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在中国社会性质问题论战中认为中国是资本主义社会的派别和个人比较多。他们高估中国资本主义力量,认为中国是资本主义社会。持资本主义社会说的主要有两大派别,最具代表性的是托派。托派观点有一个不断深化的过程。苏联托派是资本主义社会说的提出者,陈独秀是中国托派最具影响力的代表,他关于中国社会性质问题的见解是中国托派最具代表性的观点。在托派中持最极端最片面观点的是"动力"派,刘仁静的观点则离客观现实最近。资本主义社会说作为直接对立面,为马克思主义者和我党正确认识中国社会性质问题和中国革命根本问题起到了催生作用。  相似文献   

在新的世纪,中学年轻校长要从以德治校,以德服人;完善制度,执章必严;民主管理,反复总结;稳中求胜,胜中求进四个方面开展工作,积极推进"普九"教育的顺利进行,完成历史赋予青年干部的重要任务.  相似文献   

毛泽东编辑思想是在中国资产阶级改良派、资产阶级革命派和早期马克思主义者办报实践及其思想的影响中形成的.坚持党性原则、政治性和学术性相统一的基本要求,“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的编辑方针,通俗、生动、简明、有力的编辑风格是毛泽东编辑思想的主要内容。通过研究和探讨毛泽东的编辑思想,可以更好地指导当代编辑的实践工作.  相似文献   

Chu-hsing Commune in Chin-shan hsien is located in a distant suburb of Shanghai. Before liberation, this was an out-of-the-way locality where culture and education were unusually backward. After liberation, although several primary schools were set up, there were still over 1,700 children of poor and lower-middle peasants in the whole commune to whom schooling was not made available because of the influence of the revisionist line in education. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution caused profound changes in the appearance of this commune. Under the guidance of chairman Mao's proletarian education line, the 18 production brigades in the whole commune all have schools, and every team is setting up primary school auxiliary junior middle school classes. All children of school age and young adults have entered school, popularizing the eight-year system of education.  相似文献   

夸美纽斯是17世纪捷克著名的爱国主义者,伟大的资产阶级民主教育家。他提出了一系列促进资本主义发展的教育革新措施,在教育思想和教育理论上作出了划时代的贡献,为近代资产阶级教育理论体系奠定了基础,并对以后的学校教育产生了广泛而深远的影响。从夸美纽斯关于教育的目的与作用、教育的自然适应性原则、论普及教育与统一学制、关于课程与教科书、论学校工作制度和教学原则等方面进行论述其对教育理论的贡献。  相似文献   

伍德认为资产阶级范式无法揭示资本主义的起源,只有将"资本主义"与"资产阶级社会"进行比较,才能真正揭示资本主义原始文化的本质和特点。伍德论述了英国的特殊性及其衰落,揭示了资本主义原始文化的构成,实现了对资本主义原始文化的重释。  相似文献   

Throughout the seventeen years since the founding of the People's Republic, a sharp and bitter struggle between two classes and between two policy lines has persisted on the educational front, as it has on the economic and political fronts. Chairman Mao formulated for the proletariat a revolutionary road for socialist education. On the other hand, the leading power-holder in the party who follows a capitalist road [Liu Shao-chi] has stubbornly - and with the great powers of the state and the party at his disposal - pursued a long and wide road of counterrevolutionary revisionism in the field of education. These are two fundamentally opposing roads. Whereas the former is designed to serve and safeguard the interest of proletarian dictatorship, the latter is designed to bring about a restoration of capitalism. Whereas the former is designed to cultivate the successors to take over the proletarian revolution, the latter is aimed at the preservation of the landlord and bourgeois classes.  相似文献   

洋务运动的历史启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洋务派急功近利,着意于经济近代化,而对自身已有一定认识的政治近代化,缺乏任何实质性的举措,从而错过了对民族、国家甚而自身统治都十分有利的绝佳契机,我国因此也失去了一次宝贵的发展资本主义的机遇。  相似文献   

列宁晚年在重新认识社会主义的过程中,对党的建设提出了“适应群众”、划分党和苏维埃的职责”、“加强集体领导和监督”等原则,反映了共产党从领导人民革命到领导国家建设的地位变化所产生的调整党同领导对象关系,以及加强党的民主制度建设的客观要求。它启示我们,在共产党成为执政党以后,要正确处理党的领导和执政的关系,把巩固共产党领导地位的思路逐步转变到强化执政意识的轨道上来,形成作为领导党的主体性与作为执政党的客体性相统一,以及承担改造社会的无限责任和适应社会需要的有限责任相统一的意识;同时要正确处理党的民主和集中的关系,把提高党的执政能力的思路集中到加强党的民主制度建设的基础上来。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(1-2):232-248
Inspired by the spirit of the Tenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the movement to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius is developing in depth. Lenin pointed out that in the acute struggle between the proletariat and the exploiting classes, "the more varied the exploiters' attempts to uphold the old, the sooner will the proletariat learn to ferret out its enemies from their last nook and corner, to pull up the roots of their domination." The current vigorous struggle to criticize Confucius is a component part of the criticism of Lin Piao and is precisely a battle to pull up the roots of Lin Piao's counterrevolutionary revisionist line. Lin Piao's hideout was flooded with the trash of Confucian ideology and stank of putrid Confucianism. More and more facts show that the reactionary doctrine of Confucius and Mencius was an important source of Lin Piao's revisionism. Lin Piao and company resorted to this reactionary doctrine for restoring capitalism politically, tampering ideologically with the Party's theoretical basis, mustering ranks of counterrevolutionaries organizationally by recruiting deserters and renegades for a diehard clique, tactically playing counterrevolutionary double-dealing tricks and engaging in intrigues and conspiracies. Once Lin Piao's disguise was stripped off, he was exposed for what he was — an out-and-out devout disciple of Confucius.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between educational outcomes and anti-school attitudes at different levels of social organization in schools. Data were collected in St. Petersburg, Russia (104 schools, 7300 students) and analyzed using multi-level regression models that included three levels: individual, clique of friends and school. A clique is defined as a tight group of friends in a school class; we used social network analysis software Kliquefinder for clique identification. We demonstrate that friends’ attitudes are strongly related to the educational outcomes of a student (net of person’s individual attitudes and socio-demographic characteristics). In contrast, school-level effects disappear in the multi-level model when individual characteristics are included. The results of the study clearly demonstrate that the socio-economic and curricular differentiation of schools does not always lead to the polarization of ‘school academic cultures’. A school social environment is sufficiently heterogeneous, and different value systems in small peer groups may coexist.  相似文献   

民主革命时期,我党的历史定位属于革命党,中心任务是开展武装斗争,领导人民夺取政权;同时,在局部执政的区域又是执政党,又必须履行执政党的相关职能。在这一时期,中国共产党开始了局部执政和执政包容性思想的探索实践,尤其在民族资产阶级和资本主义、农民和农村、执政包容性等问题的认识上,有它独特的见解,为后来转到全国范围执政积累了宝贵的经验,现在仍然还具有启示与借鉴作用。  相似文献   

《拿破仑法典》又名《法国民法典》,拿破仑十分重视法典的制定工作.法律是统治阶级的统治工具,统治者在制定法律时总是首先考虑该法律的效用与价值取向问题.《拿破仑法典》就是在新的资产阶级法制原则指导下,以法律的形式,保障发展资本主义工商业的法典.《拿破仑法典》全面地体现出经济价值取向.第一,法典的整体凸显发展工商业思想.第二,创立资本主义社会的经济法理原则.第三,“人本主义”中含有经济因子.第四,法律条款直接促进经济发展.《拿破仑法典》不仅对经济发展起重大作用,而且对资产阶级的法理原则、法制建设也起开创作用.确立了资产阶级的民事法律制度.《拿破仑法典》被奉为时代的“骄子”而著名于世.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国的成立标志着中国共产党由革命党转变为执掌全国政权的执政党。在近60年的执政实践中,我们党不断探索执政兴国规律,历经坎坷曲折,得出了依法执政的科学结论,并把它上升为提高党的执政能力的基本经验和原则之一。要使依法执政成为全党共识,始终坚持和贯彻依法执政的原则,就必须深刻认识依法执政的历史必然性。  相似文献   

苏联解体说明苏共始终没能走出一条适合自身的发展道路。权力过于集中、民主太少,政治文明未开化,是苏共亡党的根源。如果不能从中汲取足够深刻的教训,历史悲剧就无法以历史的进步来补偿。从正反两方面阐述提高文化自觉性,对构建马克思主义执政党政治文明的重要性。  相似文献   

苏区时期,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人高度重视群众工作,以实际行动生动阐释了什么是正确的群众观,取得了人民群众的拥护,初步显示出中国共产党局部执政的政治优势和组织优势。党在真心实意为群众谋利益;从群众中来,到群众中去;密切党群关系,弘扬苏区干部好作风;宣传群众、动员群众、组织群众;关心群众生活,注意工作方法等方面积累了宝贵的经验,为延安时期形成的中国共产党成功的群众路线起了重要的奠基作用。这对当代中国共产党人做好新形势下的群众工作,提高党的执政能力具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):696-712

Student network is a teaching strategy introduced as cooperative learning to all educational levels above the upper primary schools (grade 5 and above) in Ethiopia. The study was, therefore, aimed at investigating to what extent the student network in Ethiopia is actually practiced in line with the principles of cooperative learning. Consequently, data collected from 156 secondary and 315 upper primary school teachers revealed that the student network is rarely practiced in line with the principles of cooperative learning. And this was found with statistically significant differences between the upper primary and secondary schools. The upper primary schools seem better in practicing the student network in line with the principles of cooperative learning than the secondary school. Accordingly, the study concluded that, albeit the student network remained a canon strategy to improve students’ learning in Ethiopia and its practices are supposedly recommended to be in line the principles of cooperative learning, challenges related to parents, students, school administration and teachers seem to cripple its smooth practice in line with the cooperative learning principles.  相似文献   

“双带头人”教师党支部书记工作室建设是高职院校落实党的路线方针政策的重要抓手,是党的基层组织团结教师的桥梁纽带,是解决职业院校基层党建工作难题的突破口,在高职院校的发展建设中扮演着“领头羊”的作用。中山火炬职业技术学院财经商贸学院教师党支部在学校党委的正确领导下,从2018年开始“双带头人”支部书记工作室建设,通过强化政治建设,完善“5+1”党建机制,实施党建“五个到位”提升组织力建设等措施,实现了教师党支部建设的3个“新”局面,探索出一条“师德引领,模范育人”的新型党支部建设路径。  相似文献   

执政党的具体执政行为与它所代表的阶级、阶层或集团的利益间存在一个夹角。夹角越小,其所代表的阶级、阶层或集团的利益实现的程度越高。苏共的教训警示:执政时间越长,越要保持该夹角最小化。提高党员干部“以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻”的自觉性,具有为保证党的具体执政行为与中国人民的利益间夹角最小化提供内在动力的作用。  相似文献   

能不能实践“三个代表”是执政党执政能力高低的问题。20世纪90年代以来,这个问题更加严峻地考验着每一个执政党,尤其是无产阶级政党。适应不断变化的新形势,揭示社会环境中的重大问题和时代真理是政党和成熟政治家的职责,也是能不能成为“三个代表”的首要要求。因此,执政党必须与时俱进,掌握新知识、积累新经验、增长新本领,特别要大力提高执政党判断形势的能力、驾驭市场经济的能力、应对复杂局面的能力、依法行政的能力和总揽全局的能力。  相似文献   

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