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李清照是中国古代文学史上为数不多的女性作家中的佼佼者,她多才多能,文学成就斐然,尤以词著称。她能成为中国历史上文学成就最高的女词人,诚非偶然之事。社会环境的影响,家学氛围的濡染,坎坷的人生经历,再加上她聪颖的天资和女性独有的情感,这一切造就了才女李清照卓越辉煌的文学成就。  相似文献   

文化符码的“侠女形象”在华语文化的后现代化与全球化过程中,无疑是一个相当显著而又常被忽视的现象。透过关籍华裔女学者和女作家Maxine Hong Kingston的《白虎》(White Tigers),探讨当代华语语境中这一跨文类的女性形象,可以捕捉当代华语文化的族群身份建构中的性政治问题。  相似文献   

Attractiveness of lactating females' breast odors to neonates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of experiments investigated the responses of human infants to olfactory cues produced by lactating females. 2-week-old bottle-feeding girls oriented preferentially to the breast odor (odorized pad) of a nursing woman when paired with such odors from either a nonparturient female or axillary odors from the same lactating female. Responses to axillary odor from a lactating female did not differ from those to a clean (nonodorized) pad. These data indicate that breast odors from lactating females are especially attractive to female infants who are unfamiliar with the stimulus woman and who have had no prior breast-feeding experience.  相似文献   

华裔小说家汤亭亭在她第一部带有自传性质的小说《女勇士》的开篇为读者讲述了一个“无名女子”的故事,这一形象一直被评论界看作是“弱女子”的典型悲剧形象,与后来的“花木兰”以及“我”形成对比。运用雅克·拉康的镜像阶段理论,分析其在文本及华裔所面对的现实世界中所产生的镜像作用,使我们从这面“无名女子”之镜中看到华裔真正形象,从而完成华裔身份的重新建构。  相似文献   

Research on gifted and high-achieving students has shown that they experience some sources of stress that are different from those experienced by general students. This qualitative case study investigated the types of stressful life events experienced by academically high-achieving females before the onset of disordered eating in adolescence. Fourteen academically high-achieving females who had recovered from disordered eating were interviewed and completed a written survey. The results revealed that these high-achieving females reported stressful events in five areas before the onset of disordered eating symptoms. All participants reported stress related to academic issues, yet academic stress is rarely mentioned in the literature on stress and eating disorders. These findings have implications for both prevention and treatment of eating disorders among academically high-achieving females.  相似文献   

池莉对婚姻爱情悲剧观念的哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
池莉是一个悲剧意识很强的作家一她的小说通过婚姻和爱情的悲剧描写,初步探讨了悲剧在当下中国的存在形式。这一形式不同于传统的悲剧理念,她把对悲剧的思考上升到形而上二的高度,把悲剧成因的探讨由外在因素指向主体,即悲剧是人性自身的趋向完美的必然性和人性缺憾的必然性的矛盾的结果  相似文献   

在中国现代文学"女性形象的解放"系列中,巴金《寒夜》中的曾树生具有重要的文学价值和艺术魅力。拟就曾树生作为时代新女性在家国皆乱的黑暗时代所展现的女性意识觉醒进行分析,探讨其冲破封建文化藩篱、保持自己独立人格和思想的意义空间。  相似文献   

老舍20世纪30年代所创作的小说其女性形象分四类:传统旧式家庭主妇、强悍的“女强人”、被迫堕入风尘的女性、接受瓣式教育的“女强人”。这些女性形象的塑体现了作家老舍浓厚的男权意识和男性本位主义意识,而这一点恰恰正是他对当时提倡女性解放建构女性文学话语的五四文学精神的疏离。  相似文献   

丁玲早期作品特别关注知识女性的命运及其精神世界的矛盾,其中,以《莎菲女士的日记》最具代表性。主人公莎菲是一个内涵丰富、复杂且充满矛盾的女性形象。长期以来,莎菲形象备受评论界关注,且颇多争议,但其形象在中国现代文学史上具有独特价值。  相似文献   

语义在汉语语法研究中的方法论意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
语义是语法研究中的一个不可忽视却又是异常复杂的问题。回顾汉语语法研究的整个历程 ,语义虽说越来越受到重视 ,但是作为方法论来看还未达成共识 ;汉语不像印欧语那样拥有显性的形式手段 ,而是一种语义型语言 ,因此语义在语法研究中应该具有方法论意义  相似文献   

《简·爱》塑造了一个出身低微、相貌平平但敢于向男权社会挑战、追求独立自由、自尊自立的女性形象。作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特以其生动而细腻的笔触和敏锐的女性视角将长期处于边缘和劣势地位的女性推进人们的视野,对妇女的权利、地位、能力等问题作了理性的思考,表现了简·爱女性意识的觉醒与挣扎,对于激励女性在男权社会中保持自我独立人格具有深远影响。  相似文献   

丁玲是现代文学史上重要的女性主义作家,她以女性主义的视角,诉说着女性精神上的痛苦、性的痛苦以及女性爱情婚姻的痛苦。作者以独立的女性意识,通过对女性痛苦状况的描述和痛苦根源的挖掘,唤起女性的觉醒,建构女性的文化,让社会更加关心女性这一特殊群体,从而使女性和男性达到共同的和谐。  相似文献   

The main controversy as a result of the commercialisation of international education markets is that international students especially those from China are unable to perform as well as UK students in UK universities. So far, research has yet to identify the influence of placements on the academic performance of Chinese students from entry to graduation. Using four cohorts of accounting and finance students in a UK university, this present work is the first to find that Chinese students who undertake placements in the third year are seven times more likely to achieve good degrees (2.1 or 1st) than those who opt out of work placements. It is also found that Chinese students who have a high prior academic achievement and better academic results from years 1 and 2 are likely to undertake placements. Finally, the results show that the academic performance of international students is influenced by domicile.  相似文献   

The curriculum of US History has improved substantially in its presentation of women over the 40 years since Trecker's 1971 study of US History textbooks. While studies show increased inclusions, they also suggest that women have not yet claimed their own place in the school curriculum. This paper seeks to better understand the woman who is presented to students and how she is normalised through a US History curriculum. Feminist analysis of the curriculum exposes a concept of woman attached to the domestic sphere and reified through her presentation in the political and economic realms. When considering the images of woman available to young people, it is important to examine the full context around these images that shape the deeper meaning students take from curricular encounters.  相似文献   

晚清至1927年为中国女子职业教育滥觞与初步发展时期,女子职业教育体系得以初步建立。受当时中国政治、经济、思想文化等多种因素的影响,女子职业教育迈出了艰难而又令人鼓舞的一步,为以后女子职业教育发展铺平了道路,提供了可供借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

浅析“听了一耳朵”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语词组“听了一耳朵”有两个很不同的意思:一是“听得少”,二是“听得多”。为了帮助那些学习汉语的外族学生更好地理解它的用法,对其进行了比较详细的描写,并从七个方面指出了二者的区别以及判别的标准。  相似文献   

杜十娘为爱而悲,"自灭"投江,千古绝唱;美狄亚因爱而狂,"灭他"复仇,广为传颂。这两位典型形象的情爱意识与复仇行为的差异,鲜明地体现了中国柔性文化及希腊刚性文化对各自女性的爱恨情仇所产生的深刻影响。  相似文献   

林白以其纯粹的女性写作姿态。成为当代作家中“个人化写作”的代表。《说吧,房间》通过士性阶级自我分裂的一体两面,以及“自我”与“他者”的二元反讽,对当代文化场景女性生存的两难境遇进行了深层的文化思考。文章据此展开分析。  相似文献   

作为一位女性作家,黄文婷对女性身份有着明确的自我认同,以自身的生态状态和价值选择有着充分的肯定。她以自信、从容的笔调展开具有女性色彩的话题,对田性世界的理解和尊重。同时,她的散文以对现实的热切关注和普泛化意蕴,区别于自恋自爱的小女人散文。黄文婷散文的现实关注突出显示为当下性语境。其语言风格自然、柔和、温婉,正与作品的现实语境和女性视角相适应。  相似文献   

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