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At the National Conference on the Work of College and University Admissions convened in Zhengzhou in early March of this year, the State Education Commission proposed that, in order to deepen the reforms of college and university tuition requirements, college and university admissions, and job placement for college and university graduates, those colleges and universities that have a feasible plan of action may, with approval, carry out reform spot experimentations. It also proposed that those colleges and universities carrying out these spot experiments will, when admitting students this year, no longer lower the enrollment qualification scores for students who are paying their own tuition and students who are being entrusted for education by enterprises or government units; instead, all students admitted by these colleges and universities will be expected to remit a certain amount of tuition for their education. At the same time, the colleges and universities must, by setting up scholarships for superior students, special-item scholarships, and student loans, further deepen the reform of the system of job placement for graduates. This is what is meant by what is commonly referred to as the joining the tracks between "publicly funded students" and "self-funded students."  相似文献   

The reform of the student admissions system of the colleges and universities in our country and of the system of job placement or employment of college and university graduates will be further deepened. The State Education Commission recently proposed certain opinions regarding carrying out spot experiments in this reform, focusing on gradually changing and turning away from the traditional way of doing things in which the state takes care of students who go to college or a university and takes care of their job placement or employment.  相似文献   

河南省教育厅高校毕业生“一次就业率”的公布,有力地促进了高校对毕业生就业工作的重视。但“一次就业率”只能简单反映阶段性的“量”的成果,不能很好地反映“质”的状况。探索建立我省“高校毕业生就业质量评价体系”,从对就业的“量”的评价提升到“质”的评价,可以提高高校就业评价的合理性,并为政府推进高等教育改革,宏观优化政府教育资源配置提供决策参考。  相似文献   

On June 18, the State Council approved and circulated the "Report on Work Assignments for Graduates Throughout the Country in 1982" submitted by the State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Labor and Personnel. A correspondent of Guangming Daily interviewed the comrades of the State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Labor and Personnel responsible for the assignment of graduates this year.  相似文献   

国际开放远程教育协会(ICDE)协同莫斯科州立经济、统计和资讯大学(MESI)于2014年9月25-26日举办国际会议,来自世界各国的250多名代表参加了该次会议。本次会议的主题是"通过开放、远程和电子化学习连接整个世界"。在会议期间,代表们从经济、技术和社会诸方面讨论了远程教育、正规教育与工作之间的鸿沟、传统大学的在线教育以及教育品质、多样性和多重性之间的平衡发展等义项。文章精选了4场大会主题报告和5场平行会议发言内容,参考会议网站的PPT,结合笔者与同事的笔记整理成文,以飨读者。  相似文献   

The State Education Commission has passed the resolution that we will, starting in 1989, take about three years to implement, on an experimental basis, a system of a general graduation examination for all general upper middle school graduates throughout the country. This system will be carried out in all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities under the direct jurisdiction of the center. At the same time, the State Education Commission has resolved that we will also reform the nationwide unified general colleges and universities entrance examination. This is a major reform in the general education examination system in our country.  相似文献   

The year 1997 is one that holds extraordinary significance for China's higher education. The national conference on educational work that has just concluded has proposed the following: In 1997, the vast majority of colleges and universities in China must implement a merged-track system in student admissions, and students will have to pay certain fees to go to college or to a university. Because 661 colleges and universities have already merged tracks in admissions in 1996, and these already cover nearly two-thirds of all institutions that admitted students, the person in charge of the Division of College and University Students in the State Education Commission (SEC) says, with great confidence, that it is highly possible that we will complete the work of merging tracks in student admission in colleges and universities across the board throughout the nation in 1997.  相似文献   

To promote the development of education in Tibet and do a good job of aid-Tibet educational work, the State Education Commission was commissioned by the State Council to convene a conference on aid-Tibet education in Beijing on March 9-11, 1993. Secretaries-general of people's governments and directors of education commissions of twenty-one provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government, as well as people in charge of educational departments of twenty-five ministries and commissions, participated in the conference. Li Tieying, member of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee and member of the State Council, attended and spoke at the conference. Also attending and addressing the conference were Deputy Secretary-General Xu Jianzhi of the State Council, Vice Director Wang Mingda of the State Education Commission, and Chairman Jiangcun Lobu and Vice Chairman Laba Pingcuo of the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Vice Minister Li an aid-Tibet education coordinating and leading group with the participation of the province's financial departments and education commission and with a deputy leader of the group detailed to take charge of the work; (2) to make a special annual allocation of 1.5 million yuan from the province's finances as supplementary funds for aid-Tibet education; and (3) to designate six schools, including the Yueyang No. 1 Middle School and the Yueyang Normal School, to operate as aid-Tibet education schools. The governments of all other relevant provinces and municipalities are stepping up the implementation of similar measures.  相似文献   

Engaging undergraduate students in research activities has been advocated as an innovative strategy to improve American higher education (Boyer Commission, Reinventing undergraduate education: A blueprint for America’s research universities. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Stony Brook, NY, 1998). This study compared the frequency of undergraduate student research experiences at different types of colleges and universities from the early 1990s through 2004. The results indicate that the frequency of student research experiences increased since 1998 at all types of institutions and that students at research universities were not more likely than their counterparts elsewhere to have such experiences. The findings were consistent across major fields. To live up to their claims, research universities must find additional ways to involve undergraduates in research with faculty members. Shouping Hu is Associate Professor of Higher Education at Florida State University. He received his M.S. degree in Economics and Ph.D. in Higher Education from Indiana University. His research and scholarship focuses on postsecondary access and persistence, college student experience, and higher education finance. George D. Kuh is Chancellor’s Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Center for Postsecondary Research at Indiana University Bloomington. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Iowa. His research focuses on the quality of undergraduate education. Joy Gaston Gayles is Associate Professor in Adult and Higher Education at North Carolina State University. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Shaw University, Master’s degree from Auburn University, and Ph.D. in Higher Education from The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on college student learning and development.  相似文献   

This study used nationwide, randomly sampled data from the Peking University Institute of Economics of Education 2011 survey of college graduates to conduct an empirical analysis of their job satisfaction. The results indicate that work-related factors have a significant effect on the job satisfaction of college graduates, while nonwork factors have a direct effect, as well as an indirect effect on job satisfaction through affecting job opportunity.  相似文献   

As entrusted by the State Council, Mr. Zhu Kaixuan, chairman of the State Education Commission, spoke at the Eleventh Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress, which was convened today [in Beijing], providing explanatory remarks on the "Law of Education of the People's Republic of China (Draft)," and he submitted the law and its articles to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for its examination and discussion.  相似文献   

University education in Sri Lanka in modern times has a short history of just over six decades. From 1921 to 1959 there was one University College (1921–1942) or University on the island. With the establishment of two other universities in 1959, the need for co-ordination of higher education activity through a University Grants Commission (UGC) or similar body arose.The establishment of the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE) in 1966 was part of a policy of bringing greater government influence to bear on universities and was therefore resented and resisted by the latter. However, the new body, while it lasted, served as a very effective buffer against undue government interference in university affairs. The six year period beginning in 1972 saw a process of centralization of university education under strong government control. The UGC established in 1979 has much the same powers as the NCHE, a wider range in fact than those enjoyed by the British UGC, and much greater influence in university education than the British prototype.Universities in Sri Lanka have always depended on the state for almost all their funds. While this has naturally given government much influence in shaping the structure and expansion of universities, the principle of university autonomy was strongly entrenched between 1942 and 1966. There was a departure from this in 1966, but more particularly between 1972 and 1978. The Universities Act. No. 16 of 1978 re-introduced the concept of autonomous universities. The one area in which state influence has been the predominant factor is university admissions and this influence began in the mid-1950s long before the concept of university autonomy came under systematic attack from the government's Ministry of Education.The author has been a member of the University Grants Commission since its establishment in 1979. The views expressed in this article are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of the University Grants Commission or the University of Peradeniya.  相似文献   

大学生就业竞争力是指毕业生在就业市场上,具有战胜竞争对手找到适合才能发挥和实现自身价值的适当工作岗位的能力,即全面满足社会和用人单位对人才需求的能力。通过对美国研究型大学本科生就业竞争力培养模式及其实现途径展开的全面考察,深入探讨密西根州立大学通识教育、职业生涯辅导体系、创业教育、服务学习、海外学习等培养模式在提升大学生就业素养、提高综合素质、锻炼求职能力及拓展国际视野等方面的作用与影响,以期对中国高校的人才培养模式及就业指导体制的改革与发展产生有益启示。  相似文献   

Career education is given increasing importance by the growing employment problems of higher education graduates. Below we give a summary of a statement concerning this problem in US four‐year colleges and universities prepared by the Committee on Career Education of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). The statement was presented during the AASCU Annual Conference held in New Orleans from 10 to 13 November 1976.  相似文献   

Career education is given increasing importance by the growing employment problems of higher education graduates. Below we give a summary of a statement concerning this problem in US four‐year colleges and universities prepared by the Committee on Career Education of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). The statement was presented during the AASCU Annual Conference held in New Orleans from 10 to 13 November 1976.  相似文献   

The current business landscape has created the impetus to develop management graduates with capabilities that foster responsible leadership and sustainability. Through the lens of Gitsham's 3C Model (Complexity, Context and Connection) of graduate capabilities, this paper discusses the experience of implementing the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (UNPRME) at the Graduate School of Management, La Trobe University Australia. The case highlights that universities should use both a top-down and bottom-up approach, engaging students in the implementation process. The analysis also shows that educational institutions face similar challenges to business organizations in terms of resource limitations, inertia and resistance to change. While significant inroads have been made at the course and discipline level, more work needs to be done. The use of the UNPRME as a guide for delivering sustainability-focused management education has provided an opportunity to structure the change process and to provide support through partnerships.  相似文献   

This study, based on a questionnaire administered to graduates of private and public universities in Lebanon (N = 652), links job procurement to job satisfaction and occupational attainment. Significant differences in job procurement methods are found between male and female graduates and between graduates from private versus public universities. Job satisfaction is only affected by the job procurement method. The level of occupational attainment is affected by gender and job procurement method.  相似文献   

影响高校毕业生就业的社会资本因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本是近年来学术界研究较多的一个问题。本文在对社会资本及大学生就业相关文献进行梳理的基础上,利用北京大学教育学院"高等教育规模扩展与劳动力市场"课题组于2005年6月对全国34所高校调查的数据,对大学生社会资本状况,社会资本对大学生毕业去向、就业落实率、起薪及工作满意度的影响,进行了实证分析。本文的主要研究结果如下:(1)与来自社会经济地位较高的家庭的学生相比,来自社会弱势家庭的学生在家庭社会资本与个人社会资本上都比较缺乏;(2)大学生毕业选择就业或升学时,家庭社会交往广泛度对升学选择产生显著的正面影响,而个人社会交往广泛度对就业产生了显著的正面影响;(3)社会资本与大学毕业生的就业落实、起薪、工作满意度存在着显著的正面影响;(4)社会资本对大专生和本科生就业落实率有较为显著的正的影响,但是对硕士和博士的就业落实率没有显著影响。  相似文献   

大学生就业难是当前困扰各高校的一个普遍问题,招生形式的好转和大学教育普及率的提高使得大学毕业生人数逐年上涨,如何让学生拥有市场成为了一个重要的问题。本文运用SWOT分析法,结合具体情况,分析高职院校毕业生所面临的竞争优势、竞争劣势、机会和威胁,根据高职学生就业现状和存在的问题提出相应的对策,帮助发挥毕业生的优势以提高就业的竞争力。  相似文献   

In a report entitled Reshaping the Graduate Education of Scientists and Engineers (National Academy of Sciences, 1995), the Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy proposed a modified PhD training model that retains an emphasis on intensive research experiences, while incorporating additional experiences to prepare graduates for an increasingly diverse job market. The National Science Foundation (NSF) subsequently instituted the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program to foster interdisciplinary training of doctoral students. Faculty in kinesiology graduate programs are often well positioned to contribute to such interdisciplinary training programs. We highlight an example of such a program, specifically the NSF IGERT program on Musculoskeletal and Neural Adaptations in Form and Function at Arizona State University. Both benefits and challenges of IGERT participation are considered.  相似文献   

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