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Modifications of the job structure made necessary by scientific and technical progress constitute an important question with regard to the reorganization of the school system; moreover, it is a question whose answers lie not only in the planning of the labor force, but to a far greater extent in economic planning for the country as a whole. Since Italian economic planning has placed its bet explicitly on the factor of "scientific and technical progress," it is evident that this problem cannot be limited to the question of skill requirements. Rather, it is generally assumed that, although a reduction of the problem to manpower and skill research and educational planning may indeed be expedient for methodological and systematic reasons, such an approach fails to deal with the most crucial issue: namely, how "active" economic planning can go beyond merely assessing the existing state of affairs to influencing directly the basic dynamics of the economy and, accordingly, redefining economic objectives as well. If the planning of vocational-technical training were seen primarily as adaptation to uncontrollable economic processes, the conclusion for Italy might well be that, given permanent unemployment (4), such planning need not be carried out, for enough labor of all categories is already on hand.  相似文献   

劳动教育作为人类社会教育的基础,在新时期被赋予了新的时代意义.新时代劳动教育不同于原始时期"劳动"与"教育"的自然互动,也不同于大机器生产带来的"教育"与"生产劳动"的简单结合.新时代劳动教育强调的是在身心互动中人的主体性和社会性统一,强调学校教育与生产劳动相结合帮助学生树立正确的劳动观以及在劳动过程中对生产知识和技能的习得.为此,需要在统筹劳动与学校教育、劳动形式及其内容与不同层级学生培养目标及参与劳动目的等关系基础上,从学校教育体系、教育实践形式以及评价体系方面对新时代劳动教育的发展路径进行系统设计.  相似文献   

教育与生产劳动相结合是我国教育方针的重要组成部分,新中国成立70年来,我国劳动教育政策取得了重大进展,基于政策转移视野,我国劳动教育经历了借入苏联模式、探索自身路径、绝对去西方化、开辟中国模式、形成新时代价值体系五个阶段,从"工具理性"逐渐走向"价值理性"。未来,应以"五育融合"为出发点,探索劳动教育的新路径:以劳动教育作为击破应试教育壁垒着力点,深入促进学生综合核心素养与学业能力的提高,探寻以劳树德;建立并持续完善劳动教育课程体系,以劳动教育促进学生对其他学科课程的掌握,实现以劳增智;立足实际需要,建立政府、社会、家庭、学校"四位一体"劳动教育实施协同创新体系,使劳动者在合目的性与合规律性统一的劳动中获得自我确证,探索以劳育美;教育治理重心下移,多方持续进行中国特色劳动教育育人体系的实践基地和法律制度建设,保障劳动教育有效可持续实施。  相似文献   

Educational planning, the attempt to adapt the skill structure of the labor force to scientific and technical progress, has failed in Italy for two reasons. The poor political possibilities for implementing planning, including planning in education, have checked attempts to put ideas into practice. Instead, the uncontrolled demand for education has made possible the growth of institutions which planning regarded as being of less urgent importance. Second, the foundations of planning have proven to be unsound, because changes in the job structure have not generally been in the direction of higher qualification; rather, a dual tendency has existed with regard to the need for labor. The continued increase in the need for manpower without any prior specialized training, on the one hand, and the need for a higher level of specialization for a smaller, if increasing, segment of the labor force, on the other, have invalidated the assumption that a general rise in level of qualification would be necessary.  相似文献   

The assertion that manpower and skill research does not exist or is only in its infancy in Italy (90) is correct in the sense that research which takes into account all the factors influencing production and the use of skills has not yet been developed. On the other hand, many research teams are concerned with problems of direct relevance to the present study. The Institute for Research on Economic Development and Technical Progress (Istituto per gli studi sullo sviluppo economico e il progress tecnico, ISVET) in Rome, for example, is commissioned by government bodies to study particular aspects of the relation between technical development and the educational sys tem. (91) The Center for Education and Research in Southern Italy (Centro di formazione e studi per il mezzogiorno, FORMEZ) deals primarily with problems in the planning of vocational-technical education that arose as a result of industrialization in Southern Italy, while the Institute for Research on Labor and Industrial Relations (Istituto di studi sulle relazioni industriali e del lavoro, ISRIL) is concerned especially with observing changes in the industrial sector. (92)  相似文献   

我国劳动技术教育的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新中国成立以后,为解决高小和初中毕业生从事生产劳动的问题,开始加强以劳动技术教育为中心的宣传教育活动。1953年至1957年,中小学加强劳动教育与实施基本生产技术教育,劳动技术教育的课程地位得以确立。20世纪六七十年代,劳动技术教育明显带有思想政治教育的特点。1978年后,在"教育与生产劳动相结合"的方针的指引下,劳动技术教育有了长足的发展,其学科和课程地位再一次得以确定。1993年后,从素质教育的角度对劳动技术教育给与了充分的肯定。新课程把劳动技术教育变成综合实践活动课程,客观上削弱了它的课程地位。劳动技术教育是素质教育的一大要素,应还原它的学科地位。  相似文献   

"立德树人"语境下,学生核心素养成为职业院校教育教学的中心任务与根本立足点.职业教育作为以培养高素质技术技能人才为目标的类型教育,其本质属性决定了职业院校劳动教育的专业性与类型化特征.工匠精神的当代回归既呼应了职业院校劳动教育类型化的建设需求,又为职业院校劳动教育的开展提供了价值参照.依托学生核心素养,弘扬培育工匠精神,是职业院校劳动教育的时代要义,更是职业院校劳动教育的根本价值遵循.借助核心素养总体框架深入探寻我国工匠精神指向于劳动教育的真、善、美三层次价值意涵,以期通过工匠精神渗透反哺学生劳动素养的内化生成,从匠知、匠能、匠行引领学生涵养人文与科学的劳动价值体认,发展实践创新的劳动技术技能,践行绿色健康的劳动生活品质.  相似文献   

劳动教育和职业教育均具有同源性、实践性和教育性。但职业教育是一种教育类型,更具经济功能,其直接目标是培养个体的职业技能,而劳动教育则是贯穿于各种教育类型的一种教育形态,更具政治功能,其直接目标是促进个体劳动价值观的形成。高等职业院校开展劳动教育是扭转鄙薄职业教育的社会观念,提升职业教育生源质量,构建完善的现代职业教育体系的现实需要。然而,当前高等职业院校在开展劳动教育方面存在着三大障碍:劳动教育未能适应新兴劳动形态更新教育内容;专兼职劳动教育师资匮乏且职业发展前景堪忧;劳动教育评价过度以选拔性和结果性评价为导向。对此,高等职业院校亟需通过紧扣新时代发展特色更新劳动教育内容,打造高质量开展劳动教育的专兼结合的师资队伍,构建以发展性、过程性和质性评价为主导的劳动教育评价体系,实现高质量开展劳动教育的目标。  相似文献   

从历时性角度分析,我国农村劳动力转移正步入"青年怪圈",并对农村剩余劳动力消化、城市劳动力市场的供求结构性矛盾等产生不良影响。农村劳动力文化素质和职业技能的相对不足,尤其是农村高中阶段教育的长期滞后发展,是这一"怪圈"形成和不断循环的重要原因。建议通过大力发展农村高中阶段教育,尤其是农村中等职业教育,继续推动农民工培训工程,加强企业在职培训,开发农村中年以上劳动力资源等途径,从而打破"青年怪圈"。  相似文献   

辨析"劳动教育"与"职业教育"概念对深化教育理论认识、改进教育实践、优化学科建设具有重要意义。通过梳理劳动教育的历史进程和概念演变发现,劳动教育与德育密切相关,能有效塑造人的劳动价值观、培养人的劳动技能;梳理职业教育的历史进程发现,职业教育可以归纳为一个动态发展的概念,同时,职业教育在促进生产和推动经济增长方面发挥了积极的作用。审视"劳动教育"与"职业教育"的发展轨迹和概念演变,发现"劳动教育"与"职业教育"之间存在"并列,重合,交叉,包含"四种关联,也存在教育实施的主体与对象、目的、内容、方法、条件、评价等六方面差异。新时代的"劳动教育"应在厘清与"职业教育"区别的基础上,通过重塑劳动与职业价值观,强化顶层设计,构建劳动教育与职业教育相融合的课程体系,确立多方联动的劳动育人机制等途径实施。  相似文献   

Funding for vocational and technical education should be solicited through multiple channels. Besides special state subsidies that are already included in the central and local budgets, all other school sponsoring units should also do their utmost to lend support. In line with growth in the regular revenues, local finance should realize the "double growth" of funding for vocational and technical education as required by the "Decision of the CCP Central Committee on Restructuring Education." Vocational and technical schools in urban and rural areas and also training centers run by labor and service companies1 must launch work-study programs and, in conjunction with their specialties, operate small-sized factories, farms, stores, or service enterprises. In this way, the students will be enabled to learn, through practice, some vocational or specialized skills, and the income generated can also help improve the school facilities. The state shall adopt necessary policies in support of enterprises run by vocational and technical schools.  相似文献   

The author describes the formal structures which have been established to support the process of educational change in Italy.

There is a sound legislative base: a series of laws passed since 1973 create both a new model of school and the procedures and organisations designed to facilitate its emergence, including councils at the class and school level. The right and duty of teachers to engage on in‐service education is firmly recognised as an essential component in school development.

The European Centre for Education and the Pedagogical Documentation Library are mentioned, but the author dwells at greater length on the Regional Institutes for Educational Research, Experimentation and In‐Service Training (IRRSAE). He provides a detailed explanation of the duties of the IRRSAE and of their organisation and functioning.

The IRRSAE are widely regarded as key institutions in educational development in Italy.  相似文献   

随着教育信息化和教师专业化的发展,教育技术能力已成为当代教师的基本素质.《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》的颁布不仅对中小学教师教育技术能力明确了标准,而且对师范生的教育教学也提出了更高的要求.通过对凯里学院教育技术公共课教学中存在的问题进行分析,提出民族地区地方院校教育技术公共课相应的改革措施.  相似文献   

The development of the Finnish educational system has now reached an important stage. The establishment of the comprehensive [polyvalent] school has been completed. The new school system has been extended to the whole of Finland for the school year 1977-1978. A law defining the modalities of the reform of secondary education in the second cycle and technical and vocational education was promulgated in 1978. The planning of the implementation of this reform of secondary education has begun and will terminate in the middle of 1980. The reform of post-secondary education will be fully achieved by the school year 1988-1989.  相似文献   

高技能人才的培养迫切需要一批与其匹配的高层次职教师资,硕士层次"双师型"职教师资是一类复合型人才。其培养的课程体系应体现为:"职业课程+教育课程+专业课程"相整合的课程结构,"技能实践+工程实践+教育实践"相结合的课程实施环节,"校内导师+校外导师"合作的双导师指导制度,"职业文化+教师文化"渗透的课程文化建设。  相似文献   


Internationally there are increasing numbers of young people on the ASD spectrum attending higher education. Early transition planning is essential and students with ASD often require support to articulate their post-school educational goals and actively participate in transition planning meetings. Services within higher education are primarily designed to provide academic supports however, non-academic supports may be an even more crucial factor in enabling successful transitions for young people on the ASD spectrum who often experience heightened anxiety within an unfamiliar environment. Within this paper, the results of a small-scale exploratory study of the transition experiences of six young people on the ASD spectrum to post-secondary education will be shared. There was limited evidence that transition planning had been initiated as a formal process for the six students. Accessing support in higher education proved to be a complex process for some students who required sustained input from parents to ensure that they would utilise the supports available. Encouraging the development of self-determination skills, a key predictor of success in higher education, needs to begin in secondary school. It is anticipated insights from this study can contribute to the development of an embedded infrastructure to support effective transitions for students with ASD to post-secondary education.  相似文献   

"French educational planning is planning based on manpower considerations; reforms in the school system are based on calculations of the needs of the labor market. Social components are subordinated to economic considerations. Changes in the school system place the accent primarily on creating new organizational units. Curricular changes are undertaken only if the findings of manpower studies indicate that they are useful, From a pedagogical and purely educational standpoint, French educational planning has initiated no reform tendencies. Since such a position remains beyond the scope of educational planning, reforms of this order have not taken place." (39)  相似文献   

The rural educational policy of this society is to make village schools the heart of reform and village teachers its spirit. We believe that the central school is a product of actual village life and that the Chinese normal school is a product of the rural central school. The purpose of rural normal education is to turn out teachers who have agricultural skills, a scientific mind, and the will to reform society. These teachers must use the least amount of money to run the best possible schools in order to nurture the peasants' strength for life. We deeply believe they can rely on the principle of the unity of teaching, study, and work to give students the ability to conquer nature and reform society. However, to realize this education on a large scale, we must have experimentation, study, investigation, extension, talented leadership, organization, planning, capital, and a tenacious spirit to assure success. Our society has a broad scope of activity but, from now on, our primary responsibility is to serve our 340 million peasants through a forceful policy of rural educational reform. We are already committed to raise one million yuan and amass one million comrades to promote one million schools and reform one million villages.  相似文献   

初中教育及高中教育分流,这是教育发展过程中的基本规律。"九年义务教育"后学生向高中、中等专业学校及中等技术学校分流;高中教育毕业生向重点大学、一般本科大学及高等职业学院分流,不但可以较好地调配劳动力结构、配置教育资源,而且有利于高等教育结构分层。因此,合理的教育分流,是中国招生考试体制改革的必然选择。  相似文献   

工匠精神培育对于我国经济社会发展具有重要意义。目前我国职业教育中存在阻碍工匠精神的传承与发展的一些因素:一是学生文化素养偏低,学习观念不端正;二是学生政治思想觉悟不高,缺乏崇高理想;三是学生自我认同感不强,缺少职业规划。从表面上看这些问题虽然是学生自身的问题,但究其根本在于学校的教学理念与教育方法存在问题。因此,在我国职业教育中进行工匠精神培养,需从明确所学技能价值、提高思想政治觉悟、规范学练评价、加强技能比武等方面进行改进,进而为工匠精神扎根职业教育的土壤打好基础,在此基础上,以工匠精神为思想引领,开展教育教学改革。  相似文献   

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