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J硫份_一_ 一一___琶 ①Mr Hogg workedinand石ce in a small townonedayhisboss一(老板)sa记tohim,‘,H 099,Iwant youto 90 to London一Heresthe address(地址).” 勿而:wenttoLondonhvtraln.ne ielt tnestatlon,and tnougnt,“The一6ff孰龙eisn,tfar斤。hithestatiori·Illfindit easilv·”-瓜__矽…一工瑟 -攀粼界熊倾:e:notn氛穿嘿岔,罗‘he”sht.’’Ho“ ④Afew_davslaterhewent一to一料敏城Are You Still Looking for That Place?@李建高 @刘碧群…  相似文献   

In 1995-97, a research team interviewed a cross-section of staff in two Australian public universities about the sacrifices they had to make to pursue their careers. This article discusses the responses of the staff who participated in this study. It uses Coser's concept of the 'greedy institution' to describe the hold which universities have over their staff and details the range of personal and professional sacrifices which staff made in order to be part of their university culture. Comparisons are drawn between male and female staff, academic and general staff, and the two universities which participated in this study. It is concluded that the overall impact of current economistic and neoliberal discourses are such as to minimise differences on each of these scores and produce a certain uniformity of response across site, gender and occupational status. The article suggests that this apparent uniformity is the product of a peak masculinist discourse used mainly by those in the more powerful positions in these institutions, which acts to disenfranchise all those who do not operate within its restricted and restrictive boundaries.  相似文献   

Mikeworkedinanofficeinasmalltown .Onedayhisboss (老板 )saidtohim ,“Mike ,IwantyougotoRichmond,toanofficethere ,toseeMrShute .Here’stheaddress.”MikewenttoRichmond .Whenhewalkedoutofthestation ,hethought,“Theofficeisn’tfarfromthestation .I’llfinditeasily .”Butaftera…  相似文献   

In their article published in Research on Planned Economy, no. 14, Wang Hong and Rong Zhigang indicate that operational expenditures for educational undertakings in China have scored a big increase. Right now per-capita operating expenses in elementary and secondary schools are close to or a little higher than the level prior to the "Cultural Revolution." Nevertheless, the actual spending level, adjusted for inflation, is still very low. Compared with 1977, educational outlays in Hebei province rose by 120 percent in 1980. But the per-capita spending on education in elementary and secondary schools, instead of going up, went down after being adjusted for inflation. The fall was nearly 40 percent in elementary schools and still more in high schools. For many years operating expenses in elementary schools were only one or two yuan per student a year. Under such circumstances, conditions of school operation can hardly be improved.  相似文献   

Increasingly, faculty members are rewarded financially for prestige-maximizing publications. As a result, the balance between publishing and other activities such as teaching or public service may collapse, as argued by Leisyte, Enders, and de Boer (2009). In our paper, we focus on career-related rewards and study their impact on publication productivity to see whether economic incentives do indeed affect faculty behavior, as measured empirically. We compare economic incentives resulting from two different career systems, namely those within the German and the U.S. university systems. We derive three hypotheses regarding expected publication patterns and test them by comparing the lifetime publication patterns of German and U.S. business and economics faculty members.  相似文献   

Most physics professors would agree that the lab experiences students have in introductory physics are central to the learning of the concepts in the course. It is also true that these physics labs require time and money for upkeep, not to mention the hours spent setting up and taking down labs. Virtual physics lab experiences can provide an alternative or supplement to these traditional hands-on labs. However, physics professors may be very hesitant to give up the hands-on labs, which have been such a central part of their courses, for a more cost and time-saving virtual alternative. Thus, it is important to investigate how the learning from these virtual experiences compares to that acquired through a hands-on experience. This study evaluated a comprehensive set of virtual labs for introductory level college physics courses and compared them to a hands-on physics lab experience. Each of the virtual labs contains everything a student needs to conduct a physics laboratory experiment, including: objectives, background theory, 3D simulation, brief video, data collection tools, pre- and postlab questions, and postlab quiz. This research was conducted with 224 students from two large universities and investigated the learning that occurred with students using the virtual labs either in a lab setting or as a supplement to hands-on labs versus a control group of students using the traditional hands-on labs only. Findings from both university settings showed the virtual labs to be as effective as the traditional hands-on physics labs.  相似文献   

What Are They?     
1.Meow,meow,Icancatchamouseinthedark.2.Jiou,jiou,Icanflyupanddowninthesky.3.Oo,oo,Icancrow(鸣叫)earlyinthemorning.4.Quack,quack,Icanswimquicklyonthelake.5.Wolf,wolf,Icanlookafterthehome.6.Moo,moo,Icanplough(用犁耕地)hardonthefarm.Guess,guess,whatarethey?征答案:reKeys:1.cat(猫)2.bird(鸟)3.cock(公鸡)4.duck(鸭子)5.dog(狗)6.cow(牛)What Are They?@逍遥…  相似文献   

Bears are found in Europe, Asia and America. They are strong, with short tails and thick legs. Bears eat almost anything. Only the polar bear lives on fish. But at zoos, they seem to enjoy meat, vegetables, fruit, milk and rice.Bears are not as dangerous …  相似文献   

Are You Clever?     
If you can answer every question right, you are obviously a genius. But any mortal with the normal complement of brains should get between 5 and 6 right out of the 10.  相似文献   

Who Are They?     
小动物们在排队做操。大象教师要找两个小朋友,请你帮他找出来吧!A.He is the king of theforest.He wears a cap.B.He is in front of Dogand behind Panda.A is_____.B is______.上期答案:Daniel will go to the ciname.Mark will go to the post office.Mum will go shopping.Henry will go to school.Rose will go to hospital.小画家画了一幅画,但是谁也不知道他画的是什么,请按照他的要求把画涂上颜色,并回答问题。1is black.2is red.3is yellow.4is blue.5is pink.6is green.7is brownQuestions:1.What are they in thepictur…  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - For decades, science policy has been promoting interdisciplinary research (IDR), but universities have not responded uniformly. To explain this variation, we...  相似文献   

How Old Are You?     
A mother and her young son got into a bus in a small city and sat down.The bus conductor came to them for their money.The mother said, "I want one ticket to London, "and gave her a shilling(先令,英国货币单位,1先令等于12便士)..The conductor looked at the small boy for a few seconds and then said to him, "How old are you,young man?  相似文献   

This study examined perceptions of reform in the role and function of school psychologists advocated by Reschly (1988). A national sample of 137 psychologists endorsed integrated features of traditional practice and reform on assessment activities and classification issues, but they more strongly favored reform positions on activities associated with consultation/intervention and professional/training issues. The use of and preference for curriculum-based assessment strongly characterized psychologists more favorably disposed toward reform. Reform-minded psychologists included administrators and trainers as well as practitioners who receive relatively few new referrals per year. However, psychologists who conducted few evaluations appeared to do more counseling than consultation or classroom intervention. Discussion focuses on understanding psychologists' conceptualization of their current role and on identifying the characteristics and activities of the more reform-minded. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

贾斯汀·汀布莱克 23岁★贾斯汀2003年大约净赚2470万美金。★他的首张个人专辑《Justified》大卖300万张。★有报道说他因为演唱了麦当劳广告主题曲《I'm Lovin' It》而获利600万美金。★这位超级车迷拥有十几辆车子,包括两辆凯迪拉克 Escalade、三辆梅塞德斯、一辆奥迪 TT、一辆价值8万美金的 Dodge Viper 以及五辆酷炫摩托车!  相似文献   

Higher education institutions produce a broad array of public outcomes. However, little is known about the varying levels of their contribution to the public good and what explains the variation among institutions. This study uses the theory of organisational publicness and examines how these institutions’ ownership status and resource publicness explain their outcome publicness, focusing on the expenditure for teaching, research and public service activities. The analysis of four‐year public and private universities in the 2012 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System shows that universities’ reliance on federal funding is positively associated with the percentages of the expenditure on all three activities and their reliance on state funding is positively associated with the percentages of teaching and public service expenses. The findings reveal that the proportion of tuition and fees revenue is negatively associated with the percentage of public service expenditure. The results suggest that declining state funding and increasing reliance on tuition and fees weaken these institutions’ public service function, especially in the area of community engagement.  相似文献   

"唧喳口语角"又与大家见面了!这里是同学们用英语交流的大舞台,这里为提高你的口语水平创造好机会,这里还为即将参加口语考试的伙伴们提供实战指导。欢迎将你的"唧喳口语角"录音带、录像带或DV寄给《英语大王》!  相似文献   

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