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The objective of this school is to train and raise the capacity of New Democratic and Revolutionary Three People's Principles* cadres to do the actual work of political, economic, and cultural construction in accord with the needs of the War of Resistance and Border Region construction.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,陕甘宁边区的学前教育事业发展得如火如荼,边区政府和政府领导人以及幼儿保育工作者对学前教育充满了人本主义的关怀。边区学前教育事业虽然刚刚起步、带有很大的实践性质,但却取得了巨大的成绩。这场人本主义的教育实践,留给人们诸多启示。  相似文献   

Past primary education in the Border Region, compared with the situation before the revolution, has shown very great progress; but it still retains several shortcomings left over from the old style of education, especially in that educational policies are still not suited to the needs of society and the masses in the Border Region. First of all, in terms of its content, the new education does not make use of the experiences and problems in the actual lives of the Border Region population. On the contrary, its content is a complex curriculum not relevant to the urgent needs of the villages. As a result, students are cut off from production and alienated from their families; when students return to their homes they are unable to "look after the homestead." After graduating from primary school they look down on manual labor and are unwilling to serve the peasants. Female students entering the primary schools become estranged from their families, clamor for divorce, and create other problems. These influences hinder the development of production among the masses, destroy family relationships, and are contradictory to the present need for building up production in the Border Region. Because of this, the populace in a large number of areas is unwilling to send its children to school, thus putting severe limitations on the projects to achieve universal education and to eliminate illiteracy. Since undergoing rectification last year, the government and cadres at various levels have gradually come to realize these facts. In different areas, the policy and content of education have begun to be newly transformed. For example, the Sui-te Subregion has put forward a policy of "uniting labor units, social organizations, government, and families with the schools" and has, moreover, already begun to move in the direction of reform. In other areas, since last fall, certain schools have begun to focus on combining the content of education with production and family life. For example, the Yenan City Complete Primary School, beginning in the latter half of last year, has added, above the fourth grade level, instruction in accounting, letter-writing, map-making, contract-writing, and abacus; it has in addition begun advising the students to pay attention both to their studies and to manual labor; students are encouraged to return home and help with household work. Students are taught to understand manners and to respect their parents; during New Year's, they participated in the yang-ko drama and joined in anti-epidemic propaganda work; all this was a first step forward, and it earned the support of the masses. This spring, therefore, a great many among the masses in Yenan City changed their earlier attitudes toward the schools and sent their children to register. As a further example, at the most recent combined teachers' meeting in Yenan district the policy of "combining production with education" was put forth. The Fu-hsien [Shensi] First Complete Primary School and the Tzu-ch'ang First Complete Primary School specified definite responsibilities for production, bringing about a combination of education and production; similar developments have taken place elsewhere. All this makes it very clear that primary education in the Border Region is already moving in a new direction, and this development makes us very happy. In this we have further proof that if only we think of the masses, plan for the masses, and adapt to the needs of the masses our schools will be run well and the people will certainly welcome them. Naturally, as of today this transformation has not yet become widespread, but has merely started.  相似文献   

晋察冀等敌后抗日根据地广大师生,在严酷的战争环境下,为反抗敌伪奴化教育,采取多种形式瓦解了敌伪教育、坚持了抗日教育阵地,为夺取全国抗战胜利优做出了杰出贡献。  相似文献   

In its directive issued on the twenty-third of this month, the Shen-Kan-Ning Border Region government emphatically pointed out that winter study should be founded this year on a voluntary basis and with a view to meeting the masses' needs. The original text of the directive follows.  相似文献   

抗战时期,中国共产党为适应抗战需要制定了"教育为抗战服务"的教育政策。在这一政策指导下,陕甘宁边区大力开展干部在职教育和学校教育并取得了巨大成就。干部教育在根据地教育中居于首要位置,它是战争环境下的产物,具有明显的中国革命特色,既积累了丰富的办学经验,又或多或少地存在着时代局限性。  相似文献   

抗战时期党在陕甘宁边区实施的社会教育运动究其本质而言不仅是一场政治社会化运动,更是一场马克思主义大众化的运动。用大众化的视野来审读这场运动,可以发现,抗战时期陕甘宁边区实施社会教育是实现马克思主义大众化必然要求。与此同时,抗战时期陕甘宁边区社会教育也适应了马克思主义大众化的要求,其结果是实现了马克思主义大众化。  相似文献   

晋察冀边区政府制定教育发展的方针政策,采取措施大力发展教育,使边区的初等教育、中等教育、高等教育及社会教育等都有了不同程度的发展。这为争取抗日战争和解放战争的胜利创造了有利条件.  相似文献   

抗战时期陕甘宁边区的干部教育及其经验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗日战争时期,陕甘宁边区制定了正确的干部教育方针政策,广泛开展学校干部教育和在职干部教育,取得了丰硕的成绩,积累了许多有益的教育经验,为当前我党构建学习型政党积累了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

抗战相持阶段,针对财政上出现的困难,陕甘宁边区政府实行了正确的食盐贸易政策,对食盐实行专卖和统销,严格管制盐价,并严厉打击走私。这些措施的实行使得边区的食盐产销大为增加,边区政府的财政紧张情况得到缓和,打破了国民党顽固派的经济封锁,使边区渡过了经济封锁的难关,有力地支援了全国的抗日战争。  相似文献   

Border Region culture has both progressive and regressive aspects: New Democratic culture is its progressive aspect, the remnants of feudal culture are its regressive aspect. The Border Region people have destroyed feudal control on the political and economic fronts; in cultural life, which is a reflection of politics and economics, feudal control should also be destroyed; and from the standpoint of the direction of government leadership and of government's new cultural and educational work, the old kind of cultural control has indeed already been destroyed. In the army, factories, public schools, and in many mass organizations in the Border Region, the old kind of cultural control basically has ended as well. As far as the most important aspects of peasant ideological attitudes are concerned, feudal bondage also has already been broken. But as far as the general sphere of the majority of peasants' cultural life is concerned, remnants of feudal culture still exist, and in certain spheres, such as public health and art, they temporarily occupy a dominant position and clash with rather than conform to political and economic life in the Border Region. Therefore, moving from old to new and destroying feudal remnants, opening up a broad route for the new democratic culture, and making culture appropriately reflect the new political and economic life - these are still important historical tasks for Border Region education, and it is necessary to devote massive efforts to these tasks before we can succeed.  相似文献   

1937年抗日战争爆发,陕甘宁革命根据地的女子教育进入活跃期。中共中央和陕甘宁边区政府颁布一系列法律、法规保障女子受教育的权利。边区的女子教育有正规的学校教育以及非正式的社会教育,这些措施使边区女子的精神面貌焕然一新,文化素质迅速提高,以极大的热情投入到边区的生产建设中去,对中国革命的胜利起了巨大的推动作用。她们的精神对现今的女大学生有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

Today's Ganzi Tibetan Nationality Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province was the "Sichuan Border Special Administrative Region" (chuanbian tebie xingzheng qu) at the end of the Qing dynasty and in the early years of the Nationalist Republic, and then became the Kangshu District of Kangxi Province after that province was established in the twenty-eighth year of the Republic (1939). Hence it was also called "Chuanbian," or "Kangshu." Education has time-honored origins in this district, but school education, in the modern sense, developed very late and started around the time of the Conversion and Induction [gai tu gui liu, a Qing government program to replace native headmen and assimilate the local ethnic minorities—Trans.] of the last years of the Qing dynasty. Its history may be roughly divided into three periods: the fostering of education period in the last years of the Qing dynasty, the period of decay and resurgence during the Nationalist Republic, and the period of great development in the New China.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,陕甘宁边区政府实行"三三制",吸收开明士绅参政议政,重视和采纳他们的提案,保证他们有职有权;与党外人士开展民主合作,在工作和生活中予以高度尊重和照顾;实施减租减息、交租交息的土地政策,保障了地主豪绅的地权和财权。陕甘宁边区统战工作的成功经验对当代统战工作具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

我国学校及学术文化机关在抗日战争时期受到极大的摧残和破坏。中国共产党在极为艰难困苦的情况下,对抗日大后方陕甘宁边区的教育文化事业,尤其是师范教育事业作出了较为突出的贡献,取得了较为可喜的成绩,这无疑对现在师范教育的发展具有借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

和谐社会的构建离不开法治,其中的道理不难理解。文章通过实证方法从中国共产党在抗日战争时期陕甘宁边区的实践入手,对法治在构建和谐社会中的作用进行了初步分析和探讨,以期对当前正在进行中的实践提供一点经验,为理论研究提供一个新的角度。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):120-135
It has been thirteen days since the National Forum on Ideological and Political Education in Primary and Secondary Schools convened on April 23. It will come to a close the day after tomorrow. The first conference of its kind held since the smashing of the "Gang of Four," the forum means to manifest the spirit of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's talk given at the March 30 meeting held to discuss the guidelines for the Party's theoretical work and to impel primary and secondary schools to strengthen their ideological and political work among the students so as to further elevate the quality of education and meet the need to shift the focus of the Party's work as a whole. Now I want to offer the following opinions: First, education must be geared to the needs of all students.  相似文献   

抗日战争以来,毒品不断流入晋察冀边区。为了民族利益、人民健康,边区政府始终坚持根绝毒祸的缉私斗争,建立毒品缉私机构,完善毒品缉私法规,选拔、培养缉私员。通过不断努力,晋察冀边区在打击毒品走私问题上,取得了一定成果。  相似文献   

抗战时期是革命民主根据地社团大发展的时期,同时也是中国共产党社团管理思想和政策形成、成熟的重要时期。以陕甘宁边区为考察对象,具体探索党在抗战时期的社团管理政策。  相似文献   

论陕甘宁边区的土地政策和土地立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗日战争和解放战争时期,陕甘宁边区土地政策经历了减租减息、征购地主土地和土地改革的演化过程,这种演化是和中国社会主要矛盾的转化分不开的,通过这种演化,在陕甘宁边区的老解放区逐渐消灭了封建地主土地所有制,实现了耕有其田的土地制度。在每次土地政策演化的进程中,陕甘宁边区政府都有相应的土地法规出台,边区的土地立法涉及到土地政策、土地所有权和使用权、土地登记管理、土地司法等方面,内容相当完整,说明在当时的历史条件下,边区土地管理的法制化程度已相当高了,这些法规在保证中国共产党的各项土地政策的实施方面发挥了重要作用。也为其他革命根据地乃至新中国成立后的土地政策的制定和土地立法积累了丰富的经验。  相似文献   

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