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Seven years ago, our great leader Chairman Mao personally approved of the investigation report entitled "The Road of Training Technicians as Seen from the Shanghai Machine-Tool Plant" and issued the brilliant "July 21 Directive." Chairman Mao pointed out: "It is still necessary to have universities; here I refer mainly to colleges of science and engineering. However, it is essential to shorten the length of schooling, revolutionize education, put proletarian politics in command, and take the road of the Shanghai Machine-Tool Plant in training technicians from among the workers. Students should be selected from among the workers and peasants having practical experience, and they should return to production after a few years of study."  相似文献   

对武汉市部分外来务工人员的调查显示,受教育程度低、投资力度弱、劳动力培训市场不完善成为其接受教育培训的主要影响因素;培训与就业质量、行业(职业)针对性具有明显的相关性。为帮助外来务工人员顺利实现就业,应尝试构建以务工人员、政府部门、用人单位为主体,培训机构、培训市场、就业市场相协调的就业促进型培训机制。利用这一机制,积极提高务工人员素质,多元化筹集培训费用,规范培训市场建设。  相似文献   

劳动者作为公民,其表达自由受宪法保护;劳动者作为用人单位的员工,其表达自由又要受到忠诚义务和用人单位的劳动规章制度的限制。文章以空姐诉维珍航空公司案为例,对劳动者的表达自由与忠诚义务及用人单位的劳动规章制度的关系分别加以阐述,指出应当通过利益衡量的原则来调解劳动者的表达自由与忠诚义务及用人单位的劳动规章制度之间的冲突。对于违反表达自由的劳动者,用人单位在依据其劳动规章制度进行惩戒时应当遵循比例原则和最后解雇原则,以落实依宪治国,营造良好营商环境。  相似文献   

More than six years have passed since the publication of Chairman Mao's brilliant "July 21" Directive. Chairman Mao stated: "It is still necessary to have universities; here I refer mainly to colleges of science and engineering. However, it is essential to shorten the length of schooling, revolutionize education, put proletarian politics in command, and take the road of the Shanghai Machine-Tool Plant in training technicians from among the workers. Students should be selected from among workers and peasants who have practical experience, and they should return to production after a few years of study." Chairman Mao's important directive addresses itself not only to the field of education but also to our socialist industrial enterprises and the working class. Guided by Chairman Mao's directive, school education has undergone a profound change during these six years, and factory-run education has developed greatly. The more we travel along the "July 21" road, the more it broadens.  相似文献   

This study examines the predictive value of job demands and resources on the meaning of work and organisational commitment across three age groups; young workers (<30 years), a middle age group of workers (30–49 years) and older workers (>50 years). Data were collected from a survey conducted among university employees (N = 3066). Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to test the relationship between the antecedent variables and the meaning of work and organisational commitment in the age groups separately. Age differences in the experience of these two variables were tested by one-way ANOVA. Both job demands and resources were related to the meaning of work and organisational commitment, however, the relative importance of demands and resources varied across the groups. Overall, older workers reported higher scores on the meaning of work and organisational commitment. The results suggest that different interventions should be considered when aiming to improve the meaning of work and commitment among different age groups.  相似文献   

新生代农民工日渐成为农民工群体的主导,其党员年龄较轻、受过较高的教育,职业流动性大、行业分布集中,对未来期望较高。党员组织建设缺乏科学的管理,党员教育处于滞后状态,党员作用难以发挥。新生代农民工党员组织建设,要创新基层党组织形式,适应新生代农民工党员流动性大的特点,采取网络化教育管理方式,拓宽新生代农民工党员政治参与渠道。  相似文献   

劳动者(职工)、雇员、雇工、帮工人(帮工)在法律含义方面有细微差别,但他们的人身受损害的民事责任归责原则是共同的:其用人单位或雇主或被帮人应承担无过错的特殊侵权民事责任;而承揽人与劳动者(职工)、雇员、雇工、帮工人(帮工)之间在含义方面有较大的差别,在他们的人身受损害的民事责任归责原则方面也不同:定作人对承揽人的人身受损害只承担过错的一般侵权民事责任。偏远山区中帮人办丧事的挖土工应属雇员,而非劳动者(职工)、雇工、帮工人(帮工),更非承揽人,其在做工时人身受损害,其雇主应承担无过错的人身损害赔偿责任。  相似文献   

In accordance with Chairman Mao's great instruction, "Students should be chosen from among workers and peasants with practical experience, and after a few years' study in school, they should go back to production practice," a certain unit of the Production and Construction Corps of the PLA Peking Command chose five groups of students in 1971 from among intellectual youths in its units who had been tempered in labor, as well as PLA cadres and demobilized personnel who had practical experience, and sent them to study in more than ten institutions of higher learning in Peking, Tientsin, Inner Mongolia, and other areas. These colleges and schools are generally satisfied with the students chosen.  相似文献   

集体谈判权作为集体劳权通常是由劳动者集体享有,并由工会作为劳动者的代表来行使的权利,是集体劳权的核心权利。集体谈判权是通过集体谈判制度来实现和保障的。我国集体谈判权的发展还存在着很多问题,我们必须从多方面加以重视。  相似文献   

农民工和城市社会的关系分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农民工在城市社会处于底层地位,与城市居民的关系不够亲密和融洽,城市居民身份意识非常淡薄,尚未融入城市社会。“城乡分治”的二元社会结构、城市的社会歧视、各种正式组织对农民工的关注和容纳不够、农民工社会网络关系的匮乏及自身的局限性是造成这一状况的原因。应该破除城乡分割的二元社会形态,清除并杜绝任何针对农民工的歧视性和排斥性政策与做法,将农民工纳入其居住的社区和所在地区的工会组织中,实现农民工社会关系网络由内聚式团体网络向开放式团体网络的转变,加强对进城农民工的引导和教育。  相似文献   

英国工厂法保护女工是多种综合因素共同作用的结果,从阶级层面看有以下三点:第一,成年男工支持工厂法保护女工;第二,工厂主之间、工厂主与农场主之间的竞争在保护女工中的作用;第三,女工的斗争在工厂法保护自身中的作用。除女工自身外,其他两者支持工厂法保护女工,其主要目的要么是把她们当作为本阶级或阶层谋取利益的工具,要么是把更多的社会责任强加给她们。但是,工厂法对女工的保护客观上还是极大地促进了妇女的解放。  相似文献   

民营企业农民工体育开展是薄弱环节,存在场地设施不足、企业重视不够等问题。在国家及浙江省有关文件中,涉及农民工体育的只是"社会保障和享有的城市公共服务"这两个条款,对农民工体育并没有实质性的要求和规定,制度保障和政策措施还没有起到应有的作用,政府的监督、保障和管理职能没有体现出来。在民营企业农民工体育发展中,政府应该承担起社会责任,充分发挥政府作用。  相似文献   

国家新型城镇化发展战略强调以人的城镇化为核心。人的城镇化具有丰富内涵,战略目的强调城乡居民全面发展,价值取向强调城乡共同精神,核心任务是农民工市民化,工作抓手在于利益格局调整,转化机制上强调整合而非分治。人的城镇化要素包括具有内在关联的五个方面:物质资源、生活方式、行为模式、工作能力和观念意识的城镇化。教育是实现人的城镇化的重要途径。基础教育需要面向未来的人的城镇化,培育孩子树立城乡共同体的思想。职业教育需要基于职业发展需要,大胆创新人才培养模式。成人继续教育可以针对人的城镇化的时代焦点问题,侧重于技术技能培训,提高农民工市场竞争力。高等教育需要发挥自身在科学研究优势,为人的城镇化的政策制定提供高水平的管理咨询服务。需要强调的是人的城镇化的过程不但包括农民工的转化,更涉及到决策主体和城市居民由“病态城镇化”向“健康城镇化”的转化。人的城镇化的推进应该采取优势互补和共同建设的包容立场,而不是互相分治和夸大差异的态度。  相似文献   

Several children’s hospitals and medical schools across Texas have child abuse pediatricians (CAPs) who work closely with child protection workers to help ensure accurate assessments of the likelihood of maltreatment in cases of suspected abuse and neglect. Since the state does not mandate which cases should be referred to a CAP center, we were interested in studying factors that may influence workers’ decisions to consult a CAP. We used a mixed methods study design consisting of a focus group followed by a survey. The focus group identified multiple factors that impact workers’ decision-making, including several that involve medical providers. Responses from 436 completed surveys were compared to employees’ number of years of employment and to the state region in which they worked. Focus group findings and survey responses revealed frustration among many workers when dealing with medical providers, and moderate levels of confidence in workers’ abilities to make accurate determinations in cases involving medical information. Workers were more likely to refer cases involving serious physical injury than other types of cases. Among workers who reported prior interactions with a CAP, experiences and attitudes regarding CAPs were typically positive. The survey also revealed significant variability in referral practices by state region. Our results suggest that standard guidelines regarding CAP referrals may help workers who deal with cases involving medical information. Future research and quality improvement efforts to improve transfers of information and to better understand the qualities that CPS workers appreciate in CAP teams should improve CAP-CPS coordination.  相似文献   

安徽省是劳务输出大省,当前,由于主客观原因的共同影响,大批农民工返乡并滞留在农村。他们之中有很多人怀有创业愿望,针对这些农民工,政府应该大力扶持。安徽省可以借鉴其他省份扶持返乡农民工创业的经验,并从融资、创业培训、打造农民工创业园等三个方面大力扶持返乡农民工创业。挖掘一条既适合我省农村经济社会发展实情,又具有社会主义新...  相似文献   

农民工是我国社会转型期出现的一个特殊群体,维护农民工的权益体现了以人为本的根本要求。农民工具备了产业工人的基本特征,已成为新的产业工人阶层,最终将融为产业工人的主体。从工会的产生、性质和法律地位来看,维护农民工合法权益是工会组织的基本职责,应当动员组织农民工加入工会。工会在维护农民工权益上与传统企事业单位工会有很大的不同,需要探索新的途径。  相似文献   

王迎  李翠红 《成人教育》2012,32(7):10-12
农民工这一充满生命力的新生事物,是中国由传统社会向现代社会转变的重要标志,是中国工业化、城镇化快速发展阶段中涌现出的一支新型劳动大军,也是推动中国经济和社会结构变革的巨大力量。资料显示:目前由于农民工的文化素质较差、职业技能水平相对较低,出现难以适应现代工业生产要求的现状,迫切需要对其进行教育培训。然而,目前调研发现关于农民工的教育培训主要采取传统的讲授式培训方式,然而这种高成本、低效果的培训方式已经不能满足现代社会和企业对农民工的需求。因此,文章尝试性地提出对中国农民工的教育培训方式应由传统培训方式逐渐向E-learning方式转移,并认为利用E-learning方式,输入地用工企业需要给为他们创造利润的在职农民工开展技能培训,同时需要输出地及输入地政府共同担负起为农民工提高信息素养的职前培训工作。  相似文献   

Chairman Mao's great directive on following the road of the Shanghai Machine Tool Plant in training technological personnel from among the workers has pointed out the major direction for educational revolution in the universities. As to how science and engineering colleges and liberal arts colleges should be run, there are many specific problems that must be solved. Herewith are printed the articles written by the Workers' and Liberation Army's Mao Tse-tung Thought Propaganda Teams of several universities. It is hoped that the broad worker, peasant, and soldier masses, revolutionary intellectuals, and revolutionary cadres will fully express their views and hold extensive discussions.  相似文献   

面对新时期职工思想的深刻变化,应努力探索加强和改进思想政治工作的途径。开展职工思想政治工作,要坚持以人为本,充分尊重职工的主体地位,维护职工的根本利益,不断满足职工物质文化的合理需求。  相似文献   

In the republic of the democratic dictatorship of the workers and peasants, all programs for educational activities - whether in the realm of political education, or in ordinary technical education, or in the arts - should originate in class struggle; they should originate from the effort to attain victory for the democratic dictatorship of the workers and peasants, from the overthrow of the rule of the landlord and bourgeois classes, from the shift to socialist revolution, from the elimination of classes and the elimination of the system of men oppressing men; and from the struggle for a communist society. Therefore Soviet education should be communist education.  相似文献   

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