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3. Based on practical needs, [institutions concerned] should collect reasonable fees [from the trainees] as investment in capital construction. In regard to this, Jiaoji, Document no. 110 (1984), issued by this Ministry, has already set forth some requirements in principle. In implementation, we should realistically take into account all such factors as the types of disciplines, the institutions' geographic locations, the number of consecutive years to run the program, the rising cost of construction, and so forth, to calculate the actual amounts needed and charge the fees accordingly. Some institutions are short of land and are obliged to take over land by condemnation to fulfill the task of enrolling students by commission. In these cases, the commissioning units should not only provide a reasonable amount for the capital construction, but also bear the appropriate compensation for land condemnation.  相似文献   

6. Funds for running the courses should be borne by the commissioning units or employers who launch designated training.1 The amount of funds may be allocated according to the average funding standard set for students attending general training courses offered by a local Television University, and disbursed from funds possessed by the respective commissioning units.  相似文献   

Education commissions, higher education bureaus, education departments (bureaus), and finance departments (bureaus) of the various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, and independently planned cities, as well as the various relevant ministries and commissions under the State Council:

With the reform of China's economic structure and the separation of the administrative organ from the enterprises, changes are taking place in the economic relations between many business departments and the enterprises under them. These changes have affected, to some extent, the funding for specialized secondary schools affiliated with these departments. The jurisdiction of some of these schools has also been adjusted accordingly. Under the circumstances, we need to further clarify the issue of funding for specialized secondary schools.  相似文献   

Article 34. Funds for operating correspondence courses are raised from three channels: appropriations from governments at different levels that are in charge of the schools, collections from units with which the students are affiliated, and appropriate fees collected from students.  相似文献   

Academic ranks are titles conferred on teachers of institutions of higher learning on the basis of their teaching and professional skill. These titles not only indicate the teachers' teaching, research ability, and performance, but also determine their remuneration according to the principle of "to each according to his/her work." The conferral of academic titles is a necessary institution and is designed to raise the teachers' level.  相似文献   

作为大学老师,为了达到好的教学效果,我们必须能够做好两项活动,既要做好课程设计,又要做好师生互动。就这两项活动而言,我们的课程设计能力常常是制约因素。《创造意义深远的学习经历:大学课程整合设计方案》一书作者,美国奥克拉荷马大学教学发展项目部主任迪.芬克博士撰写了一份大学课程设计的自学指南,旨在给大家介绍一套系统有效的课程设计程式,帮助大家学会怎样进行课程设计。指南包括课程整合设计的三个主要阶段,每阶段包括开篇的介绍性评价,读者可以加以使用的工作簿,以及读者在课程设计过程中可以对自己提出的一些问题,以对自己的设计实践进行推敲。  相似文献   

Project Impact, a DES-funded project which began in 1983 for a three-year period, was conducted jointly between the Hester Adrian Research Centre and the Education Department at Manchester University, and Huddersfield Polytechnic. The project had three parts: the development and evaluation of short courses; the development and evaluation of a modular diploma; and a follow-up study of the Education of the Developmentally Young (EDY) package. This paper focuses on the benefits of evaluating short INSET courses in special educational needs. Judy Sebba is an honorary research fellow at the Hester Adrian Research Centre. Colin Robson is Professor in the Department of Behavioural Sciences at Huddersfield.  相似文献   

本文针对短学时本科机械类课程,开展了基于VR技术的课内试验补充教学尝试,开发了齿轮箱装拆桌面式虚拟系统。教学实践表明VR不仅可以提高学生学习兴趣、提升学生自主学习能力、实现良好教学达成度,而且还可以减少试验成本等。本次VR补充教学实践将为VR技术在本科机械类课程教学活动中的应用提供一定借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

在不按定义计算循环卷积的前提下,利用已有的成熟的线性卷积来计算有限长序列的循环卷积,并给出了相应的计算机程序,对短序列循环卷积有计算简单的一面.  相似文献   

Easy Phonics栏目带你学自然拼读,让你学会字母的发音规律,正确地拼读单词。本期我们来学习元音字母e。字母e在单词重读音节中发短音(short e)—/e/和长音(long e)—/i:/。—起来读一读:Meg is a hen.  相似文献   

大规模开放网络课程(MOOCs)是近年来教育领域出现的一种新课程模式,具有开放性、大规模、自组织和社会性等特点,学生足不出户就可以上国内外知名大学知名教师的课。本文从大规模开放网络课程(MOOCs)的特征、平台、学习方法以及优势四个方面对大规模开放网络课程进行了介绍。  相似文献   

性与文化启蒙者是蜥蜴《旧约·创世纪》里的蛇是性的启蒙者———他既像男根又以“阴 :地 :水”的属性而象征女人———是文明的传播人 ,也是无序的“混沌”的解破者。是它“教唆”亚当和夏娃偷吃知识树上的禁果 ,使他们有了性和文明的意识。但这条“伟大的爬虫”却不是一般的蛇 ,而是蜥蜴。耶和华生气道 :你既作了这事 ,就必受咒诅 ,比一切的牲畜野兽更甚 ,你必用肚子行走 ,终身吃土。 (3·1 4)可见蛇本来跟其它“牲畜野兽”一样用四足行走 ,亦即“四脚蛇”———蜥蜴 ,受罚以后才“用肚子行走”的。恩格斯说 ,蛇的行动方式太古怪了 ,许多…  相似文献   

类比干涉原理,利用菲涅尔圆孔(屏)衍射公式来计算"光滑"小球体的表面光洁度,并简要分析其局限。通过理论推导和实验分析,得出用菲涅尔圆孔(屏)衍射研究球体的光洁度是可行的方法。  相似文献   

三宝磨:原始的大工业 芬兰史诗《卡莱瓦拉》第10篇,英雄工匠伊尔玛利宁锻造了一种“三宝磨”,非常神奇。过去,两种从英文转译的本子略有不同,例如: 侍桁译:孙用译: 他施展妙技把三宝锻出,[他]巧妙地打造了三宝: 磨臼的这一面可以碾谷,这面的磨是麦磨, 另一面可以碾盐,那面的磨是盐磨, 第三面可以铸造金钱。第三面的磨是钱磨。 新造的三宝可以碾研,碾磨着新的三宝, 彩色的盖子开始回旋;转动着彩色的盖子, 到晚上磨出了好几箱,一箱箱地磨到晚上, 它先磨了一箱当食粮,第一箱为了粮食, 再磨一箱拿去交换,第二箱为了交易, 第三箱准备进仓房。 第三箱为了存积。 2002年,译林社版张华文直接从芬兰文译出  相似文献   

Researchers of the traditional higher education system identify a number of factors affecting admission to a university (barriers to entry) and factors of its successful completion (barriers to exit). Massive open online courses (MOOCs), available to any Internet user, remove barriers to entry because anyone can study there. But do all students have an equal chance of successful completion of the online course? Do the same barriers to exit exist for MOOCs? Binary logistic regression was used to determine the way that factors related to each student's individual features affect the successful completion of online courses. This study was based on administrative data from the Coursera platform across four courses offered by the NRU HSE from February to June 2014. The results of this analysis show that there is a strong correlation between successful completion of online courses and educational experience. The probability of successful completion is higher among men with higher education who have already taken online courses and studied similar disciplines.  相似文献   

教学手段现代化是实施教学方式方法改革的一种有效手段。作为“两课”教学,当前必须着力探讨的是如何适应新的教学环境,借助多媒体、网络等手段来改革教学方式、优化教学效果,实现思想政治理论课的教学培养目标.  相似文献   

ALTHOUGH a dual system of special education has existed for many years in Victoria, the Report of the Ministerial Review of Educational Services for the Disabled(Collins, 1984) clearly revealed the Government's intentions to hasten the integration movement. The five guiding principles of the Review, which are firmly based on social justice and equity issues, shaped Ministerial policy and practices. These guidelines, associated Ministerial documents and memoranda, and resultant policies, structures and services are discussed in detail. The progress of integration in Victorian schools since the Review is outlined, barriers identified and strategies to overcome these obstructions or difficulties provided.  相似文献   

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