相关的一系列政策。但是国立大学法人化改革也受到了来自社会各种利益群体的压力,很多大学教授公开反对法人化政策。对韩国政府而言,要想继续推行国立大学法人化政策必须协调好各种利益关系。  相似文献   

高考公平与效率的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着社会对高考及其改革的高度关注,而各界关注的热点是高考的公平性;在高考公平性的讨论中,焦点又集中于各省市之间录取分数线的差异。目前,社会对湖北高考移民状元李洋的普遍关注,又把高考公平的讨论推向顶峰。在对高考存在的不公平现象进行鞑伐之余,高考公平的本质是什么,高考的公平与效率的关系应该怎样把握,才能够体现“三个有助于”的原则并促进高考改革。  相似文献   

"全国统一考试是国家意志的体现",这一提法既有积极意义,也有历史局限,对以科学发展观来审视统一考试制度的改革完善、兴废、发展,有所裨益。  相似文献   

The United Kingdom has devised a set of National Learning Targets to be achieved by 2002. Revised from an earlier set of National Targets for Education and Training (NTETs), the latest ones embrace 11-21-year-olds, adults and employers and promote a credentialist approach to both economic and social development. Their primary purpose, according to the National Advisory Council for Education and Training Targets (NACETT) is to make the country more competitive internationally and to promote social cohesion. This paper draws on a study of how one occupational sector, the steel industry, measures up to the national targets for the adult workforce. The findings of the study question the appropriateness of using qualifications-based targets as a proxy for adult capability in the workplace and industrial viability. The paper argues that this credentialist approach detracts from the real challenges which the UK faces in becoming a learning society.  相似文献   

运用协整理论分析福建省改革开放以来国内生产总值和居民消费之间是否存在长期稳定的关系。实证表明福建省国内生产总值和居民消费之间存在长期稳定的关系,政府应该转变一直以来主要通过投资拉动经济的增长方式.注重通过启动消费,依靠消费和投资的共同增长来达到促进经济增长的目的。  相似文献   

大学入学考试制度的改革,一直以来是海内外讨论的热点和焦点问题之一。台湾大学入学考试制度从20世纪90年代以来进行了精心改革,取得了一定的成效,但也存在一些问题。分析、评价这一制度的成效与问题,对大陆的高考改革具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

It is a feature of Irish second-level teaching that teachers will encounter pupils with special educational needs (SENs). To prepare them, the National College of Art and Design (NCAD) has designated SEN placements as part of the ITE programme, whereby students are immersed in SEN settings. These placements have been acknowledged as good practice by Merriman & Rickard, on behalf of the National Parents and Siblings Alliance (2013). Over the ten-year duration of this specific SEN placement, this immersion has led to positive outcomes for both the student teachers and the centres in which they have been placed.  相似文献   

This article examines the current dilemmas around children's comprehension of written texts in the primary school. National Curriculum tests have shown that questions requiring powers of inference are by far the most difficult for children to answer. Alongside this, recent research has shown that teachers' questioning rarely engages children in inferential thinking. The article argues that, in order to develop ‘higher‐order’ reading skills in the classroom, teachers need to go beyond a deferential approach to both texts and the discourse of the National Literacy Framework in order to promote more creative and imaginative approaches to the comprehension of texts.  相似文献   

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